Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

i think for all of us here, everytime AF came we will feel like a failure. So Kat you are not alone.. we all jiayou together ok.

Sorry gals, i can't join for the gathering.
Just being told today i have to cover my staff shift so need to work till 8pm that day. plus need to study, very stress lately at work.

Haiyo.. since u all like rabbit and sheep, then i'm the oldest liao lah Tiger leh..

ah kat, i can totally understand your feeling.
it is like if wanna come then come lah. why still play a fool with me, when already so upset.. haiz..
calm down ok. maybe not full blown yet?
EXACTLY!!!! Somemore this time shld be very zun cause my O was trigger after seeing Dr Nair!!!

Luckily today I on leave - else lagi pek chk!!

Vi4n: The thing is hah....not even spotting now lor!!! Crazy body of mine!!

I really wish to join.....will confirm again when my gynae finalize the transfer date. Wait wait ya

Lately i have terrible backache. My back was aching when I was sleeping last night
Possible due to Lucrin jab? Hmmm....another week of Lucrin jab to go....must tahan....
Ah kat, i think with all these simulation, our body is really haywired loh.
if you read my precious happening, you will know how crazy is my body system as well. ovulation detected but AF never come, but BFN also for 100 over days leh..
my this AF cycle also it took 8 days to clear. normally 3-4 will be clear for me loh.
sorry.. I might hv miss a post.. u doing another fresh cycle now? or fet?

Good luck.. I thk we all ned a lot of that no matter wot!
i also have the same body system like u last time.but after go for tcm, then now at least the AF cycle range from 30-40 days. Better than nothing. Btw, I have add u in my fb ler. approve pls
Elle, haiz.. me even after TCM still can be haywired one loh.
Only can be regular for 2-3 months, then after that also no AF for 3 months, then need to take western medication to make it come.

yup, i was indonesian, but now already true blue Singaporean. ahahha.. in fact i feel i more Singaporean then Singaporean themselves. hahahha
Can c all ur 'loh' and 'lah' le.. hehe

I dun hv FB.. can't c anything.

Actually hor, last time my AF also haywired one leh.. but aft my ART, seems slightly better. The last 2 mths, D28 come leh...

I used to be at least 35days one...

This mth, I thk wil be a bit late..
hehhee.. not only that, but my kiasuness as well.
but i hope i didn't catch the typical bad habit of Singaporean loh..
still i'm proud to be called Singaporean.. oops National Day not here yet, right?

these past 2 months my cycle become 33 days loh.
anyway, normally with clomid if not pregnant, surely Af will come one lah.. either 30 or 33 days only loh..

my hubby like reluctant to start IVF straight away leh.. because I asked him whether wanna rest another month May, since i can't take leave in June and early July, but he prefers to do IUI first. but i'm thinking about the money flying away.. really leh 2 times of IUI can do IVF already in Govt Hospital.
where do u do ur IUI? my hubby last time also dun want me to do IVF as he feels so superficial and i have to poke myself everyday. End up delay delay till another 3 years and only now do the IVF. I find quite a waste of time.
Elle, I do IUI with dr Henry Cheng at Bishan Woman Clinic.
For us, not matter what will do it this year. But maybe he is still hoping can success with IUI.
Hi haze
Can i hv dr zou num? Lost it after change phone.. paiseh thk u.

Hi vi4
U rest for this mth rite? So if u want do ivf, when u intend do?? Start in june?? But thot u cant take leave then how go see doctor?? Sorry, am confuse.. Actually that time when tok to hubby abt this, i didnt know got iui so i jus tell him that i want do ivf..and he agree as we really do not want let our son be so lonely in future.. Then when know got iui, i start with iui 1st.. So next time if really need do ivf then no need asks for approval liao.. Hee.. Actually if not bec of our son, dh may not want me do art. Lucky..

Hi bunnies
Am curious how old is ur hubby?? Whts the age gap? Sometime I am not worry abt my age but worry for my dh age too as if too old then hv bb, he got to slaughter till very old then can retire.. Pity him too.. Sigh.. But heaven jus dun grant me my long awaiting wish.. Sadz..
i think one of the reasons that ur hubby may still not want to try ivf... cos he may not want u to go thru so much... cos for natural or IUI is not like totally no chance lor...

today i just went MSW ivf counselling with my hubby... after the counselling he was still asking me why dun we just try naturally cos he doesn't want me to go thru so much pain.. our chances are slim but not total 0 so he was saying as long we enjoy BD sessions... maybe one day we'll strike... i also tempted leh... but ah... my hubby and I not young already... i'm 33 and he's 36 going 37... if i dun try ivf now then wait till after 35 then my chances are going to be lowered further.

anyway, we went ahead to do our bloodtests today and then next mon i will go for my lucrin jab and yes it's true that they giving 1 month lucrin jab instead of the daily jab.. so at least i dun have to jab my everyday for lucrin... but need to go back kkivf for that 1 jab... cos the daily lucrin is out of stock worldwide.
daily lucrin out of stock worldwide? no ler,i just bought mine this morning. because i extend my lucrin jab tat's y need to buy additional one vial. but ok mah having 1 month jab instead,when i start my daily jab, very frustrating.
i think only have existing stocks ba.. that's wat the nurse told me leh..maybe they will keep those daily ones for those who have already started on the daily one if not can't ask those on daily one to stop their ivf or switch i guess...
Joanne, Yup can't take leave. so if he agrees to go IVF directly, then May we will also rest and just take clomid since already prescribe by Dr Cheng.

i think my hubby doesn't wanna waste another month. so if can ivf, then go iui first.

eskimobaby, how much do you spend for blood test and this consultation?
and where is this MSW?
400+ for both hubby and my bloodtests and for the counselling too... MSW refers to medical social work in kkh... b4 ivf have to go thru a compulsory round of counselling.
wah tat's cheaper than SGH. I paid 500+just for the bloodtest hubby and me. And for the counselling another 20 bucks
huh? how come? they charge me for the counselling ler. i thot it was free of charge so after counselling actually i was about to leave. Then they ask me to make payment. 20bucks for only watching the video and some explanation. Because i dun have any question to ask as i am very sure i want to go for ivf
Rinoa, Elle,
I started to KKH since 2 years back and my so-called couselling was by a nurse at KKIVF centre. I learnt about the various stages/steps of IVF and the estimated cost etc, non of the mental/emotional preparation for IVF. I regret not having DH accompany me for that couselling.

Seems like the MSW at KKH is now conducted more professionally, and if you can get your DH to attend together, it can better prepare him to be a pillar of support for this IVF journey. Then this MSW will be a more meaningful one 8:)

For my review after my failed 2nd cycle, I couldn't control my tears from flowing when I spoke to Nurse Tan at KKIVF Centre. Nothing prepared me for the repeated failures. So Nurse Tan kindly gave me a new form for MSW, which I have yet to fix an appointment. I will be sure to drag DH along for the couselling, cos' I feel that he must do more to give me support for this coming cycle 8:)
Hi Haze,
THank you very much... will call her tomorrow..

Hi Vi4
I see... so if you do IVF, can only start on July is it since can't take leave? That's why your dh dun want to waste the May cycle and want you do IUI... but i think is ok to go for IUI since if not success *touchwood*, you still in time to do IVF on July...
Hi Elle,

I remembered I did MSW too. But I don't recall paying $20 to see video leh. Like Rinoa, I paid the $100+ for the registration, which includes the session with MSW. Actually I think it's not a bad idea especially to bring the DHs along. Let them know how hard it is for us.... hopefully they can support us lor.
the 20 bucks is paid at SGH for the counselling, not at KKH.i was told it was mandatory to have both to attend the counselling? i bring my hubby along and though the nurse told him, he needs to give me lots of support during this period, honestly i find he's not supportive. maybe because in the first place he din really want to go for ivf but i insist so. I dun want to waste anymore time. Sometimes when i complain that the jab is painful, he will comment like, "it's ur choice to go thru all this." i find very hurtful.Haiz, and yesterday he just told me that he had this opportunity to go overseas to build up his career and due to my ivf, he had to miss it. it makes me feel so bad
I am really glad that i found this thread and have the support to go through all these. Even now officially start the ivf but still sometimes i feel like terminating it.
they told me it's compulsory! but anyway i thot it was a good session cos my hubby got to know wat is expected of him... hehe...
i always believe that if we miss out on something is becos there's another plan for us... yes it may be a missed opportunity.. but maybe he would do even better by staying in sg.. so dun stress yourself too much over this... *patpat*

You are not stupid....just my case a little bit complicated.

This is my 2nd FET. At first was on bcp but its cause me tight chest and short of breath. No choice, switched to lucrin jab. My tummy now blue black after one month jab. If I am not wrong, you will start your cycle around June / July? If yes, wish you good luck
Morning all,

Me AF came full swing today liao lah! : (
Going down to doc clinic to take med and blood test before starting my second attempt on SO-IUI...

My niece give my strenght to continue this journey. She always hold me tight and lay her head on my shoulder whenever I carry her. She is a happy baby always lovely. The feeling to have her is wonderful!
Yes.. u hv better memory than me! hehe

Mine is FET... I'll be doing D5 transfer so duno if by then.. hv any embbies survive til D5 or not! haha

Trying not to thk so much.. but as the date gets nearer.. u jus couldn't help worrying.

ah kat
Jia you! hope this coming one works for u! Hv faith!

didnt hear from u these 2 days.. hope u're feeling better...
Dun giv up! Dun want to regret it later when u're much older n thk u shd hv done it then!

That's wot I keep telling myself.. if I hv done it all, tried it all, then giving up then wil not be a regret to me. I thk I already 'tui de qi' myself n my Dh le...
I'm ok.. just normal morning sickness and feeling gassy.. thats all.. been busy in the office since I'm back...

That idoit colleague of mine (remember i ever mentioned abt her before), she told me yesterday if I too weak she asked to take 1 mth unpaid leave.. Stupid right.. she wants to get pregnant but dunno that pregnant woman cannot carry heavy files n always have m/s... All ask me to do this so that she could get temp girl..
I get angry with her.. as if she's my superior...

If she's MC, urgent leave.. never mind.. If I took leave or MC.. she black face... She really have BLACK HEART and Cannot See if someone better off than her....
dun let that worry u.. u jus do ur work. If files too heavy.. dun carry all at once.. walk a few times.. slowly. Else.. put them in ur chair.. n push.

Dun strain ok? No point getting angry with someone like her..
Elle, don't give up since u already started. turn a deaf ear to your hubby's comment. sometimes guy is just insensitive lah.

Wow the blood test work + consultation so expensive. and this one unclaimable, right?
urs is IUI rite? If u've done ur hormones BT not long ago.. likely wun ask to do again.

IVF hv to do extra BT.. for rubela, HIV n Hep also.

Only last for 6 mths.. so I hv to retake mine too in Jun. Mine last done in Sept 08.
Thanks for the support,ladies.

I won't give up. I just need to vent out my frustrations. Hahaahaa, sorry for becoming my vent outlet.Btw,is it very rare to have D5 transfer in Sg? Because from what i read in oz ivf forum,seems their ivf is d5 transfer and mostly succeed. So I also hope urs will be a fruitful one.

I dun think it's claimable. From what I know only the medication and the process itself are claimable. Till to date, i have already paid almost 2k cash. Sigh
ya lor. all those outdated one and at the end of the show, the nurse asked us whether any feedback on the video. I tell the nurse to make a new video to reflect the current year instead. hahahaha.Urs free but me, have to pay 20 bucks.

Come nearer....(((BIG HUG)))....hope you feel better

Sure will have...our embbies will stay strong...just like all of us. Gampateh!
Elle, that's funny..
wah you spent $2K is for what? since $500 is for the consultation and blood test, how about the remaining $1.5K?
btw your hubby is singaporean?
actually i am also a bit out of track.there are several scans and there is also infection check for me. And hubby also do Semen Binding analysis. Another few hundred dollars.The rest is for the medicine which is claimable. But have to pay by own cash first before can claim from medisave.
Yup, hubby is sporean

I think so. Because the nurse asks me to keep all the receipt for the medication so can claim later. But never say when can claim.
