(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

pauline, its loose tea leaves. supposed to be able to make 30plus to 40cups. u can either meet me at serangoon central or YCK. or u let me know where u stay, if i frequent tt area i can drop it off for u. or i could post it to u.

Klitz: hi.. I just went to Taipei last week for a short holiday.. Not v enjoyable cos I need to keep calculating the timing n ensure I m at the right place to pump my milk.. Didn't bring bb along n thr out the trip.. I having engorement here n there .. Thus didn't shop a lot as no mood.. Lucky Hubby don mind keep going bk to htl for me to express milk... Taipei 101 has nice room for breastfeeding . some train station also have rooms.. But always occupy n thus I didn't use.. I used the handicapp toilet to express milk.. Well .. I guess I will plan my next holiday after I stop bm..

littlemay, ur supply very gd leh, 800 to 900ml per day, u TBF?

I pump 600ml per day n latch 2 times, give FM 2 times to my boy alrdy very contented liao, I guess fenugreek works for me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Andrea, u me we share same ML as in maternity leave? Hee..but I am nt gng back work until Oct leh...

Klitz, count me in for scared tea, when can I collect the tea? So tt to u the money or pass u money next week when we meet?

Dbaby, yeah me looking forward next Friday gathering for a good break!

Hubby nt hm this week everynite until my gal start to miss him n today he work the whole day again, just now suddenly she cried n screamed almost tear the wholehse dwn for 1 good hour before she sleep!! Gosh...next week hb nt hm again for 3 days until friday on leave, I very scared she scream again n give me the nonsense again, hiaz...does ur gal behave such way when ur hb travel? Thk God my boy sleep like a pig and immune to his sister screaming

rachel, do u know of any websites or places tt have nursing room? cos i'll be bringing BB along. hopefully can direct latch her so i dun nid to bring too many things out.

Mangogal, i'll be ordering on mon/ tues. pending reply from supplier. we have abt 10pkts, so i'm trying to get a gd price for everyone. hopefully i recieve it before fri so i can pass it to u.

hi mommies!

ThnkQ for evryone of ur encouragements dear mommies=)i'm so glad im still missed n remembered! hahaS, yes indeed it was a very heart wrenchin period of time for us, but will cont to try my best in takin gd care of her=)

Cherry/Cystal/Debbie: i MISS ALL OF U TOO!! oh Cherry, i'm not workin yet,im still thnkin when shld i B gettin back to work, monitorin Chloe's conditio 1st=)

Esquare: thnkQ for smsin me ur advices and encouragements,i really feel motherly love oozin out from u to me leh! hahaS

Klitz:pls include me in e buyin of sacred tea? i really wanna try to increase my supply cuz i hope to fattened Chloe up asap!

Oh regardin Gatherin @ GWP hotel, pls include me too? sm where central also okie=)

Dear Mommies: i noe we r all v busy.. either with work or w our little precious, but pls do take time to rest too yea? im learnin to slwly let go, so my MIL can help little by little each day, no doubt i wanna watch her every little changes, but like wat Esquare adviced me,haf 2 thnk wat's best for Chloe @ e same time, don overtire myself out which i am, gettin myself all dpressed especially shuttin myself away frm pple,n frm strong support like dear mommies here.. lets stay strong together yea? im plannin a dedication party buffet for Chloe as she spent her 1st Mth & i spent my birthday too in hosp, so can i invite u mommies to bring ur little precious here to celebrate her new life, sharin tis Joy together w me n my family? wah then i can C all of ur little chubby lovies! guess mine will B e most petite among ur,sigh~ hahas but its a joy 2C em grow too! i'L let ur noe e date again once i confirm a venue yea?=)

rainbow, i am giving my gal half friso comfort and half Nan HA, 'cos my PD also said friso comfort is better for constipated babies. my mum actually wanted to stop friso comfort 'cos no effect after using for 3 days but i insisted we continue. good thing now is that my gal poos about every 2 or 3 days. we also dilute our formula to give her more water, so now it's a relief she finally can poo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlemay, your supply is almost 1litre a day?? that's ALOT!!! mine is only about 200ml if i'm lucky! hahaha, i thot i read wrongly, kept re-reading your post and thinking my eyes saw wrongly. :p

klitz, i will go collect from u over weekend when my hb can send me over. thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and u & littlemay are very cute! so near each other! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherrry, yes u are right. today my gal is in much better mood after i came back home. we went to vivo and harbourfront to shop and she only cried at 9+ when she got tired. i think it's safe to say she really recognises ppl.

I don't latch at all, so about 800ml a day totally from pumping. Unlike some mummies, I never have more to store in freezer. Within one day, my ebm is finished. So I thought my supply is low. But anyway I'll be contented as long as it stays this way even if I reduce the pumping frequency.

Littlemay, yes my baby makes lots of sounds at night while sleeping. Sometimes he seems to d be clearing his throat after feeding, other times he's trying to poo or simply just talking in his sleep. he's doing that now :p

Mothercare fair- went on sat afternoon. Gotta queue 15-20min to get in n inside super pack. Only bot some bb pants (which were still exp after 15%). In my opinion not worth gg.

Taka fair - after Mothercare experience decide better to go on weekday. Eaquare/Kiltz want to go on 9 Mar wed? I am starting work on 11 Mar. How sianz.

Yuening, wow u are a strong mum to go through all that n yet still so cheerful now. My daughter has a 2mm ASD (gap in chambers) too but no need surgery for now. Was detected as a heart murmur by PD. Already feel guilty for that. She needs to be scanned every year until the gap closes. How big was ur bb's gap between the heart chambers?

yuening sweetie,yes walk out of depression n get support frm ur love ones n all the jiemeis here! Ya do let us knw ur celebration for chloe n i will try to attend! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

teng, hope ur gal heart chamber gap will close soon! will pray for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kitz oki, let me knw again

oh u gng takafair on wed n other mummies meeting too? Let me knw wat time n see if i can make it

littlemay, me too no froozen ebm yet cos my boy was drikning really alot initially n dries up my milk very fast! Nw his feeding has slow dwn n drags longer at nite n my supply is increasing too so i may start to freeze up emb for rainy days

Yuening, yes be strong and do let your MIL help you whenever she can! We jiemeis are also here to support you! Regarding the party for Chloe, do let us know! Will definitely try to go for it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] don't worry about chloe being petite, she has plenty of opportunities to grow now that she's ok already. Be a happy mummy ok? You are very strong mummy already. Jiayou and rmb you got support from us here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks mangogal. I try to be optimistic and not think abt it coz PD says gap is v small and most of the time will close before 5 yr old.

Stefie, what do the teachers do with the babies when they are awake? Got activities or games? So small can play in groups already ah?

Teng, ya dun worry as the gap will close soon since it is so small.

For my gal during her IFC time, the teacher will read story book, show them pictures and sing song to them when they are awake[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlemay, ur supply is considered v gd alrdy! For me, I can freeze my ebm is cos my boy takes fm at night. Otherwise I'll not hv the chance to freeze too.

Yuening, great that u're so positive!! Jiayou! Dun worry abt Chloe being petite, she's a girl girl mah. Anyway babies usually gain more weight once they start on solid food.

Re: Taka baby fair

I posted a few days ago asking if any mommies interested in meeting up to chiong the sales together on 09Mar which is the 1st day of the fair. Any mommies keen?

TenQ cos there are different age (3-17 months), so it is more of playing with toys and teachers just monitor the bigger babies. Teachers will guide them along during play time. Smaller babies like Alexis will be on the cot with cot mobile, on bumbo chairs (when their necks are stronger) and put them in front of huge mirror to entertain themselves. When noon nap if some babies cannot sleep, the teacher will play with them in another room.

Since this branch is expanding, they will group up like 2-6 months, 6-12 months and 12-17 months, as diff group has diff needs. I only observed few days, so my review is very basic, needs to observe more as times goes by.

Are u thinking of putting yr baby in IFC?

Taipei nursery rm: I did some research on the places I going to visit n check if have nursery rms... Actually those high class shopping malls no prob.. Such as 101 and living mall.. But if going to shilin mkt, need to feed bb first cos over there hard to find toilet ... Some of the stations have breastfeeding rm but always crowded.. Mayb I went dur their long weekend holiday n it's crowded everywhere..

Taka fair: I keen to join the meetup.. What is the exact timing? New to this forum n like to know more mums.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tenQ: gap is small, K will be fine.. We shall all pray for their health n well being. My cousin born with a small hole at heart, though she is skinny all her childhood, she's now a healthy n happy college gal.. Hehehe.. Btw, i cant help laughing seeing ur hubby's comment on ur retail therapy.. :-D

Re: pumping while traveling

Any mummy pump, store n bring back? I'm due for biz trip, min 4 days, hb asks me to pump n throw but i feel like bringing back...

yuening - welcome back, we missed you!! i was wondering how you have, cause i recall you had some challenges in the later part of the pregnancy. wanted to check in with you but realise i didn't have your number.. wow you and hubby and baby went through a lot!! Chloe is a tough baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] such an ordeal, but i'm really glad that all's well. it must have been really difficult and heart wrenching to see your little one going through all those procedures [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope Chloe will continue to get better n better n stronger too.

Roz - thanks..ya wanted to get some sleepsuits but realise to get to Vivo from Punggol is too long a distance n not worht my while after all. wonder if the usual mothercare shops has any discounts.

klitz and mango - what time is the high tea? i see if i can come by ;)

seeing that there's quite a few near NEL, anyone keen to do a closer meetup at Nex, or Compass point?

rainbow- u just went BKK?? how, the shopping still good? was initially thinking, but a bit worried about bringing my toddler, who'll venture out without checking if mommy/daddy are follwoing. don't want to lose her to kidnapping syndicates!! (which is a real issue cause of the thai/cambodia border). so maybe a trip to a safer place...

oh ya, i have a qn

re: babies sleeping thru the night

mommies whose babies are oredi sleeping thru, did u purposely train them or the babies just slept thru somehow? mine's still waking pretty often. yesterday was really tiring. she woke every 2 hours... i tried pacifier but she doesn't like it and end up escalating so i have to give her the breast...


Though I do not know u, my heart goes out to u as I nearly had a similar encounter.

Yuening, tenq,

My PD also detected a heart murmur on the day of discharge fr TMC. Can u imagine how i felt, supposed to be very happy to b discharged but we had to wait till a heart specialist PD came to assess.

The news tat this heart specialist PD give was v bad. He said there was a large hole n there was a narrowing of the valve. He said prob needed surgery asap if not bb could collapse. He referred us to KK n we teared in the car on the way there. Luckily the senior consultant dr there gave a different diagnosis. He said it did not look tat bad (hole was 9 mm) n told us to return Ina week for another ultrasound. Luckily e next week we went, hole dropped to 3 mm. Which is very ok as the threshold for alarm is 5 mm.

But we still cannot b discharged fr kk, nt appointment for review is end mar. Hope everything is ok!

Yvaine, I don't know if my boy sleeping thru from 9pm to 3am(sometimes 4am if I'm lucky) is trained or it's just from him. I realise sleeping thru depends on baby. For me, what I did was just to make a habit to on air con, dim lights and make sure all is quiet so he knows it's night time. I think now, he knows when is night and will tend to get sleepy at 8pm and after last feed just knock out alr. I think his metabolic rate slows down after last feed too. Maybe you can try feeding your daughter more frequently from 7-9pm and when she's really full she will just sleep from 9pm to hopefully 2am at least? It all depends on baby but maybe you can try a routine of placing your girl in a quiet cold room that is dim at 8pm onwards, oh ya, can try swaddling her too?

Hi yuening,

so sorry to hear abt that. U n ur gal r definitely brave to go through the difficult period of times. It will only get better. Jia you! The jie meis here will support u.

Hi yvaine,

din train her. Think it depends on baby. My #1 wakes up every 3 hrs but my gal can sleep through from 9 to 5. Will still wake up attimes around 2 - 3am to check on her in case I missed her cue for milk. Hopefully, she will continue to sleep through [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Travel: last weekend I went to Taipei w/o bb.. I pump n throw away cos I been eating too much junk food.. And when I bk.. I also throw away one day supply before I start feeding.. Kind of Clearing up my milk content.... But I face this pro.. My ss suddenly drop a lot.. Used to pump 4oz per side but now only 1 oz on each side... Feeling sad... Now feel that my frozen ebm very precious n tell my helper don anyhow waste...

yvaine: mine still cant sleep through the night, but improving to 4-5 hours interval once he is asleep, just on his own coz we dont believe in routine. So, one day, he can fall asleep at 8, next day at 9 and so it goes.. So we still feed twice aft the clock strike midnite. I take it that we are lucky his interval changed..

Rachel: did u pump regilarly when you travel?

Klitz: is it too late to join in your nursing tea? I didnt have intention to join as i'm happy with current supply, enough to feed and store that the freezer is full on bm my mil cant keep her meat.. but i'm worried supply will drop after traveling like what rachel shared... Better stock up the tea for rainy day..

Debbie, tantan, bubbly - thanks for sharing.. i figure it's really up to individual babies frm what you've shared so far. the other thing i have to 'rule out' is the fact that we're co-sleeping (4 in the bed). dunno how much that contributes to her waking so frequently. my no.1 also coslept, and slept thru at 10 months (the momenth I stopped BF-ing). i'm prepared to wake for night feeds for as long as i'm BF-ing, but the 2 hour interval is gettig a little tiring. her best stretch thus far is 5 hours, but doesn't happen that often. if i have 4-5 hours i'll be very happy le....

Evie - that must be worrying. but so glad that your baby is improving. miracles can happen, keep on praying for a complete recovery ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I do admit I stretch longer to pump while travel.. Say 6hrs interval... But still can pump a lot during holiday .. Just that when bk and let bb latch on.. Suddenly the supply drop and even I pump in 4 hrs interval still very little.. Actually very stress up .. N me going bk to work soon.. I will observe for few more days see how.. Mayb need to buy the tea that recommended here...

yvaine: 2 hourly indeed tiring, but they'll grow out of it like you say, jiayou!

Rachel: can understand.. when traveling no choice but to stretch pumping interval a little. Recently i also stretch the 3pm pump and consol with 7pm coz busy at work.. So far it works fine...

dewdew, sure,will email u my address. ya. my bb also can recognise me and daddy. strange thing is she onli looks for us in the evenings, she's ok in the day though.

littlemay, my bb also ekk ekk in her slp. she will also cry or laugh in her slp. think its her dreaming away ba.

tenq, sure. i can meet up with u all for lunch and go taka fair. go there and recee first. weekend then bring hubby there to pay money.. lol

bubbly, i'm intending to pump and store the extra "if i have" during the hols to bring back. heard from my ex colleague that there's this "fridge to go" bag that we can buy from carefour. we can freeze the milkbags and bring back. gd for 12hrs.

oh, its not too late to join the order. i'm still consolidating the order. i'm actualli contented with my SS, froze abt 100bags of BM. Just tt i heard from my frens tt our SS will drop when we drag our pump time when we go back to work. So I tot of buying so that i can have a cup a day to at least maintain the SS. Esp with the upcoming trip. like what rachel experienced, during sat or sun i'll always drag the pump time 6hrs in the noon time cos i go out shopping. den wkdays i'll be extra hardworking keeping strictly to the 3hr pump time to get back SS.

Rachel, if u continue pumping 3hrly. mayb ur SS will come back.

yvaine, the high tea is 2pm if i never remember wrongly. i'll be able to meet up next wk if u gals are meeting up. after that i'll be back to work.

Sacred Tea Order




4.Little may







11.Bloom may



Did I miss out anyone? Will PM u gals the account no as well as my add.

GWP High Tea



3.Dbaby (Kiv)


5.Yvaine (?)

Do let me know so i'll chk the timing at GWP and call to make reservation. Was quite crowded the last time i went with Esquare and yuening.

Hi mummies, had a bad scare today at Taka shopping centre. Me and hubby being so daring go use stroller on escalator. Can't believe we were confident just cos we tried using stroller on escalator a few times alr. And the bad thing was the wheel got stuck at the very end of the escalator and my baby who was sitting on a maxi cosi kind of stroller actually flew forward and was literally dangling at the edge of the stroller facing the floor. Omg my heart stopped when I saw my baby in that position and I quickly grab my baby into my arms. Thank God baby never hit anything and never fall on floor!!!! Luckily my hubby got one hand holding onto baby when he was 'dangling'. Mummies, don't ever try using stroller on escalator. And also, the buckle safety belt very impt!! I didn't buckle that's why. Sigh. Still in shock. Called PD ask if need send baby hospital or anything but he told us to observe cos my baby didn't fall on the ground or anything.. So far baby still can smile and play and poo.

thanks bubbly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yup i have to keep that in mind! ;)

debbie - feeing more before bedtime sounds good but how to do so? cause if baby is not hungry then she won't finish the milk... and with EBM it's sometimes hard to gauge accurately and really heart pain to have to throw it away...

oh ya yuening - thanks for the tip on the milk blister. problem is that the affected side is the right side and also the side where i get most of my milk, about 70%... aso if i put steroid cream and then pump n throw i'll feel super heart pain, so it's a dilemma...

oh dear debbie that's abad scare indeed! ya i've also gotten stuck 1-2 times and now as best as i can i try to use lifts even if inconvenient. thank God your little one is safe!

debbie, tt's scary... ya. have to always use the safety belt. i always belt up my BB, even though the stroller is stationery or BB slping. and also, to lock the wheels when u're not looking at it, like browsing at stuff,or eating. so tt it doesnt gets push away or roll down a slope.

yvaine, wat i did is tanking method. tt is to feed the BB every 2hrs before bedtime. just reduce 20% of her normal feed. Like my BB drink 130ml every 3hr. 6pm, 130ml, 8pm,130ml. 9.30, wipedown or shower. 10pm-swaddle, lights off, last feed 100ml. so far she can slp at 10pm, wake up at 6/7am for a dream feed. den up again at 9/10am when we bring her to my mum's plc.

For those placing order of sacred tea,

I've pmed those tt i can. I cant PM the rest as function not enabled.

I'll be placing order on mon. As many pple ordered, i managed to get $32.60/pkt.

Please transfer $32.60 for collection, add $1 for normal postage.

My account no is POSB saving 126-58415-6

Collection place is at

Wkday daytime till 6.30pm: Serangoon Central drive,

Wkday evening time and wkend: (Its at YCK, near Jalan Kayu)

Please msg me when u've transfered. Thanks

Klitz: thanks for consolidating! you and I on the opposite, I pump 3 hourly diligently on weekends, but stretch on weekdays when I am at work. Nowadays, I don't time my pumping, stop once I see enough BM, otherwise, I'll over stimulate, then hubby will ask me to throw frozen bm to store the fresh ones, I feel heart pain. I also stopped taking fenugreek since finished the bottle, coz I read some mummies wrote here that it's useful if to increase supply.. i'll look for the fridge on the go, if can last for 12hrs then it's good, I need them to last about that duration, perhaps will be better with the help of dry ice? btw, your mom will help you look after bb when you go back to work is it?

Debbie: that's a close shave! your heart must have felt like dropped out.. luckily bb is fine.. :) that day we went to nex, i chose to use the escalator, and for the first time we were pushing the stroller, thought it looks easy for other people, but we slanted the stroller so much that zaizai was almost upside down.. haaha.. he didn't realise what was going on, but I was half screaming already.. didn't know stroller wheels can get stuck.. will pay more attention the next time..

klitz: i have transferred, ref: 6578707063 will text you to get from your mom's place on weekday..

re: gwp

Have fun mummies! I have a company function (hi-tea) at holiday inn atrium on fri, will not be joining..

Hi Rachel, how did u sterilize the pump while traveling?

I'm also thinking of traveling as I still have $3300 of CTC voucher to be used by July n travel date available is only till sept. Unable to sell (even at a discount!) n thinking if utilizing it before I return to ofc end Apri. Fretting over BFing while on hold though. Sterilizing n storage of milk, as well as gg thru customs with the bm.


Yvaine, klitz, bubbly, ya my heart felt like it was gonna drop out!! So far so good, my boy drank his milk as usual. Really thank God!

Yvaine, I also use klitz's tanking method. So now, my boy is used to having a feed at around 9pm no matter what then he satisfied and will sleep. Even if he drank at 7.30 or 8pm, he will still want to drink some milk at 9pm. Like auto wake up for it. If the milk interval is close, eg 2 hours, I will give about 70% of milk my boy usually drinks. So at least not so wasteful.

Bubbly, you mentioned that zaizai used to suck his right hand for 2 weeks then suddenly suck left hand right? My boy also. -.- I think he suddenly discovered his left hand after sucking his right hand for 2 weeks. So amusing.

