(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

lovie: ahiyo.. so its 110mths lah.. not 101mths.. pengz~.. u put 101 mah.. sigh.. anyway enjoy ur nitez~.. heehee.. tmr dont panda can liao..

tira: Rae is apple or Lovie?


Lovie: OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I love those!!!! last time in primary school 2 sticks 10cents!!!!

Mambobb: dun listen to Lovie abt being shy. have you seen her explanation about UTI and yeast infection? where got shy?? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

Mambobb Serene:

Have been puking quite often recently, like everyday once.. I even puke when shopping halfway.. So malu~~~~ Sometimes eat until halfway puke all the food out.. *Sianz* Brush teeth also feel like puking..

Tiffany: oh it seem like ur MS has not subsided yet.. hmm.. jiayou.. at least u r not alone here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mambobb : Oops.. Tat’s the prob wif preggie.. Always confused.. Wahahaahahahahah. I’m Rae lah..

Tira : Yaya, the satay sticks! Nice! Aye.. Dun go ard and smear my name har.. :p

Yvonne : *pengz*

Halo Feb mummies!

Eh...dun smell too much of "Feng you".

Heard not gd for preggie, cos of the Camphor.

Use when necessary.

Currently i still cant "tahan" cooking garlic smell from neighbours/mil,so my hb bgt me an air fresher & i took it out immed to clear the air, once i smell something!!!

Then i remove it once smell is all clear.

Cos i also dun want to indulge in it too. :D

And yes! I finally thought what i wanna say liao! Last Sat, i went to see gynae and ask her why my breast seems to be shiny har and she said it's becoz my skin's being stretch and that's why!!! WAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAH

* The above is only for 21yrs and above.. It's suppose to be EDUCATIONAL and not PORN, ok! *


Dun get addicted hor! i heard can get addicted to "feng you".

Last time,i once saw a colleague keep a bottle at her pc and everyday take it and sniff & sniff...like a drug addict...keke ;p

Tira : Hahahahha.. I "arouse" u huh.. :p

Yap, shiny breast lor. Ever since it "started" to grow..

Chrisstan : Is it? But i only sniff when im outside. Hahahahhah.. Coz outside smell hard to say! Got all types of smell lor..

hello mummies,

wah every1 seems to be in a good mood this morning.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm finally showing well and feel preggers. MS is a thing of the past and I can't wait for tummy & baby to grow even bigger. Going for my 16 wk gynae appt this friday.. wish me luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

need to shop for more clothes but always too sian and lazy.. :p


I'm at 16weeks. No puking liao.

But sometimes still got the puking sound and the miserable nausea feeling that's all.

whoofy...ya..veyr happening today as lovie share her bedtime stories and shinny breast....hehe tomorrow morning more exiting. ;)

whoofy: ya ya.. me cant wait for tmr morning stories lor.. haha..

lovie: must share share leh.. like that i can teach my hb to be more romantic too.. haha.. he is a loghead one lor.. sigh


But hor.. no one experience shiny breast? Hmm... After today, dun ask me to add anyone is FB liao coz i dun noe ppl to know who does the shiny breast belongs to!

apple : standard procedure huh..

mambobb : Hahahahha.. No need to share de. Juz rem not to poison him with ur stretch marks cream. Waahahahahahahhah! :p

lovie: not for me wor~ i dont hv shiny boobs.. instead the skin tone turn darker and hv alot of small small pimples around it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Apple : Nah.. What a word to use.. I didn't hor! I'm juz trying to help u to tell others abt how u feel, DARLING. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mambobb: I hate this feeling, argh, dunnoe what to eat for lunch...

I also got small pimples at some parts of my body leh.. Aiyo..

speaking of buying baby stuffs.. when shld we start buying things ?? My hb & myself were shopping ard last wkend and saw the pram tat we llike.. but was wondering if it's too early to buy...

lovie: yups i bought my bb cot and pram already, at the metro expo sale. haha!

shopping for more maternity wear i mean..

Mambobb : Dun start off the conversation as SHINY BREAST k.. ~.~” U mean ur breast or body? Tat turns dark?

Apple : Pls refer to below for the 1st Sentence.. U got apply stretch marks on it anot? Rem not to apply on nipple hor!!!

yeah shd buy things slowly so that the expenses/costs get stretched out and things don't seem to be so expensive all at one shot. Cos we thought it was a good deal, so better buy then. We don't want to spend too much on a pram, since we don't want to push our kid ard too much or too long.. don't want to spoil him/her. so the cot i spent $289 plus mattress & bedding & mobile, and for pram i think about $179.

am thinking of getting a chest of drawers with a changing table on top. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: actually my body skin tone turns a bit darker and like apple, have alot of small pimples at the back too... dont have shiny ****** though..

You know Lovie, I am trying to imagine your shiny breast reflecting light at night. Heeheehee.. if you go topless at night, maybe can save on electricity.hahaha.. just kidding.

Me not as lucky as you. Mine not shiny. Maybe third pregnancy liao. My skin darkens instead.

i dun wan to spend too much too.

Think i buy some new ones + get "hand-me-downs" from frens.

No cot for me. i jus buy a big mattress w pillows,bolsters for baby to sleep on.

chrisstan: yup i want to buy one of those ergo sling thingies too! that's why i bought a cheaper pram. there are some high-tech ones that cost like $500!!! i don't think its worth investing leh. babies grow out of those so quickly!

Agree with Chrisstan. Sarong sling quite useful. I used it for my 2 boys... can breastfeed them in public discreetly in public also. I am still using it for my 20 month old boy --- not to breastfeed la, but to carry. Think i should get a new one... old one really quite old liao.

Me just like chris, no cot or playpen. bb sleeps beside me. Just like #1.. easier to handle in the night. Moreover cot will need more space and bb outgrown very fast.. heehee..

mummies with extra $$ and space.. can buy liao.. and its easier for bb to sleep on their own when u need to train them to sleep on their own.

me now hv a hard time to let my #1 to sleep on her own lor.. sigh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

