(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Yvonne: Hope so..

Taml: I don't eat maggie mee, cos i found got one weird smell. Yes, it is 5mg, small yellow tablets type. I ask gynae she say ok to consume that. As i dun buy from my gynae will be more expensive.

Tam L: I also cooked porriage, i cant eat at all.. Then i use the cai xin from bottle to eat together, then i get to eat some. Next time i must eat plain porriage with cai xin bottle.

mama: mine is 50 tabs I think... it is usually placed in front of the pharmarcist counter... can't remember the price though... the nearest for me is guardian, so I juz bought it at guardian, nvr check out other places...

Just check that it is 5mg... should be the same... if not juz bring your folic acid packaging to the phamarcist to ask...

Go Apple go...It must be tiring on you. I believe your gynae knows how to help you if your MS gets worse. Hope you do not have to get self hospitalized. yes indeed, your little bb is growing too well liao.Do continue to press on.

Heard from my gynae that FOX sweets may help some to reduce MS. I tried it... not true leh..at least for me la. Apple, maybe you can try it.

Marina: My gynae, if like that consistent, will be bad rest or worse come to hosiptal dipping lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I dun wan go to that stage.

Muffin: Thanks! I'll go check it out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple_gal: Ic.. Thanks! Plain porridge with Cai Xin bottle is good too, as long as you can eat something. Slowly, you can experiment with a bit more ingredients and build up ur 'nutrient store'. A lot of ppl say what is important is you try to get sthg down. Also, try to drink more fluids. At the start, i drink water also got difficulty. Was on the brink of dehydration. My lips were cracking and bleeding somemore. Hope you won't get to this stage, so gotta try all ways and means.. For u and ur baby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bel: Thanks! I'll bring my folic acid packaging and go check it out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Marina: My gynae say, if like that consistent, will be bed rest or worse come to worse, come to hospital dipping lor.. I dun wan go to that stage.

apple --> i really salute u. with yr this kind of condition, u still can drag yrself to work everyday. how can u concentrade on yr work?

yeah...kudos to you apple. If really unbearable, maybe can take MC to rest?

Btw, where do the feb mummies work? which area? me working in orchard area. maybe can meet some mummies working in nearby areas for lunch on certain days...heehee

Marina: I'm actually taking leave to rest at home during my 1st tri.. Too bad I dun really stay near orchard so maybe a bit hard to meet up. Maybe in 1-2 weeks when I feel better, maybe can travel to Orchard to meet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's pretty 'sian' to be under 'house arrest' for so long.. hee..

TamL: Ya, no choice lor. I also know need to eat something.. I can drink water, feel i drink more water than food nowadays.

Yvonne: Wah, you say the same as my gynae leh. She told me some gals have this MS ask for 1 or 2 weeks MC.. Say i still can work, not bad leh. :/ She want give me today MC 1, i say no lor, wait my boss unhappy how..

Bel: my sense of direction very bad... where exactly is alexandra? near where?

Tam L: Wow... I envy you leh. I don't have much leave left so better keep. Yup, when you feel well enough to travel down to orchard area, let me know ok? heehee

apple: your boss quite unreasonable hor?... reminds me of my ex-boss. do know your own limits.. if really cannot tahan, then rest. If your boss treasures you as his staff, then he should try to understand lo.

Apple_gal: Good ah, at least u can drink water. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Try to see if you can drink some fresh juice, milk etc to get more nutrients. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Marina: I'm sort of exhausting all my leave for this year and even took a few days of no-pay leave.. Was really tired and couldn't do much work so no choice, had to take.. Will let you know when I'm better and could meet up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, which part in the orchard area you working at? Nearer to tanglin or dhouby ghaut?

apple-- i really salute u lo.....among all the forumers; i think yr MS is the worst but yet u seldom take MC. i hv morning MRT motion sickness i also can't stand d....keep think of taking mc. yr boss must really appreaciate u la

Marina: My boss still dunnoe i pregnant leh.. I dunnoe how to bring this up to him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

TamL: I can't drink milk, i will puke..

Juz back from lunch meeting!

Tam : Hahahahahahaha.. Overall, I like Maggie mee and xiaolongbao! Yummy! U can buy exactly the same folic acids tat gynae gives ya but juz that u gotta look ard lor!

Christine : Juz heck care and eat lah! Right?

Snoopy : Can meet on Friday instead anot huh coz I suddenly rem I going veg on Thurs so can’t meet ya unless we going for authentic Veg food!

apple: I think your should let your boss know. I told my boss that I am pregnant as I feel tired easily and sleepy in the afternoon. My boss is very understanding. Plus also it is to let her know that I am tired and sleepy due to my pregnancy and not because I sleep late at night. I can sleep at 10pm and yet the next day afternoon, I will still be nodding off.

Yvonne: Even at home i also cannot tahan, cos got people cooking smell flying, i will puke lor.. So make not much different for me. At least, working easy pass time la.

Bel: Oooh... i know where alexandra is now. heehee.. bcoz i know Ikea and queensway shopping centre.

Tam L: I am working near Paragon on Mon, TUes and Thurs, and I have to work near Tanglin shopping mall on Wed, fri and Sat. So, either Orchard or Tanglin is fine with me. Heehee

Apple: Why you never let your boss know? Scared of your boss?

Apple: My ex-boss is a female. Damn "ngiaow" and difficult to get along. Current boss is male. Very understanding. So maybe not so bad to let your boss know la.

hi all.....

lovie...u eat veg on 1st & 15th day of the lunar month????

Bel...where is the actual place??? I am also working near to alexandra

Apple: Yes, lady boss will be easier to communicate in this area, but u got to let him know. Just try to find a suitable time to talk to your boss. =)

Snoopy : Steady, we change on Friday k. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sorry har!

Kath : Yap, i do eat on 1st and 15th and i trrrrrryyyyyyyyy to stick to whole day..............

kath: I am working at Alexandra Technopark... hehe

apple: it is just a matter of time that he will know about your pregnancy. When your tummy gets bigger, he will definitely know. Just that I feel it will be better that you tell him than to have him finding out about it himself.

Apple_gal: I see, then soy milk? Or maybe just wait til ur MS gets better then drink these ba.. Wah, u can keep ur pregnancy from ur boss for so long? Impressed leh... A few weeks after I knew about my pregnancy, i had to tell my boss cos I couldn't take the MS during work. Luckily my boss was understanding and told me to take things easy.

Lovie: Haha.. now dun crave for Xiao Long Bao after the terrible night after eating that... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Got phobia..

Marina: Okie! Will contact u to arrange.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple...seems like ur MS still not getting better. Now I facing one wierd symptom, whenever I take breakfast outside sure will go toilet puke out immediately! so now try to avoid having BF outside liao :p

lovie...me too.... eat for my son.... hahahhaha

bel....ok...i m near to ikea

wow....snoopy & apple.... so power leh....

When i know that i am expecting ...i told my colleague then she go & blow to all the colleagues & my boss. As that time, i need to fly but bcos of this pregnancy....i told them i cant fly.... boss also tell me to take things easy....need to take leave then just go... no need to worry too much abt work., as i am a high age pregnant mummy.

Kath : For things tat it acceptable to hb it means eat for my child. For things tat's nto acceptable for him is for my OWN COMSUMPTION.. See lah.. Tat's what men is for..

kath: cos i'm towards the plump side plus normally i wear loose tops, so cant really tell yet, ppl will just think i put on weight only..hehe

lovie: can apply this fri le

Tam : Phobia manz.. Coz thought of the smell. YUCKS!

Snoopy : Yeah! I wanna eat Malay food. Thought abt it liao. Hahahahahahaha.. Kia Su..

hi... anyone of you who signed up the TMC FBI card have already met up the insurance agent for the free 6 mths baby's medical insurance? Any feedback? I'm still deciding whether to sign up the insurance or not.

Snoopy : I find the YTF soup too salthy lah so i think i stick to Malay better! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kath : Aiyo, the prob is he MUZ ACCEPT HAPPILY MAH coz im carrying his child HAPPILY too. Hahhahahahah. :p

Marina: My boss recently mood have been not good, as there is no projects.. No sales.. It will be a bad time telling him.

Kath: Wah, you can predict i give birth on Feb huh? My edd is on early Mar.

TamL: Haha, i hide in the toilet well ma...

Peng: Never get better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Apple : *speechless* Dun noe what to say!

Later am thinking of going medical shop to buy "feng you" coz i started to have the sense of smell like apple does!

