Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

I think only the medication ( which is claimable) need to pay upfront. As for the procedure itself, i think will deduct from medisave directly. Because before I also did one trial, where they will try how far they can insert when doing the ivf. The procedure fee was deducted from medisave about $200 plus, then I pay the balance for consultation fee.
Riona - yes, sister power right!! Hope we all heng heng and then can meet Ruru again at JP for toast to celebrate man!

Ruru: Got my letrozole - Wah Piang...$240 for 15 tabs....
Ah Kat,
it was stated as trial camulation, where they will insert some sort of long thin tube(can't recall the name), to check how deep they can put the embrio in next time.Also did TCS where they test the tube whether it was blocked or not.
Sorry,my previous post should be addressed to Vi4n not Ah Kat.
Ah Kat,
I just came back from KKH also, purchased Tribestan for DH. 60 tabs per box @ $99.75 x 3 boxes = $299.24 = 1 month's supply for DH...wah piang mannn.....
I did hysterosalpingogram (HSG) to check fallopian tubes at KKH 2 years back. That was such a crampy experience, worse than my worst AF crampy
DH read the package insert included in the box & he took 6, that is daily max dosage.

Initial Dose : 1-2tabs to be taken 3 times daily during meals.
Maintenance Dose : 1-2tabs to be taken 1-3 times daily during meals.

DH is a big fat man, think he won't ganna overdose bah... just that it is very costly lor...
I also ever did tat at KKH 3 yrs back. Quite crampy. I remember i have to rest for sometime before can really go back. But the latest one I did in SGH, i dun really feel crampy. But the trial camulation, it's a bit painful and quite uncomfortable. Because they try to insert as deep as possible. Sigh! no choice la, have to go thru all these
Ah Kat,
hahaha, son in law.... If I have a daughter to marry at 25 years old, I will be 60 years old already 8:)

When my mum was 34 (my age now), I was already studying in Primary 4 leh. I told my mum, I'll always be lagging behind her in the various stages of life 8:p
then ask ur daughter marries early, so u still got chance to be young granny.

Haiz, my fren my age now already having the second one. me, one also dun have
Hi gals
Jus got a notice from my safety officer that singapore had raise the alert to orange due to spore had three suspected case of swine flu.. And all hospital are close to forbid any visitor visit., think if situation get worse, we may not allow to visit sam next wed.. This flu really jialat.. Very fast attack..and today our office very kiasu, we are order to wear mask whole day at work and measure our temp before come to office.. Can u imagine pp may see us like alien when we wear mask go to toilet...
When u gals go to kk, is it all nurse wearing mask now? And is there any control over there.. Heard that school may stop kids go to school if the 3cases are confirm.

Hi sam
Is it really that no visitor are allow to sgh now?? Any news abt it.. Hopefully they wun stop totally else the patient very pitiful to be alone in hospital..keep us updated k..
Mine is under Dr Yu. Actually they never told me about the cannulation. They only ask me to go down for the TCS. That's y i was quite shocked when they show me the catherer and it's quite painful,though bearable.
Oh,so only after ET then we can claim. As for my ET and 2ww, i will be alone
. Hubby will go overseas and only back after my 2ww ends.
yup.. will keep you all update... m/s seems on n off... kinda funny.. sometimes morning sometimes night... no fixed timing... still cant stand of unusal smell...
all the best for your u/s tmr 8:) Maybe you conceive twins, and each bb take turn to cause m/s in you leh 8:) But m/s is very healthy sigh indeed... just bear with it... tahan tahan 8:)
Hi Ju,

I very very confirm u r having twins leh!! We all wait for your u/s results tomorrow ok? Don't be so tired until u forget to log in to tell us ok?
aiyoh.. i've tried the ensure milk vanilla.. cham.. i can't stand the vanilla smell... i love vanilla but i dunno why i can't stand the ensure one... sigh.. now left with complan to try... i'm going for my lucrin jab today...
Hi ju
All the best to ur u/s tomorrow.. U must be feeling so excited to see ur bbies ;)tomorrow.. Maybe u will cry like me when i first time see my ds fr the u/s screen.. So touching and emotional..;) let us know ur result soon k..

Hi eskim
I didnt try ensure before.. But same as u, i love vanilla.. Do try complan, am sure u will like it as the taste very yummy.. I see many pp prefer complan so i go straight to buy complan.. As ensure sell in one tin so i dun dare to test out..

Hi gals
Am on my way to see marine parade tcm, follow by going to gleneagles to collect my medicine and lastly go dr zou place do accu.. Spend my leave fruitfully..;) actually the nurse asks why i want to collect puregon so fast.. What if i conceive this mth naturally?? I smile at her and say that hope not high so might as well collect first so that no need come down again.. Sigh.. Going to spend alot of $$ today again..
My colleage told me that u can place order for the N95 mask at gurdian and the response time quite fast - she ordered over the weekend and today they called to collect liao.

Have "fun" for your first scan tomorrow! Show us the pic!!
hi ladies, wed will be my appt.. din manage to book an appt for tml.. cant stand how tps manage. anyway, my case not very hopeful. has been spotting everyday.. good thing is it has reduce recently. unlike my first miscarriage, once spotting, 2 days later it bled... will just see how's the situation on wed then

if this cycle din come out well, then will rest for abt 6 months before i start the fet.. lack of confident to get preggy again
U take care ok? C wot the scan shows..

I dun like Ensure taste too.. hehe

One step closer.. jiayou!

Don't worry too much. Wed will be a good day for u.


Thanks for the info. Will check it out soon.

I called Dr Nair's clinic this morning and Dr Nair called me back. I suddenly have a gush of blood from 6-8+pm on sun night. Dr Nair told me should be the body response to my HCG level dropping back to O iu liao. Now consider today D2, but oni spotting since 9+pm, think my body all crazy liao.
I only 7 wks...

thanks for the wishes..just hope everything is fine for me tomolo... Did not wish for anything.. whatever GOD give just take lah...

Paiseh count wrongly. No worries, in a blink of an eye it will be 8 weeks =p


U take care hor. See what the scan says alrite? Your scan & ju's scan on same day hor? Rest well hor.
hi gilian
Positive thots k.. U will see ur bb on coming wed.. Enjoy the moment k..;)

Hi gals
Are we still visiting sam on coming wednesday?? Heard now can only hv one visitor per patient per day at sgh right?
Hi haze
I jus left as had take half day leave. U going after work right?
Jus fyi that dr zou is going to shanghai tomorrow so can only do accu next week after she is coming back on sunday.
Silly me...thot I replied you liao..That time after my D&C also kept having spotting or AF every 2 the end had to take the smelly TCM from Dr Zou...u monitor yourself hor..
just came back from kkh and guess wat i can't start on lucrin... and if in the next 5 days they dun lift the orange alert then my cycle this month will go to waste and i will have to start on OCP all over again... but i dun think they will dish out OCP even until the orange alert or higher is lifted...

i was so lost when driving home... suddenly like so aimless... is this a sign that tells me that i should not go for ivf and be content with wat i have... or wat.. cos i go to the waterloo st to qiu qian before in feb when dr loh suggested that i do ivf... and it was a bad lot.. it says that i should be contented with wat i have.... call me superstitious but this seems to be coming true...
hi haze, ruru, strawbearbi,faith, joanna, thanks.. i have already told hubby not to pin hope, although i still wish miracle still happen during the ultrasound moment.. just like how i get to this stage..

oh dear eskimobaby.. its quite unfair for kk to stop ppl from doing ivf. its unfair. anyway, for ivf, its only the couple who will go to the centre, unlike some other dept where the visitors treated it as family outing at the ward, so why stop it

but do not think so negatively, coz there are other women face that too, just that timing is not on the right side at the moment.. just hope kk can consider that there is zero case in sg, and shd proceed with it esp those who has already started
thanks for trying to comfort me... even tho u are also going a lot rite now. U too also think positive ok? sometimes spotting can happen during pregnancy as long as it's not full blown af.. there's still hope... u hang in there ya...

hi eskimobaby, im quite ok.. coz faces miscarriage before.. so the fear is not that great yet. just that if this is another one,i will have phobia to get preggy again. just hope dr zou can know what goes wrong when embryo has implementated, but fail to grow..

i happen to read other thread that there is another lady faces the same thing as u.. but if kk still insist their stupid way to suspend, then it may be god way to let u conceive naturally, and save all the pain, trouble, stress and money ya
