(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Debbie: hmm.. I didn't know the jabs will be given left and right.. and didn't know the jab will get more painful coz he only made a "ngek ngek" for the 1st 6in1 jab..

Roz: ya lor.. bb calmed down when i carried him after his jabs, but when changed diaper, he cried of pain.. this morning ok already.. and thank god, no fever.. any idea need to monitor for how long?


bubbly> my boy was back to his normal cranky baby self by the next evening..but you probably want to check the site of injection that no pus or anything like that.

Jiahui, your boss is too much lah, if u are planning on quitting, then maybe u can just tell him u have no time to do the project, 'cos taking care of 2 takes up yr entire day with no time to yourself. i think only mummies understand, other ppl who dun look after kids will think being on ML is very free. haiz.

rainbow, my gal is 55cm and 5.35kg at 3mths. like very small compared to the rest. :p but she's a gal and yours is boy. reyes doesn't sound like giant bb lah, i think he's ok. the chart given is just a guide, dun worry. bb eating well, growing well, that's good news!

bubbly, i think 1 jab a time is good enuf... afterall i wouldn't want to be jabbed left and right in one day. space out the jabs better so bb won't get scared going to the docs. and i think if overnight no fever, that means everything's ok already.

mummies, my parents take care of my gal until they scared 'cos she always have inconsolable crying bouts during the day. it has gone on for a week already, is there anything i can do? i'm even thinking of taking half day for a week or so to help them out and monitor. feel so bad to subject them to her cries.

dewdew, my boy used to have inconsolable crying bouts during the late evening time. I think is cos of wind that time. I think also due to me bathing him a second time in the evening like 6pm. So ya, after that i stopped bathing him in the evening and just did wipe down and the crying bouts stopped. So i conclude mine was the cause of wind due to bathing 2 times a day. Your baby bathe once a day only right? does she have a lot of wind? Or does your girl cry cos she misses u?

bubbly, think they can't jab one thigh two times if not even more pain. my boy cried so badly for his first 6-in-1 jab. I will never forget the look on his face when the needle went in. But after the jab i immediately carry him close to me and then give him drink his favourite gripe water and he became back to normal alr. So i don't think he can handle two jabs in one day, that would be too traumatising for him. I guess zaizai's thighs may be a bit tender for a day or so that's why change diaper that time pain. Should be fine soon.

Dewdew-my ger also same as ur ger,56cm n 5.3kg at 3mths.. Petite bb..but it's ok la,she still looks abit chubby to me n spotting a double chin hee...

Bubbly-I had my bb take 6in1 n prevenar tog cos I do not wish for her to go thru risk of fever twice.. She was ok lei,din cry when we carry her bt we took care nt to press on the thigh..she only had slight fever not more than 38deg so I din give med.. Pd say to monitor for 2days.. Did u give pao shen water prior to jab?I gave abit the nite before..

Jiahui-ur boss is reali bad! Where gt time to do project wf 2 kids? I thot I wld b free catching dramas during ml but I was sooo wrong.. Wf pumping,a baby n a preschooler,I dun even know hw my time whizz by,a lot to do!

Babies weight:

My gal was 5.5kg when she was 3 mths plus

Yest I weigh my boy, he is ard 7.5kg at 3 mths

So generally boys are heavier than gals[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dew, think ur gal misses ur presence so when your parents take over, she is still not adjusting well a 'new caretaker' so keep crying.

My boy too, whem I ask my mum to take care of him even 10mins alone when I went dwn to buy some groceries, he start crying cos he realise I am nt at hm n stopped when i am back hm, faint!

debbie, we only bathe her once in the morning. night time is wipe down only. but i do think she has wind in her tummy, so we give her gripe water. she passes out gas so it's good, but maybe need to pass out more? dunno leh...

mangogal, i think she misses me but it's been a week already so i thot maybe she shd get used to it. jia lat... mid-Mar will be taking care of her for a week 'cos parents going on holiday, will that mean any progress made by then will go back to zero? oh no, my parents will faint again after their holiday!

godschild, i also gave my gal pao sheng the night before going for jab. she hasn't got any fever thus far, phew!

Dew, ya I am afraid, after ur parents holiday will be another round of routime fro her to adjust ;(

Thanks Roz.. will keep monitoring..

Dew: I never thought it will be that traumatising to have 2 jabs.. :-( now, i am seriously considering about the 5 months jabs.. feel so heart pain see him like that.. luckily he slept for a few hours after that, my MIL says if bb can sleep after jab, then they'll not have fever.. not sure though.. about your half working week, you still have balance ML? if yes, then can use.. gwen got too used to you already.. :) look on the bright side, heart warming rite? hehehe... my zaizai, doesn't really bother who take care of him daytime, I am expecting him to change in 2 months or so.. hahahaha...

god's child: i very kiasu.. i gave him a few ml of pao shen with rock sugar 3 times the day before injection and 3 times after injection.. super kiasu actually.. hahaha.. hope he doesn't get too "liang"...?

re: bb's weight

I think boys are generally heavier.. hehehe.. they are here to protect us the mommies ma.. :-D whereas gal gals are here to be protected by daddies..

Hmm my boy was 4.6kg at 2 mths and based on the average weight gain of 170 g a week I would not expect him to weigh more than 5.5kg at 3 months. That day went to visit a friend who just delivered, her 5 week old girl is bigger than my 9 week old boy! Haiz. But got hope lah, both my DH and BIL were small babies too but now big hulking men. Just hope that my girl doesn't take after them, though haha!

Dew, my mum also had a very hard time adjusting when she first started taking care of my girl. It actually came to a point where I was almost scared to leave the two of them together. There was a time my ILs were visiting from abroad so my mum toldl me to leave my baby (about 2 months?) at home with her so that I can take the ILs out, but then halfway through I got a very angry phonecall from my mum asking me to come home quickly because baby crying nonstop. Till today my husband and I would still talk about the 'good old days' when my mum would call us to pester us to come home ASAP because she was at her wits' end. It took a while but once they both got used to each other and got the hang of the routine it was all quite smooth sailing.

So when you have your baby back during the hols, try to stick to whatever routine your parents had for her, hopefully that will help. I strongly believe that babies are a lot more adaptable than we give them credit for, hee.

Hi Mommies, I was busying with Alexis IFC from 01 Mar onwards. For 1st 3 days were 1/2 day, then today will be till 3pm, slowly increase to full day.

I almost cried when I was at the centre yesterday. This morning cried again. I observed the teachers interactions with the babies, babies to their teachers and see how are the babies there (Babies can't act and lie). The 3 days made me feel at ease, knowing that Alexis is in good hands. The babies there are so happy, cheerful and active. Even played with me. This centre will expand to bigger facilities, will have different sections for different babies (0-6 months, 6-12 months, 12- 18 months) by next month. Now all mixed together. The food served to bigger babies are not bad, everything very systematic. I will have my "holiday" till 21 Mar, when I start working.

It seems like babies at Alexis age would get used to the environment as compared to older babies. There was another baby also joined in the same time as Alexis, it is more difficult for her. I just take it as a good thing that Alexis still gong gong don't know what is going on. I miss her so much now. Keep taking out her blanket to smell. I have stop BF(anyway my SS very low), just let her latch for comfort when she comes home and at night before she sleeps.

Dew dew, give Gwen some times to get use to it. it may takes 2 weeks - 2 months (I read from the IFC booklet) Try to bond with her more during weekend. Not easy being mommy, Singapore living standard too high, so both hubby and wife must work to bring the bacon back home.

Mrs Ang, the IFC I put Alexis has some rockers, which works like yao lan. The teachers will slowly let the bigger babies sleep on a mat. Alexis can sleep well with it. No worries okay, younger babies will adapt faster. Only us mommies worry too much. Btw the IFC I sent Alexis is My 1st skool which is under the NTUC. If you have any questions maybe can PM me, I can share with you what I go thro.

Eve, congrats. Good luck in finding a good new job[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw you know that Child care centre/IFC down yr block are expanding? The IFC will be at Blk 204D, CC will be at Blk 203C. The in-take for IFC will increase to 20. Current ratio is 4 teachers: 10 babies. Hope they will employ more teachers before the infant nos. increases.

Re: jabs

At 2 mths, my girl took the 6-in-1 jab and rota which was orally taken. She had fever for the next 2 days and we had to sponge her day and night to lower her temperature. And because her ear canal is still very small, I could not get an accurate reading from the ear thermometer and had to rely on feel. Quite a stressful period then.

Re: Weight and height

At 2 mths, my girl was 58cm and 5.2kg. I think she inherited the tall gene from my hubby. Both my wrists are strained from carrying her already, and she will only get heavier!

Jiahui - your boss sux! even if you end up taking on the project, you need to let your boss know that you are doing him a favour. else he will take it for granted and assume that mothers are very free during ML, and spoil market for other mothers in the company.

Rainbow ,

Ur boy very tall leh!!

My boy at two mths weigh 7kg and 60cm..

I am thinking of changing his powder to enfa H.a.. Coz he pass alot of German gasses and will cry each time he passes.. I tried to change to soya but still same and poo is super green[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now he weighs 7.9 as of yesterday[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my hands are breaking so is my back

osh gosh - same same, my baby still wakes on average 3 hour at night. last night she's very good to me, lasted 4 hours... waiting patiently for the day she sleeps thru...

raspy - u tried the EBM ah... tot i'm the only one.. hahahah... it's very nice when fresh, but i notice those that have been in he freezer and thawed smell a little fishy... thanks for sharing about the milk blister. apparently, mine might be more than that - ulcer rather than just a blister. sigh. still monitoring. it's so much more of a hassle pumping n feeding than just directly latching baby, esp at night. so the past 2 nights i just hacked it and feed directly coz just too tired to warm up milk. your blister has healed?

yuri - congrats!!! SAHM is a wonderful and rewarding job, u will definitely enjoy it!

cherry - congrats to u too! your darling flips real early! strong muscles ya, heheh..

stefie - seems like alexis is doing great n u too! not easy to leave baby and it takes a lot. well done mommy... ;)

dewdew - nm, don't think too much, enjoy the time with gwen while on leave. agree with Roz, babies are more adaptable than we think they r!

Roz - did u go to the mothercare fair?

Hello mummies

Thanks for your listening ears

Dewdew and god's child

True that it is not easy to handle 2 kids. Even my no 1 in child care in day time, i need to attend my no 2. No time for my own.

I sacrifice my sleep at night to rush project.

Managed to do 60% of it.

Hope to complete it before my ML end.

mangogal and hunnybear

My boss called my hp the next day after my colleague pass to me.

Asking me to help out, of coz in his well manner tone. So, how to reject?

And the company i'm working now is a small local company.

Including myself, only 4 female employees.

They all factory closed for many years already.

So i'm spoiling my own market. haiz.....

The only morale that makes me stay long in this company, is my female superior.

She had been showing me concern since my pregnancy and cover me up whenever

I need urgent leave or need to leave earlier than my knock off time.

She is also a mother of 2 kids. That y she understand.

Re:baby's weight

My baby is 12 weeks old. Her weight is only 5kg and height 58cm.

At home, whenever my baby need to be carried, i use the carrier to carry her. So that my hand are free to do housechores, esp i'm doing projects rite now. :p


Great to hear ur baby is doing fine in infantcare.

My First Skool, Seem like a popular choice to parents.

Coz i always hear ppl saying on waiting list.

esquare, ur BB is really of a gd weight... tt's gd.. my hubby went wah!! when he saw ur BB photos. he loves chubby babies.. his niece is 11kg at 6mths.. also gd weight BB.

crystal, i've pmed u.

Ling, i cant pm u regarding the sacred tea. will u be interested to order? if we get 4pkts. each pkt will be 35.50.

Ya, yvaine, caught me in surprise cos she jus start to turn only.

Btwn mummies, any idea hw long can we drag the 2nd dose of the jab? Is there a max time length we need to go?

e-square: agree with klitz, ur E3 really chubby! hahaha.. so happy to see his photo... i showed my hubby too!

stefie: alexis such a good gal.. sound like it's going to be a good holiday for you.. and the school sounds systematic and good too..

Babies weight:

My girl is 15wks, 64cm, 6.6kg. Think no need to worry if they small or big cos when they grow up will change? And also different parents different genes. Many ppl can't believe I so petite and my bb alrdy so big at 3mths plus. Haa.. Daddy also v skinny though. So I think bb will be different as they grow ba :p

ya.. agree wif cherry... i was 9pound bb at birth. also super big size when i'm infant... now i'm super skinny when i grew up... hubby always say bb must b like mi. fat and chubby when young, grow up muz b tall and slender. if not very hard to get married... lol

klitz: hahaha.. ur hubby worried bb hard to get married... i worried zaizai become storeman when he goes for his NS! think so far ahead manz!

Yvaine> I went there on weds. Oklah, everything was at least 15% off. See their FB page for their daily specials. Today is their bodysuits offer, $19 for one pack. Think it's worth it...their suits are good quality. But doubt my husband remembered to go..

Jiahui> Can look at it this way, this is the curse of the "strong worker". That the boss have no choice but to tap on you coz no one else can do it like you can.

Actually I also have some work due in a few weeks, was given before I went on ML but hvnt do yet heehee.


I believe there are other colleague who can cover my job.

Just that they are too busy.


It really the parents' instinct.

I even thought if my gal grow up to be bad tempered type, will scare the boys away or not.

If she is too gentle, will get bullied by others or not.

Never ending thought.

Mummies, so for boys will be heavier... Heng man i so scare.

Esquare, hopefully he'll be tall cos me and hub very short leh..

Has any mummies brought yr bb for 2nd time jab alrady excluding hosp jab. Mine went for 2nd rotavirus oral, pnuemoccocal and 5-1 yest. 1st 6-1 was taken at 6 wks so next jab will be 5th mth than followed by 1 year.

Stefie - your bb also us attending infant care at my first skool? Which branch? I'm sending mine to the one at tpy central on 1 Apr. So scared he'll fall sick often.

Hi my dear Mommies!! How r all of u?? Im sorrie i havent Been loggin in til tdy! cuz my baby has a large hole in her heart, went for a major Op in NUH.. so was travellin up n down frm home to Hosp,was very stressful period for us, we were very worried, and i cried almost every day frm e day she was admitted til e day i sent her into e theatre.. and then after e Op, seein so many lines n tubes & needles gg thru her tiny body.. Seein her blood shed more than when i gave birth to her, really pains my heart n blame myself for mths.. now tat she's @home recuperatin well, even went for her 1st vaccination last wk,though we're later than normal babies due to her condition,i really thank God n my frens for all their prayers n visitations.. =) Now i finally can log in n chat w u mommies again n catch up w all of ur=)

JiaHui: Ur boss is really mean.. hope he'L understand he's fortunate to haf u under him, he betta increase ur salary! =D

Stefie,its tough to send Alexis to Infant care,u're right, in Spore its tough to not haf both parents workin, im a SAHM,but considering gg back to workforce as we had exhausted both our medisave for Chloe's medical n surgical bills,we still owe e Surgeon bills to pay in instalments, but Chloe's condition nds to B monitored, so i can only go back to work when she's bigger... i'm quite 2 a loss actually, i can go neither here nor there.. so i'L juz haf to keep my options open in lookin for a job later=) OHh but Stefie, can i chek w u where is ur infant care located? Ho much r ur payin per mth?

Yvaine:poor thing, but jiaYou in breastfeedin, hope ur blister do get betta,im not sure whethr can u try sm steroid cream, cuz i did when i had my blistr too, it kinda help but durin tat period i pump n troe away n let Chloe latch on e other side=)

Klits/Crystal, Can i ask wat does tis Sacred tea do? can it increase our BM? i also wanna increase my BM leh, but donno is there another way instead of takin e pills tat my gynae gave me aftr d/c

Dewdew: JiaYou! lookin forward to ur ML next wk??=) e way u describe how u miss ur girl is heartpain for me too, aiyo.. =) It muz B hard on u=)

Debbie/Klitz: i agree w ur, my MIL also pretty "fan", keep askin me did e baby drank enuff? keep askin me if wanna change to FM..until i haf to B firm n told her,e Drs encourage BM to help in betta n faster wound recovery.. hope i can get my own home soon...sigh..i try to thnk on e betta side, thnk she's also v concern bout Chloe as she's her 1st Grandchild aftrall...

Mangogal,how's copin w 2 kids @home? manageable? JiaHui still haf projects to do frm her mean boss.. oh r u workin too? =)

yuening, you've been missed!!!

so that's why u haven't been able to join us since giving birth, we were wondering...

sorry to hear that about your bb, you must have gone through a lot of heartache. *big hugs* but it's good news she's doing well now. i have a fren who was born with a hole in his heart too, and he's living a good life now, so i'm sure Chloe will be all ok too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and yes, i'm looking forward to my ML again so i can spend time with her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] their growth waits for no man, so i have to spend as much time with her as i can!

yuening: i am so sorry about Chloe.. my heart pained too when I read your post, I can imagine how painful you must have felt. Thank God she is well now..

dew: couldn't agree more.. their growth is superb! sometimes, i try to dig my memory for the time he was swaddled, in the hospital, and when he is discharged.. thus, we must take photos of them frequently! :-D

Stefie, glad that A is settling well in IFC, well I also cried when my gal was sent to IFC

Jiahui, aiyo I see..no wonder small company so ur boss need ur help, hiaz...hopefully after this project no more liao but when u gng back to work?

Cherry, u mean 2nd dose of 5-in-1 jab to delay? Think I brought my gal when she was 5th or 6th months...u chk wif the PD

Yuening, my heart was heavy and goes to you when ur C go thru so much! THk God she is well now and she is in good hands to be closely monitor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I understand ur anxiety cos as parents it is never ending worries abt our kids! Me ah still surviving cos most of times me being alone with 2 kids every night cos my hb work timing is ridiculous late n I keep cursing his employer the SAF! :p

But thk God my boy sleep early and thru at nite frm 8pm so I can spend time with my gal better.

Dewdew: ThankEw! oh i've been missed, how sweet=)oh and i also agree,they grow really fast, haf to capture down their moments=) oh ya i havent get to share my Birth story i haf to share Chloe's hospitalisation story, heheheh

Bubbly:ThnkQ.. =) Hope u've been doin gd too?

Cherry: Y do u wanna delay e vaccine jab? sorrie i didn't get to read e previous threads too long le, heheh

Mangogal: HahahS yea, i also cursed together w u man, copin w 2 kids muz B tough although u already haf experience w ur No.1, its still betta to B able to haf another helpin hand=)

Oh dear, Yuening

I can understand how heart pain it is.

Glad that Chloe is getting well now. Do take care.


I will be back to work on 11 April.

So I need to rush, finish it and then enjoy my ML.

I'm also the same situation with u.

Hubby got to work late that i got to look after them myself at night.

How old is ur no 1?

My no 1 is 18 mths old. Active and love to 'disturb" mei mei.

Hi mommies,

Went to the mothercare sale today during lunch time today n it was quite crowded. Saw a guy spent a whopping $8k when I was q-ing at the cashier!!

I bought my nursing bras, a vtech cot toy n pacifiers.

Now I'm waiting to chiong taka baby fair next week, hee.

Baby's weight

My boy just went for his 2nd 6-in-1 jab today too. He's weighing 7.15kg at 3mths old.

Re: constipation

Asked pd abt giving baby diluted prune juice n glucose water but she advised against it cos baby is too young. She suggest to wait up to 10 days for baby to poo n to let baby take 50% friso comfort + 50% ebm instead.

I'm hoping I dun hv to give him 50% fm... Shd I? I'm happy tat my ss is enough for him now... To give him more fm then wat abt my ebm?? So wasted...

Stefie, thks!! So Alexis is still at the IFC below my blk till when? When will they shift the IFC to blk 204?

Good to hear tat Alexis is adapting well so u can also fang xin.

Yvaine, I was a SAHM for 1yr when I had my #1 n I agree tat its v rewarding indeed but I wont be a SAHM for long this time. Cant afford to with 2 kids now... Most probably will start work soon.

yuening, so sorry to hear abt wat happened to chloe. Glad that all is well now n she's on the road to recovery!

I can understand how u felt cos my #1 also went for op when he was only 3 days old then. Most impt is ur darling is recovering now.

Thank you Mommies for yr encouragements. IFC is the best option for me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so have to let the teachers do their job and entrust Alexis to them.

Jiahui, my 1st skool is under ntuc, they have many branches all over Singapore and location all under HDB blocks, so very popular[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Ang, I am staying at sengkang, the IFC is at compassvale. Quite near my house. For 1st 3 days will be 1/2 day and one of the parent needs to company yr baby at the IFC. Don't worry abt baby getting sick, it will help to build up their body systems, it may not be a bad thing. Few things to note, use marker to write yr baby's name on every belongings. Things to bring, 3 sets of clothings (long sleeves and pants cos their aircon quite cold)- I wrote Alexis name at the label, at least can cut off the label and pass on to others. 2 bibs ( I get from ikea, 5 for 3.90), bath towel, comb, blanket & pillow( can leave with them till Friday then bring home to wash), if you don't mind can use IFC one, 2 face towel, diapers (write yr baby's name on it), 3 breast milk bottle, if fm can bring whole tin, write the no of scoopes and amount of water on top of the can, 3 milk bottles( can leave at the centre, but I bring back to wash and sterilized), diaper cream, wet wipes ( leave at the centre), Alexis uses whatever the shampoo the centre provides ( they uses pureen head to toes shampoo- I love the smell, I just bought a small bottle to use at home) they also have ru yi you for the babies. Unless u are more comfortable with yr own stuff then bring and leave at the centre ( please remember to label). 2 plastic bags to put babies dirty clothings.

The centre has a record book for every child, to record their nap time, diaper change, feedings etc & a column to tell u what supplies u leave with them has finish. Each baby had their own storage like diapers (cupboard with baby's name where they put the diapers, at wash area, a container with label with babies name to put milk bottle, a locker to put yr baby's bag. So everything very systematic. They play music for the babies, the bigger one will dance, very cute. They played both Chinese and English rhythms on alternate days.

When babies starting their solid food, the centre will provides, all looks nice. Breakfast - egg sandwich, then 10 plus bathe time, for the 3 days different teacher bathe alexis, lunch about 10.30am- 11am brown rice porridge with shedded carrot and minced chicken, bigger babies will have rice with soup (1 of the teacher finds it too hard for the eldest then change to Porridge. I am impressed, cos they really care alot for the babies), after lunch some fruits for them ( 1 day banana, another day water melon), after that let them play awhile, noon, nap time babies will be given 1 bottle of milk and make sure diapers are changed. Tea break- today is pan cake with shredded carrot.

These are my observation for these few days, hope will help you abit. Overall I am impressed with this IFC centre.

Btw most of the babies uses avent bottles. Do label everything except the teats.

They have lucky baby rocker at this IFC centre, maybe you can check with your centre?

Yuening, poor mine. Your darling will be fine, be positive okay. She is so strong, you also must be strong okay.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you.

Alexis IFC is in sengkang, where are you at? If bedok, I heard that the fengshan cc IFC quite good. You need to book the IFC earlier, cos most are full, have to be waitlisted. I am paying 1188 exclude gst, then govt subsidy for full time working Mommies is 600, balance abt 671.16, I used cad account. So still okay for us. I already started saving cos after 1 year my CDA will be used up.

Oh dear yuening!!

No wonder never hear from u for so long .. Do take good care of urself too.. If bb have such problem , should not put her in infant care too early.. I have a friend whose gal also has this problem too.. It's very tough on the mom..

thnkQ dear Mommies, Stefie,JiaHui,Yurieve & Esquare

yep i thot so too, i thot of stayin at home takin care of Chloe til she's 1yr old, but Dr advice to send em 2 IFC only aftr 4yrs old.. im also @ a loss.. im not comfortable lettin my MIL takin care of her, but guess that's e only choice i haf when im gg out to work.. thnkQ mommies for all ur encouragements.. i missed all of ur too, suppose to share my borth story but woah.. time flies.. now that Chloe's 3mths le...Oh btw, how can i increase my breastmilk supply? can anyone share some tips?

Yurieve: can i chek where's e Mothercare sales u're tokkin bout? is it only at Harbourfront? erm how long does e sale gonna last? cuz i d to get new nursing bras, breast pads too,nd to save sm $$$ now =D

Stefie: ThnkQ for sharin w me ur IFC, its really impressive i muz say! im very tempted to send Chloe to IFC,but hubby said a no-no reason same like Esquare.. hmm so i take a step at a time, n see how, meantime,try breastfeedin her loads lo..

oh BTW,baby can go on milk strike one ah?? i didn't know eh, how come? Y wld they wanna do tat?? hahaS

yuening, the sale is only at the mothercare outlet at harbourfront. its 15% storewide... I think its ending on 13Mar. I got my nursing bras frm there too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup mothercare sale is till the 13th.

Stefie ur IFC sounds so good! I think that's even better than how I take care of MY kids!

Just to share, if any mummies are looking for labels for clothing and belongings, I bought a set online from oliverslabels. Nice graphics and good price. The labels are still firmly stuck on my girl's clothings and bottles.

Yuening, do you still takes fish oil and prenatal vits? It will helps babies in getting more from bm. Bm is demand and supply. So latch and pump more will helps. Of couse be happy also, cos too stress will affect the supply.

Since God let your chloe come to the world, He will also gives her the power and strength to overcome. So be strong okay and pray more[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] $$$ issue will eventually work out.

Roz, you are good mommy. Me cannot make it, so IFC will be good choice for me. Alexis will be happier there and be more independent. Btw this maybe not really accurate cos only 4 days observation. What really makes me feel at ease are the happy babies, so cute and bubbly[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yurieve, wah ur bb went for 2nd 6-in-1 jab liao?

Mine gng for 1st shot of 5-in-1 jab next wneek, also at 3 mths...:p

Yuening, take fenugreek supplements, lots of green papaya soup and black bean soup, all helps in boosting ur supply, yes BM is the best for ur chloe becos of her condition, dun give FM, BTW how much ML is she drinking now?

Well good that you can take care and see her growing up thru all the milstones is a joy, so all worth it up to 4 yrs old[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

$$ will eventually be resolve, dun worry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yuening, I missed you! All this while I was thinking how you were cos you didn't log in since u gave birth. My heart goes out to you. Be strong cos little Chloe needs you! Regarding increasing bm ss, don't be stressed and be happy, eat more and drink more soup and fluids. Also pump and latch regularly too. That may help increase ss. I also leave my boy to my MIL when I'm out at course. At first very uneasy but things get better as your girl gets older. If you leave her with ur MIL alone when she's a year old, I believe she will be fine with your MIL. It's really very tough to survive if only one parent work. Sigh! I also wish can be SAHM but not possible in long run.

klitz (klitz): I am thking of getting 1 pack of sacred tea. I will be going on holiday next come back must go back to work. SS sure drop hope the tea will boost the SS a little.

How to collect from you if u order?

Sigh.. seeing all baby goes through so many jabs when they r so young v Xin Tong. AT 1st wanted to do my 5 in 1 at polyclinic but they dun have Rota Virus so change back to PD.


Re: Taka baby fair

Any mommies keen to meet up for a small gathering at Taka on 09Mar? Its 1st day of the baby fair, we can meet up for lunch/tea n chiong the fair together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

