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  1. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    oh yes... btw, i changed my gynae at mt e to the one at KKh in the midst of my pregnancy... bcoz still prefer my good old gynae at kkh who delivered my 2 older boys...
  2. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Hi. I gave birth to my 3rd prince on 15 Feb. Took a cab to KKH at 5+am on my own as my hubby had to look after my older boys. Bb came out at 7+am.. heehee. Glad that I don't have to suffer long during labour. Bb weighs 3.43kg at birth and on total breastfeeding.
  3. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    HiHi.. had a scare last weekend. Was admitted into hospital last wkend for preterm labour. I am now 35 weeks. BB due on 28Feb. I hope bb doesnt come out so fast... Called my confinement lady to inform her of the possibility that I may deliver anytime... guess what she said... she's gona up...
  4. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    hello... so busy until no time to log in. Just went see my gynae yday. Kena chided by gynae bcoz i put on 2.2kg within a month. Now 53.7kg. She said I put on too much too fast. sigh sigh sigh... made me feel so guilty for having good appetite woh... Yday had the scan...I am into my 4th...
  5. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Lovie, next time you go for your gynae appt at paragon, can jio me for lunch or tea. me work near paragon on certain days... so not lonely lah u
  6. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Chrisstan: Flat head syndrome ah? dunno leh. my 2 boys grew up this way... head very round still. heeheehee. Muffin: I am using the cotton one. quite ok leh. so far have not met any bbies who didn't like to be slinged. However, I do notice bbies are very sensitive... the mummies have to be...
  7. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Chrisstan, I have not tried other brands. The one I have is MomsINMind. Quite easy to use, and my kids love to be in it.Re: nappy cloth thingy, it is meant to replace the newborn pillow, so it should be placed under the bb's head. Yup, you can leave the bolsters by the side. Some parents get a...
  8. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    actually the breastpump can dun buy so early... in case you have decided not to continue to bf bb for some reasons (fatigue, discouragement from pple around, insufficient milk etc). It's quite ex. Usually first few weeks best to direct breastfeed bb... can induce more supply and to stabilize it...
  9. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    actually the breastpump can dun buy so early... in case you have decided not to continue to bf bb for some reasons (fatigue, discouragement from pple around, insufficient milk etc). It's quite ex. Usually first few weeks best to direct breastfeed bb... can induce more supply and to stabilize it...
  10. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Dont fret mambobb. Once your second one is out, your first girl will be happy to move into the same room as the bb. They always like anything that's novelty. You can then decorate their bedroom...heehee.
  11. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Chrisstan, usually newborn doesn't really use pillows and bolsters. for mine, I use nappy cloth fold into a rectangle shape... can change regularly (bcoz they regurgitate milk frequently even after burped) and cooling for the newborn. After birth, the epistomy and stitching plus the heavy...
  12. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Agree with Chrisstan. Sarong sling quite useful. I used it for my 2 boys... can breastfeed them in public discreetly in public also. I am still using it for my 20 month old boy --- not to breastfeed la, but to carry. Think i should get a new one... old one really quite old liao.
  13. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    You know Lovie, I am trying to imagine your shiny breast reflecting light at night. Heeheehee.. if you go topless at night, maybe can save on electricity.hahaha.. just kidding. Me not as lucky as you. Mine not shiny. Maybe third pregnancy liao. My skin darkens instead.
  14. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Apple: My ex-boss is a female. Damn "ngiaow" and difficult to get along. Current boss is male. Very understanding. So maybe not so bad to let your boss know la.
  15. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Bel: Oooh... i know where alexandra is now. heehee.. bcoz i know Ikea and queensway shopping centre. Tam L: I am working near Paragon on Mon, TUes and Thurs, and I have to work near Tanglin shopping mall on Wed, fri and Sat. So, either Orchard or Tanglin is fine with me. Heehee Apple...
  16. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    apple: your boss quite unreasonable hor?... reminds me of my ex-boss. do know your own limits.. if really cannot tahan, then rest. If your boss treasures you as his staff, then he should try to understand lo.
  17. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Bel: my sense of direction very bad... where exactly is alexandra? near where? Tam L: Wow... I envy you leh. I don't have much leave left so better keep. Yup, when you feel well enough to travel down to orchard area, let me know ok? heehee
  18. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    yeah...kudos to you apple. If really unbearable, maybe can take MC to rest? Btw, where do the feb mummies work? which area? me working in orchard area. maybe can meet some mummies working in nearby areas for lunch on certain days...heehee
  19. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Go Apple go...It must be tiring on you. I believe your gynae knows how to help you if your MS gets worse. Hope you do not have to get self hospitalized. yes indeed, your little bb is growing too well liao.Do continue to press on. Heard from my gynae that FOX sweets may help some to reduce...
  20. G

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    heee.. my favourite instant noodle is "xiang chong na li lai". I also like chu qian yi ding's sesame oil flavour and the Korean spicy one. heehee.
