(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

hi all,

Back again..... busy the whole morning.... do the reconsile for the stock take.....

Apple....mum dont really has much improvement....

Serene & Yvonne.....ya....feeling lor.... hope that i can confirm the sex of the bb by next visit..... then i will dig the correct clothing to wash.....ahahhahhahahah

bbin: yups felt really nice. grateful too. think yesterday got one lady who is less preggy than me still gave up her seat for me. at least hb thinks she's preggy. her tummy not obvious. but i felt that was very sweet nonetheless. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sagit - don't worry... every tummy is different. by 20 wks i'm sure u'll be showing oredi. books say by then cannot hide liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] are u a small sized person?

Raine -> i dun consider myself small size.. maybe medium size. Okie... glad to hear that. Thanks Raine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raine...am reaching 20wks but tummy not very large compare to 1st pregnacy, if i wear more baggy top cant really tell i'm preggie hahaha...


Ur Fav, Lovie is back!!! Went for my scan on Sat and everything was okay as per Gynae, bbs now at 9.2cm and Im at 15th week of pregnancy! Gynae asks us whether anot do we want to know bbs sex and hb & I let out a xing ling xiang tong - YESH! The next moment, monitor is showing bbs butt and can see sth in the middle!!! Wahahahahah.. But still cant confirm & gotta wait till 18th week laters scan to confirm but gynae says its 70% boy! Hb & I were so excited to know to realize that we didnt manage to hear bbs heartbeat ~.~ Hehe.. Nevertheless, I can start shopping now and I ALREADY HAVE! Wahahahaahaah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ytd didnt manage to go to work due to a bad headache!!! Last week, discovered that I had piles when I found blood in bowels.. Heiz.. And also, found myself having nosebleed as well! Heiz.. Ytd mil still cook crab mee hoon for dinner and tat’s the 3rd crab feast I had since preggie. Funny huh..

Bbin : Sorry that I couldn’t manage to find the $10 yoga as promised. I search from June 2009 onwards and look through every thread lor but to no avail..

Yvonne : I’m here.. U miss me huh?

Mini : Think only the 2 of us have piles lor!

lovie-- yes miss u lo...hehehe without u seem very quite ma. yr scan exactly like mine yesterday, can see from bb butt something in between. but my gynae cant confirm ..only said look boyish. so seem like both of us still need to wait lo....see if the 'didi' will gone or not in a few weeks times...hehehehe

Yvonne : Wahahahaha.. Cannot lah coz i start buying some bb clothes liao and it's all blue in colour! *wink* I'm so excited that i keeps on buying lor! How many weeks are u now?


What have you start to buy huh? Can understand your anxiety, 1st time mum sure very excited and shopping all the way.....like me last time! Very happy right?


What 'ONE'?

Me too, bought 3 rompers, a 2-pc set and 2 pcs of bibs for baby girl already! If next appt, doc suddenly say is boy, alamak, got to let go these stuffs! haa!

Serene : Wahahahaha.. Yap, the thought of bb wearing the cute cute bodysuits tat i'm gonna buy online makes me bery excited! But hor i realise, all i bought is all body suits lor so am considering whether anot to buy shirt/pants! But, i dun want to buy too much too as i heard some rather patang saying that it's better not to buy bb too much clothings, weird eh..?

lovie--> im in 17 weeks 2day now. huh..u start to buy d? how if the didi become mei mei in few weeks times...heheheh..i still choose to wait till confirm. hehehehe

hehe...we know Lovie always feeling excited abt her bb! ^_^

Since ur gynae say 70% boy...maybe some truth.

But really, sometimes heard got cases where the gynae changed their statement at later stage... ;p

ya,,,and my colleague tell me..sometimes is the bb finger pointing down...then let u guess wrongly as we see from back not front....WAHAHAH


Oh, you mean my #1 - boy! Yes!

Last x i also bought a lot of clothes for my boy! Even go to a shop at JW to buy those cheap cut label branded clothes! Also go to 1 mummy's house to buy the bb clothes from her... Me that time really shop non stop, includes buy from internet too! That's why i say my boy very lucky and alot nice clothes and wish i can pass down but if #2 really girl, no chance to wear liao! Quite wasted.

Chrisstan : Aiyo, if change statement, a bit jia lat eh coz by the time I would have bought those things! :p

Yvonne : Ya, I also know abt the “finger thing” or tat it’s umbilical(as per my colleague). Wahahahaha.. Dilemma..

Serene : U can pass those hand-me-down to others mah! Ytd my hb asked me if anyone wants to hand-me-down, he’s sure I wouldn’t want it. I said no lor, if anyone wants to give me, I surely take de lor coz it’s consider as good mah!

Tira : Sworn Brother can anot har but u’re too far leh. I’m in SG and u’re in Oz.. What have u bought? Bodysuits?

Chris: yah, lovie and I agreed if she has a girl then we sign contract and they get married when they are 20. now she will have a boy. HAI!


Nvm, we still got some princess ard.. Wahahaahahhahahh.. Better still, get our sons to marry sisters! :p Great Idea!~

Lovie: haha, i guess that will have to do :p

I bought all the bodysuits, shoes, socks etc etc. (ie, all the clothes he needs until 6 mths) and bottles + sterilisers etc, carry cot. only have pump, crib, car seat that kind of things left to buy.


Sometimes give ppl something also difficult, may not appreciate it... Some collect so many hang me down and then after never get to wear and in the end throw away or give others... my cousin is one of them. I don't like it this way!

Serene: yah, even at 17 weeks, it was 98% boy (but we have scan of the bb so we can see clearly it is a boy). Next week i will be doing FA Scan liao. I have half way!!!!!

Lovie: haha, so now we must lelong for some pretty sisters!!!

lovie, tira,

So fast, you both already pull red string for yr kids...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] a prince for you..

tira: don't worry lah.. there are so many of us here.. sure have princess around.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tira : So far, I only bought mittens/body suits and also, my body suits last until 6mths but prob is that am still considering wanna buy shirt for him anot and also pants! Coz im worried tat when boy is only few days old/few weeks old, it’s hard for him to wear body suits as we might have to twist and turn our boy. Ever thought of tat before? I bought him 3 night sleepers and he can wear it juz buy simply lying on the clothes and I juz button him up instead of body suit where I have to twist & turn him..

No need to lelong de lah, We “seduce” their mummy 1st. Wahahahahahaah..

Serene : Wahahahah.. Not for my case, baby! Before I got married, I express desire tat I would want a boy and dun mind hand-me-downs, my ex-colleagues gave me a couple of her sons’ clothes! And I’ve kept it for 1 yr! Wahahahahahahah…

Mambobb : Thks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U bought any bb stuffs le?

Christine : We can be g/ma at a earlier age! :p


You kept so long got bring out to wash or not? Cos my maid forgot to bring out the bb clothes to wash and i found some turn yellowish! So wasted!

Mambobb: haha, so you having b or g? :p

Lovie: Actually hor, once it is born it is my hb and mom's problem liao but i buy what i like and they deal with it hehe.

Chris: no ah, marry at 20 then move out so I can have my life back!!! I sound so terrible hahahahahhaa!

i bought maternity belt yesterday!!! For those who have backache, please go and buy one also. Instant relief from backache!!!! In fact i bought a second one today so when i wash one i have the other one to wear!!!!!

Tira: Haha.. Me no preference on gender leh. If a boy, look like my HB can liao.. Character can follow my HB also good cos he good temper.


Tira/Lovie: Maybe can start to arrange east potluck. My morning sickness getting better, sometimes good and bad. So overall reduce slightly.

