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  1. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Evelyn, af is dependant on your luteal phase. Normally it's about 14 days after o will get af. Thanks crown, u need to rest more. And don't do anything for your sil. She should be helping u instead. Vivi, I definitely hope we won't suay forever. It's very sian now, like lost motivation...
  2. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Evelyn, don't be disheartened. Test when your af is overdue. It may be too early now cause implantation can only take place between 6 to 10 dpo. Vivi, I also feel the same way as u. You remember Angeline? We all had d&c done in Jan but she's p again. At least your cycle is regular...
  3. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    calzz, good luck for check up tmr.. update us! night girls! =)
  4. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    ceraine, so late u still in office ah?? only first week of work need ot liao. later quick grab something to eat on way home. i skipped lunch then just took dinner, now got gastric. serve me right!
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    calzz, I'm so mad hungry now. I was rushing here and there til got no time to eat. then on the train so bored but can't munch on anything. thank goodness I'm on my way home Liao. maybe it's good news!! u going see gynae tmr right?? I hope gynae has good news for u. =)
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    vivi, I also very bored but rushing like mad. for the whole day I've been travelling to and fro. quite tired and haven taken lunch. I think can take dinner Liao.
  7. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    vivi, new cycle new hope. I'm waiting for mine so I can have new hope too. =)
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    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    ceraine, wow! your company so good!! envy! from now onwards everything will be 顺顺利利 for u Liao, even bfp! =D vivi, ya lor. sometimes when too hopeful, disappointment very big de. but nvmind la, all this is fated. we just have to try our best and leave it to the heaven. just hope that we...
  9. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    vivi, at least u know eberything's alright with u le. so don't have much to worry. like what U said, got the hang of it, so jiayou ba! bfp is yours next month!! =) I also have to order opk too. I wasted all strips this mth, I really bd every other day leh but my egg played me out. =(
  10. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    good morning girls. ceraine, okie, later I free go fb add u. =) vivi, nvmind, if af come then got another new hope le. calzz, when u going back see gynae? maybe can ask? your colleague real nice wor. sweet!
  11. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    thanks claire & ohohjazz, i really dunno my cycle length liao. used to be 31-33 days. but last cycle was first cycle after d&c and was 40 days. i also never particularly tracked my dates before. annoying body of mine.
  12. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    ohohjazz, oh.. don't have her fb. so can't see. yup, I'm taking bbt. but recently it went crazy again. ya loh think cold water can affect also but spore weather sooo hot I really can't tahan don't drink.
  13. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    ohohjazz, where can see ceraine photo? nv see her before. I also scared infection but no feeling leh. or maybe af coming as got a wee bit slight cramps.
  14. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Claire, me cd 33 le. no o. no pain, smell or itch. last bd 4 days ago. could it be related to taking cold drinks? you very good at cooking leh. can cook up such sumptous dinner. forget to ask, how's your mil le?
  15. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Claire, I got qn to ask u. I'm having thick stretchy cm these few days. it's clear with a tinge of yellow. it's really thick wor, just like snot. sorry, too much detailed info. could something be wrong?
  16. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    hey girls, had your dinner? I'm starving. went for driving lesson and the instructor is trying to freeze me. he on the air con so high til my hands are numb with coldness. yes ceraine, I really feel u can speak and present yourself very well. though I haven't met u in real life but from the...
  17. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    calzz, maybe when u changed to a less stressful job Liao will be able to strike naturally before proceeding for ivf? if the pay cut is not alot, prob can try going for it? greytatty, sf loh is ivf specialist.
  18. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    ceraine, you can speak very well. that's very good answers for the interviewers. next time we can ask you for interview tips Liao. calzz, I do agree with vivi. maybe you can take some time to identify your priorities now. is money very important at this stage in life? or a less taxing...
  19. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    calzz, ya loh. it's easy to train fresh grads, they're not so resilient. and asking pay is lower. I'm having my lunch. need to wait til 2 plus for my appt. booooring.
  20. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    calzz, yep. gynae told me to take on cd2. I think I will call him up when menses is here and ask for scans. ask u ah, does clomid disrupt cycle after going off it? Claire, I read abt all the hormones not being sufficient, then egg not released even though big enough. it's so confusing. i'm...
