Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Hi Miracle,

Hooray!! So happy for u!!!
Miracle, wow so fast. You are doing ER on day 12? How many egg follices and what sizes now? Good for you my sister!! So happy for you.

The testimony is indeed powerful. The couple has so much faith and submission to the Lord. Everything is possible with the Lord!!

J Ning, when will you be going back to the hospital? Did they tell you to call them back when you have your menses. Sorry cannot help you much cos mine will be short protcol in June.

Horsie, wow you started IVF already? Are you doing suppression now? God is amazing. He works in mysterious way to bring us closer to Him. Praise God!
J Ning, you might also want to cross-reference with sista at another thread -IVF support group on the forum. I believe they can also give you alot of advice there.
Glad to c this thread so alive with God's words!

Was rather emo- my sis gave birth ytdy n my sil today... Haiz... Friends still can escape but my family members can't. My heart seems to be beating so fast don't kn y, very grouchy. God grant me peace n joy in my heart. I totally submit to u and I kn victory is near.

Blackberry, I did pray for god to use me n reveal his powers throu me to my hub so he can experience his goodness too.
I will keep praying for it to happen.

Miracle, How many follicles u hv? Soon will be ET aft 2 days of ER. In meantime rest well, cont with ur supplements n take chicken essence to bu qi also. Nearer to ur dream!

Red velvet, u trying the new med? Heard is exp n nt suitable for all. Ur doc has given u consent to go ahead? Which hospital u are with?

Horise, I think the most impt in 2ww other than eating healthy, is to be relax. Cos there's nothing much we can do le except to leave it to the hands of the almighty.
Philippians 4:8
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Hi Amazing Grace, I am sorry you felt terrible that your sisters are having babies. I will probably feel the same way if I were in your shoes. Please don't dwell in the situation for too long. Instead, take measurable step to plan for your next Fet. Meanwhile give your sisters your blessings. Are you taking tcm, doing accupunture, any form of exercises or relaxation to work toward your fet? Just tell yourself that making these tangible efforts to build up your body is more beneficial than focusing on the current situation which you have no control of. I find myself more relaxed and less uptight when I take measures to work towards my goal.

My RE assessed my profile and yes I eligible to take Elonva. She suggested to me first so I am glad my ivf cycle is delayed to June.

Have a wonderful evening ladies. I pray that our mighty God will go before us and grant favors respectively among all the doctors and nurses taking care of us in this journey. Amen.
Ello my dearies! Today on right ovary had about 6 follicles ranging from 10mm to 14.5mm. Left ovary have about 4 follicles, ranging from 10mm to 14mm. I have checked with the doc today and she mentioned that she is quite pleased with how my eggs are growing as they are around similar sizes. Of course, it's our Daddy God's credit for that.

I am not concerning myself with the time and the procedures. Now am casting my cares onto God and let Him lead the way into this IVF. There is so much that I can do, the rest is up to Him. Which is why I have a peace in me that everything will go on smoothly.

Enough about me liao. How are all of you today?

Amazinggrace, don't be too upset ok? I know it isn't easy.. But know that you have us who are also going through these hard times with you. And yes, victory is near! Jia you! Be positive as it helps while you're doing the ET also.

Ning dear, I bet you have never been happier to have your AF this time right! Be positive ah, I will continue to pray for you and all of the other sistas here.

I'm feeling uber sleepy now. Guess I will be sleeping early tonight! TGIF ah!
Hi red_velvet (red_velvet),
I already ET, now waiting for 2 weeks... Trying to keep cool, relaxed and calm. However, my family are always creating new troubles for me. Haiz...
Hi CelC - sorry. dont know the answer to the qn. hello to u!

Miracle - thanks for sharing the video. was encouraged by it. i believe the couple's love for each other and God is strengthened in the process. will rem ur ER on TUE!

Horsie - oooh. already at 2ww. jiayou. i have learnt not to expect peace during the 2ww from the surroundings but let God be our peace and anchor. the most crazy things happened during my 2ww like my hb insisting i bring the cat to see a vet cos he was very sure the cat ate a string, etc!

AmazingGrace- yes! keep on praying!

Have a good weekend, sisters and blessings!
Hi Blackberry (blackberry),
Thanks! Do take care, from what I know, the shit from cat is deadly, not good for new born baby or pregnant lady. So be careful..
Really really appreciate all of ur kind words n encouragement! As I was holding my niece, I look at this beautiful n wonderful creation fr god! She is so lovely. I'm really praying that I can hold my own n experience motherhood soon. As they are talking abt holding the bb upside to beat her legs so as to make her cry, my hub was like huh. Then I explain to him. I told him I knew alot abt preg n delivery but lack the feel of it
. I will cont to pray for my desire and for all the ladies here!
Jia you! N look to god for his faithfulness n promise!

Horise, remember to relax n keep thinking of +ve thoughts! Don't keep looking for sympthons jus like I do n still doing it. Learning to jus let go n let god lead. Is nt easy cos we are human! Find things to do to occupy ur mind. N

Miracle, remember to take care of urself cos weather is no gd lately. Try nt to go out to refrain urself fr catching any sick virus outside cos u are gg for ER soon.

Have a wonderful n fulfilling wkend!
Thanks Amazinggrace. It's true the weather is quite sucky. Hot one moment, cold another moment.

My dog, Bella has gotten her first cycle of menses today. Aiyoh, not very good timing. As she is a Lab Retriever, it's harder to buy the pet diapers in her size. Have to go Giant later to buy pampers for her and cut a hole for her tail. Hehehe. You know for now I use an old panty of mine and cut a hole and put pad for her. I cannot stop laughing everytime she walks past me in that.

Will try and take a pic and post up for you guys to see. It's quite a laugh.

Horsie, do take care of urself during this 2ww. I will keep you in my prayers!

So how are you sistas spending your Saturday? Enjoy the weekend ah!~
Horsie - thanks for the tip and concern

Miracle - haha! besides having gone to see the same gynae, Dr Sadhana, we both have a labbie! mine is a yellow boy and he is 10 this year. he is neutered and just as well as he developed cancer in one of his testicles. we keep him with my mil as my hb is the only child and my doggie became substitute son! haha! do u intend to breed,not sterilise bella?

Amazing Grace and sisters on ttc, may motherhood be yours and be assured that God mothers u with loving kindness too!
I think the transfer will only happen in early June, like so long hor! So is the acupunture painful compared to the injections? I am still wondering if I should go, but Raffles package is so ex!

Wow, you have already ET. How many embryos did you transfer this round? Pray that at least one will stick! When is the BT? Don't worry about other things now, just rest.

Sorry to hear work has been crazy for u. Think Singaporeans generally work too hard! And it is true that a lot of us based our identity on what we do, not on God. Do take it easy and have a good restful weekend.

Wow, that is really fast. Will pray for good results for your ER on Tuesday. Guess I will not have the chance to go shopping or tea with you afterall!
Thanks for the tip on chicken essence. Tried it before and nope, it still taste yucky!

What DVDs are you watching? I got some old Korean DVDs, can lend u if u r keen.

If I rem correctly, they will ask u to call them on the 1st or 2nd day of menses. Then, they will ask u to go down, buy medication, show you how to inject. But injection should start on Day21 of your af. Give them a call to clarify, the nurses are quite nice and will explain to u again.

I was also feeling emo yesterday too, think my medication is causing me to have the mood swings. After reading Romans 8 and praying, I finally had peace once again. Praying that you have peace too and God will see you thro' this trying period.

Yes, I am still taking it during lucrin. It is just a supplement, so should not have any problems I think.
Hi AmazingGrace (ongfamy),
Thanks, these few days I am calmer. Even my mum feel it when my dad accidentally topple a whole glass on honeydrew drink and it splashed all over my shorts, leg and slippers in a food court yet I didn't scream at him... Cool huh.
Hey Berry! What a coincidence! Bella is also a yellow labby. Will try and post some of her pics when I have time later to log on using my com. I intend to spay her after her first period. Her nanny says it's better we do this after her first cycle so that she will "grow up" if not her mentality will forever remain a puppy.

Joy, i'm watching some korean, ang moh an taiwan dramas. I'll be happy to exchange if you like. Let me go back and see what I have. Will post it up here. Hehe. Yah, we most likely cannot go out for tea, but I can open my house for us ladies to gather and we can order food and just have fellowship. Let me know if you guys are keen.
Hallo sweet ladies, greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. How r u gals doing? Been busy today running some errands. Now I can relax and write to you.

Joy dear sister, early June means next fri or sat leh. Happening really soon lah. Accupuncture treatment is totally worth it, you might want to seriously go for one. My blood clots reduced a great deal after been treated for 3 months now. I did not do twice a week treatment just once a week and it has been very helpful already. TCM I dare not try, too heaty for me. You can go to Dr Zou at Ang Mo Kio. Her treatment is $30 per 45 min session. I used to go to her. Now I just do everything at Raffles. She might want you to take her medicine. Just tell her you want Accupuncture only if you are not comfortable.

Miracle and Bb, I love furkids. They can be so funny at times. Bb, did you find out that your cat really ate a string eventually? Aiyoh, mine eats spiders, insects and crawlies. Very tonifying indeed.:p
Miracle, how's little Bella doing? Found the right size pampers for her? I like her name. If I get a new pet, I also want to name it Bella lah. Am praying for you too.

Horsie, God changes us to be more like Him as we allow Him to work in us. So happy that you found God. All the best for your 2ww. Will be praying for you.

Amazing Grace, cheering on for you.

Good nite ladies. I will be heading to Kuantan for a few days. While I am gone, you gals take good care and God bless!!!

This is her in her diapers. Hehehe.. We got her the adult S size cause the other pet diapers are too small for her. Bella's ok, except I found her abit more emo than usual. Must be having mood swings like us when we have our period. Hehehe. Just showered her so she is smelling nice and fresh. She's just chillng beside me while I type.

I'm going for my final jab tonight at KK 24 hrs clinic. I know this jab will surely hurt for sure! Eeeewl. I heard of a lady who actually forgot to go for this final jab of Pregnyl and had to cancel the entire ivf. I was sooo worried I might be one of those who forgets so I kept bugging my husband to remember. Hahaha. Talk about being irritating.

By the way, do any of you feel nausea during the last few days of your Puregon jabs? I started feeling sick in my stomach from yesterday and feel like wanting to puke anything. I have totally lost appetite and only eat when I start to feel my stomach growling. My (.)(.) also very pain ah. Just now while brushing Bella, she rested her head on my chest and I literally jumped cause they were so sensitive and painful! Do you guys feel this too?

Anyway, I am so happy this is going to be over soon and I can finally progress to the next stage! No more injections! *keeping fingers crossed*

How are all of you spending your Sunday? Quality time with your loved ones?
Miracle - Bella looks so relaxed. u must have showered her with much love as mummy
yes, that jab hurts! I do remember. that is the most painful of the series. i was quite shocked my first round! jiayou! i am not sure about the soreness... may be one of the side effects. i show u a pic of my boy lab...his hips now hurt... part of the problem of the species and fats (which my parents in law are deluded about).

Red Velvet - hope u are being renewed and refreshed in kuantan. i was probably less than 12 when i last went there! My! it must have changed quite a fair bit. talking abt my cat - no, she did not swallow the string. i was flustered then cos it was my 2ww and hb insisted i carried her to see the vet. soon after, he hurt his back, and i had to support him round the house... sighz. the most 'interesting' things do occur when one thinks one can have some peace and quiet. haha!

my sunday is good. went to hear my friend share her parenting testimony at grace aog (bt batok). encouraged. but i have got lots of work to prepare for the coming week! Gulp! The Lord be our strength! *waves* gtg!

Saw your blog, you are a very brave lady.
All the best to your BT next week

Some of side effects of puregon are breast tenderness, headache, nausea, abdominal discomfort. So, not to worry too much. Yay, tomorrow will be your ER, so exciting

Let me go and dig out my dvds and pm you the list later. Thanks for opening up your house for a gathering, looks like it can only happen after your ET.

If things go well, then ET should be around 7-8 June. I finally went to have my first acupuncture with Dr Zou just now. It is really not as bad as I had thought. She did not ask me to take any medicine as I told her I have started the medication for the FET. But she did mentioned I should have gone earlier, like 3 months before .. keke
Hope you are having a blessed time in Kuantan.

BlackBerry, Wow you have a dog too!

Amazinggrace, Ning, Trinity, Sunflower, TrustingHim, Vanilla and the rest
How are all of you?
Hello everyone,

I am new here. I would like to find out more about IVF.

I had endometriosis and had laparoscopy done last year. My husband's sperm isnt that ideal so we have been going for TCM. So far, Sinseh says my condition is very good, but not so for my husband. But there has been improvement in his overall health.

Anyway, we are thinking of going for IVF. I suppose there will be long queue? And we should start to visit the doc so that I can get all the check-up done before I can go for first round of IVF in Dec?

Advice in this (eg, recommended hospital, when to proceed) is much appreciated! Thanks!
Hello Chel, personally I am seeing Dr Sadhana at KKHIVF. I did an IUI before IVF. This was a pre requisite for me as I am still considered quite young for IVF and Dr wanted me to go for something less invasive first. So depending on your age and your factors like endo and poor sperm mobility, the doctor might suggest otherwise. If you wish to see an IVF specialist at KKH, you can call their appointment line at +65 6394 1482 (Clinic D) You need to see Dr through Clinic D first and when you are doing your IUI/IVF, will then be referred to KKHIVF centre.

I don't think there is a long queue. After I did 1 cycle of IUI which failed, I was able to go for IVF immediately after that month's cycle of menses. So maybe you can go and see the Dr before deciding on your course of action. =)

Hope this bit helps. Do let us know what other queries we have. I may not be a pro in the process and all that, but some of the sisters here read up more and know more than me. So if you have specific question just ask and they are all nice and willing to help.


I'm counting down now ladies! In about 12 hours time I will be at KK doing my ER!! Prayers are greatly appreciated! How are all of you sistas doing today?
Thanks Miracle!

I am only 31 so I supposed the dr will encourage me to go for IUI first? After my laparoscopy at a private hospital, dr declared me clear from blockage but still no good news for 6 months. Then I stopped going back to the dr cos all the long queue and frequent visits were stressing me out. So we opt for TCM.

I am not sure which dr or hospital to go to. And I dont know really know the exact cost of it all. Should be more than 10K right?

Miracle, I will pray for you! That everything will go on smoothly. =)
Hi Chel, if you choose private hospital, you will need to fork out cash upfront. For kk, i'm under private so this is a range I paid.
$500 - $1000 for cost of blood tests and other admin fees i cannot remember. $3000 govt grant, $6000 through medisave. So cash you can prepare about 500 - 1k la.

My friend who went through ivf at CARE paid cash $15k. Under private hospital, she wasn't eligible for the govt grant. Seeing private has its perks, especially if there is a particular doctor you wish to see. So it really is up to u in the end to decide on where you are comfortable with. Before KKH, i saw dr nair at mount elizabeth. Didn't like him nor the waiting time so I changed to kkh.

So anyway, i'm on my way for my er already! Stomach is a bit bloated and I can feel slight cramps on my right side, where there are more follicles. This prolly means that my eggs are all big and ready to be taken out! Again, please pray for me! Thanks sistas!
Hello Chel,
Welcome. You are still quite young, and yes, most likely the doctors will ask u to do IUI first before doing IVF cos IVF is more invasive.
Have you tried monitoring your ovulation and trying on your own?

Costs of IVF will depends on which hospital you go to, what kind of drugs prescribe and the dosage required.
KKH is the most economical. The estimate is in this doc

I am currently doing FET under Dr Yu @ SGH.
A few ladies here previously went to Dr Foong @ Gleneagles while the rest went to KK, Raffles.
I suggest you can shortlist one or two, and book an appointment to visit first.
It is important for you to feel comfortable with the doctor, and of course, the time and costs involved. Jiayou!
Ello all! I'm awake now and dying to go home! Nurses said I won the award for fastest recovery. I was completely awake and talking and laughing 15 mins after they woke me up. Am feeling some cramps which are bearable but annoying. Nobody has yet informed me on the number of eggs retrieved so am going to ask about it later.

Super bored now! Hope I can go home soon!
Congrats Miracle on ur ER! Rest well n prepare for ET.
I was nt told the no of eggs retrieved till ET day, are u with KK? Anyway 1 step closer to Success!

Horise, read ur blog as well. U are a tough woman and I kn god will blessed u double! How u feeling lately? Gd luck to ur BT this week. Sorry, can I jus ask, 1 first boy is also conceive throu IVF or natual?

Joy, what stage are u nw? Everything well?

Anyone kn under kk that if the storage for the embroys are due and my FET falls on the same mth do I still hv to pay? A clearer explanation is for ex my storage fees is due 9 jun n my FET can only start aft my menses is here which will cross over 9 jun n I still hv to pay for 1 yr?
Hi amazinggrace, I was briefed by the nurse that I have 8 eggs. The cramps are getting a bit out of hand so I just popped 2 advil.

Will continue to rest and log in here to chat with you guys occasionally! Take care all!
Hi miracle, the Disconfort will subside by tmr n the latest bef ET. Don't worry so much. May all 8 be fertilized. Huat!

Horise, since u succeed in ur first IVF then most prob will be a success. Relax n eat well.

Ladies I'm wondering if I should gear up to go accup n take tcm. My wallet is alr on fire n my hub hates the waiting time. Haiz. Thought of taking easy this round. This round gone, thinking of starting fresh frightens me...
Hi Miracle, it is good to know that your ER process went well. Will continue to pray for you. ;)

Hi joy, I have tried monitoring my ovulation but still no conception. Sinseh says my ovulation eggs and womb n all are in very good condition...

I was with Peter Chew from Glenagles. If I go private, can I still use medisave? The thing abt Dr Chew is that the queue is super long! I don't mind paying more if the queue is shorter...

Does ivf mean lots of self-injection? And do I have to excuse myself from work often?
Thanks Chel. =) i was unable to get back to sleep after going to the loo. Stomach's abit bloated and still hurts when peeing.

I don't know about others, i need not take lucrin, but everyday in the morning I would have at least 1 injection. In the later stages it progressed to 2 jabs. The scans are quite frequent. Every 2-3 days u will be asked to go for scans in the morning. So it helps if your boss is understanding.
Hi all, out of curiosity, may I know which church all of you have been attending? I am from Trinity @ Paya Lebar, I attend the sun service. Maybe we can meet up beside facing the monitor screen. ;)
Hi Miracle (my_miracle),
Thanks for the fast response..
I am ok to meet on weekend or weekdays as I am self employed. Do advice your available timing, I stay in AMK but I can drive around if necessary.. We can meet for chat and update each other status and how better to cope.. As it always work better if we know we have each other support...
Congrats on the 8 eggs, may they all get fertilised! How are you feeling today? Still crampy? Must rest more ok, will continue pray for you. Just pm you the list of old korean DVDs I have .. see if any catches your fancy.
When is your ET?

Now still eating provynova to build up lining. Scan is next tuesday. Just started going for acupunture, a bit late but just go in faith

I think it will be better for you to call KKH to clarify on the embryo storage. My gut feel is that you will probably need to pay And ya, I understand how all these costs add up and burn a hole in our pockets too!

Where you go for your tcm?

Good to know your womb and eggs are in very good condition. Maybe you want to pray and ask God before embarking on ivf?
Yes, if you start on ivf, you will need to self inject and go for blood tests and scans. You may go early in the morning for these but so does everyone else. So, it really depends on how long the queue is.

I am with ch of our savior. Sure, we can meet up, I am fine on weekdays too since I am currently not working. How are you feeling today?

Any other sisters want to meet up too?
Ello Joy! My ET is tomorrow. How come kkh don't allow the embryos to go to blastocyst stage before putting it in us? Hmm. I thought chances of implantation is higher when put in blastocyst stage?

I can also meet up, but guess can only do so after the 2ww as we need to be on bed rest right?
chel - if u go pte can use medisave just no gov grant & of cos gotta fork out lotsa cash. I spend abt $14K cash at CARE for my fresh cycle

I'm under long protocol, first 3 weeks they put me on oral contraceptive after which will start jab. during suppression only one jab at the end of the suppression stage need to go back for scan & see if you can proceed with stimulation. I was on 3 jabs during stimulation I was ask to go back every 2 days for scan cos I was over stimulation, by day 5 I have about 30 eggs already!

you need to have very understanding boss & supportive husband. I nearly give up half way thru my cycle but my husband was cheering me on
Hi Joy (k0k0),
Thanks, tired today, didn't sleep well last night after I on air-con then can sleep. Weather is killing..

If ok, we meet next wed afternoon 6 june for afternoon tea? Am fine with venue, you decide? Anyone can make it can join?
I cannot confirm ah, cause it will be my 2ww by then. Hehehe. If ok, I will join you girls. If not have to meet up only after BT.

My stomach is still uber bloated and because it is bloated, it's a little painful. My neighbour was very nice. She made ginger tea for me but stomach still big big. Will push on! Tomorrow is ET and I am sooo excited!
Hi Miracle (my_miracle),

No worries, I also doing my 2ww. So a bit too bored.. that's why ask to meet. Lol. Now my stomach also bloated, on proteins diet too. Jiayou..!
Hi horsie, just read your blog. If you wish to be updated on ncc's daily devotional, you can download the app for free in the app store if you are using iphone. Just search new creation church.

I will pray for you tonight, that your embbies will stick and that God will bless you with super abundance and fruitfulness! Stay positive and comforted in our Daddy God, and know that he's with us every step of the way. Let's meet after your 2ww ok? Hopefully Joy is also able to make it then. (^_^)

If you want to culture the embryos to blastocyst, I believe you will need to discuss with your doctor beforehand. But it also depends if there are more embryos, then doctors may suggest this method. Tomorrow is your big day, rest well tonight! Will be praying for you!

Sorry to hear u didn't rest well. Yes, the weather nowadays is very hot! But everynight we sleep in aircon cos my dh cannot tahan the humidity.
I will be going to AMK for accupunture tomorrow morning, if you are up to it, we can meet for a drink. You want to watch any DVDs to distract yourself?
Anyway, being bloated is a good sign .. continue with egg whites or other protein if you have many eggs during ER. Are you eating brazil nuts? Will pray for you too

Are u dh(man_in_the_house)? Thought you were from NCC too ..
