(2001) calling all 2001 babies

hello jsd, never too late :) Welcome!! I am very new to the forum too.

For me, I prefer to swop or let go toys / books /whatever that still has life in them with other nice mummies at this forum. I am a great fan of recycling and and want my kids to grow up understanding that life if not all about getting the latest and newest stuff out there.

Maybe some of you have seen this. Its heart warming and heart wrenching at the same time.I couldn't hold back my tears no matter how many times I have watched this. Pay special attention to the faces of the children and the family who , despite their hardship, is thankful for what they have.

Count our blessings!

Please watch this short award-winning video.
May you know and be thankful for ALL God's blessings in our lives, far beyond our daily need for food, often taken for granted.
Remember too, the less fortunate.

Winner of Berlin short film festival

Hi Babywuv

Yes, indeed is a very meanningful short film. I cultivate my chidren to eat finish food, by tellin them how the farmer grow the rice and harvest. as what chinese saying : li li jie xin ku.Hee
Hi jsd, welcome to the forum.

Babywuv, I have seen this film before, I remembered one innocent young kid who seen this film said "oh, so we should not finished our food otherwise they will have nothing to eat"...hmmm
hi spanielpups, that's very interesting how kids view things differently. When I told my kids to finish their food as other children have no food to eat, their response was "so if I finish my food, will the children have food to eat?"..

I tell them that at least God's blessings are not wasted if they finish their food. Or they finish their food and do not need to spend the $ buying snacks and they can donate to church. :)

hi jsd, good of you to cultivate that. :)
spanielpups: haha tt is funny.

babywuv: it is true tt we must always count our blessings. i count mine everyday: 7, including my husband &amp; parents
may i ask which church u go to?
hi jesslyn, spanielpups, jess1, bernice: anybody's kids also learning piano? my son's piano teacher is driving me up the wall. keeps changing the lesson days. i want to find anor teacher for him asap so tt immediately after the exam in sep, he can start w the new teacher.
Hi Mrs Wong: Thanks so much for the recommendation but his current teacher is also good. It is just that she keeps changing the lesson days. I don't mind if she comes to our house but we have to go to her house. So for the next teacher, we prefer someone who will come to our house. Actually Lor Ah Soo is very near my home, Serangoon/Kovan but it is too much of a hassle to bring him there. Thank you.
Hi Olwen
Sorry, my son never continue to take up piano although he had his lesson started in Kindergarten. Actually he can played quite well but since he don't want I never force him. His classmates do have some learning piano. If you want I can ask their mother for contact number. Which area are you staying?
Hi Jessie,

I'm new here, jus joined after reading that your boy is in EDUPLUS. I hope to get some feedback abt this school b4 enrolling him...

May I ask which branch is he attending? am considering Ulu Pandan..

Other than compo, what other areas (oral/compre/words usage) hv yr boy benefitted?

Thanks alot!
Welcome Pettymin! My boy is attending at the Tampines branch. I sent him there when he was in K1 until now. I find that my boy has benefited alot from there. His chinese has always be the top in class and I have no worries about him in this subject. I do impressed that he can write well by using the correct words and add on some set phrases or idioms that he has learnt. Eduplus has their own syllabus and will always keep up to the standand of MOE. Seminars &amp; talks by the principal will conduct for parents. Their syllabus will cover everything from compo, compre, words usage to oral, etc. Per term the children will have (I think about 4 times) of recording. Either they will read a passage from their textbook or conversation with the teacher. The recording will recorded either in a cassette or by email (for certain branches only)to parents so that we can listen to the voice of our children. They do have 一分钟复述for the children to read out in front of the class so as to build up the child's courage to speak up. Before every term of exam they will have a mock exam &amp; oral to prepare the children for the coming examinations. You can also bring the child's test or exam paper to let the teacher explain to your child what mistake have they made. I find all the teachers there are kind and helpful. So long my boy feel comfortable with it, I guess I will stick on to Eduplus. Hope this can reply to your queries.
Really appreciate your feedback, Jessie.. will enroll my boy, hopefully it's not too late as Term 3 has started...
Their program seems to be quite comprehensive even though lesson is 1.5 hr per week. Do they assign a lot of homework? any weekly spelling?
Hi Petty Min, no homework will be given. All will complete during the lesson. No weekly spelling also. Hope your boy enjoy the lesson.
hi pettymin! i also wanted to send my big one to eduplus or berries but in the end my husband decided on one to one tuition. no homework sounds good. if jess' son can progress well with no homework, their teaching system must be very very good!
Hi Olwen, I wanted to get a home tutor initially but had no luck in finding a good one...so, if an enrichment school can let the child learn through play...just let him enjoy the language!!
Jess1: i'm living in serangoon, NE.

Petty Min: i find children are actually more motivated if they attend a group class provided parents have some time to reinforce what is learnt in the group class. for my case, we really don't have the time so need a home tutor.

aiyah, so sian waiting for the other mother to come out of the milk room.
Hi Olwen,
Will do. I will get the number from those mothers for the telephone number and let you know.

Hi Olwen &amp; Pettymin,
I should say it all depend on individual and the teacher. If the kid is not interested in that subject he/she will not show keen in learning. Also must rely alot on the teacher. If their teaching can arouse the kids interest, they will look forward to the next lesson. Otherwise how you drag them to the lesson also no use.

School reopened all mummies busy liao. Guess this is the reason why this forum gone quiet again.

Can anyone share with me what storybooks does your child read? Mine only stick on to G.Stilton. Almost finish all the G.Stilton books in the library. Any good books to recommended?
Hi Jessie

My son read captain underpants. But my daughter reads G. Stilton. My son english was not so good at that time when he was in primary 2. (Now he is primary 5) And i got him a tutor to teach english. He told me the only way to improve english is by reading. so he lend my son alot of story books. ha !guess what (Captain underpants books. True enough my son english improve, and he is always top in english in class. sorry hor suppose to recommend book in the end i type so much rubbish.
My boy is reading secret seven, g stilton and any other book he can get his hands on... he's really a book worm!

just wondering, what is the usual time you expect your kids to concentrate on school work. My son can spend the whole morning doing nothing while staring at the assessment book he's supposed to be doing. Anyone else have similar problems?
Hi jsd &amp; Frond,

Thanks for your recommendation. I went to the library to search for captain underpants during the weekend but not one book can be found. I am lucky to find one G.Stilton that my boy still haven't read
Hmm.... it seems that alot of children are also reading Captain Underpants. See if I can get one from other library. Someone told me story books about Magic Tree or Magic School Bus. Anyone of your child has read those books?
Hi Jessie,

I can't find the G.Stilton at the National library. May I check with you, any reference number or section that I can look for in the library? My son wants me to buy all the G.Stilton edition, I told him I'll go bankrupt one day!!
Hi Fion,

You go to the children section for 6-9 years old. Look for alpahet STI. It is quite difficult to find G.Stilton from the library. Always being borrowed by other children. Unless you are very lucky.
Hi Fion

You can actually ask your boy to check out the school library instead
That's where my girl borrow the books from.

My kids are reading magic trees house series &amp; Magic school bus too. My older one (2001) is also reading books by Enid Blyton &amp; Roald Dahl.
Hi SJ Ong,

Oh really! School library have G.Stilton, I'll ask my boy to check out the school library. Hahah!! I can save lots of $$$, thanks!!
Hi Mummies

Where are your staying? cause i bought quite a number of G book, if you want you can borrow from me. or we can exchange books Btw my daughter school subscribe scholistics programme. so every three months they have promotion for their books. errr. if any of you are interested can email me, see whether i can scan the leaflet to your.
Hi sj ong,
Thanks for the recommendation. I will go to the library and borrow those books for my son.

Hi jsd,
Unable to exchange any books with you cos I don't buy books for my son. I find it a waste of $ because most of the time he will read once or twice and leave the books on the shelves untouch. So I rather borrow from the library instead. Thanks for the offer.

My boy enjoys G. Stilton books, trying to "out-read" his classmates, keeps bugging me to get latest books..I guess the highlighted phrases &amp; funny pictures make reading more interesting...

He also likes to read "I CAN READ" books that feature his favourite movies..Ice Age, Transformers, Spiderman...
Hi all!

My P2 daughter used to have trouble reading and my collegue recommend me a tutor who was a preschool teacher and now become full time tutor. So far my girl doing REALLY well. Alot of improvement since her I CAN'T READ days.

I tried enrolling her in enrichments but no improvement. She learn better with one to one so i enrol one teacher but my maid say that tutor always sit down and not do much. so my collegue recommend me my current tutor.

I can recommend this tutor if you all want but she has quite a number of studnts so her schedule is always quite full.

I already book her for 2010 liao. Abit kiasu but as mother i think you all would agree that it's better safe than sorry. ehehehe. You can email me [email protected] for her contacts.
Hi mummies,

Need help from all of you. My son brought back one project which I am not sure how to do. Can all mummies here help me with this? Thanks alot!

1) Look at the following statement.
"Two halves may not always be the same."
Do you agree with this statement? Yes/No
Can you take a picture or draw a diagram to
show why you agree with the following
(Hint: Look for 2 similar types of objects
with different sizes.)

2) Look at the following statement.
"1/2 can be bigger than 1/4."
Can you take a picture or draw a diagram to
show that this is possible?
(Hint: Look for 2 similar types of objects
with different sizes.)
Hi Jessie

CA2 is near the corner, I was busy preparing his revision papers.

Hope is not too late to give you my ans.

1)Agreed. For example, half of $100=$50, and half of $1=$0.50 so they are not the same.

2)Yes 1/2 is bigger than 1/4, because 1/2=0.5 and 1/4=0.25

Err.. hope my answers are logical and correct
Hi Fion,

Thanks for answers. I have already done up the project just a little touch up to do today. Tomorrow is the dateline for submission. Hopefully can help him to score well as the marks also add in to the CA2.
hi mummies! i've been absent so long &amp; now i'm idling at home waiting for my next job

fion: i miss u! haven't heard from u in a while. how r u?
Hi Olwen,

Nice to hear from you. I'm fine and busy as my son CA coming soon... so stressed by the papers!! How's life being a SAHM? Must be very busy with your little ones

Hi Jessie,

Oops, my answers came late! All the best to him!! Jia you!! :p CA2 main papers start next week! Hope everything goes well...
fion: just managed to reply u. yup, busy &amp; my mum hates me being at home

how's everybody else's kids doing in CA? does everybody else have fixed CA schedules? my son's school doesn't practise tt for P1 &amp; 2. they just spring tests on them &amp; my kai always does so badly for the tests
Hello Mommies, my son has no CA for P1 &amp; P2 but I do print out the past year papers to let him try. Still making tons of carless mistakes...sigh!
Hi mommies

any recommendations for creative writing classes?

After consideration, I intend to stop my dd1's English enrichment. Initially wanted to continue because I've not found a replacement English enrichment for her. But after speaking to teacher, she commented my dd space out in class because the pace was too slow for her, so I guess no point lor, waste my money, especially I've not seen substantial improvement in her creative writing after almost 2 years in the programme. I think I should focus on searching for a creative writing enrichment

thanks in advance
Hi Fion,
No problem. I do appreciate that you have given me the answer. The mark is not out yet. So I just keep my finger cross and see how many marks he can score for this project. (Infact is my project

My boy started to have their CA when school reopen till now. Their school don't practise on one paper. They will give bit by bit every week till all total come up to 100%. This morning he just had his show and tell in chinese. Wondering whether he can memorise everything.....

Hi Olwen &amp; Spanielpups,
Wah... so good! Your son's school don't have CA. Will not be that stress. I also print out the past year papers for my son to do. So far he still did quite well except a few careless mistakes.

Hi Yawn Yawn,
You must let your daughter read more storybooks. It will help her in her writing. I am not sure what kind of english enrichment class that you have put your daughter in. If the pace was too slow for her then it is no point for you to let her continue with the class. I also find my son's writing is terrible. So half year ago, I put him in i-creative learners. Notice his improvement in writing and I do appreciate the teacher who is willing to spend extra time to guide him along after lesson.
Hi Mummies,

Phew... CA papers finally over!! Looks like I'm back to the school days &amp; having exams not my boy. Oh ya, Teacher's Day coming, what do you intend to buy for their teachers?

Hi Jessie,

My boy is different from urs, his sch do give them Topical test &amp; revision worksheets to do but still have CA papers before the school holidays. Don't worry I think he can scores excellent marks for you :p

Hi Spanielpups &amp; Olwen,

Wow... your son's sch don't have CA papers for P1 and P2. I think the school doesn't want to stress the pupils bah...

Careless mistake sigh, my son do have lots careless mistakes too. No matter how I nag at him, he still gives u tons of careless mistakes!! I always tell him you can do better if you check your careless mistakes before you hand in your papers but he don't feel anything if marks being deducted
Hi Fion,

Ya ya... it seems like we are going back to school with our boys. Must study with them.

For teacher's day gift. I bought some pouches for the teachers. The teachers besides using them as cosmetics pouches also can use as pencil case. Nice and cheap! Kekeke..... How about you?

The marks for my boy chinese show and tell is not out yet but the english monolog he scored 12/15. Not that good as he cannot memorised well as time is short. The other paper in Maths worst. He never listen carefully what the teacher said and never read the question carefully and see the example clearly. I was so angry with him
Lucky his project scored full marks. Hope this can bring back those marks that he lost. Sigh.... very stressful.....
Hello Jessie, Fion,

It is always painful to see them losing marks out of carelessness. But frankly speaking, the word problem sum in Math, I really don't know what they (the educationers) are trying to achieve. Are our kids learning Math in Math class or English and Math in Math Class. Sometimes, the word problems are so lengthty that even while I was reading halfway through, I got confused. Confused by the English and sometimes also hope that they just get to the point and stop beating around the bush!

Sometimes, Math can also becomes an IQ question. I was told that a friend attended some talk on Math. Question go like this:

1 Mona Lisa picture cost $500,000. How much does 2 Mona Lisa pictures cost. I think any 'normal people' would just treat it as a Math question and gave the answer as a million. But no, answer is still $500,000 because there is only 1 Mona Lisa picture in the world.

I think it's total CRAP!
Hi Jessie,

For teacher's day gift, I bought those flowers that come with a pen, really don't know what to buy? That's a good idea! Where do you get it from? Hahah!! 2 in 1, can use as a cosmetics pouch and can use as a pencil case too. Great that he scored full marks for his project. Actually 12/15 is considered very good. Usually maths easily make mistakes need to check lots of times before hand in. As for me, I'm contented as long as he passes all the subjects. I'm afraid if I give him too much stress, he will one day find that life is meaningless... then is too late to regret.

Hi Spanielpups,

Yap, I'm agreed with you, when comes to problem sums really don't know what are they trying to say and really need to scratch my head to think and sometimes I can see lots of stars and birds flying above my head, hahah!! I usually break the sentences into a few parts to understand it. Ya Ya! Sometimes maths really needs some IQ knowledge not like our times just do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division... That question really tricky, I think we need to earn lots of $$$ to buy tonic food or drink for our children to "Bu Yi Bu" their brain, hahah!!
jess, fion, spanielpups: long time no see! i'm busier at home than working

well... carelessness &amp; schoolwork, tell me about it. i had a major quarrel with my mother 2 weeks ago cos she was nagging so much about kai's chinese show &amp; tell. so i've more or less given up. if he goes to the last class next year, so be it. i'm too tired chasing all the kids. i better find a job soon &amp; go back to work. at least no need to listen to my mother nag.
Hi Olwen,

It's true, we tend to be more busy at home than at work. Weekend, if my friend pay me a visit at home, they would not recognised me. I am a maid to my family during the weekend. At least if I work, I can still sit and look fresh in the office.
Hi Spanielpups,

You are right! It is so heartpain to see those marks are being deducted due to their carelessness. The Maths problem sum is not only testing about calculation also on IQ and English. If our English are lousy we are not able to understand what the question is asking and not able to do the sum. Same as Fion, I will break the sentenses and try to digest one by one and solve the problem. My poorest subject in school is Maths so you can imagine how I crack my head to help him to solve the problem sum. At times I must call up my sister to ask for help

Hi Fion,

I bought those pouches from my office neighbour. They sell cheap stuffs on cosmetics and perfumes. If you do need anything can let me know. I can check it out for you. That Maths project majority was done by me. So I should be the one who received the credit. 12/15 is for his monolog which is also English Show and Tell. This year they want the children to choose a character from a fairytale and role play. Great challenge! When I received the notice there were lots of ??? in me. Alamak! How to do this? Worst part is we are only given one week to do this. I have to go to the library to look for the storybook, decide on which character, write the script, prepare the stuffs/costume, make him memorise and show him how to act. But time is too short, that's why instead of scoring full marks he lost 3 marks on this topic.

Actually, I too pity him cos he will always get scolded from me if he can't do well in his work. Is not that I kiasu but the standard of this school is so high that I must ensure that he keep up to that standard or else he will be left behind. Sometimes I do regret to enrol him in this school. Wondering if I have made the wrong decision. Sigh......

Hi Olwen,

Relax! I guess your mother also want the best of your child. Just give way to each other and everything will be fine.

Agreed with Spanielpups, we tend to be more busy at home than at work. At home I could hardly have time to sit down and watch a proper TV programmes. Housework, cooking, washing and lots more. I rather come to work. At least still have time to sit down and have a cup of tea, listen to radio, surf the net....... Oops...sshhh... don't tell my boss ok?
Hi Mummies,

My son is very picky on fruits. Do you give your child any vitamin supplement beside fruits? Thanks for your feedback

Hi Jessie,

Thanks I'll let you know if I need it for next year hahah!! ;) Wow.. your son's school only given a week to do the project, that's very rush. I'm so curious which school, heehee. Same here, the standard of his sch also consider high and i'm so afraid my son will left behind if he don't strike harder

Hi Spanielpups,

That's true when we are at work, we look like a fairy but when we at home we look like a maid, hahah!! I stopped work for 6 years, can't imagine if I go back to work, hahah!! Imagine, if I back to the workforce, my children will be surprised that standing infront of them is a fairy instead of maid, hahahah!! oki, stop joking back to reality

Hi Olwen,

Hang in there! Don't worry, soon you will find a job that's suitable for you. As what Jessie said, your mother want the best of your child. Try to compromise each other
Hi All,

At last, we can have some rest during this holiday. Hiaz unforunately, SA will be coming real soon. Got to start revise work with my daughter.

BTW, how do your spend the holiday with your kids. any suggestions?

Hi All,

At last, we can have some rest during this holiday. Hiaz unforunately, SA will be coming real soon. Got to start revise work with my daughter.

BTW, how do your spend the holiday with your kids. any suggestions?
