Christian ivf mums or mums to be

TwinPaPa - sorry lah
TwinPaPa is cool name!
How are they doing? Boy's congestion all cleared?

Miracle - am excited for you too. continue to lean on God by drawing close to Him!

I had a hectic past week. By God's grace, I have survived and served my intention. God's grace came to me in sweet ways like getting things which I needed and thought were missing to appear, etc. Am so blessed. Super duper tired...

Next Wed, i cant join u ladies due to wk commitments. May the Lord bless u with a good and fulfilling time of encouragement and fellowship!
Good morning sistas (and a brudder)! I'm on my way to hosp for my et! I cannot wait to be reunited with my embbies! Pray that these stick ok?
Miracle: ask for a room to rest after ET. In that room, pray together with husband for embbies to stick and grow well. Rest for about half an hour then go home. God bless!
Morning Miracle!

Just prayed for you! Continue in your spirit of joy in the Lord, God is in control! Stay rested in Him and receive your embbies!
Harooh ladies, I am back. Thank the Lord, I had a wonderful break in Kuatan with my family. Ate and rest alot.

Oh, so coincidental. I was a trinitarian for 10 years. Used to worship at Adam Road Centre. Totally enjoyed my friends there.

J Ning, how have you been? How are on suppression already?

Miracle, pray that your precious embbies will stick all the way.

Joy, good for you to see Dr Zou. Do you feel any difference after receiving treatment? Acupuncture is not that bad right? I am really glad you went.

Twinpapa, this is a fantastic name.

Cel, Welcome. When is your next treatment?

For those who are meeting, have a blessed together.
To all sisters cycling: PRAY! gather all ur prayer warriors & pray together! cling onto God's promise. He hears all of us & will protect us throughout this tough journey. Its an obstacle that we must overcome.

I have a very tough 2ww, by the 2nd week I was hit badly by OHSS & it was thru God's comfort that I managed to recover from OHSS & eventually BFP

Next Wed I cannot make it as I need to work. Have a blessed fellowship!
It's great to see so many new sisters and brother here.
It's been a while since I wrote in this forum.

Miracle, pray that you have a good 2ww. Relax ..
Twinpapa, how are your twins growing up?

Wave wave to blackberry..
Hi Winnie pooh and joie, how many kids you ladies have already?
most of us from the recent posts are quite new here. Do visit us often here to give advice and 打气.
Hi all! Thank u for ur kind words! Unfortunately I got up to pee after 5 mins as I was toooo overly high tide. But I am leaving everything in God's hands. Everything will be great!

Velvet! Am sooo happy to see you back here! Good to know u had fun at kuantan. =) missed having u ard here.

To everyone else, continue believing in the finished works of God! Am sleepy now so am gg to nap. (^_^)
red - I have one princess, BFP with singleton

miracle - remember to bed rest as much as possible as the first week is implantation. very crucial & remember to up ur protein & water intake
Hello everyone, good to read that everyone is good. =)

I have not started any IVF or IUI treatment. I am just thinking about, whether I should embark on it. We have been praying about it. Somehow my DH feels that we should wait for His timing. Actually we can embark on the IVF route, but he feels that the joy will not be as great as waiting for God to give us a child at His timing.

I am also not sure whether I am ready for IVF. Lots of self-injection and I believe I need to let my boss know. Not really prepared for that. Money wise, if going private can save me alot of time , give me a good doc and lots of privacy, I dont mind. Aiyo, as you can tell, I am so unsure!
Hi chel (chel) ,
Welcome, I am with Dr Roland, he is from Parkway East if it is convenient for you. I can pass you the contact. He is a nice doctor and will guide or advice you through to decide if IVF is necessary for you.. All the best!

Hi Joy (k0k0),
Nice meeting you, hope I didn't frighten or bored you. Thanks for the catch up. It is nice to know more people who share the same journey together.
Glad to have met you today. I was just going to say hope that this old lady did not bore you to death .. hahaha! Keep us updated ok.
Forgot to tell you better remove your mobile from the posts! Can use the pm function to send private information.

Oops .. sorry old brain of mine got mix up.

TGIF tomorrow. Pray that you'll find rest in the Lord despite your busy schedule
Rest well .. will keep praying for you ^_^

Glad you have a good break. You are from kuantan? Thanks. I think acu does help to improve the circulation, so I book another appt next Monday

winniepooh, joie,
Thanks for posting and encouraging the sisters here

Do take time to pray and consider with your dh over this. It is not just $$$ and time, but also emotional and spirtual aspect.

Wow, that's fast! So day 2 start injection?
Joie: they are growing well. Boy and gal at 9kg and 6.5kg respectively. This put them at 96 percentile and 65 percentile respectively in terms of weight. They are becoming more responsive by smiling more. Boy is happily flipping on the floor for a few rounds at a go.
Miracle: I agree that rest is very important now. Dont do anything strenuous.
Hi twinPaPa (man_in_the_house),
Just out of curiousity, I suppose you are a guy. How come you are here? As most cases is the wife who is in forum asking questions and how?
Horsie: yup. I am here cos couldn't find a men equivalent forum for support during the birth of my premature babies. There is actually one but it is super inactive.
Psalm 1:3
He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

My hubby has noticed recently that I have been coming to forum writing posts. He teased and asked if i am velveting again and I simply replied him that I am writing to my beloveds in Christ.
what is more meaningful than doing just that?

God has been so good to me while visiting my dad's hometown Kuantan. Met up with aunties, uncles and cousins whom I haven't met for a decade. Interesting, my cousin drove us to a tv site 甘榜情. I walked the bridge and the experience was surreal!!

Miracle- rest well dear. You will be alright, don't worry too much. God will take care of the rest.

Ning, all the best for your stim. May the Lord keeps you well during this period of time.

Good night all my beloveds. Sleep well tonight. May our Lord keep us under his wings and bless us according to His delight and will.
Hi all, haven't been into this thread for a long while n am so excited to see so many new sistas!
Too many names to rem for now heehee.
Chel, since u n ur hubby r doing tcm, r u both doing acupuncture too? If I'm not wrong, there is also acupuncture to help the guys too, apart fr e meds. U may wanna check w ur tcm practitioner.
When I was on my IVF prog, I was doing acupuncture alongside w e programme n the acupuncture helped me a lot. I did not hv tt much of side effects n it helped with e growth of my follicles n e lining too. I preferred acupuncture to taking the tcm meds as e effect is more direct. Sometimes u nvr know how ur body react to e meds. I continued w the acupuncture till I BFP.
For those who r in ur 2ww, pray everyday tt ur embbies will implant well in ur uterus. Keep ur thoughts happy n positive. I only watched comedies n light hearted dramas......
For those who r doing the injections, u r all very courageous n strong in facing the needles n taking it on. Do alternate ur sides of injections. For me, I discovered certain parts of my belly fats will not give me pain so I zero in to these parts when I inject.
As for supplements, the folic acid tablets tt doc prescribed is the right dosage so best to take tt even though the conceive well does has folic but the qty is not e recommended dosage. I couldn't stomach the conceive well so I stopped tt. I just took essence of chicken. for those who finds it yucky, u may wanna try the Yu Yan sang one, it's less strong in smell n taste as compared to the brands one.

Horse: waves n hugs to u! We will c u in church this Sunday k?
Yea, learnt & did my 1st injection. Got lotsa tummy fats so there wasn't much pain.

Checked with the nurse, for long protocol, can start suppression on either Day 21 after AF or on 2nd-3rd day of menses.

Nurse told me that lucrin is actually urine le

Hi Red Velvet, thanks! May God also continue to grow your eggs during this period

Like to share this verse I got today:
I planted the seed. Apollos watered it. But God made it grow. (1 Cor 3:6)

Indeed God is the Creator, the Giver, the Almighty!

Have a blessed Friday evening & weekend!
Hello everyone! I was feeling super lazy today so didn't log in? Today was able to stand up straight without feeling much pain. Bloatedness has also more or less gone down, still eating about 8-12 ew/day. It's beginning to be a bit yicky for me but i am still pushing on.

I had some doubts today on whether this cycle will be successful or not, but the moment I felt unsure, I started praying. Guess it's really important to always look to God when we have doubts.

It seems the ohss sypmtoms are letting up, i'm beginning to feel a lot more like myself today! How are all of you feeling?

Ning, how are you taking the injections?
Hi Miracle,

How are u feelin today? Continue to cling to God, holdfast to the hope in Him! May God gives you a rested heart in Him.

I am ok, into day2 of suppression. Injections are ok so far, just a little itchy immediately after the injection but subsides after a short while.
Hi Ning, i've been sleeping ALOT these 2 days. Other than that, i'm feeling good!

I wish I can go church tmr ah, but my family didn't exactky encourage it. Please say a prayer for me while you guys are there and maybe share a bit on your sermon for the day.

Ning, you tried to put an ice cube before injection? It helps with some pain and you won't bruise so easily. My sis (who was a nurse) said after we inject, you should press down for a few seconds to let the meds penetrate into our body. Dunno how true is that but since she said so i had been faithfully doing it.

How are everyone one else doing? Horsie, are you constantly as tired as I am?

God bless all of you! Shalom!
Hi Miracle (my_miracle),
Ya, I am on my 2ww, since last week having a few suppers for proteins and sleep at 10pm plus (I am not early sleeper).. I sleep almost 10 hours, still tired, hope is a good sign..
Hi horsie, when is your hcg blood test? Mine's on the 15th. Let me know so I can pray for you. Tiredness may be a good sign, how many days are since post embryo transfer?

How are everyone of you today? I had some really good durian earlier. Yummy! Just checking, is it really true we can't eat spicy food? Don't think there's any diet restrictions right?
Been busy the last few days and feeling rather tired.

The first icon on the right side of your post (beside the red cross) allows you to edit your posts within 20mins. After that, only the board admin can change, I think.

Thanks for sharing. Where did you go for your acu?

How are you feeling? Wow, 8-12? that's a lot of egg whites! Really 'peifu'! How long do you have to continue eating the egg whites? Not sure about the spicy food part

Ning, Red_velvet and other sisters,
How are you?

Phil 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Hi all

Thanks for your concern. Hv been taking it easy & trying not to thk/guess whether 'it is successful' this time.

Thought I just share some powerful msgs that I heard...

1) Sometimes God wants us to enjoy the process of being together and not being stressed by when we should do this or that

2) "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water (John 7:38)" Belly can also means womb

I guess I really have forgotten how to enjoy the togetherness with my hubby cos I feel that I have been too focus with the outcome.

Chel, I thk we are somewhat in the same situation. I've been quite indecisive abt going for medical treatment and my hubby (like yours) believes in His time. We argued over this for a few times but recently, I've learnt to submit to my hubby totally and listen to God's direction. There are times where anxiety will get hold of me & each time I can only look at Jesus & His finished wk at the cross.

With my hubby's consent, we will be going for a checkup. We haven't quite decided what we will do after the checkup (I guess it depends on the results) but we thought it is at least good to know our current health condition. My hubby did 'warn' me that the results may stress us further. But I thk whatever the results may be, we will need to face and overcome it...
Hi Joy, i take it soft boiled. It's the only way I can stomach it. Another way is, my maid made egg mayo for me. She cooked 6 hard boiled eggs and used only 3 egg yolks and the rest is egg white. Chop egg finely and just add enough mayo to bind the chopped eggs tgt with the mayo. Salt and pepper to season. Put in fridge, when hungry just take and spread on bread. Yumz!

How are all of you sistas today? I just came back from some grocery shopping and am going to sleep soon. Hehehe, feeling sleepy after a hungry lunch of yong tau fu and liu lian!
Trinity, no harm going for a checkup. But trust that whatever the outcome is, you guys are ablento overcome it, with God's help.

We'll be here to lend yoi a listening ear anytime. Hope everything works out for you.
miracle - avoid soy product for now cos its very liang! I avoided throughout my fresh cycle. no lor mee, no soya sauce, no tofu, no soya bean milk & beancurd. during 2ww, no bittergourd, no rojak

take more fish, veg & fruits
Hello ladies, how's everyone getting on? Have we been soaked in Jesus' love the past week?

I have been quite busy myself too. DH and I intend to move from master bedroom to another room because the auntie living below us wakes us up early morning at 5 am by banging her bamboo sticks on the railing everyday. Quite annoying.:{ To keep our sanity, we decide to renovate and convert the other room to a bedroom. I kept telling my DH that I will in doing ET and ER last week of June and it might not to ready in time. He kept assuring me that we can move next week wo.
Keeping my fingers cross lah.

Trinity, I am happy to know that you are taking one step at a time to allow God to work in your DH's heart. Praise God for that.
I always believe that submission to our husbands is submission unto the Lord. We will continue to pray for you.

Joy, will be praying for you too since your ET is so near. Pray that you will have a smooth 2WW and embbies stick to mommy all the way.

Winniepooh, when will be your next ET/FET? Tell us so that we can pray for you too.

Miracle, your egg mayo idea is a good one. I will definitely do it during my 2ww. Durian sounds like a fantastic idea too. Wow, June is durian season. hahaha. I am so excited. Avoiding chillies will be quite a challenge for me. I love spicy food. How huh?
hi ladies and twin papa!

been a long time since I logged in 'cos I'm extremely busy with house move. Still unpacking away right now..

tokkie, blackberry, vanilla, nz, miraclebaby, joie etc etc (u know who u are): can u pls send me your contact numbers again? I synched my hp to my new laptop and lost all my contacts!! tokkie already warned me about this. I thought it was going to be alright but still it happened. So very sorry!
Yup horsie, do share how ur bt went.

Hi winnie, i didnt know soy products liang. Think 1 teaspoon shd be ok la. But thanks for telling me, i'll be more careful with soy products now. Hahah. I compensated it by drinking LRD tea and chicken essence so shd be ok. No fear la, our daddy God is with me.

Hi velvet, my neighbour upstairs also super annoying. Everyday around 6 will shift furniture and drag chairs etc.. Super inconsiderate but bo bian, my house can't shift bedrooms causethe other room is a platform made only for super single bed. Hehe..

I didn't completely avoid chilli, just don't eat too much of it. My friend who loves chilli completely avoided it during her first ivf cycle, but still didn't get preg. She also completely stopped coffee as well but guess when it's not meant to be then whatever you do also no use. So guess just be happy and eat food in moderation. If u read those ang mo forums, they even eat pineapple during their 2 ww. Haha.. Totally contradicts our asian beliefs.

Oooh, didn't realised it's so late, gg to zzzz now.. Night sistas! God bless!
Hi all,
My BT is preg hormone high, going for heartbeat scan 2 weeks later to confirm...

Miracle, sleep early. I am sleeping at 10pm nowadays.. Haha. Your body need to rest to keep the implantation well intact too.

If you know my previous pregnancy, you will know, I'm not leaving anything to chance, and be super KS lo..
Horsie, praise the Lord! Congrats to your BFP!!! You are the first this year on this thread i think. Very happy for you. Have a wonderful 9 months.
Hi everyone and halo Redvelvet *wave*, I am new to this thread.

Horsie, congrats on your bfp! May our good God bless you with a smooth pregnancy ahead!

It'll be so exciting to hear your bb's heartbeat in 2 weeks time.

Horsie, congrats! Knew u will make it!
Any tips to share with us?
Hv a smooth n blessed pregnancy!

Miracle, how many days aft ur ET le? Eat healthy n everything in moderation. God will sanitfy ur food so don't worry abt eating the wrong stuff n panick. Jus relax.

I actually intend to go for FET this cycle but so coincidence my hubby was overseas n no one help me buy med n my gf asking me go short trip hence I feel is God's indIcation to wait. Will go next cycle. I'm kind of worried cos my menses flow is getting light n only 2 days? Anyone experience that m what can I do to improve?
