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  1. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Hello gals. I am currently in my 39 weeks, edd 3 june, but bb still does not seem to want to come out. Gal, congrats! take care and rest well. Irene, good to hire someone to help if really tough. For me, already not easy to handle one kid and u need to handle 2. Mich, I salute u for...
  2. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Ladies, happy new year!! Hung/Irene, I really hope this second one will be different. Irene, same here, we are planning to sleep together also, 4 in the same room. Mich, sometimes i also hope tat del grows up faster but then the tot that he is grown up and no longer as cute as before...
  3. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Hung/Irene, aiyo, hearing your experience makes me very scared leh. I am already dreading the time when my second pops. Imagine the night feeds and all...very scared. Del was difficult also, got to carry n walk abt 1hr or so to sleep, then somemore light sleeper also. Hopefully the second one...
  4. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Gal, if my hubby can afford, why not. Just bite the bullet and xin ku for another 2 yrs. once the child is 2 yrs, send to cc.
  5. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Gal, I think being a SAHM is more meaningful than working if really can afford it. There is certainly more sense of satisfaction when we can multi-tasked as driver, chef, teacher and all. I do missed the time as a SAHM, but then i also missed $$ lah..haha. Yes, I believe all mums have the inner...
  6. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Pegsfur, my hubby used to be like tat before i started work. After dinner, he will leave all dishes to me also, reason, one whole day at work liao, very tired. He forgot tat i am also working one whole day at home leh..grrr I hate to ask him for extra money to buy things, i also hate the fate...
  7. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Gal, yah this second one is an accident. haha. For del we ttc for abt 3-4 mths, striked in the month tat we were not actively ttc. U will strike when u least expect it. Mich, I hope the MS will go off soon, bec it seems tat I have not put on any weight yet, my pants seems to keep slipping...
  8. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Hung, we also hope it is a gal. Even del wants a mei mei. Gal, we do feel tat we need to give del a brother or sister but not at this point in time, maybe later. This 2nd one really caught us by surprise. actually before i know i am preggie, del has been telling me tat he wants his own mei...
  9. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Gal, when i was expecting Del, very smooth, no ms or whatsoever. appetite good also. I told my hub, it is pay back Last night, only managed to take half a bowl of bee hoon, out of which another half end up in the toilet bowl..haizz Irene, he does help out with bathing/playing with...
  10. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    hi ladies, thanks for all the well wishes. yes, symptoms totally different. I have MS most of the days and sometimes will puke at night, no appetite, tat is why losing Hopefully will get better in the 2nd trimester right now, busy at work, once home got to settle down my boy...
  11. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    hi ladies... Long time never come in here. Just an update: I am pregnant, now into the 13th week. This is really a god-send as we never plan to have another one so soon. really hope for a gal this time round. even del wants a mei mei.
  12. P

    Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

    Sorry to interrupt: Just sharing this event that is happening at Punggol Plaza this Saturday, 19 December: Parents and Kids Christmas Carnival Time: 4 - 10pm Venue: Punggol Plaza Tickets at $3 each (inclusive of goody bag, lucky draw, one bouncing castle play, popcorn and candy...
  13. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Mich, congrats!!! Seems tat one by one is getting preggie, reminds me of those days when we were all actively ttc. Irene, yes, will send him there prob when he is 2. Today got to skip class as he is down with flu. gal, u sure have a lot of stuff!! When is your turn to give good news...
  14. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Hi ladies! I have finally managed to convince my hubby to transfer the maid out before her contract finishes in mar. I have been pestering him to give up the maid since the day i become a SAHM, but he is worried tat i cannot cope n tat it is not very nice to her to end her contract before it...
  15. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    hi ladies, Wishing all of u a very Happy New Year!!! Irene, u better rest more, ask your hubby to take leave to help u. Think must be very tiring to take care of a toddler when u are not well. U have a part time cleaner right, is she ok? Can recommend? good news to share: I will be...
  16. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    hi ladies. for the gimmill sale, they have carter's, oshkosh, circo, the children's place etc. price would be btw $3 - $12. Last time round, i bought quite a few carter's rompers at 3 for $10. I think if go in the morning, it should not be too crowded. by the sale, the name of the building...
  17. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Irene, it is in one of the cc rooms, the one that is facing the car park. Sweet, yah lor. Really scared to bring him out without stroller alone. We set up the christmas tree last week, but del managed to get down all the stuff and throw them around the house. Trying to re do again this...
  18. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Irene, no problem. do let me know should u change your mind....GUG is very interesting n fun. Actually, i think we the parents are enjoying the lesson more than our babies. Sometimes, i also wonder if i have a second one, would I have anymore "extra" love for him/her and even if i have...
  19. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Irene, del will still be in babe class for the forthcoming term to build his foundation for the tot class. Just a suggestion, why not change joshua's class to tue n thur, 4pm, then u can go together with me, dun have to take the train. Not planning to ttc till del is 2 yrs, actually no def...
  20. P

    Anyone TTC in July 2006?

    Mich, trying to see if can get a part time or work at home kind of stuff and definitely not ttc! gal, no good news lah, if got good news will come in first thing to annouce. Irene, he willl be in the Tue n thur class but at 4pm, so tat I can drive there, attend class then wait for hubby...
