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  1. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hihi mummies, Im interested to join FB. But can't find the group. Can add me @ [email protected] Thanks[IMG=]
  2. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Thanks AC n mamaAsh for your explanation. Tot tat Oscar scan is for "gao ling chan Fu" But from here can tell Tat almost ppl also doing the Oscar scan. Emm.. Izit important?? Cause b4 tat I heard my friends say only those gao ling chan Fu need to do only.
  3. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hi mummies, can i check with your something? Keep saw your talk about OSCAR Scan. what is OSCAR Scan? Izit same as the details scan?
  4. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    who can help me???? I'm so tired. Feel sleepy all the time. My whole body no energy. Even at outside just for half and hour, i will feel very tired. My body can't take it. The feeling is no good. I can't rest because need to work. This feeling I still need to suffer until...
  5. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Dear mummies, Still not feeling well since 2weeks ago. Last Sunday went for check up, Yeah~~~ can hear bb HB already. so happy. Before that still very worried. The doc say actually panadol is very safe for pregnancy, have no worried. my next app will be on 09 June 2011. Everytime...
  6. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hi mamaAsh, Pls help me update my details as below:- Edd: 24 Dec 2010 Gynae: Dr Aziz Hospital: Parkway East Next appt: 08 may Bb# 2 Thanks
  7. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Thanks mummies, glad to hear is only need to rest more and is normal. Thanks for sharing. I have app with my gynae on this coming Sunday. Will ask him about this again.
  8. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hi Wendy, Now is only 6week... really i still having a bad flu. Whole body no energy. Hope won't happend again.
  9. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Dear Mummies, i just went to toilet and found got brownish color. May i know any mummies got experience to have like this? Izit very dangerous? But i didn't feel got stomach pain. I really scared cause last two mth I just MC.
  10. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    hi, me too..for laughing gas still feel the pain. Tat time the nurse told me i nvr breath properly with the gas tat's y still can feel the pain. And than my hubby beside me keep asking me breath and breath. Tat time my stomach so pain and until i very angry ask my hubby use the gas and breath...
  11. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hi kimiko, My gynae clinik open till 05:00pm only n I finish work at 5:30pm. So I still can't see doc after work [IMG=]
  12. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hi Fion Thanks for your advise. Mean I also can take the yellow pill for flu?? N normal panadol too.. Cause my next app will only on 08 May. So just eat panadol first. I can't go n see doc than take MC, if not my boss sure will not happy.
  13. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Thanks for mummies advise. But yesterday nite I already taken the panadol cause I can't take it of the bad flu. Until now still very bad. I will stop to take the panadol. Pregnant feeling is very bad. I wish If can straight away give birth than no need pregnant for 9 mth will be veryyyyy good.
  14. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hi kimiko, Thanks [IMG=]
  15. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hihi mummies, I'm having very bad flu. Whole body have no energy. Need advise whether can take panadol during pregnancy??
  16. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hi jac, nope. My ladies boss already marriage n got two kids.
  17. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hi Jas, Last time i got one of my friend also same as you. than she dun belive wat the doc say, than she go and find other doc..think she got change for 3 doc. End up the 3rd doc say baby got hb already. Last time mine is totally no grow. so ur one got grow means still got chance. Have no...
  18. B

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Dear Mummies, I'm also December mummy. This is my 1st time to join the forum. But this is my 2nd child. The 1st baby i didn't join cause i didn't know got such forum can sharing. Actally i wanted to join since January but end up i didn't cause i misscarrige on February. Lucky that is not my...
