Anyone TTC in July 2006?

Mich, Irene
Wah.. both of you both got 4 years of dating. Did u both marry young? My DH and myself only got 1.5 years of couple time then we got Serena. Thinking back, it's indeed very precious and sweet time.

Yeah lor.. Cousins also dun have is quite lonely I thought. One of my cousin got marry in July and my sister got got marry in Oct but both TTC until today but no news from them. Sounds not so easy to strike.
Gal, actually quite a few of my friends only got married around 30, so I got married younger than them. Yup had Serene at 30... And many married couples I know are not having kids till way past 30 leh...
Gal, I married at 27 and ttc at 31.
It was actually quite lonely without kids when my hb travels. Some of my friends were already married and have kids already so not much people to hang out with when hb not around.

Think it's very common to ttc quite a while before a couple have a baby. My cousin also ttc for 2 yrs already but no news.
Pegsfur, don't be too bothered by the not highly educated. It has nothing to do with how our kids will be like when they grow up. Studying for degree doesn't teach you how to go about bringing up a responsible and kind person.

I think every parent worry about whether they can give their children the best or not. But just remember there's no best, we just do out best!
irene, agree that best is relative. And as long as the kids can see we have done our best within the circumstances, they will appreciate it.

If TTC for 2 yrs and no news, should see the gynae already? I think the benchmark is after 1 yr, so seek professional help and advice.
2 years?? thought 1 year also must see gynae. So, were you over 35 when you have issac?

Re: Pap Smear
Do u all do your pap smear yearly? Any good gynae to recommend?
Gal, I had Isaac when I was still 34, so managed to avoid the amnio, which is recommended for those who are over 35.

I do Pap Smear every 6 months, as I have a KS gynae. Why dun u go back to your previous gynae?
Mich, yes hopefully our kids appreciate what we have done for them.

I heard it from my mum so I tell my mum to get my aunt to get them seek medical help. But my aunt keeps denying they were ttc-ing so what can we do? Mind our own biz lor.

Gal, I go back to my gynae.
Mich, Irene
Any recommendation on your gyane? My gynae is in Australia which means I have not done my pap for almost 2 plus years... Can PM me your gynae (gentle) details?
ACJ clinic at Thomson Medical Center 63532033, Dr Joycelyn Wong. Very gentle and nice gynae.

Pegsfur sees Dr Wong too.
U have a male gynae all the while? Gentle?

Irene, Pegsfur
I heard of Joycelyn wong too. Long queue wait too? Any days that has lesser queue? As long as she is not very chin chey and harsh I am alright.
Gal, yes..her queue is long as she only works 3.5days a week. So you can call earlier to make appt. Definitely don't go on Sat as its half day and lots of people.
Gal, yes, this is my first gynae. He is good very professional and gentle enough. He is HK Ho at Mt Alvernia. But he is very popular also so the waiting is about an hour. Tel 63538833
Thanks for the information. Noted and will get to it in 2011. Seems not too long to go.

Re: Christmas time.
Christmas is round the corner. Just curious what sort of christmas present are you all getting for our kids?
Gal, I don't buy Xmas presents for my own kids. Only buy for other kids like nephews and those who are attending party with.
Yup, Joycelyn wong is also my gynae
Like wat bear said, she's a very nice lady. When i went for my pap smear 2 mths ago with my boy, she carried him on her lap and do the consulation with us .. haha .. and she keep doing the 'sniff baby' thingy at his neck .. so funny! It's as if she's very familiar with ovann like dat.

She used to have long queues but that time when i went for pap smear, i only waited for abt 15mins for my turn leh. Was very surprised.

bear/ mich,
I dunno why but i'm very hung up abt bringing up ovann to be a good person. I'm getting more stressed now as ovann is starting to throw tantrums. I'll ask myself is there anything i din do rite? Or is it his character?

I dunno why but when i see other mummies' fb mushy posting abt how much they love their babies, i always think back myself, did i hv that kind of feeling to ovann too? And sadly, i dun think so leh ... and if u looked thru my postings at fb, i dun think i've ever said anything like dat. Not that i dun love him lah, i do, but the feelings are not so 'qiang2 lie4'.

Maybe i'm crazy or wat .. hahah .. or i simply dunno wat to expect of ovann and his future?
pegsfur, I dun think you are only one who is hung up about bringing up your child to be a good person. I believe most of us think its very important as well. As for the tantrums, I assure you its very normal and part of the child's development. My two girls are still throwing tantrums!

And I'm not the kind who has that kind of mushy feelings toward my kids as I'm not the motherly kind either. But we show our love and express it differently.

Parenting is a strange and bewildering journey I feel. And you are doing a great job already!
Pegsfur, both of my kids have their 'terrible days'too. They aren't good kids all the time.
Jayla will just sit on the floor and fuss when she don't get what she want and Joshua has never done this before. I don't even know where she learn it from.
So I think its not the parents but its their character.

The fact that you are willing to stay home to look after Ovann already shows that you love him. How many women are willing to give up the financial freedom and stay home be a huang lian po???

You just imagine if one day you don't have Ovann with you anymore, do you feel heartbroken??? You are just not expressive la...but you definitely love Ovann.
Today is the 1st time I heard someone telling me maybe SAHM is not suitable for me.
Suddenly I start to wonder why have I wasted so many years doing something that is not suitable for me and I am still trying to persevere?
Irene What made the person say that? I think it's presumptuous for anyone to make such comments!! I think all of us can do well as SAHM or as a working mum if we set our minds to do so.
She is Joshua's classmate's mummy and she says she saw me post a few complaints on my fustration towards my kids and she thinks maybe its a good idea I should go back to work when Jayla goes back to cc as sahm might not suit me.
Haha...that mummy has 2 girls and both quite good girls so I don't think she understand how its like to deal with emotional kids.
Irene, I thought all kids are emotional. They can't control emotions at this age. realized I run into you quite often, last time at Thomson plaza and now at pollywogs.
Mich, not sure if all kids are emotional. I only got 2 so cannot confirm. Joshua is definitely more emotional than Jayla.

Yes ah...we seem to bump into each other quite often.
Hung,I do that too. Its a mixture of positive and negative comments.
Maybe 3rd party can see clearer.

How are you coping?
Hung, I couldn't manage alone too when Jayla was before 4mths old. That was why I hired a maid for few mths.

I remember the month after CL left it was tough. I have to get my mum to come over every weekday to help. She did it for about 1mth plus then she give up so I hired a maid till Jayla was about 5mths plus then I let the maid go.

Jayla was a very difficult baby. Always need to carry. I still remember cannot do anything and keep carrying her. At nite must carry and bounce and pat for 1hr plus or 2hrs before she really sleeps.
Hung/Irene, aiyo, hearing your experience makes me very scared leh. I am already dreading the time when my second pops. Imagine the night feeds and all...very scared. Del was difficult also, got to carry n walk abt 1hr or so to sleep, then somemore light sleeper also. Hopefully the second one better. Even now, still need to sleep with him, somemore, must hug hug to sleep.
Peg/hung, I agree that no.1 and no.2 is quite different. I didn't have to carry and shake and pat Joshua when he was a newborn.
Joshua is a heavy sleeper while Jayla is a light sleeper.
Joshua cannot sleep alone but Jayla is fine with it.

Peg,so don't will be different from Del.
mich/ bear,

Tks alot for your positive and encouraging words .. i needed it!

Hiaz .. i think i'm just inexperienced bah .. haha ... cos the last 2 weeks i'm not so stressed with ovann throwing tantrums liao. I find that i simply don't know wat he wants so when he make a fuss, and i hv no clue why he did that, i get impatient and stressed and angry with him. Now more or less i can catch his 'pattern', and am able to pacify him or at least understand why he is fussing. Hiaz .. silly me lor .. always get angry with ovann.

But the last 2 week was quite fun with him ... playing with him and watching him learn new things and doing unexpected things like trying to tie my hair, or come towards me for a hug.

But i still hate it when he wants to squeeze with us in our tiny bed at nite. So uncomfy to sleep.

So do u think u r unsuitable for a sahm?

I can't remember which day i went, but i vaguely remembered it was a friday.
Hung, I can't help you on this as the 4 of us sleep in one room. But the kids sleep in their own cot/mattress.

Pegsfur, although I am a mother of 2, I am still always angry with my 2kids. Joshua likes to whine and cry and Jayla likes to fuss and then sit on the floor and refuse to go. Super buay tahan!!!

Seriously I dunno what is a good sahm leh. If you say need to teach at home too then I am not good at all. I can do housework, cook and look after them. Is that considered a good sahm or not??? I also dunno leh...
Hung, maybe you can offer her a reward for each nite she sleeps on her own? Then slowly she will get adjusted to it.

Pegsfur, there are times i'm always irritated with the kids and wished I could run away from it all. It's not easy because they are young and so have many needs. But I have been assured by others that this stage will go away and things improve when they are older. So we can only wait with hope for the day to come,
Ladies, happy new year!!

Hung/Irene, I really hope this second one will be different.

Irene, same here, we are planning to sleep together also, 4 in the same room.

Mich, sometimes i also hope tat del grows up faster but then the tot that he is grown up and no longer as cute as before kind of scare me also. Once they are grown up will come another set of problems.
Peg, wow we posted at the same time. Yes agree there will be another set of problems. I am already facing it now, worrying about enrichment classes, and Pri 1 etc etc.
Happy New Year!

Mich, so have you found a new job or taking a break 1st?

Time really flies right and serene will be in P1 next year while our 2007 will be in K1! Oh my....we are aging very fast too!!!
irene, I found a new job which promises that I can work at home sometimes. That is why I'm changing jobs, I really want to spend more time with the kids.Yes scary, Joy was just saying she is gonna be in K1 next year!!! I feel old

Sweet, I haven't decided on the school yet. So SCGS is still an option. But I still hope to send her nearer home. My boss says she is happy for me that I found something I want. SHe is really nice, which makes me feel bad. She even offered to let me work from home if that is what I want. But I guess its time to move on.

Ya, there were also times when i wanna run away and be alone, esp when i'm having a fight with mil. But a rational head knows that i can't ... so the only thing is really to cool down and not think abt the problems.

Speaking of kids getting bigger, the other day was just chatting with my sec school fren and she's starting to worry abt his 12yr old kid going thru puberty. She caught him browsing sexy images on the ipad but he still denied looking at it when my friend questioned him. Omg .. i think other than school and school work, the other thing which gets us up our toes are puberty period. Can't imagine when that day comes for ovann .. ha!

pegsfur, wow 12 yr old got to worry about kids looking at sexy images. Scary leh... Your friend had her kid very young since her son is already 12 yrs old?
