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  1. G

    (2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

    Hi girls Haven't been in this thread for a while. Mashy you are still around. Just wanna drop a note that I have started a home-based business creating kids labels. Muakids. Here is the website.
  2. G

    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Hi Vanilla, Haha he could still be in kungfu mode when you tuck him in. Ideally, let them settle in 1 hour before bedtime. Do some reading etc. My girl would ask questions and listen tentively every bedtime story too. When she was younger, she wanted me to read the same story over and...
  3. G

    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    HI Ladies in this thread, thanks for the warm welcome. =) Vanilla, I've been through that with my girl. It's a difficult phase most parents go through. Hand on there. Every day, give them lots of love at the end of all the chaos every night, pray for patience, and give yourself a pat...
  4. G

    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Hi Ladies Sorry to intrude. Compelled to write something here. I'm a friend of Blackberry and she mentioned this thread to me. So here i am. I'm sorry about the losses of Blackberry and Sunflower. S(Blackberry), you know, you are blessed with such a gentle heart. I'm sure God has greater...
  5. G

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Yvonne and etelle, thanks for the contacts! ;D
  6. G

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Hi girls, long time no talk.;P Chk with you girls if you know any babysitter agencies? I need help!
  7. G

    Mummies in Australia?

    yar. Here in spore, everyone has their windows rolled up. Over there, it's common the windows are down. Everytime summer cos of driving, the sun is so scorching hot the color of my right arm and left arm always not the same. heh. Twinkle21 what industry is your hubby working in huh?
  8. G

    Mummies in Australia?

    Twinkle yar I'm actually the only one back. haizz. I hang ard for about 3 mths deciding to come back or not. In the end I'm back in Spore and then got caught up with work. YOu know i bought mine for $5k only. hehe, But it's a lau pok car lar. Can drive from A to B can already.
  9. G

    Mummies in Australia?

    I can never keep up with the threads in this forum. ;P mngo I'm not there anymore. Think I spoke to you in SB before? came back about 3 years ago. Initially hubby and I wanted to migrate over there. But last min change our minds. His PR just expired. bleah~ But I'm gonna appeal for extension...
  10. G

    Mummies in Australia?

    Hi Twinkle I lived there for close to 5 years. Counted anot? It's a very peaceful place to live in.
  11. G

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Sally just seen the collage. Great job! So cute to see all the babies put together.
  12. G

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Hi ilim thanks. will try that out. just read this online. use a cotton ball to wipe the area with mixture a teaspoon of baking soda with a cup of water. hopefully it will go away. they look aweful.
  13. G

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Hi Wendy Don't worry it should be finished by 6 weeks.
  14. G

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Hi Ladies I spotted rashes on Lis's neck. I didn't see it till today cos it is in the folds of her double chin. How huh?
  15. G

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Hey Feza! Finally see you here. Congrats huh!
  16. G

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Lenny forgot to check out at SaSa for the Clarins product. Find nowadays cannot think straight. So tired. There is a tube one? I didn't see it around. siewlng hang in there. I'm also alone with my girl everyday. Sometimes I feel I'm going bonkers especially since she sleeps shorter in the...
  17. G

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    MTAN my girl has abit of rashes as her cheeks as well. I ask my PD about it and he said it's due to hormones during the 3rd trimester. They seems to blame everything on the hormones.
  18. G

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Lenny I bought the ab binder from Mdm Rohaya too. I find it doesn't do much after a month. It keeps moving around. Sally Cinnamon I just wanna say your girl is really pretty! So fair.
  19. G

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Hey girls, I just went to buy the Clarins extra firming cream. Then I realised there is a Body Firming Cream. Which one is better huh? Anyone using Clarins can let me know? Thanks. The extra firming cream cost 90+. *faint*
  20. G

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Bamwicca first 2 weeks i'm very tired seldom come in also. can say goodbye to 8 hours sleep. now can get 4 hours sleep very happy. Re hiccups, i noticed if i didnt burb my gal well, she will hv hiccups. i'll let her suckle. sometimes water, or my breast. it'll go away after tt.
