Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Thk u hormone change lah... drink more water.

looking forward to hearing u & strawbearbi giv birth soon... akan datang!

Hi Ju,

Congrats, ya, hope you have LFT, really can close shop liao. : )

Hi Sam,

Congrats for the birth of your 3 cute darlings. Must be very very happy and excited to see and hold them. Hope they can go home with you soon, so you don't need to travel between home and hospital: )

Hi RuRu,

Hehe, yes, have been reading sliently coz now in rest mood. I'm ok to join, ad i think i should reach around 6plus, anyone will be reaching early also? Btw, i will PM you my mobile number, in case you need to reach me. Btw, seems like haven't seen yve's reply for quite some time liao. Is she doing fine?
Hi Snowies,

Yeh!!! So glad u can join us!!! Ok, u PM me and I will PM u back my Hp.


Ok, u let me know once u know ok?
Hi ju
Still awaiting ur reply..;)

Hi mari
Glad to hear fr u again.. Did doc say how heavy is ur LFT each now? Can imagine ur stomach must be quite big now and had hard time walking., think for twins will hv to go thru c section right? If yes then u rest well, dun walk too much., ;) take care.

Hi ruru and gals
Enjoy ur dinner.. Too bad i cant go as need to bring my son hm tomorrow.. Do enjoy.,;)
mine was just a heartbeat scanning.. My Antenatal will only start during my 11 to 12 weeks... Right now i guess its too early to asked when is the EDD..
I guess you ever get pregnant so normally will be 9 mths lah.. and twins will be 2 to 3 weeks early lah.... So if you calculate it will be Dec 09.. Dates dunno yet... All these depends, if baby want to come out it will just pop anytimes.... during your 9 mths...

Abt things I bought from States.. its Palmer lotions, some maternity clothes and Victoria Secrets items....

Hope that all the questions have been answered!!!!
for your information, twins can go thru normal delivery labour too. If there are two placenta. And both baby head is already down... And if your baby are healthy.. If you ops also can...

But I also wanted natural labour if GOD permits it.. I just want to feel the pain.. I want to feel how my Mother gave birth to me...


Since Dr Loh say don't carry heavy things u must listen ok? Your pelvic area will slowly expand so hopefully u will feel less pain. Skin dry due to hormone changes. No choice one. Drink lots of water & eat lots of fruits & vege so that you dun get constipation ok? That will bring a whole lot of other problems later on.

U can calculate your EDD to be 40 weeks lor. Tink Dr Loh didn't tell u lah. That time I go KKIVF to collect the medication upon BFP they already wrote on the paper liao.

Hope u get your wish to go through natural delivery. Recovery will be faster =) Take care of yourself ok?


We are up next leh! Gosh how time flies!! U confirm will be earlier than me one keke. Mabbe felixcat will be earlier than me also dunno coz hers is #2.

Snowies & Devlina,

Looking forward to meeting u gals tomolo!!
the last time i went for check up at ard week 23, the dr told me tat my boy is about 630g and girl is 570g.

haze & strawbearbi,
time really flies.. haha. and yes, we are up next!! wow.. i am scared and excited at the same time.. to think we have been chatting in this forum for more than half a year liao hor.. wow..

when's ur EDD? and how's the little princess doing now?

My EDD is same as Mariayee, 20 Aug.


Yes, it's really fast hor, we have been chatting for more than 6 mths!!!

I still remember the first time we met up, Sam was just confirm BFP. Now already give birth liao!!
morning ladies....
strawbearbi, wow so fast... time flies... and in 3 mths time you become mother... So have you bought your BB stuff...
U go gal! I'm sure u can do it..

I guess Sam's princes r the 1st batch of real 'life birth' for our batch... I'm not sure abt any earlier ones... cos some dun keep in touch.

More to come.. more to come.. jiayou!

Woah.. raining at my side. But I'm looking forward to meeting all tonite!
Yup... its raining on my side too.
Wow miss you ladies... Do enjoy the outing with fun and laughter...

Will meet you ladies in next outing. hehhehehehee. I think by then my tummy will be big... now my colleague told me that my tummy looks like 3 to 4 mths...
Hi Juliana,

Wat a beautiful stomach u have. Don't worry abt your complexion also, u glow girl!!!

We will organize another outing especially for u and sam ok?
So sorri dear...SIL & gang juz cfm the dinner tonite. I gotta skip the outing liao. Will join u for the next one ya ... enjoy urselves.

Happy Mum's day to all celebrating ...
yep i hope so...surely very "rowdy". My in-laws side are all cantonese, they're very expressive..hehe..but i like this kinda atmosphere.
Then tml oso another "rowdy" bunch ...
Ting my bb will enjoy
Then nex time we c u.. we also 'rowdy' ok? hehe

I speak very softly one.. very decent n guai type! haha

Woah.. 2 more hrs to go... can't wait!
so sweet of u! Somehow it's more lively when the crowd is slightly loud..hahaha

1 hour to go for me...i cant wait to go hm & rest ~!
U get tired easily now mah? Shd get more rest.. I always c my preggie colleagues take nap during lunch.. they say cannot tahan.
Seems that ur ex-teacher.. also hving twins leh! Woah.. thk ET that day one.. really a lot strike twins like u said.
Morning ladies!

Thanks for a great time last night!! I enjoyed myself very much =) Oh, & thanks for "escorting" me to take a cab keke

Snowies, it was really great to meet u. Do chat with us more often ok?

Bambi, the muffins tastes reallly GOOD!! Will get my DH to go buy next time liao =p

Rinoa, thks for the drinks =)
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for the great time last night too. I guess it was more like welcome snowies session than cheer up RuRu session. : P

Hi strawbearbi,

Great to meet up with you too. Sure will online to chat, but guess i will need more advise from you all.

Hi Rinoa,

Thanks again for the drinks too. : )

Me going out to pray soon. Catch you ladies later.
Hi moonfairy

U shd be able test tomorrow at first pee.. Congrat.. If after 20days af still not here then shd be bfp le.. Post us ur gd news after test tomorrow.

Hi girls
Seem like u all hv an enjoyable time.. Too bad not able to join this time.. Hope can join next time..;)
Hi gilian
Hows ur checkup last wed?? Never hear fr u since then.. Hope u r doing fine.. It must be excited to hear ur bb heartbeat, right? Are u carry twins too?? Take care..
Hi ladies...thanks for the great outing too..

Ruru: Nice ride back home...hope u got me sms on the netbook thingy.

Rinoa: Yeah..thanks for buying the drinks!

Bambi: Even my DH love the muffins! Must tell me which stall to buy at Amoy market
*sobs Sobs*

You all terrible one...Cannot wait till after my Confinement than outing meh... i OSSO WANT TO GO!!!!keke...

Anyway i got the best present today, My 3 boys finally started feeding and Mattias have increase his feed liao..

Happy Mothers day to Mummies, Mummies to Be and On the Way Mummies!!!
H A P P Y M O T H E R ' S D A Y ! ! ! So good to know that your boys are improving day by day 8:) Next year your boys will be giving you hugs and kisses for mothers' day, you'll be a blessed and happy mum leh 8:)

nice to meet up with you, let's jiayou together for our TTC cycles 8:)

Ah Kat, Ruru, Strawbearbi, Haze,
glad that you like the muffins 8:) Only $1 for each muffin, very worthwhile hor 8:)
Amoy Street Food Centre
7 Maxwell Road #02-128

Today I squeezed a big black pimple from my cheek and there was alot of blood. I had to use the alcohol swap to wipe away the blood. We were already downstairs to start strolling, and DH was so upset with this pimple. He especially took the lift back home to throw away my raisin & nuts chocolate into the rubbish chute. He said both of us have to stay away from unhealthy sweeties and try to slim down from now on. But he insist that beer is made of natural ingredients, he shall be able to enjoy a beer from time to time... all the rules are set by him one lah.. but I can also eat choco in my office, don't bring home lor 8:p
Bambi: wah - nowadays where to find muffins at $1 still??!! Good deal and yummy!

Ladies, Seek a poll here..I just went for my scan at Dr Nair there. Ready to trigger O by end of today and doing the IUI on Wed noon. I've got one huge follicle (19.8mm, two 14 plus mm and many 11 plus mm follicles. Dr Nair said something abt double IUI if we want to...but the chance not double, only slight increase in the success rate hah?? Shld I do?? I am thinking of saving the money now in case I need to do IVF next cycle (tough wood lah!)..btw, lining at 9.8mm...How??
ah kat
actually hor.. u can do a 'double' urself lor.. BD aft ur actual IUI.. that nite n the morning aft.

I duno how much it cost u to do ur IUI... I rem mine ex gynae.. abt $300.. inclusive of washed sperm n the procedure. But if % only a bit higher.. thk u can try urself instead.

Good luck!
Hi Ah_Kat,

My advice is to do a double iui. I think Dr Nair advises u to do double IUI becos your have 2 14++mm follicles which he hopes will catch up by wed and mate with the soldiers in the 2nd IUI right?

It is better to do the 2nd IUI rather than naturally becos the sperms will have been depleted from the 1st IUI, so BD not as effective as IUI.

Please, how much can u save from the 2nd IUI for the IVF (touch wood!!)? It is better to give it your 100% rather than 90% right?

Dr Nair's IVF charges are so expensive, so saving the few hundreds $$ really no effect leh.
Hi Snowies,

Glad u enjoyed the outing w us.


Please lah, I will organize one outing specially for u when u are done from your confinement ok?
We love to see you too!!
Ah Kat,
agree with Ruru, if financially you can afford it. Lining 9.8mm is very good number also, it should get thicker in the next few days 8:) Jiayou jiayou 8:)
Hi Bambi,

Wah, your DH so "firece" ar. Still purposely go all the way up to "deal" with your choco.

Hi Ah Kat,

Just my 2 cents worth, my gynae also asked me to BD on my 2nd try, but i was thinking since i already went thru all the injections, i would rather pay $600plus more for the IUI and for another 5% increase in chances and pray hard that i suceed.

Hope you will suceed this time round, since your chances of BFP is higher than the rest of us. Jiayou. : )
Actually I tried to google on the double IUI thingy...many different opinions - some say got increase %, some say not much...

If I want to do double IUI now...I still can right??

Another quest...I had the Gonal F jab this morning (8am) before the scan, so righfully the follicles will still grow bigger right? Since scan done at 11am - so the morning Gonal F probably haven't take effect right??
Snowies - are u saying BD without IUI? That I definitely will be doing - I am now just toying with doing 2 IUI in one cycle

I will choose double IUI for increased chances, no matter what is the %. Since you have come so far liao, just give it your all!!

Jia you !! Good luck!!
I just called clinic - asking what is the incrimental cost for doing double IUI...anyway, the second IUI will happen the day after the 1st, I still got chance to change my mind.

Looks like all feel that I shld go ahead with double IUI - most likely I will take all your advise
Ladies, ok - the cost for doing another round of IUI is around $700 more - just spoken to DH..will go ahead and do double IUI lor...

Getting grittery now...wish me luck! Procedure on Wed & thur!
Ladies, ok - the cost for doing another round of IUI is around $700 more - just spoken to DH..will go ahead and do double IUI lor...

Getting grittery now...wish me luck! Procedure on Wed & thur!
ah kat..
Thk u really grittery... double posting! hehe

Jiayou!! We wil be ur 'lala' cheer leader grp behind u..

Good luck again!
Hi all,

I'm back again. Finally did all the necessary tests at KKH. Need advise from u guys again.

Just a flashback of my history. I went to see Dr. Tan Lee Kee (Ying Chuan Chinese Medical Hall at Jurong East) last year and the first time we see her, she told us my HB sperm quality is no gd and for me, its PCOS and endometriosis. Straightaway she asked us to go for further checkups with Dr Christopher Chen at Gleneagles.

But wow! Dr Chris Chen's charges was very ex for us man! 3 times consultation and 1 ultrasound and a Semen Analysis (no blood test, no HSG etc) cost us $1000!! Faint! After he sees my ultrasound, he said I had Retroverted Uterus, Uterine Polyps and PCOS and advised me to go for Laparoscopic surgery to have a better look. And he said my HB had Varicocele and advise him to go for surgery too! Both our surgeries will cost $16k i think! Faint again

So in the end we went back to Dr Tan Lee Kee for TCM hoping to "tiao" our bodies to improve our situation. But after taking her med for 4 mths, still no news lor.

And the sad thing is my HB got posted to overseas for 2 yrs. So we decided to try IUI or IVF at KKH. So today I finally decided to go for the SO-IUI from my next cycle onwards (next mth). I did all the blood test (FSH. LH, Prolactin, Estradiol), HSG, Pelvis Ultrasound and my HB did the semen analysis before he fly. My Doctor (Veronique Viardot) says everything is gd wor. But she asked me to go for SO-IUI and after that she asked me to go to the KKH-IVF centre to let the nurse brief me abt the procedures. Sian lor.. Dr Chris Chen and Dr Tan say until like I got alot of probs.. PCOS lah.. Endometriosis lah.. then now KKH said everything is ok wor.

Im wondering since everything is fine with me (only thing is my HB's sperm morphology is not good), how come I cant try the normal IUI without those SO-IUI? Now the SO-IUI need to take clomid and Puregon (injection) leh.. How much does the whole SO-IUI cost?

Did anyone try solely on IUI? If for those who tried SO-IUI, is it very painful to inject Puregon? Any side effects and what food to avoid? Today its a nurse who brief me at KKH IVF centre leh.. No doctor to advise me at all.
Paiseh my story very long... hope someone reply me

Hi gals,
sorry long time no show. very very busy with work and other affairs.

Ah Kat, ya since dr suggested that, you should do double IUI. My gynae doesn't pro double IUI loh. Since my hubby also very stressful when extracting the semen, so I decided not to go for double IUI. but if not, i will wanna do it.

I just got my AF today. Tomorrow will go for scanning again. hopefully can do IUI on 22 May.
Problem is I'm really very busy at work for these 2-3 months. even on 22 May i will have training at 2-6pm. so my plan is to do IUI in the morning, as normally the IUI will done by 1pm, I can still rush to the training place. haiz.
don't know whether it is a good idea to do IUI this cycle.

Btw, so KKH IVF is open again?

labbitpj, I did IUI only the 1st time. 2nd time try with injection to induce more eggs, but i don't know whether that count as SO-IUI or not. because the injection is not puregon.

Food to avoid, i think those cooling stuff. I'm very naughty one. can't really stick to the rules. Yesterday just had a very nice sashimi, sushi, sake..

Sam, congratulation... wish all your 3 boys a quick catch up on the weight and can be discharged soon..

How long will they be staying in the hospital?

So the hospital gave you any benefits already? hehehe...

Good to know you gals had a great time meeting up. I hope next outing I can go too...
