(2011/01) Jan 2011

Can someone update for me too?

Nick: Munky

Age: 30

EDD: 7 Jan 2011

Gynae: Dr LN Sim

Hospital: CCK

Area: West

Child #: 2


Hi shycloud,

I also dunno how to update. Can help me..

Nick : Daphne

Age : 35

EDD : 27-Jan

Gynae : Dr Benjamin Tham

Hospital : TMC

Child : #2

Area : Punggol

wow... nice to see the tble ladies... been a long time since i posted.

i oso dunno how to post my details:

can someone help me!!

Nick : Koms

Age : 26

EDD : 18-Jan

Gynae : Dr Irene Chua

Hospital : KKH TPS

Child : #1

Area :Seng Kang

Hi Komathi

Thannks so much!!!

Your first child. do you know the bb's gender already. i just went for my 12 wks checkup and gynae can tell the gender already..haha


u can type

1)\red or which ever colour such as blue green yellow etc

2)then {insert your text}

do not leave spacing btw other than ur text


I tried to update my details as well but failed....can anyone pls help me to post??

Nick : JJ

Age : 28

EDD : 18-Jan

Gynae : Dr Adelina Wong

Hospital : TMC

Child : #1

Area :Queenstown

By the way, anyone here use the chinese gender predictor calender and is accurate???

hi shycloud,

I also want to be in the table but dunow how to update, can include me too? Thks!!

Nick : littlepigpig

Age : 30

EDD : 28-Jan

Gynae : Dr Woo Bit Hua

Hospital : TMC

Child : #1

Area : Tiong Bahru

from the chart seems like TMC is a popular place to deliver, any one sign up for the first or second born incentive?

sorry mommies or mtbs,

i was away from my desk for a meeting just now.


yeah, gynae can see the little thing sticking out btw the thighs...haha


this third one is really unplanned..hhahaha

Hey mummies...

Update me in too.. Who is the administrator huh?

Name: Serene Lee

Age: 29+

Edd: 30 Jan 2010

Gynae: Dr Chris Chong

Hospital: Gleneagles

Child: 1

Residing: Punggol

Thks alot[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thx Blessedone..ur EDD on 19th rte? Close to mine. I haven got to see my gynae yet after my 10th week visit. Next one is at the end of the month. i should be 15 wks by then.. sure can see gender. Urs boy?

HI shycloud, you good lei. How you do the different font style in one post? teach me lei ;)

and hor i got come across some msg text can blink blink one. you know how to do it?

Hi, juz back from my OSCAR!! saw my bb actively waving his/her arms and legs. so happy... neck thickness is 1.8mm, consider low risk but will have to see blodd test too.

Can update me too? Which kind mummy can help?

Name: coconutz

Age: 32

Edd: 16 Jan 2010

Gynae: Prof Ho.

Hospital: SGH

Child: 2

Residing: Aljunied

Thanks ya!

hey sherill, jus read from the table tat u are giving birth in sgh and yr OSCAR today? prob i cld have bump into you today as well. was there ard 10 til 1pm. were u there?

my NT scan went well and now waiting for the blood test. however, i was kinda disappointed that the chief technologist was not ard. cos she is an expert in taking scan and all scan was taken beautifully for my previous pregnancy except for today. anyway, i m happy tat bb is active and well.

Hi Misty, just now me also hesitated for awhile before posting. same like you i also feeling shy ..hee

babykoh, my friend told me TMC has the latest facilities. they got their place newly rennovated. This hospital also very popular among my colleagues. I really curious to see how good is it also. i very kpo hor :p btw you 1st time mommy can sign up TMC anternatal class. heard its not bad.


Hi coconutz, happy for your good result also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw do you mean we can get prints of our OSCAR scan?

