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  1. F

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Meal time My boy till now still need us to feed him. He also refuse to self feed. The teacher in CC told me that he will feed himself but very slowly... always need the teacher to feed him in order for him to finish his meal. May be because all along is my maid to feed him. He seldom self feed.
  2. F

    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Miaiko, I transferred thru POSB and the transaction reference no: 3141014939. Thanks
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi! Sherill, I am in my 24 weeks now and did my detailed scan in week 20. Baby is all well and I am having a boy. Can you please update for me into the list. Thanks.
  4. F

    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Miaiko, I have transferred payment to bebelounge and sent her an email with the bank transfer details and delivery address. Thanks.
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Miaiko, I would like to order the Postpartum Tummy Wrap (Pouchless Size: XS-M). I will transfer the payment to bebelounge later. Thanks.
  6. F

    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi, Sorry for the double posting.
  7. F

    (2011/01) Jan 2011

  8. F

    (2011/01) Jan 2011

  9. F

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Poky, It look like most of you are not continue with the lesson. We also brought Cedrik to play water at public swimming pool. He likes it very much. Whenever time to go home. He will cry very loud coz he want to stay longer there. so paisey!!!
  10. F

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Feifei, Buttercup, Eve, ZuEn, Poky, I am still thinking to continue the lesson at Tots with Has or not? I may continue one more term. Coz Cedrik seem like enjoy the class too. Tomorrow is his last lesson already. Mummies, I am also going to start my son at CC soon. Also quite worry can he...
  11. F

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Zuen, I ask my hubby to fly him as well. He keep wanted to play and play again. I think my son very playful... I like to look at your girl, she look like a doll very pretty and cute. Her hair also very silkly and smooth.
  12. F

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Poky, Sorry for the late reply. I was busy with work yesterday. Since only one class at Sq 2. I think will prefer at Tanglin. As it nearer to my home also. Nice to meet you all on last saturday. (feifei, Poky, Zuen, Buttercup and Eve) My son seem very much enjoy on the class, at night he...
  13. F

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Poky and Feifei My son name is Cedrik. I will attend the workshop with my hubby. So will see you all again on the next day. hee... Even till now my son also not yet call us daddy, mummy. May be once in a blue moon he will but also not sure if he really call daddy or not. He...
  14. F

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Feifei, Do you join their parents workshop on 10 Jan 2010. When I signed up it come with complimentary Parents workshop on 10 Jan 2010.
  15. F

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Mummies, Looking forward to see you all and all your tots on sat. Think should be fun on that day. My son till now cannot really speak, he only taliking in his baby language. He love play with himself, so thinking to let him have more social... ha..
  16. F

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Feifei, Wow! you have such good memory. Yes! I am. Now he is 18 mths+. Weight 13.8kg and height 84.5cm as at 18 mths.
  17. F

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Hi! feifei,Poky My son also joining the class on this Saturday 4.15pm to 5.15pm at Positive Tots. Not sure will it be same class with you all or not?
  18. F

    1st Birthday Party

    Hi! One of the suggestion i can give yours is community centre. I did my son 1st birthday celebartion at my place nearby Comunnity Centre. I booked a multipurpose room from there. Overall i think is quite good. My guest enjoyed it very much. We did booked a badminton court for our guest and...
  19. F

    (2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

    Hi Sashamama: I’m new. I would like to join you all here. Pls would you add me to TTC list. Huiling 05/06/2009 #02 Buona Vista
  20. F

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Hi Cindy, Thanks for your info.
