(2002) Any 2002 babies?

Yup, agreed with Natellehim.

I also take the opp to see see look look my old school

I'm looking forward to orientation. I even plan for my girl what to wear on that day from head to toes

my girl is already assigned to a class. So for sure no diagnostic test
After reading this thread, mummies here are really making me more nervous and excited, as if i am the one going to p1. My girl's school also have not send me anything leh...

BTW, i heard that the p1 pupils will have a buddy from other level to help during their 1st week of school. Don't remember having it when i am in p1 thou...hee..hee.

I remember last time when i was still in primary school, it has already started, P5 have to buddy with P1, to show them around and let them know where is their Q for classes, bring them around during recess time. Now i don't know if Hougang pri have it cos next year onwards, only P1 in the PM session, the rest all in the AM session. My blur boy don't can make it or not??

BTW, have you all started training them to clean themself in after doing bussiness in the toilet? My boy wash backside when he's done, next time go school don't know have washing pipe in the toilet or not??
Think i should be going for the orientation as suggested since alot of you also going for yours, i will go look see look see and find out the selling price for food so that can roughly guage how much $$ to give to my son.

How much are you all intending to give? how much then is enough? I'm scared that he will anyhow spend the $$ on toys, stationary rather than food.
Hi milo, you must have very good memories or maybe you are very young parent. I actually don't remember much about my primary school days.

Ha..ha..this toilet thing did occur to me too but i guess we just have to trust and check on them frequently. I have taught my girl on how she should do it but sometimes, there is still some residues especially when she is having soft stools.
Ha..ha.. ha.. guess i should not describe too much or else no appetite for dinner.
I think we should try to check out the price of the food in the tuckshop and from there we would be able to know roughly how much to give them. I think for such a young kid, we should be giving them per day basis, because their money sense is still not there, they might ended up spending all the 1-week expense within a day.

On the other hand, maybe we should prepare them some bread to bring, beside pocket money, in case they find the food not suitable or hates to queue up for the food, if not they will go empty stomach during the lessons.

We should also try to educate them about money saving, with a piggy bank, eg. getting them to save up the balance of the day so that they can use them for some purchases of birthday gifts or xmas gifts for family members or some donations to charity.
Hi mummies, I haven't received anything re orientation either and mine is earlier by a week than most. But think mine will be the bz kind as need to buy uniforms, books, attend talks etc.

Hi nat, not sure about stellar but heard about the seed program becoz school requested for pv to assist teachers to conduct it.
Hi jan,
Think my ds school also having Seed Prog but not sure if they will also hold Stellar Prog since Stellar prog seems to be implemented in the P1. Maybe will have to wait till their orientation then will clear out doubts.
My girl's booklist only have one book for English language "Magic Finger" so I guess it's the Stellar programme?

I think $1 a day should be enough for pocket money. Saw the school canteen selling noodles at 50 cents a bowl. The rest put in a piggy bank.
Agree with mummies that we need to prepare our kids for P1 on some areas like cleaning after big biz, money sense/mgt and other things in the new environment. When I registered my boy in the school in Aug, I had brought him to the canteen to brief him on what he needs to do during recess, what are the food he can buy, queuing up and where to have the meal.

Like Natelle, I have discussed with my boy to bring snack like muffin, bread, fruits etc for him for recess so that his daily pocket money can be used to buy other things like stationary. Recently, my boy said want to buy roller blade so I told him to save up his daily allowance for it. Must teacher kids money mgt from young so that they will understand the value of $$.
hi mummies,
i think u all should put a extra under wear in the bag for ur kids, incase they got diarrhea in sch. that happen to my gal when she was in P3. as for pocket money to sch $1 is more than enough, unless ur kids is those big eater, u can give them up to $1.5
Haha nothing2do, u are right. Currently we do have extra clothing for my girl since she was in nursery class, in her bag (including underwear). And we havent changed that for years! LOL..
hi luanee,
u need to change it once awhile lah, is more hygienic. and it might not fix ur kids anymore since u hv not change it for years .hahaha
Yah cymk23 u are right, we realised it was way too small sized by the time we discovered it! So now I took out the extra clothing since she hasnt needed it for so long, assume not necessary. So need to bring for P1 next year again?
I normally don't put extra clothes into my kids bags for their kindergarten. :p normally when they dirtied their clothes, the center will provide them with another set (could be passed down by ex-students), then we will wash it and return. I believe any schools will practice this. But for hygiene purpose, I think our own clothes still the best..
hi natellehcim
for me i also never bring extra clothes during their child care time, is only putting in the standby underwear when she got diarrhea once during her P3.
Hi Cymk,
When you gal was gg to P1 at ATS, was there any pre-test? Could you rem what program they had on orientation day. Did you also rec'd bklist & ltr on where to buy uniform on the same day. Tks!
hi wanwan,
when my gal gg to P1, i think we did receive the letter on when to attend the orientation. there wont be any test, but the sch will give u some form for u to fill in if u want to attend han yu pin yin class before sch start. and the booklist as well, u can get the uniform at the tuck shop. and sch bus arrangement also can be make on that day. and the sch also tell u about the lst week of sch, parent not allow during recess time.there will be ppl taking care of them, food will be serv to their class room for the 1st week.
I only rec'd ltr on orientation & han yu pin yin. That's all so far. You mean the books & uniform can be purchased on the orientation day or another day?
hi mummies, i have just received the booklist today, there are some reference-optional books and dictionary, do you think should buy??? Not sure if the school will use it or not?

Do you all also have optional books to buy? Will you be buying? Or shall i call up school to ask if its neccessary?
hi wanwan,

yup, wat we did 4 yr back was like this, on the day of orientataion, after the orientation many activities at the tuck shop(u should know where) haha. and the bookshop will sell their uniform, shoes and sock. then some ppl to promote sch bag, sch bus will also be there for those who need to take sch bus.as for text book i think i didn't buy from sch. i buy fr popular, whereby u can fax in ur booklist and there will get it ready for u to collect, u dont hv to Q.
Hi milo, I dont intend to get the optional items yet. Books we have to order from Pacific online and collect later, but I found the prices from Popular are cheaper.
hi all,
actually even till today i dont buy all the optional book in the booklist. even some guide book for CL2 also never use for some teacher. i usually buy it when my kids need it.

I too did not received the booklist yet. I'm really looking forward to the Orientation Day..Mine is on 29 Nov. Some of my colleagues have already bought books & school uniform for their kids. I'm really getting excited.

The school my boy is going do not conduct any test.

Any mummies here, your kid going to Woodgrove Primary?
cymk23 & luanee,

Lucky for me today, i met some mummies when i was on my way to bring my son to cc, ask them about the optional items, both parent say they don't buy, so i think i won't be buying also....

Think my son also in the stellar prog, cos no english book to buy.

luanee, how you know the price from popular is cheaper? Is there a way we can check? TIA
hi cymk23,
stellar prog is a new approach for english. think most schools (not sure if all sch) implementing for P1 next year. Some already started this year. you may refer to following link for more info, http://www.stellarliteracy.sg/cos/o.x?c=/wbn/pagetree&func=view&rid=20699, to read about the programme.

Hi mummies, for schools not going to have english textbooks, high chance they are having stellar programme. But think still need to buy story books for this programmes. Mummies who received booklists already, can advise any indications of story books in them?
meaning next time the P1 kids dont hv to buy assessment lor. learning without text book. will the sch get parents to buy more material fr sch?
so far i've seen about the stellar prog a school is holding is they will have story books and will learn a different theme each term. then the kids will have worksheets, in terms of cloze passages or maybe comprehension, related to the books they had read. think the worksheets shall be brought home, so that parents will know how they fair or what they had studied. Don't think they will have any workbooks for english if the school is having stellar prog.

For such prog, think sometimes the classes will have some class work or projects to work on, like forming a group to write a mini compo of what they had learn of a topic, etc.. I've yet to know if my ds sch is having this prog.
Tks! Think I'll also buy the textbks from popular...

Any of you has sent your child to Han Language Centre? Could you share if the courses are good. Tks
hi wanwan,
u r late today.hahaha. i so boring leh. but remember when u buy fr popular if anything wrong after many mths to cant change. but in sch u can.

u also same as me, 1yr 1.
Hi cymk23, ya 1 yr 1, so abit headache when both keep fighting.. :p

Hi luanee, I'm not sure if that is the book. If I remember correctly during my visit to an open house held few mths back, by a neighbourhood pri sch around my place, there are couple of story books (abt 6-8). They are big giant books kept in the school. Not sure if these are purchased by the kids and keep in school or school will provide. Then there are some small books meant for the kids to bring home and read one. Understand from the school is that you won't be able to get these books in outside stores. You may want to understand more about stellar prog from the link given earlier. In the web, there is a photo section whereby you have have a rough idea of what the kids will be doing during their stellar prog. I'm sure the school will advise during orientation. Some primary school do provide some programmes or information about stellar in their website.
Hi my girl was with Hua Language when she was 4 & 5 but this year switch her to Tien Hsia because its near to my house. Where is this Han Language Centre. Near Sembawang?
natellehcim, was it you who says that you are registering your son for sakamoto math next year. If yes, is the tuition on every Saturday? I have registered my girl with MainSpring. Hope its good. She will be joining them in November for their holiday programme to get her adjust to their centre.
