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  1. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi all, My birth story is painful...more like a nightmare! 18 Feb, 12 noon- admitted for induction as was 3 days past EDD. 1st prostin pill inserted to induce labour 18 Feb, 10pm- regular contractions 1 in 5 but cervix still closed- decision to hold off 2nd prostin till cervix more...
  2. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi all, I finally delivered baby Alexandria on 20/2, at 40+5 weeks. Long birth story, will cover another time. We started inducing her out on Fri afternoon but she was born only on Sun afternoon. Spent a week in hospital, just got home today, stayed for 5 days after the birth cos she had...
  3. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi Mummies! I'm also suffering from timing issues. I had earmarked today to finish the baby prep- have more or less bought everything, and all the clothes and linen is more or less washed, but it's all piled up in the babycot. I wanted to give the cot a good wipe with a wet cloth and dress...
  4. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi Mummies! I'm finally done with my baby shopping, hurray! Yesterday the hubby and I hit the cardmember's preview for the Robinson's sale and we bought our breastpump and stroller. So the final tally for our big-ticket items is: Stroller- Aprica Stick $475 (Robinson's cardmember price +...
  5. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi Mummies, Anyone has any experience with Safety 1st strollers? Robinsons is having a promotion next week, selling the Acella Sport travel system (carseat plus stroller) for $399 for cardmembers. Wondering if it's a good buy?
  6. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi all, BABY'S FIRST MONTH PARTY I have attended first month parties at Ritz Carlton and Conrad before! Talk about lavish right? The parents booked tables at the buffet restaurants and everyone just helps themselves to the food. Very classy but it's like $68++ per person, very...
  7. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi Mummies! Joanne, I'm expecting a girl. I've also gained about 10kg so far, hoping to cap the weight gain at 12 or 13kg max, otherwise it will be impossible to lose! My friend said she lost about 7kg during the delivery (about 3kg baby weight, the rest is the blood/amniotic fluid) so...
  8. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi Joanne, My baby weighed 1.6kg too, at 30 weeks 2 days. My gynae said that weight is just nice, not too much not too little. I think if the date estimated by the scan corresponds to your EDD, your baby's weight is on the 50th percentile ie just right. The date on my scan was 14 Feb, actual...
  9. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi Mummies! Regarding ML, I plan to take 1 week before my EDD. My EDD is 15 Feb, will officially take ML from 7 Feb Monday, but since 3 feb Thur is CNY day 1, effectively my ML starts on 3 Feb. No low lying placenta so need to consider whether need emergency C section early. Wanted to take...
  10. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Thanks Geri! Will be living with the in-laws for the first couple of months so can take full advantage of the maid to wash clothes as often as required. Rompers are the legless kind with snaps under the diaper. You're right, it didn't occur to me that a pee or poo leak would result in...
  11. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi Mummies, I finally got down to organising the mountain of baby stuff I've accumulated over the past few months. It literally fills up one baby cot bed, haha. Can I ask the experienced mummies here whether I've got enough baby clothes? I have the following in 0-3months size: 1. 4 sets...
  12. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    pootz, regarding cord blood banking: I've posted this before but yonks ago. My hubby and I are both doctors (and my hubby has done a stint in blood disorders before) and we are not supporters of cord blood banking. The main reason is there is little utility for it. The only indications at...
  13. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Belinda, I think might sell kissaluvs. It's a local online store. Give it a try? The hubby and I took one look at cloth diapers and decided we're going for disposables all the way! Can't stomach the idea of washing off the poo! Hehe we are extremely lazy pple. Guess...
  14. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    WAXING I found this place that has an offer for first timers- $28 for brazilian waxes. Anyone heard of it? Reviews? Might be easier than organising and keeping track of a mass package [IMG=]
  15. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Gregda: I bought my nursing bras very cheaply in KL. I bought a total of 4 for about S$50, average $12.50 each, much much cheaper than the M&S or Mothercare ones, which go for over $40 a piece. If you're making a trip over to JB, might be able to find them there. Look for the Malaysian...
  16. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Claire, I've taken my ring off since week 21. My fingers are significantly more swollen now, and I really hope they will shrink back to their original size after delivering. You might want to get your rings off ASAP before they become so tight they cut off circulation to your fingers.
  17. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi Mummies! Pregnancy is a trial, sigh. I've taken more MC these past 7 months than I've ever taken in my life! Today I'm down with a urinary tract infection. Yesterday I felt alot of lower abdominal discomfort and some backache and nausea. I didn't have uterine contractions and the baby was...
  18. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi Mummies! Wish child, I plan to leave my girl with an infant care centre after my 4 months of maternity leave is over. It's not the ideal solution but after weighing the pros and cons, it is the best solution for us. My parents live in Upper Thomson, my in laws in Bukit Timah, and we live...
  19. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hi Mummies! Haha, we've accumulated so much pink stuff that if *touch wood* my girl turns out to be a boy, we're in real trouble! I really really really hope all my scans so far have been accurate! KL is great for shopping and eating cos of the exchange rate, but shopping only for...
  20. C

    (2011/02) Feb 2011

    Hehe eviangal, this is my last trip already...from Dec 20 cannot travel anymore! Banned from flying!
