(2002) Any 2002 babies?

Hi milo,
Not only u. after reading the mummies' various comments on which centre is good for english / math.... i have a wonder how my son going to keep out in his coming P1 without tution haiz.....

no leh, i thought of sending him to dance classes, but he say don't want. Then later i persuade him to go for swimming, he ok. Now ask him want to learn what he say drawing... not acedamic type leh... should i get worried?

I have a friend telling me to send him for english creative writing. She say will inform me once there is open class...

We can hold hand be friend friend, thought let him relax first, but sometimes really wonder if he will be able to cope??
Milo, if u let him relax first now, then when he goes P1 it be stressful for u hee... But actually I also didnt send my girl for much 'academic type' of enrichment classes, the only one is the I Can Read classes now which we would be stopping in Dec before P1. Actually art classes also good what, as long as he is interested.
all mummies, u all dont hv to worry so soon lah.
if ur kids can read simple sentence and instruction on assessment is good enough. Me is bec P4 and P5, now is the time i should be worrying. all ur kids is about to go P1 only, relax man.hahaha
ya, maybe me kiasu lah.. sorry to scare you all.. I've to send them because I myself not able to coach them, and they are staying in a mandarin speaking envt. Getting them ready, so that they won't struggle when go to P1 for most of the subjects are in english.

Sometimes many will blame S'pore education as too much, stressing the society, but without this how the country going to progress? Me came across an article in the papers today, about the Australian Mathematics Trust. 7 kids gotten full marks and 5 comes from Singapore. This is telling us that Singapore education is seeing some results in it.
my son going to p1 next year. he can read simple sentence but ask him to spell, he can't really do it unless, is very common use words.

i also scared p1 will be very stressful year for him cos now he attend cc and he's taking his own sweet time to learn, in pri school i think its very different.


i realised that the school doesn't include the social studies book, don't know why?? does your have??
natellehcim me too, my family dont speak english at home. when they in K2 my younger daughter speak mandarin to her malay teacher, is only now my gal big liao. they will speak english with me and hubby. but hor now kids all very cute leh, they speak english in sch wan. my gals in their dream also speak english.hahaha.
I find it useful to send for enrichment classes, especially creative writing. Not easy to teach creative writing...
the tricky part is how to convert thoughts to sentences in creative writing?
I'm quite clueless, and I don't think asking the child to memorise standard compo is the right way

Learning point class size is quite big leh
hi sleepy,
i also heard that y i start prepare my gal since she was in P4. make sure she is very stable with her maths. the rest still ok. lucky i did that. now she very happy when maths exam come. u guess wat she say. wow tomorrow maths SA, very excited. my younger daughter say, jie jie u hao lian. wan lor. hahaha
ya I agree with you sleepy, that creative writing is not easy to teach, and can't possibly get them to memorise the standard compos. Will need alot of readings and practice. But sometimes I wonder, if the necessary skills, eg grammar and structuring of sentences, not there, how to score well also? and will it really help in PSLE results for creative writing is only 1 part of the tested questions. I remembered I don't score well in compos bec I'm not creative enough and weak in vocab, for both pri and sec. But still managed to pass with the grammar skills. Hence really confused with this creative writing enrichment in today's education. Is it really a must skill to master?
milo and other mummies,
creative english is a must for p1? BTW, where is learning lab located?

Wah ur hard work bear fruit liao..... ur gal like math. Mine ask him to practise timetable only i need to nag all the time.
I called up to check with school, and theysay anything not included in the booklist then no lor, guess got to check during the orientation again. then ask about the maths textbook which was optional item too, i wonder how they teach without the textbook??

i think so, thats why my friend ask me to put him to enrichment class in case he can't catch up... i don't remember myself doing compo in P1 leh, funny why they start so early??
cecilia, milo

I heard from neighbour need to write 5 sentences at P1, 8 sentences at P2. Her child in P2 this year


my girl took 1 whole year to memorise timetable!

I think compo will be the differentiator even though weightage not too high. To differentiate between excellent & above average students


I came across some P5 Maths problem sum. Wow really chim!
Both your elder ones having private home tuition?
Hi! Yeah, MIA for a while cos my boys took turns to fall sick. One had fever and the other allergy. I'm so busy with taking care of them, day & night until I nearly fell sick too.
Hi Mummies,
While we try to prepare our kids for P1 academically & mentally, dun forget to relax yourselves and let your kids have time to play & have fun too! :D
wan wan,
as we had week-daily homework in preparation of P1, i told my boy that i'll grant him a month's 'off' in december for him to enjoy himself before P1 starts.
that paranoid boy asked me if that'll make him forget whatever he has learnt for the whole year and told me that he only need one week break. and that the last week of dec before sch starts, have to do revision.
heehee...hope he can maintain his 'onz' attitude when the school starts.
Your son really impressive, if i ask my son to study or learn ting xie, he will start whinning thoughout and sometimes even cry... i guess he's plain lazy.

your son now the timetable so fast, my son only know the 2s... how you teach the rest?

wan wan,
you take care of yourself too. have sufficient rest.

I didn't teach her. I just pasted a big timetable poster on the wall & ask her to refer to it whenever she needs to do homework. So after one year of referring to that poster, she finally can recall without looking
Hi mummies, just received my orientation letter. Date got postponed to 22 Nov, luckily planned for holidays earlier else got to change plans. phew! No booklist was given, just price list$. It's indicated that children will join get-to-know activities with classmates while parents attend talk and do the purchases.
Hi sleepy, my ds is in abacus advanced level with multiplication and decimals but sometimes he's still not too sure about the tables.
not impressive la. he has his fair share of laziness.
see how next year la, cos boys tend to be very mischievous and not as mature thinking as girls.

do u see abacus beneficial to yr ds' mental calculation? my gal juz started n hence haven't seen any results yet.
anyone has comments about Molin (@ East Coast)? deciding between Molin & Tien Hsia cos both r near my place.

does anyone also know Seedtime Learning Centre in Mandarin Gardens?
hi morning ladies.
how your week end ?

wanwan, r u ok now? take care.

ariesan, but the rest of her subject not so strong, she know that maths is her strongest subject, and she try to score as much as she can. haha. the SA2 she already come home so sad this time, she confirm she loss 5 marks on a problem sum, which the classmate use Algebra to solve, and my gal say she hv not learn algebra.
Ur son and my son can be best frend with same attitude ke.. ke...

Ur gal need 1 years..... <haiz> dun noe how long my boy need to master his timetable.

My gal is more outspoken and mischievious than my boy.
Hi Cymk,
I'm fine tks! Luckily I gave them plenty of fruits and this has helped them to recover faster. Boys are boys they are already jumping, talking &amp; playing as soon as they are slightly better ha ha!
It's so great to see our kids behaving so on yah? Sometime my elder one is also like yours wanting to do more before dinner or his bath. But sometimes he just want to finish his homework quickly and play. Children are children. For me, I dun have a fixed time table. I just give my boys about an hour to do their work from assessment bks &amp; they can play after that. It has also become a routine for my elder one that he has to practice playing his keyboard everyday for abt half hour. We want to gradually make this as part of their lifestyle which I feel has helped them to adjust well, more to prepare them for the kind of sch work they have to expect from sch. But on wkend we will bring them out to relax &amp; play.
Hi Milo,
Tks! I'm fine after the wkend. Sometimes my sons also whine but I have some small talk to get them to understand the importance of learning. They accept it in most of the time. But if they continue to whine, I will not bulge and try other ways to encourage them like give positive stroke on their handwriting etc.
U mentioned a few times that your gal is a terror. Share with us what she had done. Maybe the gals nowadays are also like her as I've heard from some mummies at the CC that gals are no longer as dainty &amp; gentle like the gals of many yrs back hee hee.
ya, my gal also a terror at home. Hit, bite and bully the kor kor always. Her fists are always stronger than her kor kor.... when she wants her way, she will yell and cry, so that brother will have to give in.
Ha Ha my elder one usually does not give in to the younger one eventho he cries or hit the elder one. The elder one will fight back, cry or get me to be the mediator. So my younger one who can be a bully at times will not try his luck too often. I will usually give each other air time to tell their version of the story which can be different at times ha ha. They also know I will punish whoever at fault or both so they know they have to learn to accept and play with each other &amp; not fight. Good to set some ground rules at home.
haha, think nowadays gals are really more naughty than boy, my gal also always hit the kor kor and snatching his toys sometimes even slap us... terrible
Wan wan,
My boy 6 and my gal will be 2 in jan, maybe she's stepping into the terrible two stage or what i somehow feel that she's very stubborn and behave more like a boy...
ur children's age gap same with mine.

Maybe she is stepping into T2 therefore very big bully towards her gor gor.... Last saturday i got the phone call from gor gor when i was in the office. He is bitten by mei mei in his back.
ya it could be. Almost everyday I will receive calls from the brother to complain about how the sister is bullying him.... Now my son also trying to fight back. Now he don't seem to be friendly or generous to the sister but very nice and lenient to his cousins... really headache.
Maybe she is very close to her kor kor so thot that's how she shd behave. She's only 2 still young lah. When my younger boy was ard this age, he was a terror too! I have my share of the crying &amp; undesirable behaviour such as throwing tantrums etc. And he has now outgrown most of the bad habits &amp; behaviour. I think that's the stage they are in, learning more abt people ard them and the environment. Good to read with her more books, esp books on discipline, values &amp; good behaviour so that she will model them and gradually change.
Hi Cecelia, my 2 girls also 6 &amp; 2. Having headache when they are together. Btw, mummies any comment for edufarm learning centre? Check with Lorna Whiston, creative writing starts from P2. Currently she is taking their english enrichment class. Does I can read have creative writing for p1 next year?

Hi Valerie, maybe you can check with the student care you've just signed up. they have english tuition and also help in creative writing for P1.
