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    Address/details for TCM

    Hi all, any ladies here currently undergoing any TCM treatment or any part of the IVF process?
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Hi ladies, really encouraging to see a community of Christians praying for one another in this. I was wondering if I could speak privately with any lady who is currently going through an IVF procedure or about to give birth to an IVF baby in Feb? Thank you.
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    IVF at SGH in Jan / Feb 2013

    Hey ladies, anyone doing IVF for the first time soon?
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    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Hey all! Anyone giving birth to their IVF baby soon?
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Also, anyone starting first cycle of IVF soon?
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hmmm... Actually I was wondering if I could speak privately with anyone who is considering social egg freezing or doing IVF overseas because of the 45 year old age cap or have done more than 10 times in SG. Or if considering surrogacy even. Please PM me because I would like to find out more...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hey all, its really nice to hear so many stories and the support that is going on in here. I got a question about assisted pregnancies. If IVF is not successful, would anyone want to receive donated eggs from commercial egg banks overseas or try surrogate mothers? Just curious
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    have been so very busy, super late nights trying to meet deadlines.... how is everyone and the progress of those TTC-ing... May the Lord's love spur you on and refresh you always.
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    TwinPaPa - sorry lah TwinPaPa is cool name! How are they doing? Boy's congestion all cleared? Miracle - am excited for you too. continue to lean on God by drawing close to Him! I had a hectic past week. By God's grace, I have survived and served my intention. God's grace came to me in...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Miracle - Bella looks so relaxed. u must have showered her with much love as mummy yes, that jab hurts! I do remember. that is the most painful of the series. i was quite shocked my first round! jiayou! i am not sure about the soreness... may be one of the side effects. i show u a pic of my...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Horsie - thanks for the tip and concern Miracle - haha! besides having gone to see the same gynae, Dr Sadhana, we both have a labbie! mine is a yellow boy and he is 10 this year. he is neutered and just as well as he developed cancer in one of his testicles. we keep him with my mil as my hb...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Hi CelC - sorry. dont know the answer to the qn. hello to u! Miracle - thanks for sharing the video. was encouraged by it. i believe the couple's love for each other and God is strengthened in the process. will rem ur ER on TUE! Horsie - oooh. already at 2ww. jiayou. i have learnt not to...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    wow! very happening here! and good stuff too! PTL! these few days have been crazy busy work days for me. i actually left work 7 years ago to ttc but was not a 100% sah(m?). it was quite trying as I questioned who i was when I was no longer working. God really taught me to find my identity...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    DiamondT - now i understand what DOR is. Ovarian reserve is not new to me but DOR is. haha. How are u doing? Jiayou to those on meds! May God bless you with freedom from side effects and the meds to do what they are intended for and nothing more. i pray for success for you all...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Thank you for the prayer, red velvet. Amen! Miracle Hugs!
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    trinity - hugs. what ur hubby said must have moved u deeply. his heart aches to see u in anguish. perhaps both of u can pray over the issue of whether to seek medical help in this area or not, and to align with God's thinking, and most of all to feel His hand in a tangible way. may u have a...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Welcome Miracle & Emma Emma - I had an MC too. Some church members can be quite at a loss what to say; they are afraid anything they say may trigger a negative reaction. They may be trying to be sensitive, and have good intentions. I wasn't disappointed. Maybe the length of relationship...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Must be so nice to just cuddle her! Keep up the positive spirit! A cheerful heart doeth good like medicine!
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Diamond T, me too (uterus) What's DOR? Red velvet- what happened? Every cycle is different. The timing needs to be good and in the Lord's hands. Hugs. Trinity- good to be 'diligent'. We gotta do our part! Joy- hope u r feeling better...hugs
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Hi Joy - Hugs! Gotta have some routine for leisure too! A morning walk at Botanics (since it's not too far), a breakfast, newspaper, worship, etc... hope u will feel better. I had hot flushes with lucrin! Horsie - Am glad u found God in the midst of the difficult time. I am not sure about...
