(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hi Jmmab,

Hope your gal will recover soon.

Hi Carol,

The bag, I Will give a miss too =) cause I got too many bag already =) Thanks for offering =)


jmmabb, she only cough till wake at 4am this morning. An hr later than usual so I take it as a sign of recovery. hehe...i also tried to suck the mucus out of her dripping nose but she protested too much. Nearly poked her eye with the applicant. Praying hard that both our gals recover soon!

skysilver, thanks! hope you get Violet fix soon for Michelle. She starting to appreciate music now? Heidi's fav song on tv now is the taiwanese drama serial - Ai opening song... -_-

Skysilver and babyL, last time my niece's legs were also crooked. My mil corrected it by tying them together when she slept. Once I find the title of the guide book for this technique, i will post here for you all. Heidi's leg also a tad crooked. The right leg more than left.

Reen, will the amount be forfeited if we were to cancel later? Else possible to book next week instead? Just to play safe in case there is changes. Thanks for offering!

Torayme, gift exchange sounds great! I think a generic gift will be good so if we were to draw lots or just exchange randomly, its easier. $20 is a reasonable amount to me! Thanks for suggesting the caterer too!

Mirthy, no worries! U can let us know once you confirm your schedule. Buffet can book nearer to the date also...

Hope you all enjoyed the shoot! Dont worry, the photos will turn out nice! Iz looks so cute now!

BabE, enjoy ur shoot tomorrow!

Sky, great that you saved your Violet! When my Violet not working, i super sian too...Lac loves Violet to bits! It never fails to make her laugh or smile...

Also thanks for suggesting the caterer, if we want will seek for your help.

Sky and Torayme, I read Babycenter, it says that baby will outgrown the bowlegged by age 3. If we are not comfortable, can check with the PD. I hope to massage to get it correct. Not sure if Lac's legs is fleshy or what, it seems very obvious...

BabyL, let me know if you and Elise need any help. Time for me to contribute. :D

wish, Hokkien not very positive one. haha...I take it that it means baby is lively and attracts attention. haha.

Good job all mommies reading this post. I feel so happy seeing posts of our happy healthy babies on facebook. It really brings a smile to my face to see all of them growing so well everyday and bringing such wonderful joy to their loving parents. *pat on the back*

Dec Christmas Gathering

11.12.2010 - Saturday Lunch

Location : TBC

Cater buffet?

Who's interested?

1. elise31 + family

2. babyL + family

3. jules + big family

4. skysilver + family

5. Winnie + family

6. Reenren + family

7. 1727 + family (tentative if i'm not travelling)

8. Joelle + family

9. Chloe + family

10. Joyful + family ???

11. BabeE + family

12. TorayMe + family

13. MT + family (free from 1pm onwards)

14. lynn + family

checking in to count crickets..heehee... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mommies,

may I know what's the bb fair at expo is abt for tomorrow? If worth going, I don mind popping in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby Expo

22 October 2010 - 24 October 2010

Event type : Retailer & Sales

Venue : Hall 6B

Admission : Public - Free Admission

Event Schedules :

22 & 23 Oct: 11am to 9pm

24 Oct: 11am to 8pm

Show Profile :

Baby Expo provides you with amazing choices and unbeatable value on everything for your pregnancy, baby and toddler. Get set to make the most of our Hot Deals & Great Promotions!

Organizer : Vivacious Media Pte Ltd

Contact Details :

Tel : +65 6404 3676

Fax : +65 6343 9600

Email : [email protected]

sure wonder what they have for the event, till today still no flyer no update - worst than the previous SALE - shud we go??

called up baby superstore and they said the flyers are out today in daily news paper - cant advise further as they are busy setting up for tomorrow.

ZZZZzzzzzz... lets see the papers

Hi Wish,

My MIL also say Michelle "hong so" if I am not corrected it mean that BB like to go walk walk no heart to stay at home. That Y older people like to say as they believe in myth'wife tale tale that keep saying then bb next time will stay at home. dun worry! Just ingore what they say =)I did that.

Hi Torayme,

Michelle love music, maybe cause when she in my tummy I listern to music at work and everywhere I go. Dunno it is that is the influence. But I hear that this is the age that all babies like music. So I play the disc for her =)

Hi Babyl,

I think TT suggested a good toy for us =) Michelle also love it =) No problem on the suggestion of the catering =) any help required just give me a call. I am 24/7 on standby =)

RE: Baby leg,

I check with my nanny as you say they will outgrown so should be ok. I think cause of the fleshy leg cause michelle also.

Good morning mommies,

the thunderstorm early this morning was certainly an alarming one... the 1st thunder woke me up... 1st in my thought,get up and go keep clothes, close windows at yard area... after walking of out the bedroom door, i then realised... what the fish.... i'm at my mom's place, not at my own... what's there to keep? *go back to sleep* but my monster woke up becos of the thunder too...


yes yes.... i ve the same feeling as u when i look at fb's pics as well.... it doesn't matter whose babies pics are posted... it just make my day happier whenever i see them too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello all


i hope ur violet is working well! mine still ok since using in march. but i bought online fr US. last last resort.. get a new one for mic. glad that she loves it =) anyway i showed barbies to my gal.. she is interested!! she talks to them!! hahaha.. but i never buy, only show her in dept stores

baby leg

this morning i massage for z. dunno if im doing the correct way, but he sure like it. jus lie on my thigh still n enjoy the massage. hahahaha...

wish, dun bother abt them lah. one ear in one ear out. dat day i went back to in law's plc. MIL say she saw a playmat in our hse, she say she saw dat in newspaper saying its no good for baby (dunno wat she is talking abt). she said "u didnt read newspaper ah? y u buy such thing for him? if u dunno hw to buy toy, jus give him apple n orange to play" wakaoz... dunno wanna laugh or be angry. feel like giving her a tight slap. !@#$%^&*

Skysilver- tks.. I really dunno why they like to say opp things..

Perhaps pan tang [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway I 百毒不侵. Haha

Dec Christmas Gathering

11.12.2010 - Saturday Lunch

Location : TBC

Cater buffet?

Who's interested?

1. elise31 + family

2. babyL + family

3. jules + big family

4. skysilver + family

5. Winnie + family

6. Reenren + family

7. 1727 + family (tentative if i'm not travelling)

8. Joelle + family

9. Chloe + family

10. Joyful + family ???

11. BabeE + family

12. TorayMe + family

13. MT + family (free from 1pm onwards)

14. lynn + family

15. lovinglife + family (tentative if timing didn't clash with my son's nap time)

hihi cherli,

Maeve & me doing fine, thanks for asking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am too busy at work but i hv slowly train my partner up, hope she is able to release me from some work.

oh babeE, are you coming to collect loots today? sms me yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i had the babyU PS in early oct, now waiting patiently for their call to collect my album. spent close to $600 in total.. 5 concepts.. but both my kids did not enjoy, sigh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dec Christmas Gathering

11.12.2010 - Saturday Lunch

Location : TBC

Cater buffet?

Who's interested?

1. elise31 + family

2. babyL + family

3. jules + big family

4. skysilver + family

5. Winnie + family

6. Reenren + family

7. 1727 + family (tentative if i'm not travelling)

8. Joelle + family

9. Chloe + family

10. Joyful + family ???

11. BabeE + family

12. TorayMe + family

13. MT + family (free from 1pm onwards)

14. lynn + family

15. lovinglife + family (tentative if timing didn't clash with my son's nap time)

16. Baby Pink + family

Good noon mummies! Raining and thunderstorm now..most likely stuck in office to eat again, boring!

Torayme, hahaha! Sure sure! Will loop you in if we need help!

Reen, okie noted. Thanks!

Sky, ya...Violet is a good buy! I was still hesitating at first and hubby also not too happy that I spent again when i bought. But after that, he also kept using to play with Lac..hahaha! Really a good investment!

Hello TT and LL! Long time no chat!


yes, 1 family concept, 2 concepts each for my kids. intend to hv sibling concept but my #1 didn't corporate.


*wave hands* really long time din log in here. hope to meet you all for coming gathering!

LL, *waves back frantically* ... yah, me MIA for awhile also and now back to chat before bz with work again.. Haiz!

Mummies, i saw on other threads got group photoshoot, so fun! Wish we could do that too! But dunno when...

Dec Christmas Gathering

11.12.2010 - Saturday Lunch

Location : TBC

Cater buffet?

Who's interested?

1. elise31 + family

2. babyL + family

3. jules + big family

4. skysilver + family

5. Winnie + family

6. Reenren + family

7. 1727 + family (tentative if i'm not travelling)

8. Joelle + family

9. Chloe + family

10. Joyful + family

11. BabeE + family

12. TorayMe + family

13. MT + family (free from 1pm onwards)

14. lynn + family

15. lovinglife + family (tentative if timing didn't clash with my son's nap time)

16. Baby Pink + family

Chloe mei nu,

thanks for helping me to add.

down with a bit of fever (myself, not emma thankfully). resting now.


I hope that elliot is better now. so sad. After i read your post, i went to put extra pillows for emma.

I'm at my mom's place at tampines now.. my house undergoing renovation, so dusty.. it's weird staying here.. though it is so much bigger! I would love to have such a big space for emma.

Buddy, so happy that u r going! No wonder u said u are not at home this week. So u are at ur mum's hse. When will u be shifting back?

Dec Christmas Gathering

11.12.2010 - Saturday Lunch

Location : TBC

Cater buffet?

Who's interested?

1. elise31 + family

2. babyL + family

3. jules + big family

4. skysilver + family

5. Winnie + family

6. Reenren + family

7. 1727 + family (tentative if i'm not travelling)

8. Joelle + family

9. Chloe + family

10. Joyful + family

11. BabeE + family

12. TorayMe + family

13. MT + family (free from 1pm onwards)

14. lynn + family

15. lovinglife + family (tentative if timing didn't clash with my son's nap time)

16. Baby Pink + family

17. iluvbli55 + family

Hi mummies,

Long time nv log in. Wow so happening! Got x'mas gathering. I wanna join in!

Hihi chloe,

Yah! Long time no see, btw our shopping centre is undergoing huge reno and a lot of shops close! we are deprived... maybe that y we dun "see" each other, haha.

Hi Babyl,

I also like u now got abit of time cause my evil senior on leave for 2 days, today n tmr so Now can seek in and chat =) Violet really good buy =)

Hi TT,

So long did not "see" u, how are u? Babies doll, I think I will buy next time also =) wahaha cause I like =) I think my gal toy,I will play more than her =p Got any good buy must intro =)

I really hope that my violet will be ok, cause my hubby dun like to buy duplicate toy cause like very lang feu which I agree. I pray hard, violet will be ok to last michelle long =)

Hi LL,

hAPPY TO " see" u =)

cc, no ad on diaper leh...maybe tmr?? cos tmr suppose to have another ad in life


scroll down the page to see

hi mummies, m so down. Was on mc on tue n today due to stupid eye allergry n dunno what causes it. Then afternoon received call fr hubby tat my MIL passed away. Am gg back to malacca tmr morning n only be back on tue.


take care!! hugs!


cos mygal has been sick.. yep yep will let u know if i see good toys! =)

hey mummies

the mcdonald monopoly is back! still rem last year we were munching on these while preggy..

