(2008/06) June 2008

Now I really regret not finding out more before enrolling Lil ZuEn lor. I tot it is just an interim solution until we enrol her into CC at about 24 months. But now that we are also considering getting a maid, plans will change and she will probably not go CC.
So duno what to do now. Especially if they refuse to give me refund.

he's been there few times already,
the elder ones birthdays, meet the parents' day,
christmas parties, etc.

Do you still want to toothpaste?
ask for termination now lor,
then only join the class for 1 month.
Within this 1 month, you still observe & consider.

Get a maid also need time mah.
yes, i wan the toothpaste still...tks ya.. =)..How much huh? Later I pay u cash hor =)..tks..so we meet at old chang kee there ya...

hehe, i see, so he is quite familiar there le..

hmm, hope tmr will be better...

yah. i almost register my gal in talent plus. but my MIL wan my gal to another playgroup that she find. den i suit her lor... lucky the playgroup is not bad.

if really does not meet ur standard, den attend for 1 month n take back ur deposite. in the mean time, find another 1.
can you sms me when you hop on to the train pls?
I'm going to post office at 4+,
will hang around till you reach,
if you can't make it, pls let me know,
Tks ger, i pay u later. Err, me will take e company transport to compass point lor..shd reach b4 6.30pm.. Tks alot ya..Today will make it cos my boss not in..hehe...See u hor..

Lucky wor..
got went to the kidzforest? fun?

feifei, buttercup,
yep. this sat n sun we b seein other liao. =)
I juz uploaded a video in my blog, taken during the trial class during the bubbles times. =)

u v 乐观, saying ur gal now not afraid of doc n nurse in mask lioa... hahah

readin ur post,,, i get more gan cheong to find a gd one for my gal liao.... was plannin to juz enroll my gal in the one below my mil place.... but sekali same as ur... then i sianz liao... now better do homework.... =p
ya lor, hv to do homework lor...then onli u will know whether u got the good sch anot =)...

Tks ya..Yup, brought her to kidsworld but she is like a koala bear, doesn't even wan to come down frm my arms, end up din play water, just hang ard n eat tibits..faintz.
Lengleng, feifei,
Actually, I paid upfront for 1 month school fees + 1 month deposit and by right no refund de (for both school fee + deposit). You basically inform one month before hand, then that month no need to pay school fee (offset by deposit). If I withdraw now and they refuse to refund me, then I will actually forfeit 2 months. But I will sure make alot of noise. Haha.

Ya, must go do homework and reccee. I did that for the CC that I shortlisted. See environment and stuff. If I have reccee this particular playgrpund, I probably wun choose bcos the classroom is actually very small. Haiz.. now have to see how it goes and if things are better during our second visit then we will continue lor.
i only by chance see the one at my place the last time i on leave. pass by, saw neighbour.. so kpo abit n c... now hv to purposely take leave to view the rest... sian sian liao... =(
*hug hug* glad to hear YuJie’s recovered.

the playgroup/school sounds understaffed. But I agree with the rest to give it another try. It could just be today (maybe lots of newbies?) that they were over-whelmed. Fingers crossed. Keep us posted. ;)

I’ve been wanting to bring my boy to the zoo but I wonder if he will appreciate it so have been putting it off. Cos my fren whose kid is around 2plus said her son preferred looking at the ants on the ground than at the animal show. LOL.

As for char’s sleeping pattern of late, I also have similar encounter except that mine is dun want to sleep, just keep wanting to play. And recently the past few days, he keeps waking up at 4am for milk!! Faintz. He will sit up and start to make the sucking sound which is to signify he wants milk. I tried ignoring him (bad mommy) but he will tap me to wake me up. Hehe.

Was there any change to char’s daytime routine recently? I agree on a sleep routine (tho I am not successful but still sticking to it lah). Maybe let her do some drawing or read some books? Any fav activity that is not too stimulating?

Yup, u’ll need to do some homework, hehe. check out the place and teachers and subsequently bring your girl (Xuan right?) along as well. Then you can get a feel of how’s the curriculum, the hygiene and also if your girl is comfortable with the place. For the current cc that my boy is in, I had him join their classes prior to signing up. Hopefully, the one near your MIL will fufill your requirements cos to me distance is a major consideration.
<font color="aa00aa">Leng Leng/ Ellysia,
Yes is provoked fits as what the doc told me too. But just that normally it'll only happen once and the most twice, but YuJie total had 5 seizure, thats why the doc was very concern and suggest to do CT scan. But luckily the CT scan result show that YuJie was perfectly ok.
So if she had diarrhae again or poor feeding within the 24hrs after disharge from hosp, will need to bring her back. But it has passed 24hrs by now, so i think everything shld be ok. But her poo poo still soft soft , so will still need to be careful lor.

Tats me! hehe... i'll always try my best to look at the bright side.

Btw for the zoo, do agreed that our kids still not really able to appreciate but YuJie loves the water park very much. As for the show, she only show interested on those show that the animal was close to the audience.</font>
next time when she goes to playgroup/school,
need to inform them of her fits history.

can try the marina barrage,
shallow water, quite safe.
Leng Leng,
Sorry ah, e url got alot of DHA, which one is more suitable for 19mths old?

Hihi, actually quite surprised to see u n buttercup here. Last time I join this june thread since Erica is born on 31st, always feel tt I'm neither here nor there. Have u decide on a sch for Xuan yet? Where ur MIL stay?

Thank God Yujie is ok liao. Why need for CT scan? Hmm, have u tried giving her probiotics for her diarrhae?

I think mayb it's the first day of sch bah, usually 1st wk of sch, the teachers n kids need some transition time. The teachers might be a little slower than usual. Juz observe them awhile more than decide?
Morning ladies...

Hmm, no choice de..cos we have to make sure our kids are studying or learning in a sch with proper environment and with good teachers. I find teachers really makes a diff lor cos i have view afew CCs liao...Some teachers are so stern until the kids are so scare..but the way they scold the kids is terrible... While some more patient ones are very good, they teach the kids in another way... =)..

Ask u hor, do u hv the address for the class for this sat? Cos hb need to find the map from yellow pages lor...hehe...tks ya... U were saying there is a cafe whereby our hubbies can wait for us there? Is it coffee bean?

2 months is alot leh..hmm...nvm lor, give it another chance and see today how lor..normally i believe the 1st week abit chaotic de...by the 2nd wk, it should start to be more proper liao..

Tks for meeting me yest =)... Its really nice to talk to u always, learning from u =)... Yest i went bk and told my hb that charlotte could be bored at home thats y keep wanting to play this and that. He agrees too! =)..And guess wat, yest char brought out all the canned food and start stacking them and I played with her for awhile, then she dun wan liao..haha..

Tks ger...Yest I try to drag char to the bedroom by 8pm, then read and go through about 5 books with her, then on her favourite bareny CD for her to listen, then at times she wan to open the door to go out but i used somethign else to distract her. Finally when i see she looks tired, I off the bedroom nite and cuddle her with her, within 10mins she has fallen asleep =)...I hope this works all the way..hehe..

Could it be ur boy been playing too much in cc so used up alot of energy and his metabolism is getting better? hmm, or growth spurth?

Hows ur boy doing in CC now?

Reg : zoo
I feel that char duno how to appreciate yet wor, she sees those animals, then got abit scare, then start saying mai, mai, mai..Hb and i turn to each other and he told me, its like we are the ones who came to see animals..haha...

Hope yujie recovers soon ya... Xinku ni le...
Morining girls.

If the school is really no good, then I will take her out, regardless of whether I will get teh refund. No point let her suffer wor.

I hope so too. Lil Zuen is skipping school today. Give the school one more day to do their admin.

I oso think teachers made the diff. The main teacher for Lil ZuEn's playgroup is an auntie leh. I faint.
And Lil ZuEn goes into the bedroom at about 9pm every night. She will have her milk, jump around, play peek--boo. Then we will sing songs with her until she fall asleep. Can take anything between 15 to 45mins to "push" her into dreamland. But that sets a routine as well.

Re: Zoo
Try BP instead. We frequent the BP. That is bcos BP is smaller than Zoo, less tiring and the kids all know birds right now. And BP has an opened space concept where the birds fly freely + can feed the birds. Lil ZuEn loves the BP. Every bord that fly is a "bird" and every bird in the water is a "duck".
Take care ya. I think I would have freak out if Lil ZuEn gets a fit..
Must be super tiring on you and hb.
Idea hor...Bird park sounds good leh...My classes are starting end of this mth le so i hv to quickly bring her and do all the necessary lor.If not when sch starts, I worried no time for her liao...At times when I tink back, I felt to guitly towards charlotte...But i try to give her all my time now even though at times i wan my own time to go shopping too..hee..

ZuEn so clever hor...my ger will onli go WOWing away when got birds fly pass...
Where u all bot shoes for ur gers huh?Cos now charlotte's shoe is abit tight and I need to get a pair for her for now...Bot 2 pairs for her frm osh kosh but this KS mummy bot too big, can onli wear during cny i hope..haha...Her feet is about 13.5cm now..so I need to get about 14.5cm shoes lor..
yep, that the place - Birth n Beyond.
the coffeeshop was wat Has said.. i not been there, so really do not know which is it. =p

ya.. think my mil also wish i enroll my gal at the one below her flat... mentioned on sun nite, last nite she gave me the paper with the contact n when suitable to c the teacher liao..... =)

not yet leh... still lookin... i tempted to look at the one the mommies here introduce - Talent Plus. But the location is not as "ideal" for mil only lor.... so duno if she willin to fetch my gal if we do enroll her there..... but hubby say, we still ask the school on details first to compare all the schools... my mil in bedok north.
wat abt u?? u plannin to sent erica to playgroup also??

initial first few times, xuan also only c certain animals, the rest r we "seein"... but the more we bring her to c, the more "variety" she willing to venture..... =)

I bought my gal shoes at BHG, colette or neighbourhood stores. I even more KS, i alrdy got shoes she can wear 2-4yrs down the road!!.. but i regret buyin that many liao..... hahaha

so funni.. in the sky is bird, in water is duck... hahahah.. then wat if the bird fly down from the sky to the pond, wat is it to ur gal??

Re: Cannin
this morn heard radio sayin accordin to survey (think in US), children who had "phyiscal punishment", did more better then those who didnt received... does this mean we shld go n buy cane n "shoot" without feelin guilty??
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies!
I'm bak to office. (finally).But hubby is hvin fever last nite, but after taking fever med, this morning his temp oredy went down. It was like a passing games of the sickness. So sien!!

Leng Leng,
Thanks for reminding me this. I almost forgot for this important point. Thanks ya!

She had CT scan to check on her brain, see if any problem or damage or clot (i think so). Coz normally for provoke fit will only occur once or twice. But she had 5 fits within 24hrs, tat cause a worry that her brain might had some problem.
In fact the doc was telling me if she had another fit again, might consider to do ECG (i hope i got the correct word) on her liao.

feifei/ ZuEn,
Thanks. But i think maybe my #1 had a febrile fit before, tats why now i'm more or less able to handle calmly. Btw when the 1st fit happen at outside, luckily there's one helpful mummy is nearby and help me to keep track on the fit timing. She told me her kids oso have fits before. She even help me to call my husband as hubby was away with my #1 at nearby CC.
But from this experience now i know that any fits that last more than 15mins is consider dangerous as it might cause serious damage on the brain.

In fact is quite worrying when the doc keep asking whether YuJie can recognise us when she wake up from the fits. And oso check if she can walk properly, stand properly or talk. This is also when i realised how dangerous can a seizure be.</font>

I have frenz who enrol their kids to talent plus or the tots house and say its not bad but it all boils down to the teachers there too..

wow...hehe...me tinking of getting a shoe cabinet for charlotte's shoes..hehe..

U listen to 933 right? Me too..so hor, it did shows that discipline does helps too... =)..Cos all along hb and I agree that we need to cane if really bery naughty, just cane that once and let them fear the cane lor...At least they are not the tian bu pai, di bu pai kind lor =)...
now plannin to shortlist all centers, then one fine day, take leave n "inspect" lor....

yep, we listen to 933 on our way to work. =)

btw, u lettin char wear soft or hard sole shoes??

yep. confirm goin to wheelock this thurs. no prb to help u get the books. u been there liao? which ones u need??
hehe...ya lor, hv to inspect first, better..

I letting char wear soft covered shoes from Kiddy palace, the brand is My Pony..but its tight for her liao..I like it cos bery soft. Then as for sandals, she also wear My pony one, those abit hard rubber sole lor... Ur xuan leh?

I din go that day wor, was rushing lor..but end up did some shopping for myself..hee... I looking for those pop-up books or the one u hv lor...The Dora and the shapes one with a puppy on the cover looks not bad too..Mayb you can help me look out for those books which can count one cos char is into counting these days..hee..Tks ya...
Bubblegumers @ Bata sell many kiddy shoes.

I duno wor. Maybe she will stare blankly at the bird. Hoho.
That is what I did. Do homework, list and call all the shortlisted CC, then bring Lil ZuEn to reccee all of them.
It took me 1 morning to run 5 CC.
i also bought the pony one. But i bought them in BHG when it was having 20% storewide sale. agree, that one v comfy,, soft soft de... =)

i went back to bras besar the other day to find the shapes ones.. but oos liao... sob... =( also didnt find the first pop up book i bought previously. but got another type which i dun find interestin enuf....

i think borders will stil have. but duno if got any discount (10%). if no discount, will be $8.90 for the shapes. Dora, it $12.90, ok mah??

But of cos, i will go n dig again under the clearance trolley first, if got gd lobang, call u to ask if u want?? (provided if they still got clearance trolley....) =p but hor, for these bk under 75% discount, there will be a chop inside the book. Personally, i dun find it a issue. cos it small n light. juz a chop or two in the front n back of the book only. =)

machiam like 跑场 leh!! can finish recee 5 CC within the hrs they operating?? Furthermore with ur gal wor!! I scare later she drag time only...
I ok de...hehe, best if can find those clearance ones..hehe...tks ya..I also ok with the chope lor..But the clearance books new new one hor?

Ya lor, really hv to squeeze all e cc viewing within one day lor..better...
oki oki.
Most of the books i bought under clearance, i find v new leh. duno y they list them as clearance. but there r also some with condition understandable to b under clearance. out of the 14bks i bought under the clearance sales, think only got 3 of the books condition is not v gd. but i stil bought, cos the damage is those repairable with sticky tape. for some that cant, or not worth,, then i didnt buy le. =p

but in the trolley, those "adult, non-fiction" bks, the condition r mostly v bad. Children bks not much alrdy. most i found in the boxes below.... =p
Can, each one about 30 mins. Those not very good ones, you can tell almost when you enter, so those no need so much time. The CCs that you shortlist should all be within the vicinity, so 5 CCs within 1 morning is do-able.

Re: Positive Tots
My hb not working this weekend. Maybe I can bring Lil ZuEn for trial this Sat leh. Can I knwo who should I contact at Positive Tots? It is at Tanglin Shopping center at 4pm is it?
oic.... oki oki.... then i shld b able to complete mine then... =)

Think will be Has who will b pickin the "hotline". She the one who i been liasin with. =)
Hi! feifei,Poky

My son also joining the class on this Saturday 4.15pm to 5.15pm at Positive Tots. Not sure will it be same class with you all or not?

Are u the lady who has joined us in 2008's xmas party? hehe...I tink we should be in the same class as our lesson is at 4.15pm too at Tanglin..How old is your boy? Wow, then we have 2 boys and 2 gers in the class le =).
hehe, cos i organised one mah so can rem ur nick lor..hehe..but wasn't bery sure lor..hehe..Yeah...great...Its always nice to have familiar faces in the same class =)..hee esp when our kids all same age de..hee..

Yeah...u joining for the 8wks or just this sat as trial?
no wor,,, the two dora bk i got, one is a pull out bk on train ride.. the other is a story bk type. =)

then u stil want me to buy at borders for u mah??

think is leh!! cos they small organisation, not many teachers wor... so same timin for positive tots class, we shld b the same!!! =)

GREAT!!! think no prb for school to confirm ur slot la..=)

Re: Positive Tots Class
1 - FeiFei's Charlotte
2 - Buttercup's Randall
3 - Poky's Xuan
4 - Eve's son
5 - Huiling's son
6 - ZuEn's Lil ZuEn

we b having 6 tots in the class! =)
wonder if there any other tots joinin???
Yes please, i need more books..hehe..mayb u can help me get 2 more? Mayb the Dora one or something similar lor =)...Tks ya..

Eve joining us? Happy cos have 6 of us there..hee
no prb... oki oki... if i c anything that u might b interested, will give u a holler to confirm! =0

tot eve says she joinin us the class as her trial lesson the other day??
Okie, tks alot ger =)...hehe..

I also forgot le..hehe..tink i read something like that too..kee..so quiet here today hor...
