(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


reply ur email le.. pls confirm my amt is correct then i transfer u... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xie xie huh...


I need a bigger brain!! or more hands! ^^"

Hi everyone!

I wan AF to come soon also.. And I can start my new cycle and huat!!!!

hey gals...

Been missing thruout weekend cos one of my cats is missing. Been crying my heart out the whole day yesterday. Talking abt her now make me cry again....

My cat has a habit of linger outside our roof terrance but she ALWAYS come back. This time I believe ppl take liao.

Hi Sashamama:

I’m new. I would like to join you all here. Pls would you add me to TTC list.

Huiling 05/06/2009 #02 Buona Vista


last nite i happened saw yr FB pic..hey u look so pretty n young..when u posed with yr gal u all look like jie jie n mei mei!! so good hor! married young n now girl so big! really envy!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

awbb, when u come back to S'pore, maybe u can make some missing posters/flyers and slot those into your neighbours mailbox?

Does yr cat have a tag?

I am not in germany. Flying this sunday.

My cat is microchipped. Me putting flyers in letterbox liao...called the management also to ask their staff.

Dear gals,

Have been down with flu and cough, can't go for marking today and tmr. Wonder if I can still go on Wednesday, cos didn't attend the briefing today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yes, it's near Jandew's house, IF i'm going lo...


Please update area of residence and Number of BB trying for. Thanks!

Dear AWBB,

You must be distraught losing ur cat. Really really hope it's not being taken by someone! So sad for you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sashamama: I was just thinking about you and you appeared! Wah ... saw clips of Aaron's concert in Singapore. He has got such a great body!!!!!!!! No wonder you all drooling over him.

RC:I put posters in my neighbour's letter box n called the management also. Now can only cross fingers. No handsome reward la...but I will give them something as a token of gratitute lor.

Sasha: Sad leh. I really believe someone took it. cos my cat always come back home.


When did you lose ur cat? You offering any reward currently? You have any neighbours who ever feedback to you negatively abt ur cats? Where does ur cat usually go?

sasha: no leh...no one say anything abt my cat. Se always longer the corridor infront of roof terrace...my dh went up n down le. Lost 6th June

Hello Ladies,

I was searching for a support group for ttc-ers when I chanced upon this thread.

Have been trying for 1 year but due to some thyroid conditions (still undergoing treatment but condition stablised), I am comtemplating to do SO-IUI, any experiences to share?

Thanks in advance.


me not young lo, think I am older than u. Haha I got a bb face la. I put on so much weight now.. dh call me a teapot... muhahah.. dd is from previous marriage than now trying #2 take so long.. really old already than engery not working well already.

hi ladies!

congrat peppersalt! hopefully i will be able to catch ur bbdusts this mth hee

sashamama, please take good care!

can help me update the list, today is CD8, AF reported on 1st June. Thanks!

starlight i tot i had to take off tomorrow then i make today whole day to 2 mornings but my dad told me he cam help me out tomorrow so - i taking full day to clean & bake at home

My mum keeptelling me i no free dont bake la for my girl's bd but its therapeutic lor. I made 2 tiramisus yday today going to make cup cakes. & washing the clothes as well! while my girl runs around the house

Me too Alicia, think I didn't strike this month too though AF has not come, but I might be going for IUI, so am not so upset this month compared to previous.

Wah.. If jandew and naive here, sure say you wei da.

But doing something for our little darlings feels so much happier right. Heartier, prettier, happier!! :p

Baking is therapeutic .. but washing is hectic. So end up i always therapeutic ----> hectic -----> exhaustion. hahaha.. But I still like to bake lah.

GM, don't worry, sometimes irregular cycles may be hormonal & may sort itself out. U have as gd a chance of conceiving as long as u're healthy! Jia you & HUAT AH!!


I had my customary last Nov. Had a miscarriage on Mar-09.In fact my menses just came back last month. Then have been TTC. I also dono hw months trying liao. I am feeling very upset nw...


Dun be upset. Me too had a m/c in march 09. Last month my period never came at all..

Have you been monitoring ovulation via OPK strips? Me too I wanted a Ox baby so much but seem like no luck with it.

NOw i just pray hard for a healthy baby..

Hi Alicia,

Don't be sad. Hugx...Me too ... I wanted a cow baby but guess now no choice le =( pray that we will all strike this month!

I never know pregnancy is so difficult until I am faced with this situation, cause my friends all conceived so easily. Sobx...

Hopefully by the time I go for IUI, my thyroid condition would be much much better. *Pray*.

Hello Rene,

Jia you jia you....

hey alicia, u conceived b4 so dat means u're fertile! u've only been married a short while so don't worry, let nature take its course!

BB dust to all!!

to encourage all, colleague of mine who's v v slim TTCed when she's 31 and had 2 m/cs b4 successfully conceiving her 1 yr old boy now. There's hope in the world, be hopeful!!

Hello Ladies,

Had been a “silent” reader for few weeks in this forum, and can see that most of you all are very closed to each other, and very fun to be with. 

Can I join you all, so that I can find “support” in my journey of TTC’g? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Decided to start TTC last month, but because of my age, doctor prescribed me with clomid saying it may helps to accelerate the process.

I had been taking EPO way before I decide to TTC, anyone know whether should I continue to take EPO now or should I stop?


Thx BB DusttoAll hug hug...

Thx Rene for the encouragement!

Ya. Nvr thought that conceiving process can be so difficult.

Me gng to be 32 end of this yr...& yet I m still TTC my #1, really scared not enough energy to play catching with my kid... wahahaa.. maybe I m tinking too much...

Hi Alicia,

Same, I am going to be 32 this year too...=) that is why i am scared cause with every year pass, the chances will be lesser... Have you tried seeing a "sinseh" to help "bu" your body? I wanted to go but my hubby doesn't believe in TCM. =(

Hello Kathy,

I am new to this thread too, just pop by today too =). I think its better to check with your doc whether EPO and be eaten together with Clomid. Care to share which doctor are you seeing.


kathy, EPO's v gd for fertility as it helps to increase EWCM. However, u shld only take it until O. After which u shld stop as EPO can cause uterine contractions

