(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Chrisstan, usually newborn doesn't really use pillows and bolsters. for mine, I use nappy cloth fold into a rectangle shape... can change regularly (bcoz they regurgitate milk frequently even after burped) and cooling for the newborn.

After birth, the epistomy and stitching plus the heavy menses flow can make it quite inconvenient to bend down pick bb up from mattress on floor.... for the first couple of weeks.


Dont fret mambobb. Once your second one is out, your first girl will be happy to move into the same room as the bb. They always like anything that's novelty. You can then decorate their bedroom...heehee.

tira: yups will confirm whether doc's 1st prediction tt its a boy will be true! but i had a dream the other day that my baby is a girl leh..! so will see if the old wives' tale is true or doc's a good guesser.. keke.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aiyoh very excited. has anyone felt baby's kick yet? i seem to have lost the fluttering feelings.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Apple : Is it? I think since u apply liao shld be alright lah. As long as ur skin is not sensitive to the product that u’re using can liao!

Yvonne : Yap, I asked gynae and she says it’s norm too so I think it’s okay lah.

Chrisstan : Maybe ur time haven’t come coz some of us might be faster/slower de. Who knows, maybe later part, u’ll have!

Mambobb : Wahahahahahhaha.. But as long as u feel comfy, shld be okay lah!

Marina : *faint* Im no light.. ~.~” Hahahahahahahahah

Tira : Look at urself in the mirror and u'll see! It's bery obvious!

hey hey...dun disturb Lovie anymore... :D

This one i saw in Jan postings.

Dun know which ones r necessary or not:-



Socks / Booties


Long pants

Long sleeve shirts

Short pants / Boxers

Sleeveless / Short-sleeve shirts

Receiving blanket



Milk Bottles


Burp cloth

Steam Sterilization Set with tong

Diapers Bag

Bottle Bag



Bath towels

Bath tubs

Face towels / wash cloth



Baby Lotion

Wet tissue

Cotton balls

Cotton buds

Diapers (disposable)

Nappy liners

Diaper Cover

Cloth diaper

Nappy rash cream

Nail clipper

Changing mat



Crib / Fitted sheets

Waterproof mattress pads

Cot mobile






Yu Yee Oil (Ru Yi You)




Car seat

Baby clothes detergent

Feeding chair

Play gym

Bouncer / Rocker

Bouncing net

Raine: i also!!! i kept dreaming it was a girl. and it was a boy! so yours will be a boy!!!

Lovie: haha, i wait until night time then i see if i can see them without light!!! ahahhhahaha

deh was scouting around last couple of weekends and one double machine breastpump is $700+ leh!!! FUUAHHH..!! but no choice that one must buy..

Apple : Shiny = girl = me! Hahahahahaha

Chrisstan : Thks for speaking up for me eh!

Tira : Wahahahhhah.. Save the EARTH! and save the electricity!

Wah !!! now new theory.. shiny breast = girl ??? !!!!! mummies.. slow down.. too much info for me leh... hahhaaa

actually the breastpump can dun buy so early... in case you have decided not to continue to bf bb for some reasons (fatigue, discouragement from pple around, insufficient milk etc). It's quite ex. Usually first few weeks best to direct breastfeed bb... can induce more supply and to stabilize it by 6th week after birth. Thereafter can decide if wana invest in breastpump... depending on whether you wana continue bfing

actually the breastpump can dun buy so early... in case you have decided not to continue to bf bb for some reasons (fatigue, discouragement from pple around, insufficient milk etc). It's quite ex. Usually first few weeks best to direct breastfeed bb... can induce more supply and to stabilize it by 6th week after birth. Thereafter can decide if wana invest in breastpump... depending on whether you wana continue bfing

so much talk abt shiny breast..only let me link it to pointed ang ku kuehs... for lunch ??!!!

shiny mah... kakakakakaa

Raine: Yup, the good pram cost a bomb.

Marina: Any sarong sling brand to recommend?

Where do u place the nappy cloth? Under bb's bottom or back?

The bolsters i thot place ard bb to prevent bb from falling off when they grow bigger & start rolling ard... :D

My chk list (bare necessities) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Long pants

Long sleeve shirts

Sleeveless / Short-sleeve shirts

Receiving blanket



Milk Bottles

Steam Sterilization Set with tong

Diapers Bag

Bottle Bag



Bath towels

Bath tubs

Face towels / wash cloth



Baby Lotion

Wet tissue

Cotton balls

Cotton buds

Diapers (disposable)

Nappy liners

Diaper Cover

Cloth diaper

Nappy rash cream

Nail clipper

Changing mat



Crib / Fitted sheets

Waterproof mattress pads




Yu Yee Oil (Ru Yi You)



Car seat

Baby clothes detergent

I just go puke again.. Hiaz.. Think i rather wait another 4 weeks to see the gender of baby. Haha.. Rather than keep guessing.

Apple: That's one fun part. Guessing bb's gender!

People ard u can have the fun of guessing too! :D

Me hungry hungry...go eat pizza bread + maternal milk.

chat later! :D


I m using all hand me down. My 3rd n last kid, dun want to splurge.

My cot was used by my 4 nieces n nephews n my 2 kids. 6 babies in all...hahaha

Lovie: so now we have spotlights instead of breasts?

Raine: i think it is a boy. We will know soon!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me too. i'll be getting some new stuffs + some "hand me downs" too.

Wow! That's a good luck cot! Lotsa of babies grew up in it!

That's what my MIL views abt "hand me down"! ^_^


i'm getting a mattress for bb to sleep on instead of cot.

U probably can get bigger mattress...Sure lotsa space & wont fall out too.

As Marina mentioned, after birth, the epistomy + stitching + the heavy menses flow quite inconvenient to bend down pick bb up from mattress on floor...

Shld be no problem for me, cos i'll let my CL or hubby to bring the bb to me instead.

Chrisstan, I have not tried other brands. The one I have is MomsINMind. Quite easy to use, and my kids love to be in it.Re: nappy cloth thingy, it is meant to replace the newborn pillow, so it should be placed under the bb's head. Yup, you can leave the bolsters by the side. Some parents get a special type of rectangular pillow (inside is those dried beansprout shell or buckwheat type) to place near the bb's chest to prevent the bb from feeling startled and frightened (by loud noises etc).

Hi ladies,

Guessed all had gone for lunch now.

I went to my gynae again this morning cos last nite received the lab report KKH which they had taken my blood discharge for lab test then. I have caught the bacteria infection again! Doc gave me the med insert. I am getting it very often lately!!!



Nappy cloth under the head...

Heard that there's a "flat-shaped head" syndrome.

BB's head is soft & mould into any shape.

Will this cause the "flat-shaped head"??


i'm still ard.

Think u really need to find the cause!

Either u havent completely clear up ur prev infection & lack in cleanliness or food taken or unclean underwear or douching of vagina!

Prob u need to change ur underwear more often in a day (Disposable panties,if working).

Let vagina breathe & be clean.


hahaha, all the children that slept in this cot have good life, so I hope mine will too!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If u get handme down cot must be aware of history. There are some truth in the chinese myth. One of my friend used another friend's cot without knowing the history and her baby cried alot during the night. When she chk with her friend, it turns out her baby also cried alot and she subsequently bought a new cot for her new baby passing the old 'unlucky'one to my friend.

For sling, not all babies like it, the MIM cotton ones can be v warm, so if possible buy their sateen range which is cooler.


Mattress on flr, not good idea, cos bad for back for both mummies n daddies. also difficult to bfeed.

Apple_gal: Thanks! Do you know what time the TMC FBI counter opens? Cos my OSCAR appt is quite early in the morn.. Dunno if it's open yet. Btw, how much disc will u get for OSCAR? Hope you feel a bit better today.. Even though still puking, but hope u'll be able to stomach a bit of food.

Lovie: You're so funny ah! Hahaha... made my day about ur comment! Your husband must be pretty amused by the 'shininess'?

Snoopy: Thanks for the tip. Hubby will go with me for check up so will get him to carry the goodie bag. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chrisstan: Thanks for the advice on 'feng yu'.. Hmm.. guess i won't be getting it then.. Scared rely on it n also if not too good to use too much then i better not start. Hee..

Muffin, chrisstan: Woah, u've already started to plan a checklist of things to buy.. I feel so unprepared.. So many things to get.. n baby stuff always like so ex.. *imagines a huge hole in my pockets very soon*

Chrisstan: Flat head syndrome ah? dunno leh. my 2 boys grew up this way... head very round still. heeheehee.

Muffin: I am using the cotton one. quite ok leh. so far have not met any bbies who didn't like to be slinged. However, I do notice bbies are very sensitive... the mummies have to be comfortable with slinging and the different positions to use... good to practice a few times with teddy bear first before you finally put your bb in.


Sometimes it's "just to be safe then sorry" when listening to chinese myth... ^_^

U mean Satin range...silky type?

anyway, i'll check w sales pax on the sling material.

Thanks! ^_^


i dun know abt the counter opening hrs.

FBI Member hotline opens btw 8am-5pm weekdays & 8am-2pm on Sat.

Give them a ring to check opening hrs.


Discount for Oscar test = 10%

i do use "Feng You" sometimes. It does help - when i really feel too terrible when the nausea hits.

But i know i cant use too much. Only when necessary.


heehee...teddy bear in sling to experiment...

ok ok, i do that next time! ;D

"Flat head" syndrome - the underside of head becomes flat.

Heard sarong bed wont cause this. Cot w flat mattress will.

But think i wont get sarong bah.

Serene: Hope it will be fine for you..

Tira/Chrisstan: Ya, thinking buying mattress for baby sleeping. My bed not big enough lor.. Unless HB sleep on the floor. Haha.

Muffin: Will think about it.

TamL: Not so sure the counter what time open. What time is your appt for Oscar scan? Ya, 10% discount.

