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  1. N

    (2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

    Hi all, I just join the group. Will be expecting my no 3 on 15 july. I hope to learn frm all of u! My no 1 is 6 yrs ans no 2 is 3 yrs . Just wondering if there is a fb group for us mummies.. its always easier to catch up via fb. If there is.. please add me [email protected]. thank u...
  2. N

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    Hi all, I am currently expecting my no 3. Edd will be 15 July. Hope to learn from all of you here. My no 1 is 6 yrs old, no 2 is 3 yrs old. Wishing all of us here a healthy pregnancy!
  3. N

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    Can i be added into the fb group please. My email add is [email protected]. Thank you!
  4. N

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am also very worried abt having no 3. It is unplanned and too soon. My no 2 just turn 1 in august.. I am just trying to think positively and hopefully I can survive! No symptoms yet for me other than a bloated tummy and comments from ppl asking if I am preg...
  5. N

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi All.. I just found out I am pregnant with no 3. Based on last menses.. my edd should be 29 april 2013. Hope to share and get more info from all of you..!
  6. N

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Hi carole.. Was just looking at the list.. Realise that u dun have my gynae info.. Its dr lawrence ang. Pls do update! Thank u So much!
  7. N

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Hi all.. Just an update.. Finally decided on my gynae.. Im seeing dr lawrence ang [IMG=] and will be gng for my oscar nxt wk on the 15th.. Hopefully everything turns out well!! Njoyed reading the updates frm everyone!! Take care...
  8. N

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Talking abt mil...! My hubby told my mil.. And she does not Even react.. In fact.. When we talk abt it.. She pretend not to listen and join d conversation.. Haaizz im so dissapointed! Highly chance its my hormones too that im so affected by her lack of reaction...
  9. N

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Thanks a lot!! Will call and ask! Good luck all mummies! Enjoy your pregnancy!
  10. N

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Thanks for the info abt dr adrian woodworth... Any idea what is his clinic opening hours and where is the clinic? More info abt my pregnancy: im expecting #2 and my edd wld be 31 aug.. [IMG=] will let u know once i decide on my...
  11. N

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Hi everyone! I just tested positive on test kit..and Im wondering if u have gynae to recommend in the west. Preferably cck/ bt pnjg.. Do help! Thanks!
  12. N

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Hi ladies... just wondering.. have u started ur baby shopping? Sumtimes i feel as if its still early.. and i'll be kiasu if i start buying now.. hehe.. Any suggstions where can get good baby cot? (still deciding if i should buy..some say no.. coz baby dun sleep there for long..hmmm)
  13. N


    HI sumer.. I just joined the motherhood club! Boleh jugak dapatkan ur experiences and advice since im gng thru my first pregnancy.. Kalau ada aper2 tips tu... do share yah!
  14. N

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    I just joined the forum just to say thanks to phyl and all the rest for the effort made. I am soo glad it all worked out! Weeeeee Now can fully enjoy our remaining second trimester.. the "so-called honeymoon period of pregnancy" And for sure..i will be part of the forum from now on! Yey!
