(2008/06) June 2008

As trial wor.
I am still concerned with the venue. Very difficult to get there via public tpt when my hb has to work late lah.


Looking forward to see you all and all your tots on sat. Think should be fun on that day. My son till now cannot really speak, he only taliking in his baby language. He love play with himself, so thinking to let him have more social... ha..

Do you join their parents workshop on 10 Jan 2010. When I signed up it come with complimentary Parents workshop on 10 Jan 2010.

In this case I wait till she's old enough for chewables. I'm having a hardtime feeding her medication everytime, I dun want extra work. How old can they can chewables?

I've shortlisted a few CCs for Erica already. Although abit reluctant to send her to CC cos I think I'm gonna miss her after spending so many months with her at home.

U have a budget for CC? I've called up a few centers in Bedok and Pasir Ris(Near hb working area) to check on their rates and programs. But I think I might be settling for the one my ex-boss's daughter went to, since she told me the teachers turnover is nt very high, and pretty good plus the pricing is only $400 plus after subsidy. And they have sch bus service also. So will see how things work. Shall call them next wk and find out.

How much usually the books at Borders sales cost?

Wow, the doc actually said that? He must have really got you very worried from those words. Lets keep our fingers cross that your gal will stop having fits.

I googled abit on seizures and wondering if this info might be useful to u.

I was looking at Step 4 and was thinking maybe its something to take note of.

My boy tat time took 1 week for his poo poo to go back to normal, even after discharge from hospital.

Usually seizure can be few times within 24hrs. If past 24hrs then will need to be concern.

My boy tat time had 2 seizure within 3 hrs interval.
can i ask wat ur son name?? =)

yep, we attendin the parents workshop on the 10th. Can I ask if u attendin alone or with ur hubby?

do u still keep the info (rates n timin) for the CC that u had reccee? Can pm me if u stil have the details?

No budget yet.. cos i dun even know wat the market rate.... only now then start lookin.... =p

the price of the books at borders depends. If normal ones (those display on the shelf or stacked nicly together on the floor ones) think have 10% discount. Those in the clearnace trolley is 75% discount. But the clearnace ones hv to dig lor.. first time i went, not much selection. the ones i bought r mostly the only pc left in the lot. 2nd time went back, nothin much to grab liao... been a while since i went there liao.. duno if they hv "new stocks" in the clearance trolley.... i prayin got lor... keke
JW wor.
Taking MRT is ok for me. It is the Orchard MRT lah. Have to change train and squeeze with the crowd. Then have to walk a long way from Orchard MRT to Tanglin shopping center.
By the way, confirm it is Tanglin shopping center and not Tanglin mall hor.

Surprisingly, my girl likes her cod liver oil.
But she hates her medicine. So maybe these supplements are yummy? Hohoho.
JW, still need to change train... even more sian... yea hor.. if no one give up seats, then by the time u reach the class, alrdy tired out from the squeezin, standing, carryin n walkin liao......

yep. it Tanglin Shopping Centre. =)

^5, mine like it too.. i find the smell for the white onequite revolting leh... but she likes it stilll ..... orange one is sweet la... the white one, i really cant force myself to try.... hahahaha
i see....u try out on sat see how lor..

my ger and ur son can hi-five, onli talk bb language..hehe...

Yup, we goign for the talk wor..

u are right man...I feeling giddy for 2days liao, today feel bery cold, tink i falling sick soon..hiaz...Tink comes with flashcards hor?
fei fei,
what is laogei? i read a few times still no get what is laogei?

what books u getting? i may have missed the post on books but i can't find it...

My boi also dun speak much words...he is mostly baby language at the moment =(
the PD scheduled us for a review in a few months time.
my gal also can join in the bb talk group. everytime hmm hmm here, ah ah there only....

yep, got the flash cards! think accordin to the webby, the flashcard is when got enroll for the parents workshop class.

u giddy, cold cold ah? the flu virus?? everytime my hubby got that feelin, he go n pop his "yin qiao" then slp. nxt day b better le. =)
goin to dig at the clearance trolley at Borders this thurs. bb books.

But duno if borders got add "new stock" the the trolley.. =p
Yup, I still keep them for reference. But all together only ard 5-6 centers cos the rest of the info I only research ard the forum for reviews only. U only keen in the Bedok area or are u open to the Paris Ris ones also? Timing wise, I reckon all CCs are similar, 7am - 7pm for Full day, proper lessons/routine start at 9, Breakfast from 8-8.30am onwards.

Give me a few days to type out the info cos they're all written in loose papers. Remind me if I forget ok? I try to get it out by next wk for you cos this wk I'm in a slow mode as Erica n I taking turns to have fever.

Tell u hor, the market rates is hard to determine cos it goes by branding and your budget. Cheap ones at void deck can get as low as $200 a month after subsidy. Expensive ones can go up to 1.1k a mth after subsidy. That's why I was asking u if u have a budget to work within?

The Books only 10% off? Very little leh. I remember last time I see the signboards outside borders putting 30-50% off, members additional 10% off. But most of these titles dun appeal to me, so I ended up buying from booksdespository. Shipped directly to me and I dun have to endure that look from HB that I am buying books again. LOL.

Cod Liver oil is the one that is advertise in the TV one issit?

My gal very picky, apart from water n milk, she refused any other watery stuff. I offered her orange juice, apple juice all she spit out. But she likes the taste of "Jin Feng Shan" which is bitter. Weird rite?
Poky, feifei,
Ya lor. I sure will bring stroller. Then have to squeeze with people. And I super worried that my girl will decide that she wants out of the stroller wor. Then will be super tiring to carry her + push stroller.

Poky, Tinkerbell,
Yup, the one advertise on the TV. I also find it quite disgusting but she enjoys it. Always run to the Daddy when he feeds her. Feeding cod liver fish oil is daddy's job. Hoho.

The doc also keep asking us whether my boy can recognize us when he woke up, and walk and eat etc.. they only let him discharge after he can eat porridge without vommitting.

It was trauma for us for the whole 2 days at KKH, so worried etc. We r so worried tat we transfer my boy to our bed, he previously sleep on his own in his own room. so tat we can jagar him if he is sick lor.
Poky and Feifei

My son name is Cedrik. I will attend the workshop with my hubby. So will see you all again on the next day. hee...

Even till now my son also not yet call us daddy, mummy. May be once in a blue moon he will dad...dad... but also not sure if he really call daddy or not. He love to watch Barney, Sing a long Karaoke, Hi 5 etc...

May be he is slow in term of learning.... anyway to me most important is he is healthy now.
Hey Poky, Feifei, Buttercup and HUiling

See you and ur little darling this sat! =)
Happy to meet u mummies!

Same here. My son also not yet call us daddy and mummy leh. only calls my hubby DA DA loh...
Also loves BArney Hi5 Wheels on the bus and Mickey Mouse.
Ya. Healthy Happy most impt loh. =)
Oh Still got Zuen! I missed u out.sorry. hee =P

Poky, Feifei, Buttercup, HUiling, Zuen
I just called Miss Has if she has confirmed my place. Then she was saying confirm 7 toddlers in the class liao. 2 more yet to reply. =)
so guess max 9 loh.

Ya, long weekend ended so fast, goanna wait till CNY liao. I and bb just survive thru this two day. First day I was with her the whole day in the childcare centre. Today I let her be alone. I peek from the school, on and off she will cry for me. And when today back home, she suddenly so sticky to me, as in scare I will ran away.OMG.
I was hoping tomorrow she will not reject going to school liao. Hai..
Morning ladies..

Laogei = throw thantrums, fuss etc..hee..thats in cantonse lor..hee

great...tks for the infor..Ya lor, tink falling sick liao but yest took med so today still ok =).

My ger also dun call us lor, she just like to go wow and make bb noise...But i feel most important is that are healthy now and cheerful..

I believe its is a phase lor, i tink my ger will do that too when its time for her to go cc...U left her there for half day?
NP. I still hasnt got any confirmation from Has. -.o" Just smsed her.

Your description so cute but I totally understand how bad it is when the baby sticks to you. Mine has that once in a while. Cannot breath man. Lol!

Go "wow"??!! Hehe, so cure.
ya lor..sat u see lor..hee

My ger also stick to me like wat last wkend, can't even go bath..Imagine she and hb has to wait outside the bathroom for me..faintz
speaking of bathroom. remind me the other day when my gal duno y suddenly want to stick to me, keep standin n lookin thru the bathroom door while i wash up.. feel so weird to have her watchin me bath.... -_-". usually she a daddy girl, but that day no use, her daddy call her to watch tv also no use... but like ZuEn, it only once in awhile she stick to me.. hahah

laogei is a cantonese word ah... i tot hock kian leh.... hahah
My boy will call me 'mama' and my hb 'papa', MIL'nainai' and FIL 'yeye', my SIL 'gugu' and BIL 'shu'. Just only recently he learn to call more often when we greet him. Yest he suddenly call 'nainai' many times and my MIL is so happy.

Maybe it is bec' we always greet each other when we go to MIL house everday to pick him up, and encourage him to greet everyone.. usually kids learn from adults.
Hi all,
share with you something brave I did yesterday.

Mon evening, hubby down with tummy ache,
Tue 1am, he went CGH A&E, got 2 jabs, get better came home,
7am pain again, I fetch him to CGH, then the kids to school,
return to school...
He's got appendix infection, just got his operation last night,
recovering, may return home tomorrow...

The Brave "THING",
while he was at the A&E observation ward,
there's a mummy in there too.
Her hubby cannot go in cause he's with a 3 or 4 yr old daughter + a 3mths old daughter.
When I went outside for a breather,
the daddy was making milk very "gabra"ly for the baby,
baby cry & cry... 2 mummies tries to help,
smoothing, patting, talking to baby,
the baby refused the milk bottle.
I asked the daddy if baby is on breastmilk, he nodded....
Can't ask mummy to come out, can't go in the A&E,
daddy was desprate.
I offer to breastfeed his infant, he agree straightaway...
Latch her on for a good 15mins or so... she slept after that...
hehehe.... so adoreable hor... :p
<font color="808080">Great Job!Leng<sup>2</sup>
That's the good thing about breastfeeding, I think I would do the same</font>
U are really bery brave wor!!

Hows ur hb now? Ahyo, not easy for u cos hv to take care of ur 3 kids and then all alone leh...U need help?
your slot should be confirm bah.
Ive just forwarded the reg form today.
Maybe u can call Ms Has to check?

So nice of you! Lucky you are around to help them. =)
that really a very nice thing to do.
Mommy to a bb rescue (not to mention to the father of the bb's also). =)

but hor, u must take care of urself also! got to take care of ur kids n ur hubby urself. When will ur hubby b dischargin?? else, v hectic to ferry between places. =(

so gd, ur boy call u all liao.. we also got greet everyone when we arrive at the huse (inlaw or parents).. but my gal dun pick up leh.... sigh...
ya lor, feel so happy to be able to help e family hor =)...So later u picking ur hb?

just saw u posted ur ger's photo of the lips bitten lor..ahyo, must be so painful for xuan then leh...how it happen ?
climb chair lor!! my inlaws hv one those plastic red seat with back type.. they saw off the legs to b much shorter. so my gal can climb up on her own when they werent noticing her. Think she lean too over on the chair back, bcome unbalanced, so toppled down face flat. the back of the chair hit her from the chin upwards when fallin to the flr.. so her teeths sunk deep into the inner lip... (first time i regret why her teeths grown so fast!!)

accordin to mil, xuan bleed some time before stoppin, then cry non-stop for few hrs. until she so tired that she fall aslp... When wake up, no cryin, but she got that ke lian look all the way lor... when i fetch her. she alrdy stopped cryin. refused to let me c. so initially i tot juz another common fall, juz want sayang only... only when we home, then we discovered the wound was that deep... then seein the white/yellow glob. scare me like nothin.... she refuse to drink (straw, syringe, etc) for a day.... heartache her pain, bruise, face swell, cannot eat or drink.... sigh....

luckily, the epi over liao....

but hor!!!! my gal stil didnt learn from that lesson leh!!! still climbin like a monkey......
ahyo...so painful leh..poor xuan...i always scare char fell de cos last time fell once, then cheek becomes blue black bery obiovus lor...hiaz...Kids hor, really short memory leh, pain liao still dun learn lesson..
aiyo poor xuan at the time of incident.
dont worry shes a happy sweet girl now! =)
children sure will fall and hurt... can only min loh.
next time go school worse. i really cannot imagine leh.
But hor, i learnt from this lesson lor..

cos we were hestiating to bring her to a&amp;e that night. cos tot fall was v often for kids. then bside, cryin n refusin food, there wasnt any other effects (no fever, playin as usual). so we tot mayb we shld wait awhile to let the wound heal by itself. but after she continue to refuse intake for a day, (even for milk, she also vomit out), we bcome worried. cos nurse alrdy told us to be careful of her light weight during her 18mth assessment. now she even refussin food!?, so bring her to c doc.

After applyin the gel prescribe by the doc abt 2-3pm, she can start drinkin from straw at abt 5-6pm liao!!!

If know that the gel can work wonder, relieves her of the pain, then i wld hv bring her that nite to c doc immediately liao.... =( so also feel guilty that i let her suffer for so long.

so nxt time, even being said as over Kan cheong parents,, will bring her straight to doc liao!!!
feifei, Zuen,

I apply for full day childcare, but only bring her in around 10plus, I let her have a meal before go lol, as i see their meal menu, i know my girl such don't know how to eat one, so i scare her hungry let her eat first loh.
Feed back from the teacher, my girl keep want the teacher to carry her, else she will cry. Hai yo. Now she found another person to stick to liao.But when back home she start to stick to me again.
Hope by putting her in childcare, she is able to learn more sociable.

My boy also climb up sofa and jump around then he will slide down through the side of the sofa.. then got 1 time he fall down and knock a big lump on his head. he still dun learn the lesson too.

I apply zam buk for him...apply light so tat he dun rub it on his hands.

maybe is bec' my boy teeth grow quite early, people say if bb teeth grow early then speech is faster.. but he learn to walk slow lor, only can walk at 15mths lor. so is one way or another.
huh.. i think that time u apply the zam bak also v jiatlah.... heartache if u rub hard, he pain, if light, the "blood" dun spread properly....

i heard of that also.. if teeth faster, speech faster. but nt true for her leh...speech or walk, my gal is late. walkin only at 15mths. Speech ah.. now stil ar ar, ee ee....

last time use to b worried, now juz "close eyes".... she healthy n happy, ok liao la.... hahaha
Really xintong lor..

My ger also late, she onl walks at 12mths after her 1st birthday, then her teething onli started at 8mths so i reckon her speech will be slow too...
so in the end you brought your girl to KKH or jus PD?

Hope your girl can get used to cc soon! Im still searching for one near my area. most quite far so still kiv.
Where is your girl attending?

my boy also teeth also came out quite early leh. by 10mths already 8 teeth liao. so mil say he will talk early.
who knows till now still not talking yet leh...
waiting for him to call me.

yr gal walk v fast liao, 12mths is consider normal.

tat time i read KKH book, if kid dun learn walking by 15mths then must highlight to PD liao. scare me.

My boy teething start at 5mths. Now he has quite a few molars i tink, maybe left only a few teeth or ored complete set.
Another article i read is tat, why baby who has more teeth tend to tok better is bec' when they have more teeth, they learn to chew more chunky food which help to train their mouth muscles thus help in speech development.

So must encourage kids to chew on food and cannot always eat those 'soft soft' food lor.
Ask u all hor, how to prevent our kids frm lockign themselves in their rooms huh? Cos my mil just called, said charlotte almost locked herself in cos she was playign with the door and lock , heng she nv lock fully, if not will hv to ask e locksmith to open liao...So tonite got to give my mil the keys to her room..Any idea how to pervent it?
Tks for the infor...Problem with char now is even those fruits like apple hor, she will get choke le..then my mil always steam e pear and let her eat..I told her now must train her to bite like that lor..hiaz...but char likes to eat strawberries....

yep... teary during that period... she naughty n suffer from the pain.. i didnt do anything, yet i "share" her pain n cry... jiatlat....

walkin, think most only start walk at 12mths, so ur gal not bad in walkin liao. =)

for speech ah, nvm, mayb during the lessons, our little darlings started to pick up interets in speech leh??? hahahaha

brought her to KKH. cos that day was public holiday, long wkend...... =( first time experience in KKH.... luckily, not v long... =p

same as u leh. my gal, 8mths, 8 teeths, 12mths, 12 teeths, till now still mostly bb gibberish....
