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  1. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    ThankQ Leelee n Muddypaws, she also has hard stools, so will give her more fruits as suggested by Leelee=) Haf a nice weekend peeps =D
  2. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Yvaine: jus updated myself w e 1st pg of thread, my condolences to u and ur family.. Pls stay strong yea? Muddy paws: LIz finished Pasta?! Wow can u teach me how do u prepare e pasta for her? Wat pasta is tt? Is fit macaroni? =) Shivan: thankQ for sharing w us tt we cannot feed bb orange...
  3. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    hi Muddy and mommies, How R u mommies doing? my girl also juz vommited.. Muddypaws does Liz looked uncomfortable n does she cry alot tdy? im also worrie dbout Chloe donno if its indigestion or how cum she only vommited aftr 3hrs latr frm e tym she finished her lunch.. Can any mommies...
  4. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    So many posts i've missed too, wah.. busily catchin up posts man.. eh but i also must comment CHEERIOS TO ALL 2ND TIME MOMMIES here.. really im a 1st-time mommy and i really learnt alot frm 2nd-time mommies here especially Mangogal.. i almost cried when she gave me a hug when we met up for...
  5. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi Mommies, How r u?! ive Been sick,Hubby sick, then Baby sick, then busy w baby, busy w housing and stuff, hahaS Finally got e time to chat w ur here=0) Lena: Hi Lena long time no see ya,miss u too=) Cindy: Hi Cindy,when we change baby's sleepin place frm my place to...
  6. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Gd Am Mommies! How Is everyone?? Been bz w Chloe cuz she's still in a adjustment period when we juz move back 2our in-laws' place=) need attention n shes also a light sleeper=) Esquare: wow enjoy ur trip yea? =) Klitz: thnkQ dear 4consolidatin e sacred tea purchases=) Eh but I thot u'L B...
  7. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Gd Am Mommies! How Is everyone?? Been bz w Chloe cuz she's still in a adjustment period when we juz move back 2our in-laws' place=) need attention n shes also a light sleeper=) Esquare: wow enjoy ur trip yea? =) Klitz: thnkQ dear 4consolidatin e sacred tea purchases=) Eh but I thot u'L B...
  8. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    klitz: Hi Klitz, can i bring my Mom along? cuz she joined us in e mommie's gathering @ E Royal Scotts of Plaza last time, and she really enjoyed it! Is it still okie to add 1 more person to e table?? =)
  9. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    rOZ: true.. perhaps e parents also got sm difficulties.. ooh mayB e IFC can isolate sick kids frm okie kids??
  10. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    stefie: so sweet, sure i'L sms or call u if i need a mommie or fren to tok to=) u too, i'm always available for u yea? oh sorrie i change my hp durin e period when Chloe was hosp cuz too depressed,heh, pls text me ur no can? Cherry/debbie/mango/klitz: i lost all ur numbers too, can kindly...
  11. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Klitz: Thnks! will see ya once e high tea date is confirm? =) Bubbly: Don envious la, juz come join us whenever u can=) Cherry: like wat Mango says, take a taxi lo, most cabby uncle will help u to put ur pram or stroller in their boot=) if not,ask em to, they shld help=) wah salute! u...
  12. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Oh n i wanna C who's e slimmest!! is it going to B cherry?? i'L make her eat more! heheh,
  13. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Mango: YES!! I'L come! not juz for e food, but for u and all e mommies who will B comin! i miss u badly too,and i haf loads of Qnz w regards to takin care of my 1st child to ask, hopefully i can learn frm u n e rest of e 2nd time mommies here as well! Loads to learn,*woah~
  14. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Klitz: i'L pass u e tea $$$ tis Fri when we meet can? =) thnkQ for consolidting n bookin for high tea @ GWP=) yayZ can C new mommies n seen-B4 mommies again! Oh n we can go to Taka fair together aftr a a full full high tea like last time! hahaS Oh and how do i go bput preparing e papaya...
  15. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    mangogal/Debbie/Yvaine/TenQ/Evie: ThnkQ so much for all ur encouragments=) Chloe is indeed a strong warrior, she had to over such a major heart Op aftr a heart failure,she my more-than-words little precious,hahaS Evie: Thnk God ur little one's condition has improved=) continue to pray yea...
  16. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    hi mommies! ThnkQ for evryone of ur encouragements dear mommies=)i'm so glad im still missed n remembered! hahaS, yes indeed it was a very heart wrenchin period of time for us, but will cont to try my best in takin gd care of her=) Cherry/Cystal/Debbie: i MISS ALL OF U TOO!! oh Cherry...
  17. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Stefie: ThnkQ for sharin w me ur IFC, its really impressive i muz say! im very tempted to send Chloe to IFC,but hubby said a no-no reason same like Esquare.. hmm so i take a step at a time, n see how, meantime,try breastfeedin her loads lo.. oh BTW,baby can go on milk strike one ah?? i...
  18. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    thnkQ dear Mommies, Stefie,JiaHui,Yurieve & Esquare yep i thot so too, i thot of stayin at home takin care of Chloe til she's 1yr old, but Dr advice to send em 2 IFC only aftr 4yrs old.. im also @ a loss.. im not comfortable lettin my MIL takin care of her, but guess that's e only choice i...
  19. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Dewdew: ThankEw! oh i've been missed, how sweet=)oh and i also agree,they grow really fast, haf to capture down their moments=) oh ya i havent get to share my Birth story i haf to share Chloe's hospitalisation story, heheheh Bubbly:ThnkQ.. =) Hope u've been doin gd too? Cherry: Y do u...
  20. B

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi my dear Mommies!! How r all of u?? Im sorrie i havent Been loggin in til tdy! cuz my baby has a large hole in her heart, went for a major Op in NUH.. so was travellin up n down frm home to Hosp,was very stressful period for us, we were very worried, and i cried almost every day frm e day she...
