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  1. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ah Kat, because previously when it was on orange alert, KKH didn't allow pp to collect lucrin. Also for that time, KKH would not allow ER/ET for red alert leh... It was such a relief for me when it finally changed to yellow alert. Now that I'm on lucrin, I don't want my cycle to be disrupted...
  2. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ladies, S'pore has first H1N1 flu : I hope there will not be orange alert, else my June cycle will be affected... praying hard...
  3. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ju, which hospital did your colleague's SIL do her ART ?
  4. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Elle, 重质不重量, important is the quality, not quantity. Make these 2 embbies count, jiayou jiayou q(*.*)pq(*.*)p
  5. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    labbitpj, KKHIVF is always busy in the morning with all the patients gg in for jab, u/s and ER/ET. You will have better chance to reach the nurses on the phone in the afternoon around 2:30pm-3pm, and they'll be in better mood/condition to answer your queries. Gillian, we're all on this...
  6. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Gillian, HugHug, have a good rest and tiao your body first. We'll be here for you whenever you need our listening ears.
  7. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Serene, I had the symtoms for my 2fresh cycles + 2FETs also, false hope and BFNs. Don't read too much into the symptoms, just stay relaxed and take good care of yourself. I'm on '2ww' to collect my Lucrin jab on 27 May, which is 1 day after your BT. Happy anticipation for you, while I can't...
  8. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ah Kat, today's the DAY!!! Not so sexy and sporty like Haze, but here's cheering for you all the way also 8:-) Jiayou jiayou 8:-)
  9. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Joanne, I never drink complain before, can't advise you on that...
  10. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Serene, make the best of the embbie transferred, have a good rest, sayang sayang your tummy all the time, tell your baby to stick stick stick 8:-) Best of luck to you, jiayou jiayou 8:-)
  11. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ah Kat, agree with Ruru, if financially you can afford it. Lining 9.8mm is very good number also, it should get thicker in the next few days 8:-) Jiayou jiayou 8:-)
  12. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Sam, H A P P Y M O T H E R ' S D A Y ! ! ! So good to know that your boys are improving day by day 8:-) Next year your boys will be giving you hugs and kisses for mothers' day, you'll be a blessed and happy mum leh 8:-) Snowies, nice to meet up with you, let's jiayou together for our...
  13. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ju, congratulations 8:-) Very happy for you, and happy to see so many twins under Dr Loh, I hope to have good luck under his magic hands also 8:-) Spray alot of babydusts onto all of us trying for June-July cycle please 8:-)
  14. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ju, you naughty lah, keep us hanging in the air for so long... everyone excited about your scan... quick quick update us hor 8:-)
  15. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ju, all the best for your u/s tmr 8:-) Maybe you conceive twins, and each bb take turn to cause m/s in you leh 8:-) But m/s is very healthy sigh indeed... just bear with it... tahan tahan 8:-)
  16. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ah Kat, hahaha, son in law.... If I have a daughter to marry at 25 years old, I will be 60 years old already 8:-) When my mum was 34 (my age now), I was already studying in Primary 4 leh. I told my mum, I'll always be lagging behind her in the various stages of life 8:-P
  17. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Vi4n, DH read the package insert included in the box & he took 6, that is daily max dosage. Initial Dose : 1-2tabs to be taken 3 times daily during meals. Maintenance Dose : 1-2tabs to be taken 1-3 times daily during meals. DH is a big fat man, think he won't ganna overdose bah...
  18. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Elle, I did hysterosalpingogram (HSG) to check fallopian tubes at KKH 2 years back. That was such a crampy experience, worse than my worst AF crampy
  19. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ah Kat, I just came back from KKH also, purchased Tribestan for DH. 60 tabs per box @ $99.75 x 3 boxes = $299.24 = 1 month's supply for DH...wah piang mannn.....
  20. J

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Rinoa, Elle, I started to KKH since 2 years back and my so-called couselling was by a nurse at KKIVF centre. I learnt about the various stages/steps of IVF and the estimated cost etc, non of the mental/emotional preparation for IVF. I regret not having DH accompany me for that couselling...
