2.5 months always doze off during Bottle feed


Active Member
Hi all I’m a helpless mum now wishing to have anyone share their experiences if Any.

My little one is premature baby born 1.9kg at birth. She was eating fine first month of her life until second month onwards her reflux issue surface. She will easily choke and vomit on her milk if we dream feed her or feed her when she doze off.
Now the issue is she ALWAYS fall asleep after first lap of feed about 40-50ml. And she will doze off. No matter how we put her up put her down, tickle her, undress her, change nappy she will wake up but once she is in our arms she fell back asleep and we can’t feed again. Many times we force feed resulting her to choke and vomit all the milk she drank.
Apart from this, other times that she is awake she will sometimes play with the teats with her tongue and do not drink for until 10mins later then she start drinking. I’m not sure why she is like this. I assume she’s more playful now and easily distracted by the things around her.
No one can feed her except me cause she is so challanging to feed. Anyone can help shed some lights?
When I see my little one is dozing off while feeding, sometimes I will tickle her face, stroke her head, or sit her forward for a burp and it will wake her up for a while. When she stops sucking, I will gently pull on the teat which makes her suck it back in for a little longer. I don't force feed if she's really sleepy. Will just try again later.

My baby is now 3.5months plus and is also going through this phase where she's difficult to feed. I read that it may be due to growth spurt, teething, or just being more aware of their surroundings when older. My baby is now more distracted by her surroundings, and always turns her head to look around while drinking. She'll drink 20ml, than become distracted and not want to drink, and I'll have to try again a few mins later... this can go one for sometimes 1hr + for her to finish an entire bottle!

Some "tricks" I've tried is bringing her to my bedroom where it's darker and more "boring" so that it's not so distracting. Because she's at this phase where she prefers my nipple to bottle, I let her breastfeed for a few mins than swap to the bottle with my expressed milk. I find that she still will take to the bottle better when she's really hungry (but not yet crying/cranky), and she'll finish the bottle at one go. As far as possible I also let everyone in the house feed her, and I'm the "last resort". Since I'm going back to work soon and cannot WFH, baby has to get used to others bottle feeding her!

Thanks for responding! I am going crazy daily with my girl feeding situation!
I also bring her to a quieter room to drink and make sure no one walk around when she’s drinking. Sometime it works sometimes it dont. She’s too aware of the surrounding and easily distracted. What worse is she will attempt to play with me and smile when I try to feed her and she won’t drink.
She get cranky after a while cause she’s still hungry but she don’t suck the bottle.
Recently I brought her to see pd and pd says she got oral thrush; that may have make her feel uncomfortable hence don’t want to drink. We applied medicine and it seems to work last week. But this week she is back at it again.
Every feed is a torture and yes it can take to 1 hour plus and it affects her nap.

When she don’t get to nap properly cause not full she will cranky. How’s ur LO dealing with the nap then?
Mine also now 3months I really wonder when will this end
