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  1. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    gd morn mummies.. just wanted to say thanks to those who emailed me about our little boy... most of u shld be making ur final preps to welcome ur little one already... just wanted to wish all of u a smooth delivery and blessings for your little one...
  2. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy, wah..ur maid in hospital TB somemore..hope u n ur family is ok leh...
  3. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    wah..i doubt i can stand if i dun shower loh...esp apr period when it's suppose to be really hot weather...
  4. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    hello mummies.. I finally got some time to come here todae..omg..i'm so tired... going for gynae visit this u think i can ask her to gif me mc for next week? i am so so so so tired...super sianz leh... abit hating my job now.
  5. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy, okok..will cfm asap..there was one 100 per hr one..but i'm not sure wat r the includes..i'm checking with a fren.. will let u know again..[IMG=] tks!
  6. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy, oh ok...ask u all this with hubby one or just mummy only?
  7. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    tweety, managed to get 10 pax liao ah..6th mar is a sun? hmm...i'm just thinking if it's abit too late leh.. sorry ah..wat's the price huh..i'm trying to get other quotes also leh...
  8. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    hi mummies, how's everyone?i finally managed to login...yest n this morn cldn't access the forum at all! [IMG=]
  9. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    tks mummies... i will takecare [IMG=] if there is a bed now..i think i can just lie down n sleep...
  10. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    sookie, tks [IMG=]..i haf 2 reporting struture here...which is to my reporting mgr..the other is a client reporting mgr..i might need to tok to them soon bah..they r always travelling..tats the thing.. yes...rene's...
  11. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy, wah..40 dollars is indeed cheap leh.. my fren got intro one lady to me but i hafen tried her yet so i dunno how gd she is..her rates is 60 for 1hr lance..
  12. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    rene, this is not permanent...also dunno who came up with the stupid structure..we haf to support users for UAT..which spanz across some smart alec allocated those in SG 12 hr shifts loh..this will last for 3 weeks bah.. quite common for my industry actually.. i'll see if i...
  13. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy, yes..will see how things go when my ah boy comes out loh.. den need to discuss with hubby also..see wat's the best option for us n the baby.
  14. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    tks all for the advice n support [IMG=]
  15. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    rene, tks..i will..will see if i worm myself out of the stupid 12 hrs shift thingy..*sigh*
  16. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    jtho, i found out i was preggie when i joined this i am quite new here loh..prev assignment needed constant flying so i asked to leave tat proj then they assigned me to this project in s'pore.i'm worried i orh gong already. also abit lost as to how i shld handle this...
  17. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy, [IMG=] i know..sometimes i feel bad for my bb...but i also scared this will affect my end of yr review..haizz...dilemma..damn sianz.. weekend need to work liao...99.9% confirmed.*sobz*
  18. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    morn mummies... i am soooo tired...last nite got headache nvr sleep well...den woke up started vomitting..den come ofc realise gotta work over the weekend.. chamz leh..i really dunno can tahan ornot.. piggy, my next gynae appt is on the 19th leh..dunno doc willing to gif HL ornot...
  19. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy... yar...kinda nervous excited n scared at the same time..dunno whether i can be a gd mum.. i just got news tat we need to work 9 to 9 for the next 3 weeks!!!!arrghss...maybe i will reconsider the part on working till i pop!!!dunno whether how long i can...
  20. K

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy, hahaha..oops..lost count!these days just looking fwd to EDD... i wonder when my little rascal will come out leh. JSL, this shave will be itchier wor..waxing is definately beta la..but expect pain loh..hee.
