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  1. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    hihi to all mummies! Logging in to drop a quick note. Mag so so sorry, i cant make it tmr for the birthday bash. Thousand apologies!
  2. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    oops sorry double post shucks! Always double post, dunno wats wrong...
  3. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Chloe, Hihihi! Busy with packing & moving. Yah la, long time no "see". I long time nv bring my kid out maybe he also become very bored without playmates, hee. Btw PM you already [IMG=]
  4. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Chloe, Hihihi! Busy with packing & moving. Yah la, long time no "see". I long time nv bring my kid out maybe he also become very bored without playmates, hee. Btw PM you already [IMG=]
  5. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Joyful thank you thank you for helping me to add! And also thanks Mag for organising! So interesting got proposal a & b. Both also sounds fun!
  6. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    oops sorry double post
  7. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Joyful come leh! Long time nv see u too. Y dun come? Lai la, lai la...
  8. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Joyful come leh! Long time nv see u too. Y dun come? Lai la, lai la...
  9. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hihi mummies!!! Have not log in for the longest time cuz busy packing and gg to move house. Ohhh, wanna join in the party. But using my phone dunno how to copy and paste, can any kind mummy add me to the list? Thanks a million!
  10. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi reen, nice to see you ard too. Oh dear, poor cay, you must be so xin tong. Hope the ear infection clears fast for cay.
  11. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    1727, Elise Same here, also sleeping with bb at night. Worse, I sleep with #1 and bb on the bed, sometimes my hubby sleeps on the floor, poor thing. Morning wake up, we are like zombies. Like 8 hour night shift parenting... Need more zzz... Babyl, Yah no hurry, still got some time to...
  12. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Wow wow Babyl and Chloe! #2 coming up?! Dragon BB? It's really very xiong, but worth it cuz they can play together. It's so much fun! Jia you! Elise, you add beef to enzo's food and blend all tog? Never tot of beef, something new to add to the menu. Lucky enzo for such a loving...
  13. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi mummies I'm also reading on and off sometimes. Do mummies working at harbourfront area gather for lunch sometimes? My boy is also still taking 3-4 hourly feeds but small amounts, he's so fussy, can't take more. Chloe, Mine also bite den I will scold him and say NO. After that...
  14. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hihi chloe, Yah! Long time no see, btw our shopping centre is undergoing huge reno and a lot of shops close! we are deprived... maybe that y we dun "see" each other, haha.
  15. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Dec Christmas Gathering 11.12.2010 - Saturday Lunch Location : TBC Cater buffet? Who's interested? 1. elise31 + family 2. babyL + family 3. jules + big family 4. skysilver + family 5. Winnie + family 6. Reenren + family 7. 1727 + family (tentative if i'm not...
  16. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Toray, Yeah, we love to enjoy some "me time", too bad they are so few and it's a luxury. Ladyk, Thanks for sharing ur tips. Otherwise i blur blur. Jules, Hihi!!! Yup we r gg back to work alrdy, so soon time really flies. Miss all the gatherings, just gg out to chill out and shop!
  17. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    1727, Thanks! That's a great idea, hopefully pple will not be kaypoh. Joelle, Sometimes I feel the same too, maybe you can try to leave ur bb with hubby or somebody else for a while, den you can go and have some "me time". Do something that u really enjoy, like shopping? Reading...
  18. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Jmmabb, Yah, too many things to bring, aiyo... Does your work place have nursing room? Cloudys, My bb oso hasn't shown any interest in food yet, waiting for him to give me some cues if not, I will start when he is 6 months. Did the pd say anything abt the weight? Is there a gradual...
  19. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    1727, Thanks! I'm oso using Avent manual but i haven tried electric pump b4 so dunno which one is better, but i tot manual pump suction is not so good. But i'm tinking if leave it in the fridge, will other pple go and tamper it? Like they go and see see what inside? Open our bottles and...
  20. I

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Jmmabb, Yah i tot so too. But no nursing room [IMG=] Toilet so small and no place to put all the things but dun wanna to throw away either. Are u working or still on ML? Reen, I am using single manual pump. But manual pump...
