(2011/08) Aug 2011

Nowadays I have been going to the toilet so frequently. Even if I drink less water at night, my bladder will be full during midnite and I have to wake up to empty it. Every nite wake up without fail. But I was tinkin the water bag is still small, shldnt be having too much weight on my bladder ma.

And also nw I cant really sleep facing up, feels more comfortable laying on my side.

Do u mummies start to have this problem?


Hi All!

Firstly Merry Christmas and a blessed 2011. Congrats to all the mom-to-bes and the start of an exciting journey.

Hi Carole: Expecting my 2nd child, same EDD as Qiqi, 5th Aug. Thks for updating the list. really helpful!

Hi SY: My gynae is Dr Yvonne Soong at TMC. She's really good but kinda expensive. Love Dr Khi at TMC too, really sweet and detailed. for any new moms-to-be i think she's a great doctor cos she really takes the time to explain everything.. of cos the painful part is waiting for your turn. At least u will feel ur wait/$$ is worth it. My first gynae for my first baby gal, sophie, was Dr Mary Rauff at NUH. she's very good and experienced but being a first time mom, i felt she wasnt communicating enuf. i waited for hours for my turn and saw her for like 3 mins! thus i changed to Soong when i was like 16wks n feel comfortable w her for my 2nd one.

Secondly in terms of hospital. i stayed at NUH in Aug and the exp was really bad. They did not give me my breakfast and medication was late etc. made the whole exp horrible. While at TMC, the nurses are great, they have midwives coming by giving u breastfeeding advise and they really go all out to make u feel comfortable.

For the cramps etc: I had CIN2 diagnosed in July and a cervic sugery in Aug thus i am kinda too early to be pregnant again. I had cramps and bleeding on/off the past 4 wks. I have been getting weekly pregnyl jabs and taking duphaston twice daily. However, i decided that i do not want to go on with these hormonal help anymore cos the internet is filled its negative side effects. In fact, i read somewhere that duphaston is banned in US during pregnancy! I decided i do not want a baby surviving due to man man drugs. i had bleeding and cramps for sophie and now she's 15mths, perfectly healthy n happy. just smile whenever i look at her and remember how terribly worried i was to the point i wanted an ultrasound machine in my own home so i can see her everyday!

Above all, rest well and worry less and look forward to holding ur baby in AUG!!

Hi Wenny,

I realized you are seeing Dr LC Cheng. I had been seeing him prior to Nov...as he is female fertility specialist and I wanted to check myself out.

I've a good impression of him but the waiting time is just so long... and tmc is quite far from my home to commute regularly.

SY, this is also my first time. So envious, you all get to hear bb heartbeat already. i have to wait till 11 Jan.

By the way, how many of u are suffering from MS already? Argh, I really dun like this feeling, feeling giddy, weak and nauseous yet so difficult to fall asleep.

CrystalJC (crystaljc)

Yea me too! got to keep going toilet during work too.

And i got to sleep sideway.

Dandelion (dandelion82)

My MS start already. During my first pregnancy, i have MS for my whole pregnancy. Hope this time round will end soon.

I keep feeling full cant eat much. Will vomit out if i have too much.

Beowie > My next appt is supposedly at 15th Jan but because I want to change my gynae, so my next appt with new gynae will be at 4th Jan. I thought the down syndrome test shd be at 12 wks ?? You so fast have to check already?

Lynette > Thanks for sharing the info regarding the gynaes but I got recommended to Dr Mary Rauff by my friend so I thought of using her instead. Hope my exp with her will be good.

Dandelion > As this is my 1st time, I didn't expect I can hear heartbeat so fast hehe. But don't worry, you will get to hear yours soon!

For the time being, I keep feeling hungry very fast. Is like every 2 hours! My bag is full of snacks for me to munch on when I feel hungry else I will feel giddy if I am too hungry. Also very early will feel sleepy at night and after wake up at the morning, still wanna continue to zzz lol!

Oh yah and I have gained 1.8kg in just 2 wks which my doc said not normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] . Heard already feel so sad but it's really hard to control my hunger and not to eat anything leh...

BJY, whole preganancy? Oh no, that sounds frightening. Is there no way to stop it?

Thanks SY.

While I'm happy and thankful that I can finally get preg, I cant help but keep having this depressed feeling. Really envious of those who are having it so easy and normal. My symptoms are also affecting my mood.

Dandelion, Yea whole pregnancy.

I throw out everything after i eat. I can just go toilet to throw out while having my meal too. Very sick n scare of that feeling. Cant stop it at all. Even when i am in the cab (enclose area) i will puke.

Now #2 i so scare it happen again.

Dandelion> I still have no MS yet… jus feel tired and go toilet frequently.. and will dose off at work esp after lunch LOL, eating as per normal and have cravings : ) from what u all have posted seems like having MS is gd like strong hormone or what but I really hope Im the exception tat don’t have MS but BB still healthy.

BJY> hehehe.. ya same same..

BJY: not only u... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i just ate 1 bowl of maggi and 1/2 went back to the "bowl". left me hungry again.. sooooo angry

Carole Ng (mayng)

eat again lor hee... during my #1 i eat like normal but throw out all.

Now #2 i dun feel like eating at all. Keep feeling very full. ><

O yes by the way, is ur tummy obvious?

I was in the office and i havent announe to my colleague i am pregnant but they already can see from my tummy. ><

bjy, hope you wont have such a hard time this round.

crystal, so nice. I also hope MS will stop and bb can still be healthy.

Mmm, just wondering, are u still wearing ur normal clothes? Because of my OHSS bloatedness, I cant wear my own clothes anymore. This bloatedness already caused me to look like 2-3 mths preg. I think my colleagues will ask when I go back to work on Tuesday.

i went buffet dinner w hb yesterday.. the waitress asked me.. mdm, how many mths pregnant are you? i asked her.. why dont you guess.. she replied 4mths.. i told her, No, its only 2 mths. She stared so hard... how come so big?

I replied.. 3rd one.. parts all loose.. whahahaha.. ya.. my tummy looks 4th mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dandelion, chin up yah. The whole feeling can be horrible. but lean more on your loved ones. tell them what u feel like eating or wanna do. Or maybe nothing at all, just keep sleeping until u feel recharged. i am on MC now so sleeping like 12 hours a day. eat when i feel like it, n stop when i dun want to. just make sure i take my calcium, iron, folic pills and a cup of milk daily. the first 3 mths i was told is to nourish urself. after that then the baby eats what u eat. my mom keeps telling me to eat this, dun eat that. but heck as long as i am happy that the most impt. i take chocolates if i have craving, sip coke cos it cheers me up. only thing i avoid is coffee. other than that my happiness is key. Remember Happy mommy = happy baby. you'll enjoy watching ur baby grow each month.

BJY, same here! For #1, i always felt hungry, ended up putting on 22kg at 36th wk. no fun after, having to lose so much wt. now at 2nd mth i have not put on any wt. 'so i guess each pregnancy is very different.

bjy, so are u wearing maternity clothings now?

wow carole, u can still eat buffet. I dun even have appetite these days and morale always low whenever I have MS. Going to buffet with frds this friday but dun even know if I can really eat that much.

speaking abt tummy. glad i am not the only 'big' one ard. i am only 2 mths and i look like i'm 4 mths. and i was thinking of keeping it from my office for another mth.. not sure how i am gg to do it.. i feel so bloated all the time just wanna wear lose dresses to ease the discomfort

Carole: I got double posting on your table [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can delete the bottom one. Mine #2 & even my hub commented on the huge size of the belly. Seems like 2nd tri. I really can't imagine reaching 2nd & 3rd tri, geez!

Sus: feeling very bad? I am sure the MS symptoms will be less over the next few weeks. Just have to endure.

wow, u gals are already 2 months pregnant. Nurse say if tested positive, i will considered 1 month preggy but I counted fr day of fertilisation, shd be 3 weeks only.

Just wondering...how early did u let pple know abt ur pregnancy and who did u tell?

Agree with Lynette. Happy mum = happy baby.

Be positive mummies & I am sure the MS symptoms will improve over time. Must have a positive mindset & ride it out.

Lynette: I also put on more than 20kg for my 1st as I was definitely eating more than 2. I hope I dun gain that type of weight this time round. More fruits and dried fruits in my bag for sure.

wow Dan, u found out abt ur pregnancy quite early. ur period must be very regular? my last period, first day was 22nd Oct. so apparently i conc on 10th nov. 7 weeks after my period, i wasnt able to see any heartbeat, so i was prob only 5wks preg, can only see the waterbag. but the week after there it was.

Carole> ur reply to waitress so funny... but hey, i read that for MTB having #2, it's normal for tummy to reveal early...

sob...I'm having #1 only and am squeezing into my normal clothes now and look like fat woman becoz of my bloatedness too. Ytd I asked the gynae if it's normal to gain fats at the lower tummy area.. he shook his head. WAIL~ why i gain weight so fast?

ironically, my tops are getting loose. Think becoz I've not been eating well...

This morning, one colleague from another dept kept hitting me like wana befriend me... I had no choice and tell her to stop... she got the hint immediately... haiz.. that's why I say cannot hide too long coz the people around u got to be careful handling u... anyway, she said some people are suspecting already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] guess it's my big tummy.

Dandelion: 40 weeks of gestation is counted from the LMP. So effectively, you aren't pregnant in the first 2 weeks.

Lynette, I conceived through IVF..that explains. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But I've only told close family members and a close colleague. Have not informed mgmt yet. What about u gals? Who and when did u tell others abt ur preg?

dink have u lost all the wt? i have a gf who is even skinnier than b4! jealous! had another 3kg more to lose.. and then i got preggy again haha.. wasnt easy to lose the last 5 kg.. i had premature placenta aging so was asked to eat more.. so last 4 wks was oreo mcflurry and durain every single night!

this time ard i am also hoping for sth more sensible like 15kg maybe? but i hope it is not this desire that is keeping me from eating cos afterall baby development is so crucial and as for wt always can go london wt mgmt haha. dun wanna end up like those mommies that choose to be slim over the health of their babies.

> Dan, oic. congrats!

chinese supersition is not to tell outside loved ones till u cross ur 1st tri, which is abt 12 wks.

i do not believe in that, for me it;s more work related. think we are only protected by the law from 12 wks onwards. ie after 12 wks they cannot fire us. not that i think my bosses will, but u noe how ofc pple are, tell a few and it's like posting on the intranet. and *touchwood* having to tell pple u lost it is def no fun.

thus for my first i told them exactly at 12 wks so they too can make preps for my absense. was the same plan for this one.. but difficult when it's showing..

Lyn: lost all weight & even more at that time due to bf. But now...sad to say put back on & more. Me too! I had placenta aging & low water.

To me, philosophy is to enjoy the pregnancy. All the while, we try to lose weight & jian fei. So now, it's the time to enjoy food & put on weight for the sake of bb. I know of a mummy who restrict her diet as she did not want to put on weight. She only gained 7kg. The bb came out quite small. Anyway, I still eat everything in moderation. Just hoping to space my weight gain out. Mmm... Maybe 12kg. Ha....just hope for the best.

dandelion: whhhaaha thank god i sat near the toilet. eat n hug 2x. whahahahaha

bbsee: really.. gosh.. mine is big lor! i asked my gf.. cos she already given birth 3.. i asked her why so big, the answer she given me... 3rd one.. parts all loose. whahahha.

dink: noted

Hi all Mummies

I just tested +ve & am 6wks preg. My EDD is on 24 Aug & my LMP is on 16 Nov.

This is my 2nd preg. My first daughter is currently 26mths. I was from the Oct 2008 thread previously [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Something about me. Have resigned from previous co for about 2mths. Last week just signed employment letter with a new co BUT after informing them that I'm preg, they said they are unable to employ me. How nasty but that's the reality. Looks like I'm gg to be a SAHM for the time being.

Anyone here go to polyclinic instead of private gynaes? I heard we can take a later package wif the gynae. I might take back my previous gynae, Dr Adelina Wong, frm TMC. Anyone know the procedure to make appt wif polyclinic?

Thank you in advance!

dink how old is ur baby now? sounds pretty similar to mine. mine was almost no water... when sophie moves she hurts herself cos she sits on her cord. n thus i had to do a c-sect almost immediately. i tired bf until 3 mths. but was like pumping 10ml every 3 hrs. felt like was feeding her my precious blood.

yeah i agree, best part is eating w/o feeling guilty. i can now take rice and even ate prata happily this aftnn w/o any guilt. oh it felt so good..

> carole so envious u already have 2 kids! they are such a blessing! thot of having 4.. but that was BEFORE i got preggy again.. haha.. i guess 1 step at the time.

hi bee

congrats! this company who din hire u is quite interesting. not sure if any legal implications. the last bank i worked with, we hired a lady even thou she was almost 3 mths preggy. shame on whichever that company is. on the other hand, u wun want working for a co that is so family-unfrenly. that's just horrible. told my HB wanted to stay home and rest n yang dai.. but got rejected haha.. now u can spend more time with ur first child and prepare her for the arrival of her baby sibling.


for ur ms, wat do u all vomit?

i am getting paranoid le...

this is the 2ndtime i vomitted bubbles out...

sour sour feeling, no food came out.

this is my 2nd pregnancy

but for the 1st one i didnt hv any ms at all...

is this normal?

Hi folks

I am back from my trip! Have also seen my gynae and saw and heart the heartbeat through the v scan. Initially i was so worried because the doc say he cant detect any foetus from the normal scan and the waterbag is empty.

So details are as follows:

Baby is 6 weeks old.

Gynae is Dr Fong from Gleneagles.

EDD: 18/8/2011

Lyn: AD just turns 2yo last week. How old is Sophie? The old wives tales is that BM is blood [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am back to office today after 2days mc so told my boss abt it. He dun seems to be surprised at all. N I nt going to tell my in laws abt it..

Talking abt mil...! My hubby told my mil.. And she does not

Even react.. In fact.. When we talk abt it.. She pretend not to listen and join d conversation.. Haaizz im so dissapointed! Highly chance its my hormones too that im so affected by her lack of reaction... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lynette> really spotting the BB still can stay with us ma? I have spotting again.. so scare... how? Jab & duphaston 3 time a day also take le.. i donno how lioa... my mummy say some ppl are like that until 12 week de.. but spotting make mi so worried leh! Feel like going hospital to camp to make sure my BB is ok!

carole, u r so right on the parts loose after 1st/2nd pregnancy..i went to gynae on my 6th wks & gynae comnented tht my baby bump is out, i ans her "no lah, i am jus fat" she replied saying the subsequent pregnancy, tummy will show very fast.. hahaha.. for me, i dun realli look preggy in the morning but tummy will show once pm reach, so i think its bloatedness..

patricia, i was with dr.ang on my first pregnancy but decided to change gynae for my no.2 cause dr. ang is too popular..

dink, my dotter jus turn 2 this mth too!

bjy, I'm seriously telling them my condition so that they can make some changes to the deployment. But mine only 3 weeks, so unstable, a bit too early to tell right?


Actually i dunno when to tell or nt to tell le. Like for my case ppl spreading say I nv tell my boss abt my pregnancy trying to hide when I myself only get to know on Monday. I am 7weeks yet I get to know onmonday only. I tell my boss early cause in case he need me to run around. Knowing my pregnancy he will push the job to someone else instead.


me too its too early to tell other ppl except boss...(*^*) sensitive u know...

mine now #2 EDD 15 Aug - Dr Heng Tung Lan

dunno wanna birth at Parkway East Shore Hospital or go back Msia...

mine #1 is in Msia & damn cheap... no more than S$100

Mdm chin

Would prefer sin if u ask me hee... Cause my mum say if give birth in msia then child will hold msia passport le. In future study in sg more exp

