Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Joanne, yes i did my BT today cos gg back to work tmr. My level is 1468iu/L at 18dpo.

Hi serene
That is very high reading.. U may be having twins..;) do be careful during office hr.. Dun carry too heavy or walk too much k.. Do spread more bb dusts to all of us here especially am doing my iui next mth.. Btw, who u seeing at which hospital? Can share with us wht u eat during this 2ww? E.g half boiled egg for every day?? Or?? Do share with us ur tips..k..

Hi haze, bambi, strawberri, felix , ruru, rinoa and ...
Where r all of u for this past one week?? Didnt hear fr u gals for quite sometime.. Haze, when u plan going to do ur fet next mth? Bambi, whts ur plan for next mth too?? Miss all of u.. ;(
Morning ladies!


Congrats on you BFP!! Take good care of yourself ok? Rest more and don't stress yourself.

Hi Stileto,

Puregon is used to grow the eggs, acts like a booster so eggs grow faster to the desired size. Clomid is just to induce ovulation.

Hi Joanne,

Been pretty bz these few weeks so didn't post anything. But have been reading the thread still =) So you starting IUI next mth liao? Where you going to do it? Dr Foong? Wow next mth is just one week away leh! so fast hor.

I didn't catch the baby dust from you this's to test as I am travelling next week...anyway, I have had enough of SO-IUI, tink really low chance of success with that for me despite having good size eggs and lining and doing a double IUI...anyway, moving on to IVF after AF come..

If you can stand the long waiting time at Dr Nair place then u can consider going back...I will be starting my IVF with him anyway...

By the way, I am in a real low mood please don't start asking question on what is my egg size, lining, when I do IUI blah blah blah....thanks!
Hi strawberri
So glad to hear fr u.. Ya.. Will be doing iui with dr foong as he knows my condition of my last mc best.. Hope he can help me again this time.. Yes, af shd come by next weekend then willhv to start all the injection again..sigh... Had buy all the medicine ready already..;) finally can start my ttc journey again after few mths break.. ur due date oso getting nearer hor.. Do take care and continue spread ur bb dust to all of us here k..;) thk u thk u..
ah kat, jia you! I share your disappointment...God pls don't forget about us, we need your very blessing for miricle to happen...
ah kat,
think i'm going to join u soon. no symptoms so far even the sore boobs starts to lessen

we jia you again...
elle - don't give up yet...u haven't tested right? U got better chance since u are IVF case..I totally lost hope with IUI now..wasted my money and time!
Hi ladies,

Egg size 1.73, 1.8, and 1.9. My gynae said can bd and don't also. so we just did once the following night.

Ah Kat, jia you ok.. same with my plan. after this if no success will do IVF already.

Elle, you still got another week before BT. don't think too much first ok.

Now i just do what i like. i still drink cold drink time to time because weather so hot.
egg also only eat when remember, not that diligently.
and these 2 days ate lychees.. lotsa lychees.. hehehe..
Ah kat,

Dun be sad! Take care, rest well and in the meanwhile tio your body for IVF. Cheer up! Your turn will come soon! BB dust pouring all over you!!

Elle, must think positive... when is your BT? Dun give up, k? You are almost there! jia you!
Hi ladies,
Went to checkup yesterday... Everythings is ok.. Thank God!!! My 2 lil ones are doing well.. At average size and I can see them swimming around... moving right and left...

Btw, yesterday saw my IVF cycle buddy, she was doing IVF with me and we meet during ER... She was expected twins during 5weeks and now in her 10 weeks her twins become 1.. Poor her, the small was being absorb... She was crying and I told her its ok cause its her 2nd BB...

When, she saw me, she told me that my tummy is so huge and her's small.. and blood pressure is higher than hers and even rub2 my tummy...
I see at her so pity and sad for her... But I told her at least her BB is doing fine than its okay to have 1...
hi ladies
i went for check-up too yday ...but bb was sleeping in awkward position cant tell gender yet...will have to wait till my detailed scan end of June. BB doing well 15w5d...10.7cm.
Thanks all....I am checking out details on IVF now...

Yes, Bambi: I got that too from my colleague - aiya..coming into Singapore is just a matter of time. I am surprized that it only waited till now then happen
Ah Kat,
because previously when it was on orange alert, KKH didn't allow pp to collect lucrin. Also for that time, KKH would not allow ER/ET for red alert leh... It was such a relief for me when it finally changed to yellow alert. Now that I'm on lucrin, I don't want my cycle to be disrupted by this H1N1 flu lah 8:"-(
my edd is 12 nov. bb was sleeping quite awkwardly ...even we tried waking bb up, wun budge. So doc said detailed scan will be a better time to cfm the gender..hehe
Oh when is ur EDD dear?
ah kat
i heard tat the virus cant live with temperature of 40 degrees & when SG remained hot & humid, no wonder it took so long to reach SG other than thru those who travelled.
Bambi: Don't worry so much now...since you are already started with the Lucrin, just take things one step at a time...see Japan, so many case but alert haven't changed...
My EDD is on 25th December 2009, but might be earlier... due to carrying twins...
My babies are sleeping below adominal side by side, head to head and their buttock are on top.. very cute position.
I think you can already massage when you bb is 4 mths so that bb will be at proper position.

so sorry to hear the news... hopefully ivf will bring you baby luck... I will keep some bb dust to all of you out there...
ah kat,
i've done my hpt, it's negative. blood test will be on coming Monday. But i dun put so much hope in it. Prepare myself for the next fresh cycle.

Ladies, if I need to start fresh cycle again, when I can start? another 3 months?
Elle - sorry that we all didn't catch the baby dust this time - I can't advise when you can start another IVF cycle as I will be moving on to my first IVF cycle instead.

But do you have any left to do ET again?
Ah Kat,
none. I only have 2 fertilised and all have been transfered. That is why I need to go for fresh cycle again.
hi bambi
Dun worry as that time when alert is at orange, only kkh dun allow collection of medicine.. Sgh had no control on this so i think even if it goes to orange level now,u still can proceed ur er/et.. Btw, when is ur er/et going to be? Estimate? Wish u luck for this cycle...;)
Hi elle
Pat pat, maybe too early to check for hpt now since hasnt 14 days yet.. So level is still too low to be able to detect.. Lets keep every finger and toe cross for u..;) think positive k..
Hi juliana
So nice to see ur twins right? Did u sob again this time? Ya, that day dr zou told me one patient had twins too.. Go shopping biy bb clothes at 3rd mth after 1st trimester, suddenly see a gush of red clot come out fr below when she is trying out her clothes in the changing room.. Quickly call for ambulance, when go in, luckily still can hear one bb heartbeat but the other was gone.. So she hositalized for that few days dun dare to move at all.. Very scare liao.. Hence looks like when carry twins must be v careful, dun walk too much too k.. Take care..;)

Hi devi
Ya, high chance u r getting a gal as guys usually will open their leg wide due to the ball..Hee.. Btw, u prefer gal or boy? When going to be ur detail scan again?
thanks. but i've prepared for the unfavourable outcome. Back to the beginning of the journey again.

Ah Kat,
i only hope can start the next cycle asap. I dun want to waste anymore time.When will you start urs and at which hosp? i heard kkh can only start in Aug. I will stick to SGH and hope can start in 2-3 months time. Sigh, this time i have to use my annual leave.

Yes, I can understand exactly what u meant by not wanting to waste anymore time....
My doc is at Mt E - I will be seeing him this week to discuss the protocol and work around the date....I most prob would push for july.

Use this resting time to take care of yrself and do what you can help to increase the chance...good luck! We all need that!
All these are GOD wishes.. If we are granted with two.. so take care.. About buying clothes for twin just during 3mths... I think its pantang.. My parents don't let me buy BBs stuff till 6 months onwards...
Like I say, I will buy the necessary items only.. Not over it...

This time round when looking at my twin, I was laughing to see thier buttocks and they keep on swimming... No tears this time... Just pray to GOD everyday that they are healthy....
When expecting, we just need plenty of rest and eat good food that all.

Btw, Joanne I think that not all girls and boys are cross legged one. One of my friend who already deliver tot its girls cause everytime cross leg one, when delivery its a boy.... BB sometimes want to play hide and seek one
Good Afternoon Ladies.

Hi Ah Kat and Elle,

Hugzz...cheer up ok. We jia you together. : )

Hi Serene,

Congrats. Enjoy your mtb journey. : )

Hi Vi4n,

Good luck and all the best to you.
Hi elle
Oh ya hor.. Remember that u actually told ur boss this time that u go for minor woman operation so can use hl. Bit if u take 2 wks leave again, will ur boss question u?? Whtever it is, i wish u the best that u will succeed this time for ur 2nd ivf though i hope for u that miracle will happen that u got bfp still..;)

Hi juliana
Not sure is she shop for bb clothes or her own maternity clothes that time.. Ya, u will oways look forward to see ur bb every mth checkup.. Right?;)

I haven't taken my leave yet for this year and my boss has asked us to give him the schedule by June on the date we're going to take leave. I need to have a conclusion on this then I can plan my leave. Thanks for the wishes and when u're going to start ur IUI? All the best to you too,hope can have good news soon.
Hi juliana
I know u r worry but do stay positive k.. So that ur bb will be happy to know mum is looking forward to see them..

Hi elle
How many days leave u plan to take after ur er? Thank u.. Same to u.. Bfp soon.. I will be doing iui on next mth as my af is around end of next week..
Hi ladies,

Anyone do IVF at NUH? or heard any comment?
I just wanna be prepared since someone told me KKH queue is until September now..
Hmm.. All so quiet recupperating for the coming iui/ivf??
<font size="+2">where are all of you?? MIA</font>
Hi all, am new to this forum.

Had a failed first attempt on iui even though the odds seems rather high that time... 3 eggs &amp; 36m good sperms swimming up.

going for my second today. had 4 eggs above 10mm during my second scan (2 days before trigger). Was very happy thinking that chances now increase but to play safe, requested for another scan before the trigger and found that 2 eggs strunk and the other 2 big ones were growing very slowly (aound 16mm).

Gynea say must trigger immediately to save the 2 eggs before they go away... I am beginning to wonder whether that is the reason of failed first attempt as well. does anyone has any similar experience of eggs strinking?

I guess the hormones injection is taking effect on me... I can't stop thinking... loads of questions in my mind... why my eggs strink...why doesn't my eggs grow beyond 16mm? will I ever be pregnant? is it something that I ate that i am not supposed to? Is it because i went to 2 wedding dinners and kena "chong"?

Is there anything I can do to improve this condition? I tried egg white this month and think it works as i got 4 eggs initially.. what went wrong?

going crazy...
Hi Shu Shu,

Just think positive this time round. Many sisters here can give you some advise. Miracles happen and maybe you will BFP this time round?
I also failed my IUI...AF just reported 10 days after my IUI. I wonder should I continue to wastemoney &amp; time on IUI or go straight to IVF...Most gyne will keep asking u to try 2 times of IUi before IVF...but I don't feel like wasting time since success rate so low..+ my huby sperm swimming up only 8M compare to Shu 36M

Shu, May I know where u did you IUI?
Thanks Sam! I really hope for a BFP this time coz watched the chinese programme yesterday morning and the male dr from NUS was saying that iui is only effective for 2 times... so am really scared especially this time that i know the eggs are strinking... *keep fingers cross*

Hubby say that it must be because of the thai green mango salad I ate... now feeling very regretful...

Hi Hope, did my iui with Raffles Hospital went there coz my friends told me that they have very good fertility doctors.
Hi shushu
Oh.. I got record that show but start record only half of it left.. Sian.. Did they really mention max jus need to try twice only??
Dun worry too much now.. Jus go ahead and u may hv gd news soon..

Hi vi4
How r u? Any positive bfp sympton? Did u measure ur bbt? Any sore breast? When u going test for hpt? Wish u the best result..;) bfp!!

wow.. really very quiet leh this thread. What happened to the rest of the ladies?

Tomorrow will be end of my 2WW but.. as usual i will wait till 3 weeks then test if really AF still not reporting.

BBT not very high, just tested at 37.1 but now noon mah.. normally morning only 36.8.
Breast sore, back breaking, eyes only wanna closed.
but.. all these symthoms no used for me one lah.

but i still thank you for the best wishes.
ShuShu, Hope4bb,
After tried IUI 3 times, next I will proceed to IVF. because no matter what higher chance. Won't try IUI anymore.
Not sure that egg can shrink, means ovulated then shrink? or not even ovulation already shrink?
Elle, when you go for next round of IVF?
I still can't decide whether to go SGH or NUH. Friend suggested to see PC Wong at NUH.
Anyway i will just call KKH first, if really can't make it for IVF in July, then will try SGH and NUH, see which hospital can give me the earliest timing, then i will go there.
