Anyone TTC in July 2006?

Gal, if your maid is good then you can talk to her and tell her not to do it again. Anyway if you have not list down your house rules with her before then maybe she really think it is alright?
I think normally those ang moh couples çan't be bothered about such things.

So you should tell her what you don't want her to do. But not locking the door is terrible!

Sweet, all along I am paying the school fees with GST.

Irene,I was debating if I should keep her already. This maid of 2 month spoil a lot of Serena's thing. Serena still like to take a bath in her plastic bath tub. Plastic Bath tub also can spoil. Same goes to plastic bowl, plastic water bottle. My bra also can wash until damaged in the washing machine. A bit here and there. I thought it's cultural differences but spoil almost 15 things or more and with this disappearing in act issue. I think if agency advise if to let her go. I might.
Now, I agree with what most of you had said. Got maid also problem, No maid also problem. Guess I might not have maid for almost 1-2 months now.

Irene, you are my motivation factor now. Wonder how I do it. Send Serena to school, then wash clothing , pack room then cook lunch then pick her back from school. Wow.. that's life without maid.

Ladies, anyone has part time cleaner to recommendd?
It will be great if you can recommend me your part time cleaner. Is there any min hour per time she comes
My biggest issue is ironing and cooking. My girl's food must be cook everyday and cannot tingkat or takeaway cause usually they don't really handle those egg stuff well and will 'contaminiate' all food with egg and my girl will have an allergy attack. Tried many times and kena. Does your part time cleaner help with cooking if necessary?
Gal, sometimes it's better to act ignorant and no need to do so much. Once you show that you are capable, ppl expect you to do it all the time. You get what I mean?

Hung, so it's not so strict for Confinment this round? Better la coz feel so frustrated if cannot even have a nice clean bath.
ppl meaning DH?
Just curious how you settle your kids lunch and dinner?

Will ask your contact when I really can't tahan. Right now, started moving back to my mom's place to see if I can sort things out. Paid her maid a little money to help us with our things (like washing , ironing) while I cook and do other things myself. Will have to decide after this week. Internal and mentally exhausted. My place is in Tiong bahru.

Just curious also, how you settle christine lunch and dinner? I really need some ideas
gal, we paid her 4 term of sch fees all together, so it was $3.5k.

her sch hrs are only 3 hrs per day, so no nap in b/w. only rest for 15 mins, then continue with an hr of enrichment class for 2 days per week.

irene, but trish's school fees are ex! for 3 hrs per day, we are paying $870 per 10 weeks. with the GST, its $930..

how much do u have to pay per mth?

hung, yup we paid $30 for her costume but we know ike 2 mths+ back. her sch everything also need money hahaha can even sell us DVD of the sch concert and a disc containing some "daily" shots of life in school
Gal, it should be manageable since you still have your mum's maid to do the washing and ironing.

Other ppl can be anybody like our parents and ofcoz DH. When you are too capable, all these ppl will think that you will never need help.

Seriously hor, I cannot stand idling. That time with a maid around, I feel bored just sitting around and face the 2 kids. I prefer to keep myself busy so time past faster.

I usually cook lunch for Jayla and I buy my own lunch. I will try to cook dinner from Mon-Thur and I usually go over to my mum's place for dinner on Fri. No cooking on weekends unless my DH not around and we stay at home.
Ofcoz there will be time when I am too tired/lazy to cook dinner then we will just buy back when I go pick Joshua back from school.

Sweet, I am paying $684 every month.
Gal, no more #4 lah... I need to get my life back! Yes I will eventually send Isaac to CC but that is when Serene enters P1 (which is in 2012). My baby has become a big girl already sob sob. So the fees will be cheaper since P1 is almost free. Meanwhile, I will send Isaac to those playgroup kind. I think if I just send Isaac away to CC like that, my MIL will feel lost leh... cos no more babies to look after. So I think she will still want to have Isaac around for another year.

Maybe its a good idea to just get a part time cleaner for now, since Serena is older. Unless you planning for #2?

Hung, yes every year Serene and Joy has year end concert and I pay $35 each for costumes that they never wear again
Then still have to buy shoes... haiz... but its good to let them perform or they will feel left out.

Irene, I think the LV at my office was only around $300 after subsidy cos the venue is free and its open to public... but think it would be too far for you already. Are you still planning to work when Jayla goes to CC? Which CC are you thinking of changing the both of them to?

Sweet, wow these kind of photos they also dare to charge. But I guess schools take every opportunity to make money cos they can't charge too high fees.
U have such a lovely MIL. I am sure your MIL will be very happy if you tell her u are preggie again

No 2 for me??? Still no guts to do it. Clock is ticking for me liao so best to stop at one.

Without the maid, seems no ME time leh. Can't surf the internet, read magazine in peace. Everyday driving Serena here , there then come home still have to look after her, cook and things like that. REally siong for me.

What do you cook for your Jayla? Any ideas to share with me?

TOday is SErena last day in School. After that, will be holiday program. Anyone going away? WHat's all your plan for entire DEC for the kids?
Mich, I think LV at your side is also $850 before's near my hb's office but he can't pick the kids home on time.

Yes, I will start looking for job when jayla goes to cc. She will most probably take 2-3 mths to settle down(all the falling sick) so that's when I submit resume and go for interview( provided there is!)

I am looking at My first skool by ntuc income. Alot cheaper!

Gal, got leh...I clean the house and wash clothes plus ironing daily, wash toilets and clean windows once a week but I still can read magazine, nap and surf web. But ofcoz it's like nap 30mins, read mag 30mins and surf web on and off lah.

Now that jayla started her gug class, I am more busy as my half a day gone on days she has class. So I don't clean the house on days she has class. Just do the laundries and cook.
Think I am those lao2 lug ming4, cannot sit still and relax one.
Gal, I'm sure my MIL won't be too please to have another grandkid to look after lah... but she will miss Isaac if he's not around.

Whole dec... I really cannot imagine what to do with the kids for whole december leh... think I will find some daily programme and send them. Like those drama camp kind.

irene, I just clarified with my colleague, the $300 for LV is only for staff it seems. Ya My First Skool is cheaper. Serene used to go to one of their branches in AMK.
Mich, so is there priority for staff at LV?

Hung, you can even shower after your mum goes back in the evening. I remember I bathe in the afternoon with those herbal pack and at nite, I hide in the room to bathe with cold water. Haha...think my CL knows but she just keep quiet.

Gal, forgot to mention what I cook for jayla. It's usually fish porridge with veg like pumpkin/sweet potato kind or mee sua or pasta with veg base (corn/tomato/sweet potato/corn).

Dinner is adult food.
irene, I'm not sure if staff gets priority. My colleague just told me she is on "waiting list" cos it is full... how come all the CCs are all full these days? Or are there more kids going to CC? Does First Skool have place for Joshua and Jayla? The principal at Serene and Joy's CC was just telling me there is a wait list now, so she asked me to register Isaac on the list.
Mich, I found a new branch so it's going to be a brand new environment starting in dec but Joshua will join in Jan. Has registered and put jayla on waitlist next mar.
Seriously, I am beginning to feel sad that my little girl has grown up and my sahm days are ending soon.
I hope I won't be hiding in the toilet to cry during my 1st week at work!!!

I really admire mummies who can go to work after maternity leave. I don't think I can do that!
irene, its really hard for any mummy to start work after spending time with kids. The letting go part is the hardest of all. The first day I went back to work after my maternity leave, I cried all the way to the bus stop... and I really felt like quitting there and then. There are some mummies who say they look forward to work after maternity leave, that I dun understand. In my first job, I had this collegue who was supposed to be on maternity for 3 mths. She came back after 2 mths and said she felt like a maid at home and preferred to work... really dun understand her mentality!!
Mich, hahaha...somehow there are some mummies who are more 'high-class' and think that just getting pregnant and deliver the baby and that is call motherhood.

Ya...I think thats what I will do, cry the moment I leave the cc. And yes, I also think I will think of quitting!
hi ladies...
Long time never come in here. Just an update: I am pregnant, now into the 13th week.

This is really a god-send as we never plan to have another one so soon. really hope for a gal this time round. even del wants a mei mei.
Congrats...Was thinking you might be preggie already since u have not pop by for a long long time. How's this pregnancy so far?
Peg, finally you announce here! Congrats to you!
so is the symptoms this round different from Delvyn's time?
hi ladies, thanks for all the well wishes.

yes, symptoms totally different. I have MS most of the days and sometimes will puke at night, no appetite, tat is why losing Hopefully will get better in the 2nd trimester

right now, busy at work, once home got to settle down my boy, pack his bag etc, then sleep time liao. basically no time for myself now.
U must learn to take care and relax. Leave the hard work to your DH.

I couldn't really recall. Did you have MS when you had Delvyn?
Peg, when the baby comes out, you can forget about ME. So do try to find time for yourself when you enter the 2nd trimester.Must train your hb to help out with Del now so he will be on AUTO mode when the baby comes out.

Gal, still not tempted to try for no.2???
Gal, when i was expecting Del, very smooth, no ms or whatsoever. appetite good also. I told my hub, it is pay back Last night, only managed to take half a bowl of bee hoon, out of which another half end up in the toilet bowl..haizz

Irene, he does help out with bathing/playing with him etc. but packing of bag and making he sleep is always my job, he will never take over. Once I made the boy sleep, I have also entered lalaland, so really no time lor.
I recalled MS for me was the same. We shall see if this is true...

Hung, Irene,
Seems only Wendy and me left having only no 1.

Was MS better when u have no 2? comparing to no 1. Come to think of it, everyone here got one boy and one girl.. Hahahahahahhhahahha

Honestly, a little tempted to have no2. Esp when Serena keeps asking these days. eg: why all my friends have meimei/didi and I don't have meimei/didi. I kept telling her a lot of disadvantage of having a sibling like they will spoil your toys, snatch your things so on and so on.. She will stare at me and next, ask again. Where is meimei/didi coming.. aiiii
Any advise/myths to share to help reduce MS during first trimester even before TTCing? hehe.. My morning sickness was really really bad. I recalled it was until 5 months preggie.
Hung, we also hope it is a gal. Even del wants a mei mei.

Gal, we do feel tat we need to give del a brother or sister but not at this point in time, maybe later. This 2nd one really caught us by surprise. actually before i know i am preggie, del has been telling me tat he wants his own mei mei. I think tat is God's way of telling us it is THE TIME. We have been preparing him since the day i know conf my preg at the gynea, telling him tat bb inside mummy's stomach, must sayang bb. so now he is actually very protective of the little bb.

I think whether u get MS or not also depends on your body. some will get it, some dun. for Del, i dun get any, for this one, i got it. I dun think there is any way to prepare your body to reduce MS before/during TTC. Maybe anti-vomit pills if really bad MS? My gynea gave me Vit B to help reduce nausea but it did not work for me. My GP did give me anti-vomit pills on standby but i did not take any bec i was quite paranoid this time round, and wants to feel the nausea symptoms to assure me tat this preg is ok.
Peg, hang in there, just got to take it one day at a time. I had MS whether it a boy or girl! I ate all kinds of things like Vit B, but it didn't help. Just had to wait it out.

Gal, if you are a little tempted, then dun think so much already... go for it!
So this no2 is an accident???

Yeah... Sometimes I wonder if one is ever going to be prepared for no2? hehe... No matter how it's like next month i have this. Now no maid, we have to wait.. Next would be, serena must learn how to eat herself first and so on and so on.. The list never ends..

U had MS no matter boy or girl. It's really de-motivating to hear. I kept thinking a girl brings MS and that was why I was hugging the toilet bowl 3 times a day at least for 5 months. If If If I get a boy, it will be better.. But..... u also got MS for having a boy. So????? aiiiii

Must eat my folic acid and think of a way to 'rape' my DH. ahahhahahaha
Gal, one will never be prepared. We will handle it when we go through it. But the MS for Isaac seems better than for the 2 before. My friend says its because my body is "used" to it already... haiz...

If you're worried about how to manage, then you can do is wait till a new maid comes in and settle down and can help look after Serena, so that it will be a load off your mind when you're preggy. Then it won't be so stressful.
Quite a silly question but would still like to ask.. hehe.. What's the clear period? All I know is 12-14th day of the month is dangerous.. Anything after 14th day is clear? Is it correct?

Yes..I thought of it too. Wait till the maid comes but again by then might be not 2-3 months later... THe mood change again. Strike the rod when it's hot. HAHAHAHHHAHA

I honestly heard boy not so bad. Seems true for your case. If I were to have no 2, all I asked for is 1 month of MS heheheh... Nothing more than 3 months.. Not too greedy right?
Gal, ha ha, I support you to strike when the rod is hot! TTC takes time, so by the time you get preggy, I think your maid will have arrived also

No lah, not too greedy. I would be also super happy if its only 1 month of MS! For Isaac's case, it was much better by week 12 - 14... nothing like the first time when it was BAD till week 19!!

I know its damn scary to think of the MS and it can be sooo put anyone off being preggy. But everytime I tell myself, I will survive it. And I did manage and lived through 3 rounds of it. And now when I look at the 3 of them growing up together, those days of suffering seem worth it and seem so far away. So I really encourage you not to be deterred by this. You won't regret having another little one
I agree with you. Doesn' mean you try and u get. How many months did you try for no 2 and no3?

I do have fear having no 2. The urge is not as great as having no1. Tried to tell myself let natural takes it's place but natural don't happen to the two of us(DH and me) when we gets too rational. Hope I can have some success raping DH. hahahhaaha

Btw, it's 6 already and why are u still at work? OT?
Gal, don't calculate anything and just let nature takes it's course.
It seems like peg, hung and me all 'accident' for no.2.

My ms with Joshua was for 1st 3 mths. I throw up more but eating and taking sweet stuffs help so I keep eating till put on alot of weight and so much sweets till I always get warning from gynae my urine shows alot of sugar.

Ms with jayla is different. I was quite ok with occasional throwing up till week10 when I just throw up whenever I eat then went for a jab. My appetite was normal with jayla so weight gain very well managed.

Don't procrastinate already, just do it! You will manage. I am glad to have 2kids now. If pregnancy is more comfortable and if my hb is more hands on, I don't mind more kids!!! Haha..

Peg, I think it's a girl too!!!
Why u went for jab with Jayla when you only occassional throw up?

We shall see if I have any luck. My DH is tired all the time from OTs and work and work.. aiiii
Gal, coz at week 10, I throw up few minutes after I eat. I eat lunch and the moment I reach home at carpark, I threw up. It went on for few days so I went to see gynae and she ask me to jab or I have to be hospitalized if the oral med doesn't help.

Actually no need high frequency. You just do it once at the right day and da-tah..!!!
Oh.. I throw out dun know how many times in Australia and gynae didn't ask me to jab. Just say one more week like that,they will hospitalised me.

Easiler said then done.(Right day and da-tah)... Must put in heaps of effort leh..I recalled to have Serena. 1st month do one time. Failed attempt. Second month I had to do alt day to get her. Tiring attempt I recalled..
Gal, i was waiting for my hb in the office on friday, so might as well do some work. No lah I won't do OT if I can help it. For joy I TTC for about 4 months, for Isaac only try once I think. Maybe u can use the OPK then easier lah, no need to try so many times.

Irene, u thinking of number 3? Maybe still can when Joshua and jayla are older...
I think you should try for no3. U are definitely capable enough to handle... Maybe another accident again??

Oh i see.. I thought why OT on fri. What about your no1? TTC for how long?
Dun think I want to use OPK, seems too INTO ttcing already. If have then have, dun have then forget it. I might just try for 2 months. If strike, then it's fate lor.
Gal, yah this second one is an accident. haha. For del we ttc for abt 3-4 mths, striked in the month tat we were not actively ttc. U will strike when u least expect it.

Mich, I hope the MS will go off soon, bec it seems tat I have not put on any weight yet, my pants seems to keep slipping down this morning, praying hard tat i have not lose any weight again.

Irene, aiyo, this del kept telling everyone tat it is mei mei in my tummy. then last night, i was talking to the bb inside, del commented, mummy dun love me anymore. I was so shocked, i told him, no true, mummy loves u very much, more than bb inside then he ok. I think i have to keep assuring him tat he is still very much loved.
Hello ladies ... wonder if some of u still remember me

If bear still wants a 3rd one, i really 佩服 her ... haha ... how can u handle 3 single handedly?

I wanted to try for #2 a few mths back but after a few rounds of failed mission, i think I'll let my boy be an only child. TTC is too stressing for me. Think maybe my body is not like you all, so fertile and easy to strike.

Looking back on my ttc journey, it took me abt 3 yrs including 2 previous miscarrages to have Ovann. And i think another push factor is my body can't take it .... very bad aching back. I get very frustrated when ovann wants me to carry him or rock him to sleep when my back hurts so much. Then i will lose temper on him, den he cries, and i get more frustrated and the cycle continues. I'm exhausted.
Gal/Mich, no lah I won't try for another baby unless I change hb. This current one not very hands on so what for put myself into more misery?

But its really a joy to watch the 2 kids grow although my blood pressure also 'growing'.

Gal, don't have to give yourself 2 mths la. Just don't take precaution for a year and see how.

BTW, Serena's rich classmate's mummy is preggie with no.2 already.
I am indeed shocked when i was reading your post. DEL can tell u mama dun love him anymore. He can feel the 'threat' of having no2 even when no 2 is born. U have to handle this situation carefully in the future.

If you have started your TTCing, you should contiune. U will strike when you are least expected
very brave of you to think of having no2.

If I keep telling myself don't take precation and see how. I will always 'escape' when I am most fertile. Too scardy cat.. heheheh... So, u see why until now no accident. hehehe

I saw Serena's rich classmate just 2-3 weeks ago during school's excursion. Didn't seems preggie to me. Maybe can't tell yet. Do u still meet up with her often?
Question for you again.. If u HB is not hands on type, u have to handle the two kids and cook and housework all by yourself? Do u have anytime for yourself like pampering yourself ?? Eg . Beautify yourself, make up, do facial, shopping so on and so on?
Pegsfur, I tell you hor..if the hb is helpful and he really treats me very well I will bear with it and handle 3 kids. But without the support, I cannot do it. Why bother to give a man like that so many kids???

Gal, no..I have not seen her for very long already, think 2 yrs plus.

When my hb is in singapore, he will go to work at about 9am till 8plus at nite. So when he comes back, the kids are already getting ready to go to bed so he will eat his dinner and play with them for a while then off they go to bed.

So whether he is around or not, I have to settle the kids in the morning when he continues to sleep and when he comes back, the kids are already getting ready to go to bed so he doesn't do anything related to the kids at all in the weekdays.

Yes, I have to do everything myself. Its really everything including sourcing for school and going to view and register them. Housework and cooking are all done by me too. He will wash the dishes when he finish his food as he is the last to eat mah.

Now every fri is my off day. I send JOshua to sch then jayla to my mum's place and I go back to do housework then I can go out or just rest. Will pick Joshua up at around 5pm then bring him to my mum's place.
Most of the time my hb got dinner on fri so we will take a cab back after we had our dinner at my mum's place.

On weekend, my kids will wake up as usual 7plus and I will make milk and bathe them and get myself ready. Then my hb will wake up after we are all done.
I will bathe them at nite too but my hb will help to wash up the bottles.

Sounds like single parent to you?

Sound like single parent to you???
pegsfur, think if you dun think about it and let nature take its course, it would be easier. I agree its easier not to have the TTC mindset and if it happens its a bonus

irene, how many months preggy is that rich mummy? If your hb can't help, the least he can do is pay for childcare and whatever expenses you need to look after the kids. How about get some part time help?
My sentiments exactly! If my hubby offer to help more, i oso wldn't mind having another or more kids.

He always have the thinking that he is THE KING cos he work so hard for the family, so when he comes back, he tends to stone in front of the tv.

I just dun understand lor ... he wanted so much for a child and now that he has one, he's not spending enough time or getting himself involved with him. I have a feeling i've been conned into a baby machine for him.

At least u get a me-time on fridays ... i dun hv anyone to help around, so the little bugger is attached to me 24/7. U may say i can bring him go shopping, which i do, but it's really just window shop lor ... just cruise past the shops nia. I'm not even sure when's the last time i step inside a fitting room!

I really salute to u cos sometimes even your hubby is not around, and u hv 2 kids somemore. But then again, like wat u said, it's not making any difference whether the hubs is around or not cos they are not helping out even if they are present.

No lah .. i started ttc a few mths back but i have terminated the mission
Dun want to give myself more trouble!

Mich, she is 3mths plus now.
Ofcoz my hb has to pay for all the expenses as he is the sole breadwinner. If he can't even pay for that I think I would have gone back to work long ago.
But what I don't like now is he is controlling the finances and I have to see his 'face' to ask for extra money.

I am ok to do housework and looking after 2kids. I think that is the maximum I can go.

Hung, I am given a fixed allowance and everything is paid from this allowance. So I really don't have that much extra to spend and spend.

Peg, yah lor..he really think he is king leh!

When I go back to work, I will be the same as you lor, go work then come back settle kids and no off day or me time. But I guess the me time is when I get to eat lunch in peace with colleagues or even alone.

I think when I go back to work, it will be tougher than now. Imagine wake up earlier to get myself ready then get two kids ready. At nite must settle the kids and pack their bags then can settle myself.
I already feel like committing suicide just the thought of it!

Pegsfur, my hubby used to be like tat before i started work. After dinner, he will leave all dishes to me also, reason, one whole day at work liao, very tired. He forgot tat i am also working one whole day at home leh..grrr

I hate to ask him for extra money to buy things, i also hate the fate tat i have to ask him for permission to buy more expensive stuff..tat is one of the reason why I agreed tat it is time for me to come out n work.

Irene, once u start work, even worse but at least got some personal/me time. For me, i used my travelling time on the train as me time, i stone, i read magazine, i watch my downloaded dramas (since no time to do all these at home). I cannot imagine when my maternity leave ends for the second one, and i need to go back to work, I think I will go mad. Imagine, wake up early, go work, then pick up the kids, have dinner, go home, settle their stuff, put them to sleep, then i sleep, then wake up middle of the night to feed second one, wake up go work again...
