(2011/08) Aug 2011

bellering> oh really? haaa... I thought most babies are doing somersault already and wonder why mine isn't. haaa... The feeling seeing ur child do little stuants..... I can only say "very touching moment".

sus> err... unfortunately no... my MS still with me. Day 1 of CNY was worst, coz of the travelling, I puke with all food 3 times that day. Usually I puke once with food, or almost puke only. I'm wk 13. Some days are bad, some days are good. One thing for sure, my mood is better than my 1st Tri.

Pipi> I took ginger tea and cooked porridge with ginger to chase my stomach wind leh... I have 2 versions from elder. One is cannot eat coz will cause Jondis (duno exact spelling), then the other says take ginger to curb MS. Anyway I badly need ginger instead of other rememdy like eno or Po Chi Pills... so I took loh.

caramelle> wow! my bill was $298. After GST, $318.85 (include bloodtest). Is ur gynae with TMC? How come got difference de? Mine wrote "1st trimester screening package". No urine testing.


Mtbs, can someone share how oscars test is done? Any pain?

And do u visit gp or gynae if ur sick. I am having blocked nose, planning to go n see gynae tmr.


U r w dr Tham too? I also paid $400+ for Oscar n detailed scan for 20th week. Perhaps dr Tham want us to pay for both at same time that's why more exp than others who only do Oscar. Like u, I also paid for package. Also paid for blood test at gynae's clinic. Then paid for some medi, total bill came up to 1.2k on cny eve. Got a shock too... Haha

Dandelion, Oscar test include a detailed scan and then a blood test. I was drawn 3 or 4 tubes of blood. Can't rmb. Then went bk to gynae for consultation. I visited GP for flu tt day.

Sus, Pipi, mummies: nope not so fortunate.. Still puking. I realised every morning puking acid first thing in the morning is standard. Then 2nd day cny I puked almost every meal. Today puked my Ribena in the morning. I was able to take pizza in my first tri, now it seems Bb doesn't like pizza any more - I tried twice and both everything came right out. Today craved for lime ice-cream... Yums!

Re ginger, my gynae told me to boil young ginger and add honey to help with ms. I tried once n was not bad. Maybe take in moderation, not too much. I also realise yakult helps with my constipation. It's back to work with lots of plastic bags tmr. Sighh...

good morning MTBS,


You so brave, still go to work despite vomitting. Very xin ku de...I realised after vomitting, it's good to take a cup of warm water....ease the puking feeling.


thank you for letting me know that it is absolutely safe to eat ginger cos I LOVE ginger. It's my best friend. If I cannot eat ginger...I dunno how to survive 9 mths.

@babysee yah i was quite schocked that it was so expensive! but my #1 was there and she was cranky cos just threw up so i didnt ask for the details. my urine test was at the gynae's clinic visit after the oscar test.

@bunnymummy82 yup im with dr tham too! according to the chart we are same EDD some more leh! but mine now keep moving, last visit was 17th, then last saturday was 14th so hopefully won't clash such that he cannot attend to both of us at the same time! i think you're right about the pkg, depending on the gynae who will write the reference slip, diff MTBs may pay diff prices. she booked me for the FA scan too, on 01 Apr.

re NT scan: i had to do it 3 times with 3 diff sonographers cos baby was not in the right position. first time, she kept shaking and pressing the scan stick on my tummy to make baby turn - quite painful! then after 5min she asked me go walk2 and come back in 30 mins. i went to eat breakfast instead so didnt walk much. went up 2nd time with diff sonographer, still baby not in good position and this time i went to buy book for my daughter and walk up and down the aisles at nearby clinics then 3rd time we got lucky. baby was in a good position but the scan was very fast, like 15min maybe? she was taking measurements then that's it. went for my blood test, i didnt look to see how many vials cos im very scaredy cat like that. within 30mins it was all finished and i went down to see gynae. during my consultation he did another scan (but this time got printouts) and he showed me that from the NT, should be okay. i was thinking hmmmm like that shouldnt have paid so much for the oscar scan since he can see right? aiyah nvm lah.

i went to visit a friend who delivered on CNY eve and she was in the one-bedder room. looks abit smaller than the KKH one-bedder i think, but cosy. the delivery suite at level 2 looked nice from the outside cos i saw it from the lift. i heard TMC used to upgrade the 4-bedder patients to 2-bedder if the former is not available, but not sure if still going on. but since my daughter and hubby will be staying over, figured i'd just take the one-bedder to not annoy my neighbour hehe..

Dandelion> I go GP when I fall sick as i can only claim GP bills from company and not gynae's. Plus my gynae also advised us to visit GP when sick. Remember to tell ur GP that u are preggy. So that they can give u special medication.

caramelle> hmm.. then I think perhaps the "screening package" are different? For mine is purely scanning & bloodtest. No urine test but will be following up with GP this coming Thurs. The sonographer didnt do any printouts but I specially requested her for one... coz I wana show the thumb sucking part to my mum so she printed two pics on an A4 paper for me. I was only drawn one tube of blood while some mummies are drawn 3. hmm... what's the diff huh? the nurse drawing the blood doesn't seem friendly wor..

Anyone taken antenatal package already? I took up when I was in week 5 wor... hopefully to save some $ for my hb.

pipi: actually i dun wanna come to work.. but not nice cos i already took 2 weeks mc in first tri.. so better guai guai come to office.. plus i'm taking quite a no. days of leave as well as i'll be performing for chingay this weekend.. n hubby's grandma passed away too, so no choice. How i wish i can quit and be SAHM!

btw ladies with dr Tham, how do u find him so far? $600 package includes scan at each visit? Does he check fetus and hear heartbeat etc? I'm thinking of switching back to him as I saw my current gynae who specialises in fertility after a few failed attempts with Dr Tham, but current gynae at glen e is too exp so i'm worried bt delivery costs..

@babysee you're right the screening pkg is diff. i think i paid for the FA scan at week 20 too. hope i remember and dont end up paying twice!! my antenatal pkg started on saturday when i was in week 12. max 11 visits so cannot 'waste" on non-gynae purposes. i count like just nice based on one visit every 4 weeks until week 32 then one visit every 2 weeks.

@changni i've seen 2 gynaes in my life and conclude that gynaes are very time-constrained individuals who try to make each consultation as pleasant as possible within the shortest time. he's very fatherly i find, and very kind. $600 incl scan and urine tests every visit, excl vits - but he gives you option to buy from pharmacy outside since TMC price quite high as i was reading in another thread. yes he checks fetus and heartbeat at every visit. i find that things (tests, medicine) are a bit more expensive now that he's at TMC then at KKH - cnosultation-wise his policy at KKH used to be that i see him every 4 weeks even after week 32 cos he'll try to save money for the mummy, but now since got pkg can see him more often.

caramelle: Yup i followed him from kkh to TMC too... when he started at tmc, waiting time was still almost negligible, except weekends. I heard now waiting time may be slightly longer with more patients. i might go ahead and see him next few weeks... Another reason is cos tmc is more convenient for me than glen e, and i hate the traffic there, esp since i have to pass thru town every time we drive down.. Btw forgot to ask, will they check ur urine every visit too? think for sugar level..

sigh i keep feeling something stuck in my throat the last hour. tot was good as i didnt puke this morning... but guess it's still lingering ard

caramelle> ooh.. I duno how much my FA is gg to cost me again. Maybe mine will end up more exp than urs... My gynae's visits are unlimited... so far i've been visiting him once every 3 weeks. But my package is $680 wor..

I'm in dilemma whether to chose Mt A or TMC... I've heard more compliments on MtA than TMC services. so asked my gynae's opinion, he said 1stly, he stays near TMC (actually Mt A is not that far from TMC), 2nd he has more patients opting for TMC than Mt A, so if there are 2 mummies delivering in TMC while 1 at MtA at the same time, priority is given to the 2 mummies at TMC.

any experienced mummies to share opinion?


I think the "something stuck in your throat" is either the puke wants to come out, or some burp. I have that too...but mine is the feeling where something is stuck in my chest for a long time.

I am on MC since Dec 10. I got no choice...bleeding so got to stay home. I am actually quite bored not working so I try to login from home to help out. I dun think I can be a SAHM cos we will go pok gai.


May I check with you guys whether KKH got package? Cos my cousin said that with package, it is cheaper.


I'm in the same dilemma as you, whether MtA or TMC, but my gynae prefers TMC too, and he also did said that more patients are opting for TMC (are we having the same gynae?). I'm also fretting about which hosp to go to now.

Just to check with those who has done their oscar at TMC, do they give you printouts? Or we have to request then they will give? Or they don't give at all? I'm going for my oscar this friday, but I'm totally lost!

hello babysee/coralpip,

***2 cents worth***

I have a friend who is a private nurse, she told me Mount A is better than TMC. She delivered her 2 children at Mount A.

coral: my oscar at tmc - printouts were put together on an A4 paper together with the report which the gynae later passed to me. I didn't get those polaroid kind when i left the sonographer's...

coralpip> I'm with Dr Wong Mun Tat. How abt u?

Someone here went for OSCAR at TMC earlier and no printouts were given. So I specifically asked for extra one from the sonographer so that I can show to my mum whom I'm visiting later... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] luckily she's nice and printed one esp for me.

Dun feel lost, it's very simple. Just go there, 4th floor, register and make payment, wait for ur no., go in and scan, proceed for bloodtest and go home.

PiPi> thanks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] other than the gynae, I'm also concerned abt the nurses if they are helpful like helping baby to latch as I'll be staying for at least 2 days. After my OSCAR, i went to peep around the building, err... like very small and cramp.. the parking, worst... but these are not so impt too..

coralpip> just to share, if u wana go for the hospital tour, u can join one at 11am at level one (no booking required) on the same day. I had early appt at 8.30 which ended by 9.30am. so didnt wait till 11am.

Hi all.. Just an update.. Finally decided on my gynae.. Im seeing dr lawrence ang [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and will be gng for my oscar nxt wk on the 15th.. Hopefully everything turns out well!!

Njoyed reading the updates frm everyone!! Take care mummies...

Wld like to be in the fb too pls!! My name in fb NurAisah.. Thanks!!

@changni i only go on saturday so can you imagine?? i've smartened up and only make appointments really early like 9am or really late like 1230pm cos clinic close at 1pm so everyone will be rushing to go home. haha! i hate TMC's parking, can't imagine if im about to deliver and still have to deal with valet! yes they will check urine every visit, although i find it's a bit uncomfortable cos gotta pee into a cup than on a stick which would be easier i find and less gross...

@babysee hmm..come to think of it my gynae started seeing me every 3 weeks and then now pkg start only see me every 4 weeks..trying to stinge is it?? haha. anyway i dread the parking as i mentioned above so unless absolutely necessary i'll stick to every 4 weeks. what i also dread is that my daughter treats the clinic like her playground. she's so active during my consultation that i hurry hurry chop chop leave.

@PiPi KKH no pkg, but i calculate it's about the same. at KKH when i saw dr tham was $60 per visit and if all goes well, see dr every 4 weeks only. those with pkg will ask to see dr every 2 weeks after 32 weeks, then once a week after 36 weeks.

btw those with pkg, remember to keep your receipt. can claim from medisave.

@coralpip no i didnt get printouts but i think you can videocam the whole scan on your phone if you can forgive the poor lighting.

@Aisah welcome!

*waves hi to all!!*

I am new to this thread and have been reading this thread on and off since the 1st few archives.

I wanna wait till I passed my FT scan/Oscar test and the 1st 3 months b4 I start posting here.

Here's my profile:

Nick: Monster

EDD: 1 Aug 2011

Child: #3

Gynae/Hosp: Dr Fong Chuan Wee/Glen E

I am active in FB so would pm to be added to FB too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi monster!


i asked the sonagrapher of i can take video of the screen. she said no wor.


im also gonna see dr tham on sat fr this visit onwards. cos hubby only free on weekends. so far i dun find any prob w the parking. just pass to the valet right? im also seeing dr tham every 4 weeks now. actually will love to see baby more often. so u mean fr 32nd week onwards shld change to once every 2 weeks, then 36th week will be once every week?


i like dr tham. i feel he is very fatherly and kind. his consultations are never rushed. and he will let me listen to the heartbeat and stare at the scan as long as i like. sometimes i think he sounds so excited for us. well, real or not, but it does makes us happy tt our baby is valued. he also encourages us to save soft copy of the ultrasound in our thumbdrive, as well as give us hard copy each time.

Hi mommies!!!

hmmmm... i jus went for my gynae checkup before the CNY. Hmmm... EDD is only end sept... althou my LMP is 26th Nov... can i still chat over here?

hi bb potato & bunny mummy 82,

Thanks for the welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I took video of the screening and got back the scan copies each time I go visit my gynae[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


of course u can still chat over here. we had couple of mummies who r from Sep as well, who knows alot of us might pop earlier, so we can end up in July too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi monster,

welcome to our club. Are you working currently or stay at home like me? Hee hee...I am still waiting for HR to approve my half day working schedule. Will know only this Fri or next week...


How come your EDD became end Sept? Pls feel free to chit chat here....I also bounce to EDD July once in a while to chit chat over there...

Hi PiPi,

Thanks! I am a working mum. You gonna work half day throughout your pregnancy and beyond? *envy*

Hello Christine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Are you seeing your gynae at The Private Suite? I am seeing my gynae there. They do not have packages, but they have this Fast Scheme, where you pay $450 (something like that, I need to check the exact amount) in advance & everytime after you finish your checkup, you don't have to wait too long for processing of the bills & payments. & after you deliver, you get $100 voucher to be used at the pharmacy.

Carole: i have added u in FB le =)

i have have my data in your table le.. haha.. only the LMP: 26th Nov... wahahah.. but the EDD come out is mid sept... haha


Thanks for telling me. My gynae never mention to me before...when I saw him at specialist clinic, he just said better to see him at Private Suite. ok, maybe I will ask him when I visit him later this month.


I want to learn MJ cos so bored at home. But I think I will be abit slow...why? Cos I started to realized my mental calculation is a little lousy when I played blackjack the other day.

Anyone craving for popiah? Hee hee, my mum just cook the po-piah filing for me...I just need to wrap then can eat liaoz.


I think gynae won't tell you about this scheme. I knew about it because I signed up for it for my #1 & it's because the nurse who processed my bill asked me if I was interested. It's a good deal, we're still paying the same charges but we get additional $100 voucher. I used it to buy wet wipes & some vitamins when I was discharged. You'll like The Private Suite (TPS), very nice environment & there's a hot drinks machine there.


I love popiah!! Today my mum's cooking curry chicken for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am now under TPS, but I don't think I am under FAST scheme yet. Maybe I should ask, so that I get everything done fast. Hee hee...

Chicken curry, I had it yesterday le. You enjoy today yah.

i'm hungry again but i have no appetite... sounds so contradicting hor... i just had french toast at 4pm and now barely 6pm my tummy feels empty but i dont have any appetite... sigh!

Hi all,

I done my oscar today.. The sonographer pressed my belly so hard, I still can feel a bit of discomfort until now.

but was amused when I see the bb burping and karate inside.. So funny.

Result will be out tomorrow ..

Saw the gynae too.. Edd has bring forward to 13 aug.,bb length is 6.7cm

asked her to see the bb gender, we both stoned and laugh out because we see something pointing out (boy)

gynae said 70% is boy lo.. I was Hoping for a girl actually.. Hehehe

total damage for today is $521 ( Oscar,bloodtest and gynae visit)

Hi mama... it's so amazing to see what our little one is doing inside... hee.. bb can also burp and stick out tongue, sooooo cute! Sadly the sonographer says it's too early to tell the gender now and can't be bothered with our curiousity. Once a while, I will tell bb dun suck thumb already... coz he/she haven wash hand! my hb laughed at this silly mummy...

my bb should be 13wk now and measures 8cm. anyone similar length?


Anyone know when is budget day and whether "ga-ment" is going to review baby bonus scheme??? The only way to make ppl more productive is to waive off tax when ppl give birth to 4 kids. Hahahaha...



Budget day is Feb 18.

Review of bb bonus is fr april-june where they will get ppl to do survey.

Hopefully we r included in it.

