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  1. I

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Sunflower, mine was natural FET cos my menses and ovulation are quite regular. Just go for scan fropm D10 onwards until ovulation is detected and ET is scheduled 2 days later. I did not do much to prepare for my FET cycle except seeing Dr Zou for accupunture twice before ET. I also did not take...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    December, thanks. Just read back the past posts, good luck to your next BT, hope its a distinct BFP! Lina, which Dr did you switch to? During my 1st pregnancy I stayed with Dr Loh but switched from clinic D to TPS. Depending on the day of consultation, the queue was still quite long...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    May, congrats on your twins! Maggiemee, I also detected one heartbeat when I went for scan last wed. Next appointment with Dr Loh 3 weeks from now. Btw, I've added you to my MSN. Can chat more next time Leobaby, sorry to hear about that. Do rest well before starting on your FET.
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    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Hi ladies, like Maggie, I should be in my 6th week this week. Seeing Dr Loh this Wednesday for first scan. Maggie, I was also wondering how come not much symptoms on the last 2 weeks but who knows the morning sickness started this morning. Now munching on nuts hoping to curn the nauseous...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Poppy Poo, I just got BFP from FET. During the 2ww, I did not have much symptoms except feeling slight feverish, I measure my temp every am and noted that it was consistently high. My boobs got quite sore and they still are now. Mild cramps but they disappeared in the 2nd week and lower...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    maggie mee, so it was you! I was only a few seats away from you at Clinic D re. discharge, I'm also having it though not very much. May, I stucked to Dr Loh throughout my first pregnancy but I know of a couple of ladies who changed to the regular gynae after tested positive after IVF. I was...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Were you the one wearing black top and jeans? Saw another lady also waiting at Clinic D to make appointment. Mine appointment with Dr Loh is on 16 Sep.
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Dec, just realised that you are now in 2WW, must be feeling very anxious. Stay positive and I'm sure you will make it too
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    ttc_no2, I'm also with Dr Loh. I did not get to see him before my ET so did not have a chance to do a review and decide if it's going to be a D3 or D5 thaw. Mine was a D3. Like you I was skeptical about the chances of success from a thaw cycle but the results have proven otherwise so I guess...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    bunny, you can get them from shops selling winter wear. I got mine from Cold Wear. 10 pads in a pack for $12.
  11. I

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Lyn, I went for accupunture at Dr Zou 2 days before my ET although I should have gone to her months in advance. I also made sure that I kept my womb warm throughout 2WW by drinking only warm water and putting those disposable heat pads on my tummy when I sleep in the aircon room at night...
  12. I

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks ladies for your kind words. I agree with Maggiemee, when the time is right and our body is ready, it is possible to see miracles. I failed my earlier FET in April when I transferred 2 better grade embies. This time round, I'm defintely looking after my body more and not taking it for...
  13. I

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Maggiemee, I wanted to post messages to you earlier cos we did ET on the same day and at the same place but thought I should keep a low profile first in case this cycle turns out to be a failure. I was anxiously waiting for KKH to call and they didn't call the whole day until 4plus just...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi everyone, I posted sometime back but had been a silent reader since then. Just completed my FET at KKH and gotten my BT results today. It's a BFP with HCG reading of 815.9. I've used up my last frozen embryo for this cycle and thought the chances are quite low since I only had one to...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Aris, did you do any accpuncture for this cycle? Are there things which you've done differently this time as compared to the last and you feel it contributes to your BFP? After my failed FET the first time, I was thinking very hard what could be the reason for it to fail. I'm only left with 3...
  16. I

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi ladies, I'm back for FET this month after a failed FET in April this year. Nicole, I think we'll be cycle buddies. Hope&Faith, in my last cycle I inserted morning and night.
  17. I

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Libby, sorry to hear about the news. If you have frozen embies from this cycle, Dr Loh should be able to let you start a FET cycle soon. I'm most likely going to rest one cycle and prepare my body before doing another FET in June. In the meantime, rest well and build up your body for the next round.
  18. I

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    libby, I've been through the same thing in my 1st cycle. Tested BFP on CD17 but HCG level was low (181)and had to repeat another BT. Luckily all went well and the numbers more than doubled 2 days after. Think positively ok, things will turn out fine.
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Lina, thanks for sharing. I'm not giving up yet. Will try again with my last 2 embies and hope for the best. I know what you mean by friends not being supportive. People who are not in the same situation can never understand the emotional and physical challenges we go through but as long as...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    mel, I believe accu was a contributing factor to my success the other time although some Dr are sceptical about its benefits. If you check out western IVF forums, many of the ladies swear by accu.
