Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

at kkh, u only see the gynae during ur 1st and during the transfer of sperm.. the rest are all handled by the nurses...

i'm on my 1st ivf now.. just started injecting lucrin last fri... and has been doing daily jabs... like wat the girls here say... after a while will get used to it... and the jabs are not as scary as it seems.. and for IUI the jabs are much fewer than ivf.. so dun worry...

There is a possiblity to just do IUI without the injection (just oral medication like clomid) to grow the follicles. Not sure if you had tried clomid before - but for some people becos clomid do not work for them - hence they need the injection to help "grow" the follicles.

So far, not much side effect for the injection and u just need to avoid cooling stuff where possible.

Vi4n: Thanks - I've decided to go ahead with the double IUI on wed & thur...crossing everything will be alright.
Hi Ah Kat,

woh... so fast you are doing IUI again... since there is more chances of success, doing double IUI will be a good choice... glad to know that you had already decided.. btw, did the doc mention if extract out the sperm on the next day for your 2nd iui, will the quantity affected since the previous day just extract out once?? Maybe you can check with doc about this whether it is ok.. btw, how many days leave do you intend to rest after your IUI? Are you going back to work on Friday or next Monday?? Wish you the best of luck on your coming IUI... take care...

Hi Vi4n,
Time flies... your AF had come so fast... thought you just say that day that you going to rest for a month and so fast can embark on your motherhood journey again... wish you the best of luck for your coming IUI... think after your IUI will be my turn... had start to get nervous le... starting all over again... sigh..
Hi Ju!
How r u feeling?
Hi Ladies,
Today, BB B is somewhere near my adominal and BB A start to move upwards... below my lung... it feels uncomfortable... Sometimes I feels very great to feel bit by bit that bb actually moves...

This is only 2 mths.. they are fighting for space.. guess by 5mths.. no more space.. I tried not to eat alot... Eat alot of proteins and vegetables.. Eat less rice... My m/s has reduce.. started to craving alot of food....
morning, ladies.

Wah, really a lot of updates. Just finish my closing, so now can spend my time here. hahaha.

Sam, congrats for ur princes' birth.
So envy you ladies have such a nice outing. I hope I can make it for the next.

labbitpj,dun worry about the injection.If not mistaken IUI injection is less than IVF's. I am the one who complains the most but yet I managed to survive to jab myself every day for 37 days. I will have my last jab today and tomorrow will have my HCG. ET will be on this coming Friday.

Ladies, any advise what should I prepare for my coming ET? Actually I am so glad I really manage to go through all this, but yet a bit worry about the ET process itself.

Again, thank you so much for the support all these while.
During Et, just relax and stay calm.. and during 2www, increase intake of proteins.. and drink more plain water to reduce bloated tummy...
Drink more chicken essense, eat fish (no to mackarel and other big big fish).. brazil nuts, and half boiled eggs..
Rest well during 2ww, dont carry heavy things.. can walk ard at home but must be slowly.
thanks for the advise. Will try to have good rest at home during 2ww. btw, where to get brazil nuts and wat's the price like?
Hi Ah Kat,

Wish you all the best. Must be feeling all excited.

Hi labbitpj,

Think the injections are to ensure that the follicles grow to correct size, if there is nothing wrong with you, probably have to check with your gynae why they suggested SO-IUI. For my case, SO cost about $900, SO-IUI cost about $1600 in Mt E.

Hi Vi4n,

If i were you, i would rather not do if i can't rest. But it's really up to you.

Hi Ju,

I'm really feeling very envious.....take care
you can get at NTUC AMK at $5.00plus/100gm or Takashimaya or some cold storage.. just get 100gm will do... and drink more milk during 2ww..
I will pass you all my baby dust...
just remember to take in alot of protein and vitamins.. limit on your carbohydrate...
Rest well and sleep well... and take all the doctor medication as per prescribe...
I did SO-IUI. Striked on my 2nd attempt. Puregon is not so painful compared to HCG jabs. So no worries dear. The needles are quite thin.
i also thinking whether wise to do IUI this month.
Haiz.. this AM went to see doctor already. he said now depend on my body whether the egg will be ready for IUI on 22 May or not.
maybe tonight will discuss with hubby again.
but my training will be only sitting down for 4 hrs.

Joanne, ya my this cycle very short leh. 28 days only. When did IUI the cycle day was 33 days for that 2 times.

ah.. me off for meeting again.. bye girls..
Hi Ju,

Wow good for you your M/S is reducing so fast!
Mine lasted into my 2nd trimester beginning. Till now, I still feel nausea in the mornings.

Hi Elle,

I think you mean ER this friday rite? ER not much to prepare lah. U will be under sedation, hopefully u will KO so u won't feel a thing. Some ppl didn't KO completely so will still hear the doctor/nurses talking or feel the poking. After waking up from ET, you can go home liao. But you may still experience cramps and spotting. So bring a panty liner or pad juz in case. Drink warm water to ease the cramps.

U may be still groggy, so pls don't drive yourself hor. U still going back to work after dat? Coz I remembered u mentioning that b4.

For ET, it's basically like a pap smear, so just relax. U need a full bladder for ET, but don't drink too much before going to the hospital coz you may need to wait for your turn and it's not easy to hold a full bladder =)

After ET, ask your DH/cabdriver to drive slowly, avoid bumpy roads etc. Go home to rest lah.

For 2WW, take foods rich in selenium, which is good for implantation. U can take complan also. We take Brazil nuts coz it has selenium. If I'm not wrong, mushrooms also got selenium. U can try to google it lah. Oh, but selenium also cannot take too much ok, so do take in moderation. Rest well, eat well, feel happy and you will be there liao. Good luck!!
Hi Vi4n, eskimobaby, ah_kat, elle, snowies and DevLina,

Thank you gals for replying to me leh

Me stupid lor. Didnt listen or ask my Doctor properly lor. Blur blur go in myself to see the Doctor. When she said my ultrasound is normal and ask me to go ahead with SO-IUI, I said ok lor. But I rem I ask her why cant I try on IUI first. She said something like at KKH, only have SO-IUI and SO-IUI more chances coz by taking clomid and injections, I will develop more follicles.

The confused part is how come after all the tests and everything is fine with me, how come I need to take Puregon etc. She said my hormones everything all ok leh.. So confusing.

And hor, normally which is the day to do the IUI (the HB sperm part) after all the 10 days of clomid and Puregon? I saw from the list that the nurse pass to me, they will need to do the scan on my 10th day.

My concern is my HB is posted overseas.. so I must actually get the correct date for him to fly back leh... He can only come back 3-4 days. Tats why I need to know roughly which is the day they will do the procedure.. Anyone can advise on tat? Thank hor! :p
hahahaha,ya i mean ER this friday. ET should be on next Monday. Actually I have been taking GNC prenatal for few months, I think it also contains selenium.

After ER should be going home because I have changed my date. If it was done last week, then I need to go back work after tat, which the nurse din recommend.
And hubby decided to postpone his overseas trip, so he will pick me up after the ER.
As for my 2ww, i think on the 2nd week i need to work from home.

Actually i still have one more concern. Yesterday my scan showed none of my follicles is up to the size yet. The only big one is only 17mm, the rest is only 14mm. Will it still keep on growing to the size? I still had my Puregon yesterday 150 iu and tonight will be the last 150 iu.
Hi elle
Kk allow pp continue their ivf already?? So how u tell ur boss that u will be away for 2wks? Wht excuse u use?
Wish u all the best to ur coming er/et..;) time flies for u..

Hi haze
U been to dr zou for accu yesterday? Me going tonite..
I want to ask you some question
During your 1st Antenatal, do you still have to go to AMC for scanning or straight to Clinic D.
Cause in my appt cards started Clinic D and the cashier nurse only make appt with me and did not explain to me... So I'm kinda confuse. I did remember Dr Loh said during this visit there will be U/s again..
Hi elle
Kk allow pp continue their ivf already?? So how u tell ur boss that u will be away for 2wks? Wht excuse u use?
Wish u all the best to ur coming er/et..;) time flies for u..

Hi haze
U been to dr zou for accu yesterday? Me going tonite..
I rem I read somewhere.. she said she got twins.

I went ytday leh.. jus missed u!
Wot time u going today?

Jiayou for ur coming IVF!

Wil stil grow... Ur last jab tonite? Or wil stil scan?

Better to hv full rest for actual IUI day.. then u try that same nite n the morning after.

Good luck!
Mine is at SGH and so far they never stop altho the swine flu period.Actually I haven't told my boss yet. Dunno should tell him now or later on the day before the ER. Last week during my closing because i got scanning in the moring, I did tell him I will be late coz need to go scanning in hospital. He just said ok but never question what scanning.
I'm thinking maybe on thurs I will just tell him, the scan result not good and i need to have operation. And will have 2 weeks hospitalisation leave. Actually I really can't wait liao. It's been over a month by now since I started my lucrin jab. Thanks for the wish.Hope thing goes well.

Tonite will be my last jab for Puregon. Tomo nite will have my HCG. Doc never ask me to go down to scan anymore. Only tell me to come down on the ER day itself.Tat's y I'm bit worried, will the follicles grow to the size then.
Wil stil grow.. dun worry. Even lining too.. shd stil grow from our last scan.

How many follicles do u hv? Hope this time is the time for u..
hope it will still grow. I have a lot of small follicles especially my left side. In total if not mistaken about 15, I think.

I really dun dare to hope much. Prepared myself for the worst
Hi haze
Am going down for 6:15pm apptment.. Hope will be in time since still got to walk quite a distance fr mrt.. I hate the long walk..hee.. Always perspire alot when reach the clinic.. When are u going again this wk?? Btw, do u know how many days interval shd we rest before do the next accu? Am thinking whether can go on thursday..hmm.

Hi elle
Oh.. Sorry.. Me sotong liao.. mix up with the names.. Thought u does urs at kk.. Anyway.. Dun worry too much.. Everything will be fine all the way to ur bfp journey k., positive thots is very impt..;)
Elle - as long as you are still on Puregon - the follicles will definitely still grow! What is your lining size?? Don't worry - I think yours a good size and will be just nice for ER.

Ladies - it's mine SO-IUI tomorrow and thur liao man!

Your antenatal is the NT test izzit? 12 weeks one to scan for down syndrome ah? If yes, they would give u a form to bring to go AMC for screening one.

If not, then its juz normal see doctor lor. The u/s then will be done by Dr Loh lor.
Ah Kat, good luck..

Gals, now i just hope the training will be postponed to the following Monday. but if not, I will still go ahead with the IUI lah. anyway last chance before proceed to IVF.

labbitpj, the day 10 scan will determine when you will do the IUI based on the size of your eggs.
then they will inject the triggered injection to release the eggs, then following day will do the IUI.
Why you need to do IUI though hormone ok because by doing IUI/SO-IUI doctor can control the eggs growth and make sure you release the eggs, then will inject the sperm in.

Unless you just want to try naturally loh. but since you already tried with no success yet, then the next step will be IUI first before IVF loh. Hopefully you don't need to do IVF lah.
Thanks all - I will remember Haze cheering me and in her la la gal suit when I do the procedure tomorrow afternoon! : )
ah kat...
Keep thking of this imagine of me 2molo hor:
with my short skirt.. my pom poms.. high kicks.. perfect splits... acrobatic twists... hope my old bones can take it! haha

15 shd be a good number.. it's the quality that counts. Here's hoping u hv big, fat good quality ones!

I can do my 'lala' thing for u too.. if u want. hehe
once the news say dropping the alert to yellow, i called kkivf liao.. they said ok so i went down on fri to start lucrin.. luckily in time for this cycle.. if not i have to start another cycle of OCP...

*collects all the baby dust*
thank you.of coz i want la, altho i dunno how u look like, but i can imagine sexy lady with short skirt, pom pom, high kicks, perfect splits, acrobatic twists.hahahaha. sure will help me to put my worries aside.
what time and when are you going to Dr Zou again?
woah... today in the room... 3 came for accu regarding about the same woman problem and one guy in the other room... who is snoring away..haha..

Hi Eskimobaby...
ooo... is you... who does yours at KKH... i still thought is Elle... both start with E so confuse..hee... glad to know that you can proceed ur IVF plan.. when is ur planned ER/ET??

Hi Ah Kat,
Good luck to ur IUI tomorrow... so u intend to be on leave for how many days before going back to work?? Am doing some survey as wonder how many days leave should I take next month...

Hi Vi4n,
How about u?? Not taking any leave this time after IUI?? All the best to ur coming IUI too..
Wot time and when wil u be there?

I thk dun hv to do survey lah... how many days one takes.. if up to individual. But if it's like... u hv to do 'rough' work type.. climb here n there, carry very heavy stuf.. then u take leave lor.
Joanne, Yup not taking any leave.
That's why hopefully can do IUI on Friday, then Sat and Sunday will be resting at home.

May i know why are you so concern if KK or SGH are still accepting patients? I think most important is whether you can still carry on with your treatments right? Why let this swine flu thingy bother so much in your life? Sorry cause it seems that you are very bothered about this swine flu thing.. Life still goes on.. Don't let it affect you so much. OUr govt have their level of protection.
Hi ladies,

Havent post for a long time...

Ah Kat, hope i'm not too late. Good luck for your IUI today and tmr.

I'm in my 2WW. Just did ET last sat. Only 2 follicles were retrieved and 1 embryo transfered.

Wish me luck!
Hi haze
Will be there on coming sat at ard 10am.. How abt u?

Hi sam
Think u mistaken me.. Am concern for the rest who r doing their ivf at kkh.. Me is doing mine at gleneagles so no problem for me at all.. I am jus trying to show concern ;(..
Hi gals
Does anyone who after drink complan will hv diarrhoe at least one time on the same day? As i realise that i will hv at least once watery stool on that day.. Not sure is it ok to drink if this persist everytime i drink once..sigh..

make the best of the embbie transferred, have a good rest, sayang sayang your tummy all the time, tell your baby to stick stick stick 8:) Best of luck to you, jiayou jiayou 8:)
