(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Debbie: hahaha.. ya lor! think he discovered the other hand.. does your bb suck the thumb or fingers? I find that he suck more on the pointing finger.. sometimes, he wants to put both hands' into his mouth! though cute, I am the baddie, always pull them out from his mouth.. sometimes he is ok, sometimes he screams.. hahaha...

re: development

btw mommies, my bro shared this with me: http://www.montessorimom.com/baby-introduction/


yvaine, i returned from bkk on 2 mar... not safe to bring toddler or bb there cos dirty la.. air pollution. but i see 1-2 singaporeans at pratunam with their bb in pram.. really salute them.

my boy managed to sleep thru 4hrly last night.. hope this will continue... otherwise it;s always 2-3hrly he'll cry for milk.

debbie, omg.. i always uses escalator when i'm bring him out in pram.. i better use e lift in future.. luckily yr bb is fine cos i can understand how u feel when e incident happened.

Taka Baby Fair

Mummies, when is the fair??

Bbk trip..

I brought my elder boy there when I was pregnant with my no2.. It will be better if u pram them or ergo them.. Coz it's safer..


ThnkQ so much for all ur encouragments=) Chloe is indeed a strong warrior, she had to over such a major heart Op aftr a heart failure,she my more-than-words little precious,hahaS

Evie: Thnk God ur little one's condition has improved=) continue to pray yea? =)

TenQ: it was a large VSD (A Large hole between e lower chambers in e heart tat was suppose to close but didn't) almost as big as its artery and its bout 6.7-7mm long.. if no surgery,Chloe wld collapse n wldn't survive =)

Debbie: tat was a v close shave, thnkQ for sharin tis experience, i also thot its a very easy task leh,even shwed my hubby how i can manage to put up or down e escalator w NO belt!! but aftr hearin tis i wld take extra caution especially Chloe look exceptionally small in e stroller *woah!Thnk God ur little precious is safe!! hahaS i thnk ur boy can smile he thot its a adventure for him!! hahas =)

Yvaine: Perhaps ur little one is gg thru a growth spurt?? it'L B a little tiring, but mayB u can also try tellin ur little one to drink more durin e evenin time so BB can last longer? hahaS tat's how i do w Chloe, but she'L still wake up for a dream feed ard 4am=)

Dont feel heart ache whenu pump and throw away e EBM cuz its a time for e nipple to rest ma, so in mandarin,there's tis sayin,"Xiu Xi Shi Wei Le Zou Gen Chang De Lu" so muz let nipple rest enuff la, while e steriod heals..

Klitz, I am staying in Bukit Panjang so not very convenient to collect from you. Appreciate if you can send to me, will transfer extra $1 for the postage to you. Btw think my PM doesn't work so I can't receive your PM.

Btw when r u gals going for Hi-Tea? and what does GWP stand for?

Debbie, wow that was a close shave, I don't dare to use pram on escalator cos previously even when i use it on a travelator, i almost lose control of it.

All of you seem to have good supply of BM...I only have enough for the next feed so can't afford to store at all;(

Evie_82, glad that the situation is not as bad as imagined. Good to always seek a second opinion.

bubbly, oh ya.. u just reminded me. have to put ice sheet or those ice pack inside. hehe... paiseh... give info also say half forget another half..

debbie/bubbly, my BB too. ever since she found her right hand, she's been trying to stuff both into her mouth. sometimes she stuff herself till she's uncomfortable den she suddenly scream.. haha.. so funny.

rainbow, if i nvr remember wrongly. taka fair starts next fri.

esquare, sure. will count u in.. we can talk abt everything under the sun again.. haha

sharon, yup. didnt manage to pm u. sure, could u email me so i can email u when i recieve the tea?

we're gg goodwood park hotel for high tea this fri, u wanna come? if i recieve the tea earlier i can bring down to pass to u.

dun worry abt the BM, starting i had plenty. den suddenly it dropped till i had only enough for the next feed like you. but with the soup and hard work, its now back to 200ml per pump. so i can afford to freeze the extras.

athena, will be in time. i'll email you.

Klitz, Count me in 1pkt too ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will trf u tmr. Thank u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I see if I can join the tea nxt Friday. R u all bringing bb? Cos nobody take care for me, I still feel not so confident to carry bb, a bag and stroller and wait for cab. Hee..

Debbie, tat was scary. Lucky little one is alright [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we gotta be careful eh. My hb also always so confident and I so scare whenever we go on escalator.

My bb is addicted to her fist lor! Isit a passing phase or will become habit?

jialing: i didnt sterilize my pump when i on holiday ..cos the milk meant to dispose away.. in fact i only wash with hot water ..but u can buy the sterilize tablets from kiddy palace ... good for mums on travel... u can search in the forum for advice... i read up some good advice on how to store the milk when overseas n getting thr the customs n storage in plane/hotels... but lots of steps ... hard work...

klitz.. count me in too for 1 pkt tea... i think better standby as i going bk to work... and wonder whether ss will drop again... may need u to post ... will transfer to u tomor... can email me the details... thanks! [email protected]

high tea: i like to join but i see i can apply for leave tomo for the coming fri... so i can also go for the taka fair after the tea... let u all know again...

Klitz, am i still in time to order a pack of scared tea? I tried a day and it did increase my supply! Wld like another pack for rainy days. ;) let me know?

Yuening, you are a strong n cheerful mum. Chole is lucky to have you as mum. With all your support n tlc, she will grow well. My hubby's cousin also born with hole in heart, she is healthy n happily married now. She just gave birth to a BB gal this yr, also named chole. How coincidental. 

Re:Tanking method/night swaddle

I also adopt this method. No matter what time her previous feed is, I will latch n feed my gal at 9pm until she is satisfied, burp her, sing to her and swaddle her to sleep ard 10pm. She will sleep through till 7pm. I noticed She actually wakes up at 3/4am, but went back to zz on her own. However, there was a night when she broke swaddle, she ended up crying for milk at 3am. So I conclude swaddle still works for her. 

Yvaine, difficult to gauge how much to drink at last feed. Just drink till BB stop? I think the volume varies as my gal's last feeding latching duration differs. 

Re:Meal with BB

Mummies, how are you having your meals w BB outside? I had some meals with BB still in carrier as she refuses to b in her pram. Need to angle myself so that food doesn't drop on her! Do you face the same problem?

Re: gathering @ taka fair

M also interested. Seems like quite a few moms are keen to meet at taka fair for lunch/recee from the posts:

Klitz, esquare, yurieve, Rachel

Count me in! ;)

What time are you gals meeting?

Debbie, it was a close shave! Can imagine ur heart 'dropping'.  I tried pushing stroller up n down escalator before. It was kinda shaky n i didn't grip it well initially, it almost dropped! I didn't feel confident, dont know how to angle the pram, time it so that the wheels ended nicely on the step etc. Its a skill! I dont dare to use prams on escalator now! Haa Have to plan n avoid some routes where there are only escalators around... 

Cherry, there is always the first time. Try! ;) I only manage to bring BB out in carrier myself before, but not with stroller. My gal doesn't really like stroller.. Yet! Haha 

Oh takafair start next wed on 9th not friday leh..

Hi tea wont be bringing my boy cos AM he is gng for injection, so hb on leave taking care of him at hm n finally I can my own free time!

Yuening, can join us for hi tea?

Debbie, wah thk God ur bb is alright! Never take it for granted n must buckle baby AT ALL TIME, hope u hv ur lesson learnt and please take lift if all possible.

Kitz, thks will tt to you the money tomr[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Klitz: i'L pass u e tea $$$ tis Fri when we meet can? =) thnkQ for consolidting n bookin for high tea @ GWP=)

yayZ can C new mommies n seen-B4 mommies again! Oh n we can go to Taka fair together aftr a a full full high tea like last time! hahaS

Oh and how do i go bput preparing e papaya fish soup u were tokkin bout? anybody else can share w me sm tips too?is it juz throw in 1 whole papaya w fish bones to boil? big or small papaya? boil how long? mayB i can try makin sm for myself,hmm..

Cherry: No worries like wat yuffizz said, there's always a 1st time, i'L B bringin my little warrior out too,we'L take care of each other's precious, i wanna C many babies includin urs! Oh yea Chloe also eats her hands like a drumstick w all e "finger-lickin Gd" sound!! my Goodness, i also keep tellin her not to eat her hands, she obviously puts it back into her mouth completely ignoring me..

Yufizz:ThnkQ=) wat a coincidence ur fren namin her precious Chloe too hahaS mayB can ask her to join us tis Fri if she wants? i can C another Chloe how nice~ heheh

Debbie/Crystal/Esquare/Stefie: will i B seein u again for tis Fri's High tea? =) Oh how's Eoneon? has she been here durin my absence too? kinda miss her too

Mango: YES!! I'L come! not juz for e food, but for u and all e mommies who will B comin! i miss u badly too,and i haf loads of Qnz w regards to takin care of my 1st child to ask, hopefully i can learn frm u n e rest of e 2nd time mommies here as well! Loads to learn,*woah~

yuening yeah so glad to meet you again n also meeting other new mummies too!

eoneon is also interested to meetup this friday but will confirm again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sure we learn frm each other n share parenting tips cos u be amaze how fast they grow up n diff challenges at diff stage, we can yak anything under the sun!

cherry/rachel, i've added u in the order for the tea

cherry, i dun think i'll be bringing bb along. most likely to leave her at my mum's plc.

yuffiz, we're meeting abt 2pm for high tea. so far my BB has gotten used to being in the stroller. left her there sometimes at home, so she got used to it over time.

oh ya eoneon. i'll sms her tml morn to ask her out. hopefully can get to meet up with her.

yuening, sure. u can pass it to me when we meet up on fri.

Yuening, I don't think I'll be joining you ladies for hi-tea as I may need to work at childcare due to practicum. I'll confirm soon but i'll definitely make time for you and Chloe if you plan party for Chloe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: thumb/hand sucking

Bubbly, haha my boy started putting both hands into his mouth sometimes also haha it's a cute sight! He will also stick out of thumb a bit and kind of suck the thumb.

Re: stroller on escalator.

Ya mummies, I learnt my lesson alr. Even now my hubby still traumatised cos almost lost his baobei son. He even say want bring my son see PD checkup. So yup no strollers on escalators anymore! Unless someone carry baby separately.

Hi, anyone is having extra EBM? My boy is currently 7Days old and I don't have enough BM to supply...

Btw, I need non smoking mothers EBM as Im quite worried abt affecting his jaundice level... Hes quite yellow with level 206 for jaundice...

I just delivered and have my stiches pain, will need to arrange for item to pick up ... Tks!!!!

Pls email me

[email protected]

debbie, everytime me n hubby wif bb on stroller , one of us will standf infont and one person stand back of stroller to guard our baby front n back on escalator if really cant find lift

Mangogal, ya actually I stood in front while my hubby at the back but still accident happen. Next time no lift will carry baby instead while another person will push stroller.

Re: hi-tea

it's this Friday is it? Or next fri? Sian I so want to meet you all again but I can't ah!! Anyway I don't think I'm able to handle my boy alone to GWP also.

good morning mommies,

klitz, i transfer u the $$ tonite? i forgot to bring my IB.

yuening, u be at GWP this fri? okie okie i'll go ahha i'll take leave to go hehehe... after that we can go taka sale together haha

i wont be bringing ethan tho.. he goes to the nanny now.

bbs on escalator

i also had a big scare the other day when at the end of the escalator the wheels stuck at the bottom and couldnt be pushed up soemmore it was a small escalator so i jammed up everyone behind me. luckily no one scolded me.. ethan was still sleeping.. so i dun tink i will try this on my own again


oooh, can count me for hi tea this friday too? I should be able to.. as for bringing baby, will see how on that day, maybe will leave w my hubby..

Klitz, thanks for booking! Maybe should get a bigger table to accommodate the strollers too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


your experience on the escalator sounds v scary.. glad tat all is fine.. it happened to me before too.. but my baby was strapped in.. the front wheels got stuck and the stroller almost toppled over cos of the force of the moving stairs.. i totally freaked out.. after tat, i try not to use the escalator if possible..and if i do, i will make sure the front wheels is up so that it doesn't get stuck again.

Cherrry, i also dun dare to bring bb in pram out alonecos i scare if he cry and wan to be carried than how to manage a crying bb, pram and a big bb bag!!

Fri hightea

I'm quite keen lei but i also like cherrry very scared! And my boy on fm so gotta bring hot water cold water bla bla bla... Mummies by when must cfm? :p


what i do to reduce the bulk in my diaper bag is to measure the cold water needed for FM into each milk bottles.. and then just bring a little hot water in a small thermos flask and prepacked FM..

so depending on how many hrs i'm going out for and the last feed, i jus pack either 1 or 2 milk bottles with water already inside, a small thermos flask and 1 or 2 servings of milk.

kiltz, sent you a PM about the tea. i might be too late, but if i can make it, can u help me add 1 more order? thx...

haa... yuening, i sure can eat more! lol.. me taking bb on my own, shed alot of weight lor.

thanks, klitz, will trf u in awhile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rainbow, i worry how to open close the stroller on my own while carrying bb and a bag. otherwise, i think as u push bb in the pram, more or less he wont cry? then quickly go to somewhere there's seat for u to handle him. we go GWP, straight away u can go in to look for all mummies to help u. hehee! by the way, where u stay?

Hi mummies,

keen on meeting up for the hi tea. Won't be bringing my gal along cos she usually naps in the afternoon.

Re: head circumference

brought my gal for her 3rd month assessment. She weighs 6.4kg and is 60cm tall. But her head circumference is 38.5cm which is only 25 percentile. Seems like not proportionate compared to her weight n length. Din ask the Pd cos I only saw the health booklet when we got home. Wonder if it matters.

so envy u gals going to GWP for high-tea! work is too busy and i'm already taking many days of leave in March, so i feel bad to take again this friday. :p

yuening, jia you jia you! i'm really impressed that you are can keep your spirits up, am behind u all the way! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if u r going to have a party for your Chloe, i'll sure turn up with my gal to give u all support.

debbie, thanks for the warning on stroller and escalator. we've been taking the stroller on escalator all these while, and your warning came as a wakeup call. but safety belt is a must, even if stroller is stationery. we hv to make sure bb is safe at all times!

cherrry, u can try to open stroller with bb while at home. practice makes perfect! otherwise try it with a carrier, it's easier to bring bb around in that.

rainbow, practice and practice with bb, bag and pram at home. lol! if bb cries to be carried, then put bag on the floor, carry baby, then put bag in pram and push. lol! but will be very difficult to manage all with just 1 person lah, esp. if pram is not lightweight.

yuffizz, i will put bb in pram while i eat. but if bb cries to be carried then will hold her with one arm and eat with one hand. if bb needs to be walked then hb and i will take turns. sometimes will eat with her in the carrier but must put napkin over her head. lol!

Robinsons is currently hving 20% off avent, munchkin, pigeon, tollyjoy products...some brands also no GST. Think it's for cardholders though. Tippytoe socks also 20% UP $36 both girl and boy designs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Enjoy your high tea!!

those mummies gng to hi tea, we can help to take care of ur babies, dun worry, take cab straight to GWP, it is easy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahaa yes dewdew, i'm someone with no strength, v jialat one. 2nd day of deliver only, my arms are aching so bad. i tried it at home le. i cant handle the stroller with 1 hand as i dont hav strength to do it. lol... and yeah, i witness ur power on carrying bb with 1 hand and eat with another at muddypaws house! ^_^

isk.. i am so envious you gals get to meet again.. i want i want! wonder what time you mummies finish hi-tea and go taka before or after hi-tea? I wanna join the taka spree after my company function, if I don't win any lucky draw ler.. hahahaha..

roz: what is tippytoe socks?

cherrry: by nature you are already very slim lor! do eat more at the hi-tea.. :)

Just brought alexis to see her pd, down with cold. It is one of the irresponsible parent who's 9 month old baby is sick then still bring her there. I was asking yr gal not feeling well. The answer from this parent was just little heaty, this baby has some green mucus and runny nose. Sorry to rant, i just find some parents really irresponsible. I expect alexis to be sick but just can't stand people like them. See Alexis coughing so hard I heart pain, pd only gave very basic medicine. Now I try to latch on more, so she can get the antibodies from me. I just take it as a chance to sayang her more before putting her in IFC. My pd and her nurse said it is not good to put baby in IFC so young. Really no choice. Just bit the bullet and carry on. Mommies who are putting babies in IFC better put them few weeks before start working.

Mango sorry our gathering is cancelled. Have to take care of Alexis.

Mommies going to GWP enjoy hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yuening, wouldn't be joining in the hi tea. Enjoy okay. Do SMS or call me if you need some one to talk to[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Klitz: Thnks! will see ya once e high tea date is confirm? =)

Bubbly: Don envious la, juz come join us whenever u can=)

Cherry: like wat Mango says, take a taxi lo, most cabby uncle will help u to put ur pram or stroller in their boot=) if not,ask em to, they shld help=)

wah salute! u takin care BB alone?! i tried, but i complain and grumble MOST of e time! hahaS oh btw way, where do u stay? perhaps we can meet up 1st to go down together or smthing? so u wont feel so "pa pa"?

Rainbow: i thnk e high tea restaurant will provide hot water leh, so u can minimise 1 more thng in ur bag, oh but if u're afraid their glasses or their cups containin e hot water myt B unclean, its betta to bring ur own too=) Dont B afraid i also 1st time bringin Chloe out, i wanna learn to B confident,u can too =)

Dewdew: its alrght if u cant join us, though i wld love to C u again but i understand ur difficulties, pls do lemme noe if u can meet up soon yea? we'L go out eat or smthing,can also tok everythng under e sun=)

Stefie: i've got 3 Drs needed for Chloe,all 3 adviced me not to put in infantcare unless like really both parents haf to work Bcuz of her condition, and also like wat u've experienced, sickly kids ard w irresponsible parents, and kids so young they pass germs v easily too, so tat's Y i had to stay at homefor tis period. But take heart, ur precious little Alexis is born healthy, though now she's down w flu, but she'L grow stronger aftr tis period =) unlike for Chloe, i even had to learn CPR incase she catch a flu or cough,her little life easily B jeopardise.. Tough on u Stefie, but JiaYou yea? cont to BF,she's gonna get well v soon w e antibodies in ur BM =D

Bubbly7> tippytoe socks are those socks that look like shoes? Very cute. Sold as a set of 5 or 6 pairs in different colors.

Stefie> unfortunately it's inevitable that kids will fall sick often in IFC or CC. Parents just hv to deal with it the best they can. As for the other sick child's parent, maybe they had no choice, no alternative caregiver so hv to send their sick kid in. Not saying what they did was OK but no one wants a sick child..

stefie: so sweet, sure i'L sms or call u if i need a mommie or fren to tok to=) u too, i'm always available for u yea? oh sorrie i change my hp durin e period when Chloe was hosp cuz too depressed,heh, pls text me ur no can?

Cherry/debbie/mango/klitz: i lost all ur numbers too, can kindly text me ur numbers too?? Here's mine, 91505957 ThnkS!

stefie, it is ok we can meet other time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I can understand how u feel as it is invitable for kids to be sick in IFC, usually parents will still put their kids wif mild flu and cough no choice as no other care taker, maybe they cant take leave since it is just a flu. Unless babies dwn wif HFMD, chickenpox or serious high viral fever...then IFC or CC wont accept babies n stayput at hm till they fully recover..

U gt to go thru this phase lor...I am use to it liao so this time my #2 I rather take NPL for 6 mths till he is older than put at IFC.

Rainbow, I normally just use 1 themo flask for slightly hot water, so when I used will be just right.

Yuening, you even more Wei da[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also tell myself Alexis will be stronger after that. Heng I am still on ml.

Roz I understand. Just feel heart pain when I see my gal cough until like that and keep crying.

Mango that time u put no. 1 in IFC she also gets sick easily? Yr company and hubby are supportive. Me, hubby super against me taking npl and company will pinalised anyone take upl. Just pray that she will get use to it. Mommies very wei da. Should have see the pd on sat, instead of until today. Haiz, hubby said it will gets better. I just tell myself everything happen for a reason. Things will gets better.

Klitz, emailed you transaction details. Thanks for the trouble!

High tea:

Klitz, count me in and pm me details? Will be new to the group! Looking forward to the stories n sharing by mummies here! ;) 

I won't be bringing baby along as i managed to get my mil to help take care of her that afternoon. Yay! Free for a day. 

Cherry/rainbow, why not just carrier BB out to high tea? There are a few mummies coming without babies, can help carry n take care while we rotate to eat? The food is always there anyway. ;)

Roz, thanks for informing abt Robinson sale. Have vouchers to use! 

Dewdew, looks like that's the only way for now. I Feed her head with some food already.. Haha! And will let gal get used to pram at home like what klitz suggested.

Bubbly, think the tippytoe socks is the brand for those pretty Mary Jane/ sneakers/ flip flop designed socks. Am I right roz?

Stefie, I m also thinking of sending my gal to IFC when she is 13mths. Ya, heard quite a lot of these irresponsible mums! Just to convenient themselves and bring harm to others. Terrible! Usually one sick, many sick. Hope alexis can block out those germs with more antibodies! 

Yuffizz, it would be good after 4 months. Have you book a place for yr baby? Just note that babies who join IFC after 6 months will have more difficulties cos they are used to their caregiver. So there are pros and cons for earlier or later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Really no choice that the parents have to leave sick babies there. Heng I am still on ml, if not I maybe one of the irresponsible parent also. Cos my co-worker not understanding at all and my hubby travel quite alot also.

I don't think any Mommies have the heart to leave their sick babies in IFC as the teachers will not give any extra attention to sick baby. Haiz

stefie, sorry to hear that Alexis is sick but dun worry i'm sure she will come out stronger. u got to take vit c to build ur own immunity also oki?

yuffizz, ^5 we can meet again on friday ahhaa babyless hehe.. can shop and eat in peace? hehehe no offence to any mommy bringing baby. we can be extra helping hands for u all.

Stefie, I put my gal at IFC when she was 8 mths old till now 23 mths, so far sick for 10 to 12 times...most common is flu/cough 4 to 5 times, then 1 time stomach flu, 1 time viral fever, 1 time HFMD, 1 time UTI, 1 time fake measles, 1 time tonsillitis

I guess my breastmilk helps n I also let my gal take supplements to maintain her immunity. U can consider GNC childlife series when Alexis turn 6 mths, cos they hv a series of immunity supplements for 6 mths old above infants


yah actually it makes sense to isolate those who are sick..don't hv to put them in a special room but can just put them further away? and the teachers handling them should also be washing or sanitizing their hands frequently before touching the kids. But I think the reality of the situation is quite different, right?

today in Straits Times there is an article about how there hv been fewer cases of pregnant women being fired from their job and how the SMEs usualy have the hardest time trying to cope with giving their employees maternity leave. They featured this expat working in a big foreign company in Singapore, she is the director of marketing or something like that and she was talking about how her flexi work arrangements allows her to spend time with her 2 kids. Why go interview this kind of big shot..even though her pay is pro-rated she probably still earns a whole lor more than the majority of full time working mothers!! Are they just trying to make us jealous or what? Zzzz.

