(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

apple : Ya lor.. how will be knoe if bb engage already or not.. personally.. I hope mine has yet to engage.. cos I wan her to come after 2nd day CNY.. hahaha


Cloh: No prob. =)

Kath: My colleague said just drink the coconut water, no need to eat the flesh. Coconut water is cooling whereas the flesh is heaty.

Whoofy: My tummy much much lowered but baby is not engaged yet. Gynae ask me to walk more to make my pelvic area 'open'.


Yes I got the present ready for my elder, will tell him this is from younger bro when i'm back with baby from hospital. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mainly eat more fish rite? Okie... not sure what is the chinese transparent thing u mentioned...a kind of herbs?


I may just ask Dr Adrian if he prefers i admit 11.30pm or next morning 7.00am. Definitely not 9pm on sunday and incur 1 more day charge.


So far i have drank only 2 coconuts...too little huh? The first one i bought from 1 hawker and he advised me not to eat the flesh cos high chorlestrol for preggie mum, water is ok. i know what u mean, the flesh is so nice...i guess eat abit should be ok lah.

muffin : Nvm coz she won't be wif me for long! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyway, if i can, i rather dun count on maid and do everything myself. Save money too! Hahahahahaahah

Bel : I shall walk less than.. hahah since me not hurry to hav bb out now.. hhaha

Lovie : Yeah... I wanna eat all the CNY goodies leh..

apple : So will see tis Sat.. whether my 6th sense correct.. tat bb engage liaoz.. cos below reali feelin heavier lately..

Robinsons Expo Sale 2010

start: 2010-01-28

end: 2010-02-07

location: Expo Hall 5

credit card 1: OCBC Robinson Card

promotion type: storewide

from 28 Jan 2010 to 07 Feb 2010

OCBC Robinson Card Member Preview from 28 to 29 Jan 2010

whoofy, apple: i think dr. wong will only check your cervix dilation if you are fully engaged... coz mine is only partially engaged at 37 wks, she didn't check for dilation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tree ice: Can share your birth story? I find reading birth stories very interesting! Haha... can "learn" from other pp's experience!

Mummies using freestyle, did you read the newspaper article on last Sat / Sun? It was reported that the medela personal fit breast shields turn yellow after being steam sterilised. Are you still intending to steam sterilise, or you will use the tablets?

I v sianz, now feeling uncomfortable. Like keep having the want to poo feeling, but no poo n no increase in interval. Dunno issit contractions anot. Din sleep yesterday cos of this feeling n scare will progress v fast to contractions. Dr asked me to monitor cos she said 3rd one usually v fast and shd. cOme in when contraction is 10 mins apart so that there is time for epi and antibiotics.


I'm curious what time Dr Adrian will ask you to admit? Do you have any preferred time to deliver?


Robinsons sale @ Expo???

Guess i won't be able to make it with such a big tummy now!

Alot of people asked if i'm having twins!!!

apple: My next checkup is on coming Monday. I got a feeling doc may ask me to induce soon... baby is overweight and head is too big! Haiz... Actually, you can feel whether bb is going lower. I get a lot of sharp and painful punches at the vaginal area lately, probably becoz bb is getting lower already.

Freesia: I heard abt it but is it for Freestyle only? Cos I'm thinking to own the Pump In Style.

Serene: Heehee! I doubt I'll be going too cos I feel very clumsy now. Will be seeing my gynae this evening so hopefully I can 'pop' soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

portia: Oops, don't think it is Freestyle. It's the Medela breastshields... i think the article reported that the breastshields turn yellow after a few rounds of steaming.

HiHi.. had a scare last weekend. Was admitted into hospital last wkend for preterm labour. I am now 35 weeks. BB due on 28Feb. I hope bb doesnt come out so fast...

Called my confinement lady to inform her of the possibility that I may deliver anytime... guess what she said... she's gona up the price to $3.2K (she's returning home for 3 days for cny) or $3K (she's returning home for 7 days during cny). gosh. originally she charged me $2K. I am so sad now. Btw, is this the mkt rate for confinement nannies if confinement period crosses the cny period?

I was discharged home yday. Now on medication to arrest contractions. sigh.

Freesia: Oic, so next monday is your 38 weeks le. Can feel if it is lower huh? Sometimes i feel uneasy when his head or fingers is moving around my vagina area.. I not so sure if it is engaged, i dun think so lor.

apple : Yeah.. I will provide update on Sat asap.. cos now can surf internet using my HP.. so 24hrs online also can.. hahahahha

Bel : True lor.. tats why me sometimes tell my girl.. Be good girl ok.. no hurry to come out for CNY.. mummy still will collect ang baos for u...

whoofy: Hehe. I have been telling my baby that I don't want him to come out so early. Many people told him to come out on CNY coz my EDD is 16th Feb. Haha

serene: hmmmm.. i gt no preference... but i think i will prefer to be admitted in the morning, to save cost... and also can ve a good rest in order to preserve energy.. heehee..

Christine : Good idea.. admit in the morning.. whole day to deliver.. at least can rest reali for 1st & 2nd nite...

30mins for me... but seems like I got to stay abit late.. warehouse still hav not complete packing my export orders !!!!!!


How many weeks are you now?


Initially he told me 7am on monday and he emphasize that I must be punctured! Guess i won't be able to sleep well on sunday nite if i'm admitting 7am next monday. haa, too gan cheong to sleep!

whoofy: ya lor...

serene: lol... i guess i will also be gan cheong... but i think will still be able to nap for 3 hrs at least... haha... but if go in at 1130pm.. then erm... cfm is cannot slp lor.. somemore, i think my energy will reduce very fast...


I see, baby mature enough to be born. However if your bb is not too big and yr condition is so far well, you can choose to keep yr bb till full term or anytime he/she wanna pop.

Gosh, the weather is super HOT! I really cannot take it anymore...here with power no2 fan at me, but still sweating and feel so hot!


So u stop work just b4 cny. actually if you are not feeling too tired, is better to save the ML till later and not take leave too early.


Serene: I'm really hoping to have him out earlier (before Feb so his birthday month will be the same as me) but of cos it's still up to him... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

