(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Constance : so u oso bring ur bb to kids clinic? I'm oso planning to bring bb there cos i just stay opp of rivervale mall... so very convenient

Helo mommies !!

Wow many happenings in here.. No time to catch up..

My girl has been giving us sleepless nite.. Dunno why she seems to sleep better during day and cry alot during nite. Jus yesterday nite, I'm totally at a lost wat to do wif her cryin tat I jus cried and ask my hubby to take over. Her cryin at nite has been affecting my sleep and since discharged my BP high been shooting sky high..

Seriously I'm at a lost.. Felt useless tat I can't coax my girl to sleep, pumpin not enuf to supply her demand.. And my poor hubby has to take care of baby and also comfort my inbalance emotions... Haiz...baby ah.. When can u start to let daddy mummy sleep well at nite...

Hi Whoofy,

dun be stressed and take care..do u have a helper to help u out?or u taking care of bb on ur own?My bb oso cries alot n dun wan to sleep at nite..monitor her milk timings,usu she cry she wants milk..baby feel sleepy after drinking milk and pat her to sleep..stay cool n take deep breaths..

I guess all of us will feel stress n emotional easily..must give each other support..

My quality of life has improved since I introduced a pacifier to my little one. Less crying = more sleep! He also knows when he wants food and then refuses to take the pacifier. Am also BF him when I'm tired of pumping. Don't think there is any nipple confusion.

Mummies out there need to take as much rest as possible to help with milk production. I'm currently pumping every 3 hours, through the night and getting 100-120mls each round and prefer it to BF as pumping empties my boobs better. Need to go pump now. Moo moo...

tira: any reason y dun give water? i have been giving my boy warm water everytime he starts hiccup. a fren of mine dun give bb water, n when bb grow up he dun drink water at all!

whoofy: do take care ya. relax abit la.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] d first few days after discharge my bb oso cry thru d nite. but dunno y nowadays he only cry when he is hungry or when he need diaper change. lucky me, i think d only problem i have is BF problem and i cant stand waking up to pump milk in d middle of the nite.

fii0nn: according to the expert, if bb drank water, they will be full n thus drink less milk... n water dun hv the nutrition that bb needs

so jus need to feed bb milk only

but if bb dont drink water now.....he might not like it in futre....this is wat i heard from my sis....so hich one is right???? but i do agreed with gyan tan...that bb will take in less milk. but how often & how much water did we feed on bb also must consider....

contance....i know that the binder do help to release some pain but....sweaty body.... cant stand that....hhaaaaaahaahaahaha...i will use it next week.....

Does any mummies here whose bb got jaundice???? my bb has slight jaundice & need to do the bloold test every 2 days at polyclinic....his jaundice is reducing from 266 to 218 today....doctor say must b below 100 than is good ....i wonder when will it stop??? I will sun my bb starting from tomolo....very tiring to bring him out for test.....

I shy / fii0nn : thks for the encouragement...

Am currently takin care of bb myself as my CL will only be coming on 23 Feb. My hubby has taken unpaid leave since we got discharged. He's been in charge of all the cooking, washin etc etc.. Initially hav worked out a plan tat I'll take the nite watch while he can sleep .. But the cryin jus won't stop and I feel so bad tat each time I ended up wakin my hubby for help.

Becos of all the sleepless nites, my milk supply also din increase.. And I'm always so tired tat I can't reali follow the timing to pump every 3 hrs..especially at nite.

Today, we're tryin to increase the feed to 80ml.. Cos jus tis afternoon when feeding time, we notice tat my girl drinks a total of 50ml BM + 40ml FM !!! Issit normal for a 2 wks old baby ??????

whoofy.... y the CL coming so late????

This is what happen to me during my #1 arrd....so tired & stress till dont know what to do.... sometime bb just wan comfort during the night time as i think night time is too dark.... maybe....we would not know what bb can feel/see right. Try not to let her sleep too much during the day time ..... even i know that when bb sleep is our rest time. My hubby would prefer me to talk to our bb during the day time rather than to let him sleep....I would sing & talk to my bb as much as possible....at times, i do disturb him to wake him up. Whoofy....maybe u can try this....

whoofy....me also taking care of the bb myself & the maid will help me to take care of my #1 & doing the housechores....it is not easy but we have to try to endure it....

whoofy....dont worry....u can over come the problems one.... or maybe u can try to slow rock your bb..... it might help to comfort the baby.

kath tan : i didnt give my gal water when she is < 6 mth old.. but she loves to drink water now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so i guess water could be introduced later..

according to a article on the papers , water shld not be intro to baby before 6 mth old. :| i guess if you give fm.. water shld also be given in moderation.

Kath : thks.. Hav tried singing and slow rock wif my girl too.. But dun seem to work.. We r also tryin not to let bb sleep so much durig day time .. Hopefully it will help soon..

My CL is coming so late cos tis was wat we had signed up for wof the agency. But cos bb comes 3 wks earlier den EDD.. So will hav to take care of things ourselves lor. The agency can actually help to arrange the CL earlier but need to top up cash.. We feel tar it's nit worth cos it's CNY wif public holidays, he might as well take a few days unpaid leave..

There r times where we did talk abt tis decisison and felt regretful.. But we told each other must endure...

whoofy: ur bb 2wks old drink 80ml. my boy 9days old only drinking 80ml!! well, most of d time la..LOL. his intake is bout 60-80ml. btw, ur CL come so late? by then u alr finishing ur confinement le rite?

gyan: i see.. but when bb hiccup, i see like he cannot breathe well like dat leh.. i juz feed him with just abit, juz to stop d hiccups. anyway, when my bb is full, he shuts his mouth real tight.


Tok abt pumping.. Juz did so.. So tired bb eat n sleep le. wonder if I can wake up in mid of nite pump lor.. Past fee daes can't lor... Zzzzz

woofy> bb still can't diff dae n nite? Maybe too much wind or too hot or too cold? Try diff modes maybe can set to sleep better? No harm play some classical music. Mine likes, but I used to play certain times in pm only to soothe her. Cos rem when I preggy she likes it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kath> ur bb jaundice is so high??!

Recently learnt many things from my CL

reg jaundice muz let bb poop n wee out the yellowness wor. Try goat milk is good. Muz buy fresh from CCK farm like tat, not ntuc kind. den use filter out goat hair, let bb drink lil bit. Tml help u ask her how much amt again

u can also drink some help bf quality oso

btw if sun bb better not more den 15 mins

cover eyes mouth

avoid wind blow bb

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope info helps

Whoofy: dun be stressed over pumping not enough breastmilk slowly the milk will come wan..just have the momentum consistently pump every 3hrs or 4hrs,the flow will come..If u too tired at nite then dun pump at nite..meanwhile if BM not enough give FM first..Once ur supply comes in then slowly fully on BM..

angel.....not sure is that high..... i took a lot of ginger....not sure whether is this the cause??

MY bb poo poo alot....everytime is yellowish colour... hope that the jaundice will go off soon.... thank you...i will sun him with your advice.

I dare not drink goat milk leh....i started to force myself to drink adult formula milk since i m preggy... now must take goat milk....

How to purchase te goat milk from CCK?? I am staying near to paya lebar leh., hubby's office is at east side........not convenient for me to travel all the way there....

Angel....can u check with your CL ....whether can we drink double boil liquor a not since we need to BF our bb???

whoofy.....maybe u shld try to take a "small" rest after u pump the 1st time...then massage your breast again...this might help as i tried this...the milk flow is slightly more....

Main thing....dont give yourself too much stress. Jia yOU...OK

whoofy....at the same time...drink more red dates tea & drink more soups....this might help the increase of the milk flow too....

Moo moo time.. Manage wake up cos feel clothes damp leaking argh.... Hope it's sign kicking in....

Kath> sure ask tml make use oso of my 3k worth lor :D

I got ask gynea alcohol ok? He say lil bit is fine. So far got drink Dom 2-3 teaspoon like tat cook wif food ah

woofy> try relax since ur hubby is standing wif u on the rain... Haha

hope ur Cl come le u feel better

they keep nagging me rest more by lie down 1st 2 wkd especially wait older can feel aches

I oreadi feel back start ache siah. So trying hard relax too.. Imagine trying to relax? Good we haf support around. Thk God..

Side Qs> any1 haf dark patches ard armpit area?? Sudd shock to see I haf some shadow like there??! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can't rub off

n any1 haf the dark middle tummy line more obvious??? How how?? To get rid??

Kath / Angel : thks for all the suggestions .. will try them out when there's an oppotunity.. I realize tat my girl sounds like she has things stuck at he throat each time we finish feeding her. She sounded very uncomfortable, tryin very hard to

clear her throat. And when she fails, tats when the cryin starts. We r alrdy burpin her for at least an hr to clear any air inside.. But sometimes she burp out are sticky milk glands. Issit normal ??

Angel : yes.. My armpit also becomes darker !!!!!

Yikai: I'm using Philips Avent Duo IQ. Apparently double pumps help with more milk production. I don't really observe the time I take to pump - am gauging by how empty my breasts feels. I think that roughly takes 10-15 mins. Have to pump through the night or else I will develop blocked milk ducts which is no fun at all! Not to mention I wake up each time my boobs feel full.

My boy drinks 100-120 mls even when he is 2 weeks old every 3 hrs, more still when he had his growth spurt! At that time I could hardly keep up with milk production. I think the trick to increasing the milk suppy is to BF/pump frequently since its a supply and demand thing. At the time of his growth spurt, I was pumping every 2 hrs... eeks!

Kath: My boy also had jaundice at a high of 267. I just made sure he drinks on demand. Now it's resolved!

Cat: I can't really tell cos my boobs stil feel full after I pump for like 30 mins. Then the nips also painful alr by then. But the yield not high. Very low. Waiting to get my new double pump see how it goes!

angel.....thank you so much.....

Cat... is it.... take how long to clear??? I wonder......

I noticed that if my bb latch & drink the milk directly from me....he dont puke ...but if he drink from bottle....he tend to puke a bit.... any bb here has the same issue???


Yeah, my kids have been seeing Dr Lilian at Kidsclinic for a few years liao. She is good and patient. But her Q is always very long. So either me or HB will go to the clinic to take Q no, then go home to wait for nurse's call.

Usually gotta wait for 2-3 hrs.

But if you stay opp, just nice for you. You can take the Q no then walk home to wait. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Those dark pigmentations on the skin will fade with time. Give it some time....


My 2 wk old also drinking ard 80-90ml of ebm each time

Anyone signed up for newborn photo package to be taken at home?

I was thinking, didnt do for the 3 eldest kids, this one last bb already, shld sign up for him. Cos no more chance liao.....

Morning mummies!

Here are some tips for breastfeeding

For engorged breasts/ blocked ducts

i find it very useful use a hot towel to cover your breasts and let it soften, and massage them while still warm. This helps get rid of engorgement and blocked ducts. Then pump to get the milk out. Should do this everytime before until breasts are soft and no painful areas.

Increasing milk supply

To increase supply, best is to directly latch whenever the baby wants milk! And regardless whether pumping or direct latching, should be done 2hourly throughout the day for a couple of days, everytime ensuring the breast is well drained, and this will stimulate increase in milk production. After a couple of days (usually 2 or 3 days), the breasts will get used to the increase in stimulation and production, and supply increases.

This is not forgetting important things like drinking lots of fluid (at least 3litres a day for me), getting enough sleep and rest, reduce stress levels (very important-lower your standards if necessary), and keeping warm (don't underestimate keeping feet warm in socks or warm slippers!).

My favourite breastfeeding resource is from Le Leche League International http://www.llli.org/nb.html

Yikai: I usually massage my breasts as I pump so that I can adequately empty them.

Kath: It took about a week. I went back to polyclinic 2 times and both readings were on a downward trend. The doc wanted us to return for further checks but we declined, since we already knew he is improving. Besides, it's always a hassle bringing the LO out.

cat..... thks for sharing.... actually planned to sun my bb but he is sleeping .... dun wan to wake him up. He is still sleeping while i fed him milk. So cute

apple....me fine... sleepless night....hahahhaha.... must wake up for breasting feed at least 2 times.... quite tiring but wht to do right...

pancakes...thank you for reminding me to wear slippers....forgotten abt it since i came home... :p

I also started to feel the back aches.... due the wrong position of feeding the baby & pumping the milk..... Baby dont wan like to feed while laying, he prefer to be carry & in lower position. that is the main reason for my aching.

Hi. I gave birth to my 3rd prince on 15 Feb. Took a cab to KKH at 5+am on my own as my hubby had to look after my older boys. Bb came out at 7+am.. heehee. Glad that I don't have to suffer long during labour. Bb weighs 3.43kg at birth and on total breastfeeding.

oh yes... btw, i changed my gynae at mt e to the one at KKh in the midst of my pregnancy... bcoz still prefer my good old gynae at kkh who delivered my 2 older boys...

apple...hahahahaha.....u will get use to it.... at most is the panda eyes lor...

marina...congratulation & u r so brave to travel alone to KKH.....


Hi Mommies,

Happy New Year!!

I've a Pupsik pouch size M, Cyan color to sell at $40. Original price $45.90. Its a gift from my friend, I opened it up to try and the size is not right for me.

Pls PM me if you are interested.

