0-24mths TTC - MTB in 2010/2011 by Claire Teo hamsterbiz

tears keep flowing while reading ur posting.
really lose of words for u.hope u enjoy ur trip.

yes,if can afford,don go kkh for anything.its really wasting of time.

hi mee&you n tickles,
i did gel nail on las 2 days but feeling it too fake n uncomfortable, so i took it out....
tmr i going for mani n pedi wif some colouring n arts....yehyeh....i love to do it...
i alwis go for bright colour like red, blue, purple, gold....
tis tim i was tinking wanna do those duno wat international art.....duno correct onot...its those french manicure, but those glittering type...so excited!!!yst went shopping alone, las min shopping bought so many ting, jus walk 1 tiong bahru plaza i manage to buy 1 dress, 1 sandal n 2 blouse in 1 hour...tot of continue shopping again today!!!its CNY mood now.....
mee & you,
Iam a FTWM.. But I hope to be a SAHM when I have another kid.. Thinking of it for 1 year plus liao but still no news.. Hahah!

I did a dark shade of pink with a ribbon popping out and a crystal in between.. Let me find a pic to show..
Hey ladies, I also had pedicure done this morning, with nail arts on both of my big toe! I never paint my fingernails though, I used to but they got so yellowish so i stopped painting them since many years ago!

phyphy, preggies are emotional, no wonder you cry. I am alright, it's just my rotten luck. I wish the gods will just leave me alone if they are not gonna help me.

Anyway, i am flying off soon, so ladies have a good Chinese new year!
Hahaha! sweetie-sweet81! I can feel your excitement!:) Are u the type that buys a lot of nail polish?? I did the french manicure with graduating brown & gold glittering type in Bangkok in Dec, loved it! Very lasting and very glam!:)

Tickles, I hope u get your 2nd child + SAHM wish very very soon!!:) Very pretty nail art that u did, i can imagine!!

Hmmm now that I am inspired by u girls, maybe I will do something more exciting on my nails tomorrow, haha! Keep u posted;-) Are u girls particular about the brand of nail polish that u use/buy??
yo! i'm back! i was busi w work, facial & massage (after work) these few days.....
Nv did pedi & medicure... no no time...
Will paint it myself and for my girl (on the toes only), cos she like it (big red) very much....
ya I hope u get my 2nd child 2 + be SAHM, provided i won lottery loh!

take care n bon voyage woh! Hv an enjoyable trip!
helor ladies,
today such a bz day for me....
non stop wif work to clear all my outstanding n tmr stil working on 1/2 day....so sien....
yeh mee&you, i am super excited on doing my nail art....btw, yst nite i did my eye lashes perm...so gotta keep use mascara, else could not c....hehe.....
gosh tis cny, i did a lot of ting but din do hair only...tot of going for rebonding n colouring but no point, coz i in hr, my boss wil scold me!!!
yeh, every1 huat arr.......... ;)
sweetie, as usual vainpot, keke

I also wish everyone here GONG XI FA CAI, may all our wishes come true
hi sweetie_sweet81, I like to perm my eyelashes too for Xmas & New Year! But, i have no energy to do it this year la..eventually i chose a beigy/gold colour for my nails.:)

Here's wishing everyone a HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!! Prosperity & Good Health to ALL!!!
phyphy - Day 72(preggy week 9)
Shiseru - Day 04
xmasnowy - Day 04
Babydream - Day 05
Pauline - Day 09
Tickles - Day 10
Claire - Day 13
JJ - Day 16
crown - Day 18
Sweetie - Day 18
Gabby's mum - Day 19
Faith - Day 21
JPeace - Day 27
JC - Day 28
Mee & you - Day 47
chewy - Day 51
resso99 - Day 71
tzac - Day 77
phyphy - Day 73(preggy week 9)
Shiseru - Day 05
xmasnowy - Day 05
Babydream - Day 06
Pauline - Day 10
Tickles - Day 11
Claire - Day 14
JJ - Day 17
crown - Day 19
Sweetie - Day 19
Gabby's mum - Day 20
Faith - Day 22
JPeace - Day 28
JC - Day 29
Mee & you - Day 48
chewy - Day 52
resso99 - Day 72
tzac - Day 78
phyphy - Day 75(preggy week 9)
Shiseru - Day 07
xmasnowy - Day 07
Babydream - Day 08
Pauline - Day 12
Tickles - Day 13
Claire - Day 16
JJ - Day 19
crown - Day 21
Sweetie - Day 21
Gabby's mum - Day 22
Faith - Day 24
JPeace - Day 30
JC - Day 31
Mee & you - Day 50
chewy - Day 54
resso99 - Day 74
tzac - Day 80
tks Claire for the updates....
Happy CNY to you! So u go give ang bao these few days....pple come to ur hse?
believe most of us will be busy visiting relatives.....
not celebrating new yr this yr cos fil passed away not yet a yr...
but the first day relatives on my DH side comes to our house...
then for the 2nd and 3rd day... we go to the his relatives place hang around...

actually i dun fancy new yr at all...
gd morning everyone...1st day of work.... hope everyone has a gd day working today!

i'm so tired.... *yawn*... didn't sleep well yesterday cos my gal wake up in the middle of the nite n can't get to sleep... so been coaxing her....
Morning everyone...

Me too.. So tired.. I just finish watching a korean drama over the weekend. Cried so much over the ending that my eyes are a little swollen.. Haha!
aiyo... u all tired is reasonable one leh.. cos u all watch tv prog woh....
Me is affected by someone (my darling gal) leh... but i also deserve it lah.. cos she eat too much sweet goodies these few days.... hee....
Hi everyone! First day back at work and I wish everyone 虎虎生威 at work!!!

What a wonderful long weekend right? 4 days is just right! not too long & not too short..
i like to come back to work on the 1st day.. cos a lots of pple still on long leave for CNY....

Me saving my leave for those non-holidays mth.. so that can give myself a break...

Yap. i enjoy my 4 days... i only spend 1 day out visiting... the rest of the 4 days laz at home or go nearby shopping mall only...So relax right!
Afternoon everyone, jus went TTSH to draw blood to test hormones and went Shuang Lin Shi to pray to Tai Shui. So tired now
Hi JC! Anyway, just work for 2 more days and u get the weekend again!;-) It was a very quiet CNY, right? So many people are travelling!

Hi Crown, are u recovering well? I rested very well this weekend. A lot of bed rest and i find myself very full of strength today..:)
Hi all ... also back to work today ... relaxing cos pple i deal with are on leave too hahaha ...

My dh say CNY visiting more tiring then go work .. cos he play ban luck/ majong till sleep very little (serve him right)

For me is eveyday out visiting relatives & friends from Day 1 till Day 3 all packed fully .. This sat still got to continue.

Luckily this yr not much comments on when BB arrive. Just well wishes to 'work harder', might be cos there was 2 bbs in the family to play with hence the spotlight shifted to them ... hahaa ...
aiyo.. crown... after gog to hospital.. shd go home rest mah..... still go temple ahr....

BTW, shuang lin shi is the one at toa payoh right? I want to go there pray pray aso..
U know wat are their opening hrs, cos i can only go after work..
ohr.. i got comments by relatives n colleagues leh...
All ask me to jia you... cos my girl so big liao.... gap to big liao..,etc...
Me so paiseh... not tat i nv try... i went for gynae's help n TCM help liao.. but no news.. i also no choice mah!

But i nv tell them tat lah... cos don't want my DH to be embarrassed mah...
Mee & you, didn't really rest well. I find it worse, go out whole day until very late go home. Can't find a proper place to lie down

JC, I think temple close early. If I am not wrong, it close before 6
Crown, then u better recuperate these few days then before u get busy during the weekends.

Wow! JJ, your *schedule* is so tight!:) I only went visiting on the 1st day and yesterday to my friend's..enough liao..haha!
Ya lor ... tight until every night sleep at 1am onwards (didn't help that SCV had all the free channels) hahaha

Update - My donor sperms have arrived in KKIVF !! Phew ... tiring man ... took a mth to liase here n there ...
ic.. Crown, r u either tiger or monkey? These 2 animals fan tai sui this yr loh!
I tot of going there pray for kid cos my friend go there pray also....

wow! JJ so busi ahr... i go out 1 day already wan to drop liao.
So when u gog for ur IUI/IVF?
hi all!! am new here, glad to find this thread cos it's almost impossible to find an 'alive' thread on TCC. really heng to chance upon this thread when i am surfing in office today.

for me, i tried TCC since september, but no good news till now.. in dec i missed my period for three whole weeks, made me so happy even though the hpt all came out negative (so expensive somemore). but now it's feb and i am back to TCC! day 7 for me today, using BBT for now.

good luck and baby dust to all! happy new year and may we all HUAT by getting a cute healthy bb!
oh! forgot to tell u all.. i've test +ve Ovulation 1st time just now.. after using ovulation strips for so long..... hv also double confirm +ve O using clearblue O predictor.
So i've already bd after reaching home...

hei.. yaataa, welcome....
I am monkey. Actually I duno how to pray, I jus buy the incense and joss paper. Go infront of tai Sui and read out the instruction on the wall. Afterwhich burn the joss paper, did I miss out anything??
ai... i not very sure leh... cos it's my dad who do the praying for us every yr if we fan tai sui. Let me check w my dad tonite for u hoh!
Me taking
crown, i went to the temple at cbd area to pray for Tai Sui on CNY Day 1. Just buy the stack of the incense papers and there was someone to pray for me. Guess it's the same words
and JC hoping for good news from u!
haha... my sytem very weird one... so if need to wait for my gd news.. must really wait...
BTW, I'm at CD32 today yet i only ovulate yesterday... so u know liao lah... my system is late for everything...
But i do hope for gd news even if it is late...

BTW, yaataa, how old are you?
i'm 27 this year, got married in June last year and TCC soon after. my extended family side all give birth very early, next one in line is me.. so over CNY visiting already can feel the heat.

hubby and i are trying au naturel but if there's still no progress by june, i think we'd be going for fertility tests. stressed!!

btw, BD every day is no use for me. being newlyweds, we were going at it strong and furious.. by day 15 or so the well is always dry cos BD for 10 days straight liao. this month control! only BD alternate days and i chose days 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 17 since i have a 29 day cycle. should be ok right?
Hi Yaataa! Welcome!:)

I am sure that u and your hubby will strike very soon, given the frequency of your BD!;-) Dun be stressed okie; must enjoy your honeymoon year!

I am also in my honeymoon year (got married last April) but I am a decade older than u are, hahahah!! Also TTC-ing for my first..I am so late to the game..;-)
ya... the alternate day BDing is gd. N u are still young, so shd hv no prob for you to conceive naturally. Like wat u say... by jun this yr, if no luck.. u shd go for fertility test which most of us here hv already done.
hey mee & you, thanks for the warm welcome!

honestly, i say we have been TCC since sept, but our non-proactive ML without protection has been going on for some time since we got ROMed. to have it yield no results is kind of worrying. late to the game never mind, most important is to have started playing haha!

i think i also need to get preseed.. saw it selling at unity but just too paiseh to buy it the last time i was there. will buy it today!
phyphy - Day 77(preggy week 9)
Shiseru - Day 09
xmasnowy - Day 09
Babydream - Day 10
Pauline - Day 14
Tickles - Day 15
Claire - Day 02
JJ - Day 21
crown - Day 23
Sweetie - Day 23
Gabby's mum - Day 24
Faith - Day 26
JPeace - Day 32
JC - Day 33
Mee & you - Day 52
chewy - Day 56
resso99 - Day 76
tzac - Day 82
ridiculous le,
my af starts yst
like very very light de...
brown discharge again
crazy... now dunno need to take clomid or not...
cos last af was 15 days ago and i took clomid liao...
Hi all

im back from all the cny celebrations. been bz visiting and playing mahjongs. had a great holiday. same here, been shoot by lots of relatives on when 2nd one coming.. dunno wat to ans also.. so try to prentend skip topics. my MIL lagi better straight straight come n ask wen we giving her granddaughter man.. i pretend nvr hear her qns. kekeke...

My god, why these few days weather so hot? I have been drinking alot of iced water. Jialat, TCM doc ask me to avoid. Tough lor, I almost every hr looking for water
