Search results

  1. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Aurora.. *gwa gwa*...haha..aiyo like tt abit hard siah. Oh wells, thanks for helping to check all these yea
  2. H

    (2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

    Hi Mummies I'm holding BigMama's 1st giveaway contest on my blog, so pls visit this URL for more details k!
  3. H

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Hi Mummies I'm holding BigMama's 1st giveaway contest on my blog, so pls visit this URL for more details k!
  4. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Seems like a number of mummies wanna go for the stage and such trial ( Pls write down your name if you are interested in the trial while i'll contact them for more details. Will arrange a trial on a Saturday. Mummies who can make it on any day can book for a class...
  5. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    MummyNana Hahaha...thks!
  6. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Hi Mummies I'm organising a 1st BigMama's giveaway! For those who are interested, please visit Good luck :P
  7. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Medusa haha yea i lurve her curls at the bk. I oso lurve D's helmet hairstyle la! Oso very cute leh! hehe...alottttttt
  8. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Lingling haha...more of being 'forced' to be my model. She dun really hv a choice! hahaha... Catherine hahaa...i can imagine Bernice doing that! ehehe...but like tt not ugly la...Falisha got one squinty eyes/nose + looseloose teeth grin = real ugly! hahaa...
  9. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Hey Mummies Anyone else wanna join us? Hahah.. Polliwogs/Beach this Sat 1. Hui Chin 2. Shint
  10. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Shint Hahahaa...Kool Kai Ya she always alot of pattern one leh! Got alot more patterns, but i chose this one with the pouty lips! hahaha...
  11. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Morning Mummies Lingling/LTS Whoa i can totally relate to ur 'pain' siah... Ruixuan IL hahaa...izzit u meant Falisha is too big for SL? So SL small small just nice for Zynn (Another cutie pie) hahaa... ok call me or Shint if u can make it k! hehe... <font...
  12. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Ahahaa...MummyNana Whoa i totally understand the sooooo tired until knock out liao cannot continue to entertain ur bb. Haha...
  13. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    M2B Sounds like a great deal siah! hehe..
  14. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Hahaha...Shint must clarify siah. haha... Rachel What i did was, if i hv enuf ebm i will use bm la. If dun hv then will use fm. Haha..
  15. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Ahahaha...Yea Ruixuan IL, when u wanna meet? so long never see each other liao siah! Rona u joined fb liao or not? hahaa
  16. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Hey Shint Ok if it doesnt rain then onz! Hahaha..i think Falisha cannot stay on the mat cos she'll be busy walking everywhere liao. Hahaha...
  17. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    little twin stars Ya ya ya!!! Her timing hor see beh jialat oso...same siah! Everytime i wanna lie down to Zzz then she'll wake up n eh eh eh. TOday i kena loh..orh bak kak nehmind, late for work somemore~! Sighs... M2B Whoa going all these places need to queue up like tt? tt i...
  18. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Shint I oso wanna go leh! Dun mind poppin by for a while. Hahah..if too crowded can zao lang! haha...u wanna go together? poor Falisha has been 'hibernating' with us at home even on weekends cos we fasting, so trying to reduce the activities mah..haha. So poor tot wanna...
  19. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Morning Mummies! Little Twin Stars U r not alone. Falisha has been doin that since 3-4mths back. She can sleep quite peacefully on my bed, but my practice is once she falls asleep i will move her to her own cot. THen everytime middle of the night she'll wake up and stand up! Wake up n eh eh eh...
  20. H

    (2008/08) Aug 2008

    Ahahaha celyn really onz to tempt rona siah! haha..ROna, just signup la. Hahaa..alot more things waiting for u there! keke
