Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Congrats Horsie!! Apart from showering, going to the toilet, she was basically bedridden. Food was served at the bed. But that was on doctor's order. Just don't do anything strenuous. No carrying of heavy things, no squatting, no bending. Be happy and enjoy! God is good ya!

red velvet - I BFP on my first fresh cycle, planning to go for FET to give my girl a sibling

horsie - congrats!! Praise the Lord!
Hi AmazingGrace (ongfamy),
What I do during my 2 ww is basically to lie down as much as possible. If I have nothing to do or not sleepy, I also lie down for the sake of it. Another thing is eat, I just eat when I am hungry and not wait for the usual timing like 12pm or 6pm like what I used to. I even eat supper if I am hungry.. but small meals la..
joyfully, "wave". Welcome to this thread.

Ladies and Twinpapa, i am working leh (self employed). Tough to do bedrest for 2 weeks during 2 ww. Maybe 3 days at most. So I am going to trust God for His divine providence.
red velvet - I'm also self employed but I work from home during my 2ww. by the 2nd week I concuss everyday cos got hit by OHSS
Hi winniepooh (audreysu),
I am also self employed, when I need not be at my desk, I just go lie down lo. Worse, I bring my laptop to my bed...

Seems like a lot of people here all self employed. Maybe can advice what trade we are doing, who knows we can help one another?

I am in graphic and web design business...
Congrats Horsie! Praise God for the wonderful news!

Hi Trinity, I intend to just let go and let God first. Have been trying for 2 years and will continue to pray for baby... and see where it leads to. I guess I will take one step at a time. Will definitely need strength and faith, especially when people around me keep asking me about having baby. It happened at work place and in church as well. It can be really frustrating but I guess they are just being concerned. =(
Everyone in this thread understands the frustrating of conceiving but I guess we jus hv to press on no matter hw difficult this route is. I even told my husband to find someone new or to adopt. I feel " lonely" at family gatherings cos those who marry late are either with kids or preg. To the extent that I even avoid seeing them. I don't kn if it is wrong to behave so but I praying to god to help me out of this situation. I was reading a passage today that say "God never ends in negative" so let's press on n give support to each other!

May I kn what supplements are u gals taking? I'm taking only conceive well gold. And recomendation for any other supplements. Thxs!
Horsie! Praise God! I am sooo happy for you. I am glad you made it! I am sure you must be sooo happy now. Share with us some of the symptoms you have. It'll be fun to know if you have any inkling before your bt.

Amzinggrace, I am day 5 post et. If you consider the day of ET as day 0. So far I don't feel anything except being ultra warm and thirsty all the time. I als have some barely there cramping on and off. I'm hoping it's because my embryo is hard at work burrowing and trying to implant!

I understand how you feel AG. I once asked my husband to go find another wife to give him children instead. The journey is very long and tiring, but God is with us. I alo avoided my pregnant friends because although I can be happy for them, I was unable to stop myself from feeling jealous and sometimes knowing that other people are pregnant brings out the worst in me. But I have since learnt to totally submit myself to God. This is why I am more laid back and didn't really think too much about what to eat, what not to eat.. etc.. I just focused on looking to the cross and making myself happy during this period of time. Since I have also resigned from my job, I am also taking this as a short break.

Phil 2:13 - for it is God who works in you both to will and to do good for His good pleasure.

Submit to God fully because we cannot, but He can! When you receive the grace of God to do for you what you cannot do, you will experience effortless and permanent change on the inside, which in turn changes your actions on the ouside. The bible tells us that God works in us to give us both the will and ability to perform what He desires. Hope this helps!
Hi Miracle (my_miracle),
Ya, 1 week after my implantation, I started having late night supper almost every other night. Also feeling hot, not sure is due to weather or is just my body which is hot. In fact, I told my hubby if I am not pregnant, I will definitely put on weight already.. He just brushed it off and say don't worry for that now...
Good morning, sisters! Long time no "see". How's everyone feelin today

Hi Horsie, Congrats!!! Now you will definitely put on weight for a good reason

I am still doing suppression, only day6. This morning I cried after watching the Babycentre video series on pregnancy.
It was so awesome to see how God creates. God is SO AWESOME!

I said a little prayer and ask God to let me experience this creation process.

God be with you & bless you all!
Hi ning! Welcome back. God's work is very awesome yah? I was also teary after seeing those videos too. Heheh.. How are the jabs coming along? Hope you're taking it well!

Horise, i am so so so excited for you! You gave me such hope! Just came back not long ago from my bt at kkh. Now waiting for their call on whether I need more progesterone support or not. Anyway, take care and rest well!
Wow, my sisters here must be so busy! We are approaching end of the week liao!

Here's something to perk you up!

Oceans will part - Hillsong

If my heart has grown cold, there Your love will unfold
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
When I'm blind to my way, there Your Spirit will pray
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand

Oceans will part, nations come
At the whisper of Your call
Hope will rise, glory shown
In my life Your will be done

Present suffering may pass, Lord, Your mercy will last
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hands
And my heart will find praise, I?ll delight in Your way
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hands
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand

Oceans will part, nations come
At the whisper of Your call
Hope will rise, glory shown
In my life Your will be done

As You open my eyes
To the work of Your hand
Jesus open my eyes
To the work of Your hand

Oceans will part, nations come
At the whisper of Your call
Hope will rise, glory shown
In my life Your will be done
What's up you all? How's everyone?

Joy, have you fet?

Miracle, your progesterone level ok?

Bb, how r u holding up?

Jning, how's ur suppression going on?

And other sweet ladies n gentleman, hope your week have been good. I got 4 pimples since yesterday. Must be the durians. Should cut it down. Kekeke..
Hi Redvelvet, thanks so much for your concern.

I have decided to proceed with stimulation (started since this mon), even though the polyp is still around. Am taking one step at a time, and praying for polyp to be flushed out before egg retrieval.

Actually, doctor has advised me to abandon this cycle, and to remove polyp first. She says she doesnt like my lining. But I have decided to trust God for healing, and the wisdom to know what to do at each step.

Are u on suppression already??
Hi ladies!

Been back reading this thread after jumping reading on many others and lotsa happening posts all's been well and congrats on good news Horsie
When is your EDD?

I'm in my 2ww now (together with miracle *wave*) after this month's of natural ttc..cos long story..actually FET scheduled for May but then my Ovulation happened to fall on a weekend so postponed to after next AF cycle (end June) so meanwhile hb and i tried naturally and see where God leads us
Testing hpt this saturday on my 5th wedding anniversary

Red velvet and blackberry! You're cat owners too? I used to hv a doggie (back then i considered myself to be a dog person but now it seems i love cats more) anyway i have 2 'shipscat' cats with extra claws (a female and her 1st born 'kitten' -a male) I love them to bits!!

Hi Joyfully *wave*, you might want to carrying on stimulation then when ER time ask doc to do the polp removal at the same time too as you'll be sedated. Like kill 2 birds with one stone mah..then do ET thereafter..Did you ask the doc if this is workable?
Hi Chrisl, *wave*!!!

Congrats on your 5 years of marriage! That's really a milestone, which you have achieved. And I'll pray that you'll achieve the next milestone in your life soon! All the best to your hpt test on this sat! May it be a double happiness for you. Will keep you in my prayer.

Thanks for your advice and prayers. Our God is Great!

I went for 2nd ultrascan this morning, and was told by the doctor that the polyp and fluid has been completely flushed out from my uterus, and I can proceed with egg transfer.I would like to give all glory to God for his miracle healing! God is so great!

May God continue to bless us on our ivf journey, and for all of us to have our little ones soon.
Chrisl, thanks for your advice on beef and red bean soup. I have been taking the latter, think will have to start taking more beef.

Btw, do you have any ideas how to increase the egg size and quantity. Cos mine is very little and small. Today, I was given additional jab of menopur. So now, I am taking 4 jabs every day! Ouch!;p
Have been busy the whole week as my sister is in town for a holiday. Feeling so tired cos of all the shopping and late nights... finally can rest a bit and hope to have a restful weekend. How are all of you doing?

My lining was 8.8mm but have to delay ET till next week cos they want to try to cultivate the embryos to blastocyst. So more waiting! God grant me the patience and peace
PTL for your pregnancy! Smooth 9 months ahead!
How are you feeling these days?

Thanks, ET will only happen next Tues, like so so so long. Fancy having to shift from your mbr cos of your neighbour! How is the reno going on?

Happy to know that your progestrone reading is good. God is good! When is your BT?

Jiayou! Next week you can start the stim jabs

Welcome! PTL that He answers your prayers on the polyp! To increase egg size, I can only think of eating more protein-rich foods e.g. egg whites, high-protein milk, beef etc

Welcome! All the best to your natural cycle!
Hi Sisters!

Yeaa so happy it's Friday! Been super busy at work cos my buddy was on 2-week leave. Thank God for seeing me through. Buddy will be back next week.

RedVelvet & Joy,
Blood test on Monday to see if the suppression is enough. Hope it is enough so can move on to stimulation stage.

RedVelvet, how's your stimulation so far?

Joy, Wow blastocyst! Rest well for your ET next week. Prays also that your embbies will grow into stroooong blastocysts and be ready to be reunited with you next week!

Joyfully, Praise God your polyp is gone!!! Indeed, He's our healer! Sayang for the extra jabs. Hugsss.

Miracle, I am reading your blog
So happy to see your progestrone is good! Keep praying, keep hoping.

ChrisL, welcome welcome! Hope to hear good news of your natural cycle!

Stay happy, stay cheery ... for we have God our Heavenly Father
Hi Chrisl, welcome to the thread. And sorry to know that your af has come. Let's try again. Jiayou.

Horsie, PTL means praise the lord!

Joyfully, God is so so good indeed. Now you can fang xin carry on.

Jou, joyfully and Ning, mine is a short protocol with Elonva. Af coming next week. No need suppression. Don't know whether I am stress or nervous, I am getting abit restless. Oh my nerves...

Joy, my sis is also in town for a month. You can imagine with her around, my work and room moving. I am a little crazy liao. You take care, don't think too much. May the Lord give you superb lining to hold ur embbies.
Hi everyone! Thanks to all who have been following my blog. Hehehe.

Just now hand itchy, went to test.. could be too early, but we spotted a very very faint line. We don't know if it's a false positive or we imagined the line ourselves cause it's so faint. Please keep me in your prayers tonight!

Thanks dears! My bt will be on 15th. I think I will test again on the 11th just to double confirm.
Miracle, hope you are the 2nd bfp on this thread this year!
will pray for you every night till 11 jun. Excited for you.

To all the God's precious babes, Good night and God bless. Let's continue to pray for one another.
Thanks for your advice on the food intake. We have a great God, and He is watching over you over the entire ivf journey. May God grants wisdom to the embryologist who is doing the cultivation of your embryos to blastocysts.
Let's cont to hold unto God's promises about fertility close to our heart, and cont to draw upon HIS strength. We'll have our little babies in our arm soon.
JNing, thanks! I suppose you'll be on stimu jab soon. Glad to know that your buddy will be back to work next week, so you'll have lesser work load and can be able to focus on your stimu. Let's all jiayou tog.

Redvelvet, it's gd that you'll be able to start next week for stimulation. I rem the new medication requires less jabs.. Which is sooooo gd! Are u with dr s f Loh? Pray that you'll be the first sister here to bfp with the new medication!
Thanks ladies..

God is definitely leading me back to FET hehe..cos yes AF came yesterday and i experienced some nasty cramps! Normally i don't take panadol for af cramps but yesterday was kinda unbearable! Woah..i had to pop one to fall asleep.

Miracle you're on my prayer list
And of course other sisters here in various stages you're on my list as well

Blessed weekend everyone!
have been so very busy, super late nights trying to meet deadlines.... how is everyone and the progress of those TTC-ing... May the Lord's love spur you on and refresh you always.
Hi guys, sry.. Too many ups and downs over the weekend. Waiting for bt on thursday.. Think God will give me something to celebrate soon!
Miracle, did u test again in your own? You sounded quite sure. We r waiting for your good news.

I am down at Raffles and waiting for my turn to see doc. Shld be rec' Elonva jab later.
Sisters, Goooooooood Moooooornnning! How's everyone today?

RedVelvet, how r u taking to the new med? Pray you can absorb the med n no side effects.

Miracle, how are u feelin? {Gives Miracle "joy, hope, peace, love" multivitamin}

Yesterday, I had a long meeting and sat opposite my colleague who had a little flu. Gosh! I am so worried that I will fall sick. This morning, a little running nose and cough. I pray pray I don't fall sick. Then I remembered how God protected Paul in Malta when a viper wrapped around his hand and Paul merely shook it off and was not hurted at all! So I am also going to trust God and by faith believe that my God will not let me fall sick and will protect me because He has led me thus far on this journey. Amen!

Starting stimulation this Wednesday! Yeaaaaa!
Good morning to the sweet sisters in Christ. God's faithfulness is new every morning, they are new every morning!!!

Hubby and I finally moved to the next bedroom. Thank God we can now sleep every well at night without hearing noises from outside. Yipee!

I started my stim yesterday using Elonva. Got a scare cos I already have 16 egg follicles before stim, doc said if it pass 20, she will not do Elonva for me cos I might be susceptible to OHSS. Thank God we can proceed with Elonva cos the poking (jab) very painful. Acupuncture is nothing compared to it now that I know. For sisters who are doing daily injections, Kudos to you gals. Very very liao bu qi.

Remembering Joy, Miracle, Emma, Chel, AmazingGrace, Trinity, Blackberry, Jning, Horsie, Winniepooh, Twinpapa,Diamond T, Chrisl and Joyfully. May the Lord be so real to you today and the days forward. May the Lord bless you with your daily need and close to you when you need His Strength. May He also give you wisdom to take the next step in different areas of your life.

Love and missed you gals on the thread.
Good morning sisters,

I have read this book in late last year, and started reafing it again last week. I found this book to be very useful to me in preparation for conception. The author has written many powerful prayers to guide readers in their journey to parenthood. 

Would like to share a conception prayer for sisters who are currently on ivf treatment and lastly preparing for their upcoming ivf cycles.

"I thank you Father that your Son Jesus Christ bore all my sickness and disease and carried all my pains on the Cross and by His stripes I am healed.This means I have been healed from infertility and of any sickness or disease that causes it! Therefore, I command you in the name of Jesus: To conceive and be pregnant! Every part of you is to come in line with the Word of God. You will function efficiently, by the way you were created to: because you are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

I also pray for good solid attachment of my baby to the uterine wall (not in the Fallopian tubes), and for my baby to grow perfectly, be nourished, and protected for the full nine months (40weeks) and to be kept free from all harm. 

Lord, I give You all glory for my healing and for my baby.Let it be done to me according to Your Word! Amen! 

This book has helped many couples facing infertility, and those who face complications in their pregnancy to deliver their babies through powerful prayers! 

GBU all!
JNing, pray that you'll be able to respond well to the injections during your stimulation period.

Redvelvet, glad to know that you can now enjoy gd night rest. Sleep is indeed very crucial now, especially in our stage. You have a very gd no of follicles.. Pray that they will all grow to the ideal size and of gd consistent growth towards ER.
Oops, forgot to mention that the above conception prayer is quoted from Nerida Walker's "God's plan for Pregnancy". Amen!
Ning, all the best for your stim on Wednesday. Pray for everything smoothly for you during the stim.

Miracle, thinking of you, dear sister.
Hi Velvet, thanks for having me in your thoughts. I tested again with clearblue and the positive results came up almost immediately. Line is visible but light and I am waiting for Friday's blood test to confirm the pregnancy. I also just said a little prayer for you regarding your stim. God is with you every step of the way and I'm sending over lots of hugs and love over!

Joyfully, thank you for the prayer. Amen and amen!

Ning, thanks for sending over much love to me. I'm excited for the blood test and think this might be it. All glory to God!

Chris, hope you are not too crampy from AF. Take care and rest well. Do prep your body for the fet! You are also in my thoughts.

Horsie, Im still extremely excited for you. Do come in once in a while and update us on your pregnancy ok? It must be so interesting for you now that your body is going through so many changes. Embrace all the symptoms thrown your way, you've worked hard to get there!

Love you all. We are a greatly blessed, deeply loved and highly favoured group of women!
