0-24mths TTC - MTB in 2010/2011 by Claire Teo hamsterbiz

crown, can try eating some sweets, maybe get thirsty less and the urge to keep drinking water is decreased.

i have been feeling super tired and sleepy, no mood to BD at all! i blame it on the weather as well. counting down excitedly to O day.. hey, is it that we gotta BD when the temperature spikes? or should we have BDed before that? sorry, me is lagi blurz :p
phyphy - Day 78(preggy week 9)
Claire - Day 03
Shiseru - Day 10
xmasnowy - Day 10
Babydream - Day 11
Pauline - Day 15
Tickles - Day 16
JJ - Day 22
crown - Day 24
Sweetie - Day 24
Gabby's mum - Day 25
Faith - Day 27
JPeace - Day 33
JC - Day 34
Mee & you - Day 53
chewy - Day 57
resso99 - Day 77
tzac - Day 83
hi claire! you are truly the resident expert on these issues... hoping that i will HENG HENG bd right before i get the temp spike! though i must say it's so hard to predict.. my cycle sometimes siao siao!
hi everyone

happy birthday to all. its ren ri today! :)

hv been so busy which explains for my mia...
din hv the time to go through all the posts but know that a few have BFP. Congrats to all who hv BFP and hope all of us ttc can join you all too.

quick update on myself ;-) my af reported on 13 feb n will b starting my ivf cycle early mar at kkivf. anyone starting ivf in mar at kk? then we can be cycle buddies :) dun really knw wat to expect but tell myself to take it easy. another worry is my work is rather bz recently so pondering whether to let my boss knw abt tis ivf or not.....

will drop in once in a while when i can....
tks tks... ren ri ahr! happy birthday to all too!
Tks Claire for always keeping us updated on our CD.

Claire.. now i seldom see ur posting leh.. u alright? is everything fine at ur side?

Wonder when Shiseru is coming back... ?

I miss those who post so regularly but all of a sudden so quiet liao.... Where are all of u ahr?
Yes yes I AM BACK! Back from Japan, back from gynae check up after the D&C, back to TTC soon! Geez Hokkaido is freaking COLD!

How's everyone, Happy CNY!? (sorry if you are reading this twice, coz I participate in 3 threads here!)

I am gonna stick with Dr Ann Tan, I am very comfortable with her and she is very detailed. I went for the check up yesterday, didn't know she actually did some tests for me, yeah i guess that is call the miscarriage profile testing, to check the risk of recurring miscarriage.

She said I am healthy, no thyroid problem, blood count's good, no deficiency in Folic acid, just only not enough zinc coz i dun like to eat meat la!

Did a scan and she said everything is quiet in there, lining is still thin from the D&C, but I still got eggs so not that old la. No cysts or big ovaries so all is looking good! She said my menses ain't gonna return soon. WHY? Coz i too tense and stress! I need to relax (okay it's tough but I will try)! Anyway, she said there is nothing from my body system that shows i am at high risk of recurring miscarraige, so I think that's good news, so F*** off and begone, rotten luck!

Dr Ann Tan said she is gonna help me coz early support is important. She won't be able to do anything if I got pregnant then start looking for her. So when my menses return later, i shall call in to make an appointment to see her on day 10, scan to see if i am ovuating. Then a blood test on CD 22, probably to check my progesterone level.

I asked if my hubby needs to do SA test. She said there is no need to becoz i have been pregnant 2 times, with the first one carry to mid term. Dun want the SA test to make my hubby feel bad la haha!
phyphy - Day 79(preggy week 9)
Shiseru - Day
Claire - Day 04
tzac - Day 08
xmasnowy - Day 11
Babydream - Day 12
Pauline - Day 16
Tickles - Day 17
JJ - Day 23
crown - Day 25
Sweetie - Day 25
Gabby's mum - Day 26
Faith - Day 28
JPeace - Day 34
JC - Day 35
Mee & you - Day 54
chewy - Day 58
resso99 - Day 78
hi JC,
me ar... still on the depressing mood
i wonder if i would ever get out of it...

hi yaataa,
no la, i no pro...
but most gals here start bd on day 11 till after ovulation...
they chiong for abt 1 to 2 weeks de...
so their bd days could be day 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
or some is day 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
okie, tomorrow is day 11 already.. looking forward to a week of "hard work" hahaha. this is also the first month i am monitoring BBT, quite excited to see the temp spike hehehe.

shiseru, welcome back from your trip abroad! here's wishing all of us here lots and lots of baby dust for this first month of the CNY
hi Shiseru, u must hv enjoy urself woh! s'pore is so hot... u must hv hate to leave japan bah!

Gd that everything is fine w u body... me not very old, yet not alot/as gd liao....

Take gd care of urself for a few mth before u start TTCing, K!

Claire.. u hv been in the depressing mood for 1mth+ liao leh.... Must stay positive k! u are our Kai Xin Gou all these while... don't want to see u become Ku Gua leh!

Da Jia, today is Ren Ri woh... so many pple everywhere hving Lo Hei... even coffee shop....

Hope our wish will come true since it's all our bday! *Pray* *Pray*
Hi all

glad tat everything is goin on well for u again...

hmm... im also thinking of doing a check on whether im really ovaluting anot cos 4 the past few mths, im not sure i did O anot as opk strips not really darker than control line leh. which day shall i go for check actualli? some says CD10 some says CD 21? is it do scan is cd10 n blood test on cd 21? im blurr...

u muz be +ve n dun tink so much ya... u been encouraging to all of us.. hang on there...
hihi.. must do blood test to check O one ahr? Scan won't know ahr? I only hv vaginal scan to check eggs size to determine if O-ing or not... Then I went home test OPK, +ve. That was done last yr May.
From then... i've nv hv +ve O on my OPK. Until this mth, OPK +ve.
Hi im letting go of my TTC Package, kindly PM or EMAIL me if interested..

I`ve graduated and striked only using 2 tubes of preseed.. thus im letting go all of these things..
preseed is a lubricant that mimics ur cervical mucus and allows the sperms mobility and makes it last longer, as it comes with 6 tubes, one tube useone time, i striked within 2 tubes and most ppl use within 1-5tubes and strike.

bought preseed at 35.95, and i left 4 tubes, originally 6 tubes , Letting go at $23.90

Brand new clearblue ovulation pack, still in packing and the plastic wrap nv open before.. retail 71.50, Letting Go at $60

One clearblue digital, used one piece.. left one piece.. original 30.45.. letting go at $15

And if u help me clear all i will throw in about 10 or more of all the ovulation strips as well as 1-2 pregnancy strips i left
Shiseru, you are back!

I think you gals are really hardworking. Know so much on TTC, alot of terms I dun understand. My MIL told me after I recover, dun go and see anymore gynae or TCM cos I went secretly last time. She said they never chase us fir grandchildren, jus leave it to nature.

I was thinking, is that really the reason or scare that when I have kid, I will ask her daughter to leave. I duno next time will they stay with us or with her daughter if she really dun wan to get married. I think why they insist us to stay together now is they can ask my hubby to drive them whereever they wan to go at any time. Really piss, they never wake their daughter up in the morning one lor, always wan her to sleep longer. Damn it

sorry for my long grumble.
crown.. i know u feel heart-pain to c ur hubby being used. But don't bother to tell ur hubby off cos he is filial lah.....
My hubby also like that one... (haha.. but he don't drive).. cos we stay few blks aways from them... so whenever they call, he will walk over & do things for them... or just to bring small thing over to them...
I will scold him n ask him to go over later at nite since we are going there for dinner liao mah... but he will always say nearby only mah.. he will walk over... 1 day he may walk 4-5 times... so my hubby is very slim n dark..
Now i give up on him liao.. if he want to be filial to his parent.. let him be lah...
hi ladies... hope u all had a good wkend...

shiseru, glad tat u r so postive... dr ann tan seems quite detailed... mmm... maybe can consider gg to her if still no good news...
Hi all

Happy Chinese New Year! Lets Huat and Strike ah! ^_^

1st time posting on this thread, been a silent reader. Been trying for 8 months now, still no good news, mentally and emotionally very tiring
Start taking BBT together with OPK test this month, am now on CD20, but so far no sign/symptom of fertilization/implantation/preggie, is it too early to tell? is there any sympton if successfully fertilized or implanted?

btw, realised we BD too early, we BD on CD11,CD13,CD15 and CD16,(1st time so hardworking) but realised the O is probably on CD17 and CD18,which we didnt BD at all cos too tired liao.
WElcome Dino.
Me too was also trying for 11mths b4 deciding on professional help. After all the test came back & found out the reason why no results after 11mths. I felt somewhat at peace, at least the reason is made known to me rather then worry over everything ....

Now is for me & dh to move onto the acceptance stage & progress from there.

The TTC journey is a very taxing one esp for both parties, I've qurrelled with my dh on numerous occasions in that 11mths. Hence I would adv u seek prof help once you've hit the 12mths of TTC journey.

So work hard during this 4mths !! Hope u get BFP (big fat positive) soon !

Thanks for your advice. Ya, will seek prof help if still no good news for another 2 cycle try. My gynae has asked my DH to go for sperm check in Nov last year, cos he smoke, so my gynae suspect is due to smoking tat is causing problem to his sperm, but DH dont wan!
so upset. I dont care, if still no good news for the next 2 months, will drag him to do the test.
no worries. men are like that ... my dh also refused to admit that there was a prob. Until i dragged him to test.

even buy vitamins etc etc also hv to force him to eat .. aiya .. like big baby like that
hello dino! don't worry, if you BD earlier the sperm can survive for some time.. so should still be ok. if you O'ed on CD 17 and 18, it will take about a week to implant so should not have symptoms on CD 20 cos too early le. there is still hope! wishing u the best!

and hello to all! today is CD 12, another night of planned BD... hope i manage to keep it up alternate nights till CD17.
i just went to pee and saw a nice clump of EWCM!!! totally excited! it's the first time i have seen it in... over half a year i think. and i think it's cos i poo-ed in the morning... so relieved to see it. or maybe it's the leftover preseed from 2 nights back haha!
Ya ... EWCM used to appear regularly when we haven't started to TTC for bb. But due to the mth after mth of no results, it sort of affected our sex life to the point of it being a chore.

Now it has made its apprearance again .. ha ... after I've relaxed & know the final results. Body will change even when U think u are in a relax mode during TTC period.

For me, my cycles changed. I used to be on the dot regular but due to the stress of TTC for 11mths my cycle from regular 27 days become 30, 34, 28, 29 ....

Now my system is slowly correcting itself & my af reports quite regularly ... Based on BBT also will alway O on day 16.
haha.. yaataa, gd to know u hv EWCM. So u got test OPK?
Me aso hv EWCM 1st time after 1+yrs of TTCing....
Hope all of us still can make it for tiger bb woh!
JJ, u cycle not so bad lah.. i cycle more kalong... 34,60, 48...
Mee&U, y only hope Dino's stay here is a short one.... Everyone of us aso don't want to stay in the thread for long mah!

Dino, my hubby w testing gog for S/A which he did last yr oct... cos we try for 1 yr liao.. no news mah..
hi all

welcome to all new members...

hey girls u mean tat once we strike den cannot stay in tis thread anymore meh... :'(

i dunno the so called egg white chewy discharge is really O symptoms anot leh.. cos one mth i got tis kina discharge den i quickly go test O strip but -ve.
cant help agreeing that BD on scheduled dates are like doing a chore. its become pointless liao... but wat to do? muz follow closely on schedule.

wonder u girls r like tis anot? for me wen not on critical days like dun feel like BD anymore. so now in one mth, less out AF days mostly only BD on critical days. will it actualli lessen our chances of getting preggy?
hello girls,

good morning! i BDed last night (albeit with great reluctance cos i was so tired) and had a super fitful sleep last night.. felt so jealous when i heard hubby snoring away, and there i was with a pillow propped up under my ass...

temp spike was recorded this morning (up 0.3 from yesterday's recording) but i suspect that it's more due to the restless sleep than O la. yesterday was only day 12 of my 29 day cycle... kinda too early for O, no?
phyphy - Day 82 (preggy week 9)
Shiseru - Day
Claire - Day 07
tzac - Day 11
xmasnowy - Day 14
Babydream - Day 15
Pauline - Day 19
Tickles - Day 20
JJ - Day 26
crown - Day 28
Sweetie - Day 28
Gabby's mum - Day 29
Faith - Day 31
JPeace - Day 37
JC - Day 38
Mee & you - Day 57
chewy - Day 61
resso99 - Day 81
phyphy - Day 82 (preggy week 9)
Shiseru - Day
Claire - Day 07
tzac - Day 11
yaataa - Day 13
xmasnowy - Day 14
Babydream - Day 15
Pauline - Day 19
Tickles - Day 20
JJ - Day 26
crown - Day 28
Sweetie - Day 28
Gabby's mum - Day 29
Faith - Day 31
JPeace - Day 37
JC - Day 38
Mee & you - Day 57
chewy - Day 61
resso99 - Day 81
do you all understand what is my blood test below means???

Insulin-Like GF1 - 273
Etradiol - 1153
Prolactin - 808
Cortisol 0min - 191
Cortisol 30min - 614
Cortisol 60min - 707
Etradiol - 1153
The estradiol test is a diagnostic procedure used to measure the levels of estradiol in your blood stream. It is performed in conjuction with the Day 3 FSH test. A simple blood test, the estradiol test is performed in order to determine a woman's ovarian reserve. It is also performed in order to confirm a woman's FSH test
Elevated levels of estradiol tend to indicate a problem with ovarian reserve. In high amounts, estradiol can suppress the amount of FSH in your system.

Prolactin - 808
Non-pregnant females: 2 - 29 ng/mL
Prolactin is a hormone released by the pituitary gland. The prolactin test measures the amount of prolactin in the blood.

A cortisol test is done to find problems of the pituitary gland or adrenal glands, such as making too much or too little hormones.
5-23 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL) or 138-635 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L)
3-13 mcg/dL or 83-359 nmol/L
Wah claire... U like doctor.... But crown I thot the doctor should at least go thru briefly with u on defination of each of the types.

So this round clomid last round... Wat are yr next options?
hi baby dream,
6 rounds liao...

hi JJ,
oh grats on ur arrival of donor sperm... we await ur good news...
my next option is to bring my DH for SA test so we can do IUI... prob take the jab to induce ovulation then do IUI...
this is the cheapest option i deem...
but if this dun work then i'll do soiui...
if cannot work then ivf ar....
whichever options available to me...
i give each 2 tries...
Me to hv only so-iui n ivf to choose from so I will start with so-iui in apr will take clomid & injections to stimulate ovaries. Then if unsuccessful will decide to rest 1st or continue onto ivf since ive booked a slot for may's ivf list. But maybe will rest to ready myself again.

Hopefuly 1 time I gd enough (based on purchase of super sperm)... U can hope over to the ivf/ICIS thread to read e ladies post. I'm frequently there too
considering iui too... but half hearted to go cos success rate quite low... scared of disappointment... thinking of gg tcm to tiao first... hope success rate will be higher...
morning guys! wow claire i was not wrong when i said you are the resident expert. since crown's prolactin levels are much higher than a non-pregnant female's, does this bode well for her? crown, i wish u luck!

the journey of TTC is definitely a trying and draining one, but do not lose hope okay? claire, there are still many options you can move on to after clomid, so don't worry unnecessarily for now. to all other ladies, let's hope we will strike this CNY month
Good morning ladies, its another day of the cycle.

ladies who are in the CD 20-24 or 1st week DPO, do you have any special symptom or sign of fertilization or implantation? My BBT didnt rise much to show sign or hope of pregnant
The tww is so tough and draining....
Hi morning...

i heard someone using the clearblue O kit wif smiley face, is it the digital type? cos i wen to find, normal type also double line kind oni digital type is wif smiley face. am i correct? n digital type v ex $70plus...
Hello ladies,

Until now then I have time to come in. I knew it once come back to work, sure got a lot of mails.

As usual, the doc never explain in detail for every test I took. He only mention that my prolactin still on the high. Must wait for my brain MRI result and see what is actually gg on. After operation, they took my tumor for lab test, it shows that the tumor was producing prolactin… sounds chim. Dun understand at all

hi gals...

hi crown,
jus means that ur body produce hormones to stop ovulation instead of stimulate ovulation ar....
but after they drain the clots should be normal liao... if not normal must go for further tests le...

hi pauline,
digital with smiling face de...
me, shiseru and others here use it le...
we all use cheap ones to test then the exp one to double confirm de... during offer hor... cost abt 60plus onli...
is exp but really good to use le...

hi dino,
2ww is like that de... the wait can be killing de... i got a web to guide u through the day le... take a look...

phyphy - Day 83 (preggy week 9)
Shiseru - Day
Claire - Day 08
tzac - Day 12
yaataa - Day 14
xmasnowy - Day 15
Babydream - Day 16
Pauline - Day 20
Tickles - Day 21
JJ - Day 27
crown - Day 29
Sweetie - Day 29
Gabby's mum - Day 30
Faith - Day 32
JPeace - Day 38
JC - Day 39
Mee & you - Day 58
chewy - Day 62
resso99 - Day 82
