Christian ivf mums or mums to be

sunflower- i am always thinking of you.. we went thru together for so long... i still rem u started the christian thread for infertility n we knew hug me, patsy, dorothy, vanilla n thistle. i am so blessed by all your friendship and prayers.

i am so glad that actually many more readers have been keeping us in prayers.. ica, luv
and sportyger( i rem you)- thanks for your sharing!

blackberry- i was just as excited for you when vanilla told me it is +ve even thou i dunno u as well as sunflower but i pray that u will not give up.

i still having some good books to give any of you- supernatural child birth, praying for your unborn babies and baby name book. I pray that this year will be a fruitful year for all of you trying regardless of what chinese zodiac sign!

hang in there!

trusting Him, thanks for remembering me! I am so happy for you that you are now blessed with a pair of twins and they are soooo adorable. When God bless, he bless us super above what we asked for
u still attending TCC?
hey i was reading thru all the entries i is like a diary to me- all the recordings of what i been thru from 2008 till now...i am sad that the one sunflower started is gone..but the support group for inferility is still there.

i will be upset if ever this thread goes missing.. all the support and memories of what i been thru is recorded here..
Hi Ladies

Sorry to intrude. Compelled to write something here. I'm a friend of Blackberry and she mentioned this thread to me. So here i am. I'm sorry about the losses of Blackberry and Sunflower.

S(Blackberry), you know, you are blessed with such a gentle heart. I'm sure God has greater plans installed for you. =)

Sunflower, don't give up on God. Can i share with you these verses from Matthew 6:25-34. Hope they would give you peace like they always do to me when I'm feeling life is out of control.

Matthew 6:25-34

25Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

26Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

27Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

28And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

29And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

30Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

31Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

32(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

34Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

I just wanna say your post give me some ray of hope. I'm trying for my 2nd one and i am feeling a bit despondent bcos after going thru 1 cycle of Clomid and 2 HCG injections(all unsuccessful), my HB had somewhat put his foot down on further treatments. He is beseeching me to surrender and give a little more faith to God. I'm a bit reluctant but perhaps doing this naturally is God's plan for me to grow in my faith. Or perhaps he is telling me to be content, not look further when i already have one precious under my nose!

Wanna share an article I read a while ago about Never give up on God.

Sorry for the long post. God bless everyone in this thread and babydust to all!
Gingerale, I am sure God will grant your heart desires very soon! Sometimes we do not understand why God makes us wait and wait but God has been to our future and he knows what is best for us. Just continue to trust in the Lord. It was really a miracle that I am able to conceive naturally and it has been the greatest blessing in my life. And whenever life difficulties seems to be overwhelming, it never fails to remind me that God is for me when I am reminded of this blessing. Therefore I know God has a individual plan for each of our sister here and they will all emerge as victors at the end of the race.
First of all, big welcome to Ica, Sportyger, Luvagape and Gingerale. Feel so blessed and happy that our thread has so many new comers at one go!

Blackberry, sorry to hear about the MC but are warmed by your act or attempt for closure. you are brave. sorry didn't have time to sms you today. Gotta be at my desk when I'm not pumping. I know it must be disheartening to see the heartbeat once and then, snatched away from you. Do continue to press on.

sunny - i'm glad you're looking up a bit. God works in a mysterious way. Maybe that church friend IS His way of telling you "come to me, my child for you are precious". i used to stare at pictures of my embryos after my failed ET and after my ectopic pregnancy. cried cried cried and keep thinking how they would look like....

thinking of SUnny and Blackberry, i suddenly think of alaina, the mother of Taylor...... I invited her over to join our thread but she last told (few weeks back she hasn't done so). .....

Sunny, i can understd why you fear all the bad things happening again at the next FET. i had tat kind of feeling when i had mine last time, each time.... and even now, i don't dare to think too much abt bb A's development. even though she's been putting on weight nicely (1765gm today), i still fear for the condition of her eyes and lungs....
Hi sisters. Welcome gingerale.
Yes God has individual plan for us as He knows our burdens n how much we can bear.
Hi sunny I m glad u r taking steps walking towards God. For my case my hb was closer to God when E was diagnoised w multiple organ defects. My reverend told him go to the bible for refuge. Read psalm n reflect wat God wants to tell u.
Hi Mricky- God will see bb A thru. We as mothers worry but really there is nothing we can do but pray n trust God.
Hi gingerale- thks for ur reminder on not to worry.
hello sisters...

i read the posts here with a heavy heart. blackberry, hang in there... i am sure one day you will have your heart's desire...

sunny, hope you are feeling better... you too... God has plans for you, and i am also certain you will carry ur bb in your arms soon...

thank you for the prayers of the sisters who have been following our thread... please do join in and chat with us...
hi vanilla, sunny and mricky, thanks so much for the warm welcome.

all you ladies here also encourage me greatly as i read through your posts; your intense love for children made me feel ashamed at times :|

after reading these posts, i got a deeper love towards my 11-month old son who can be very cheeky at times!
Welcome Gingerale!
Here is a place we can band together to share and uphold one another in our journeys be it TTC or child upbringing or marriage & family or career, anything at all.
Sistas, i believe i am healed spiritually. Last night, hb and i went to Lighthouse Evangelism's Miracle Service, listened to TCS actor Li Nan Xing's testimony (he's been through alot) and prayed during the 'healing prayers' session.

During the service, we sang the song "When You Believe". Oh how the song struck a cord with my inner feelings, God administered to me? Probably, some lyrics i found so near in my heart ...

<font color="ff6000">There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill</font>

<font color="ff6000">In this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away</font>

<font color="ff6000">They don't always happen when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fear
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see your way safe through the rain
Thought of a still resilient voice
Says love is very near</font>

Indeed, no matter how frail hope is, as long as there is hope, it can never be killed. Indeed, during our times of fear and when prayers seem unanswered and things dont happen the way we ask, we can easily cave in and be blinded by the pain to see whats ahead. Indeed during these times, we can continue to wallow in our rut, not knowing God is near, love is near, God is waiting just for us to call out to him. Though i still cant understand why things happened the way they did, why blessings are given and also taken, i trust God has his purpose. We can only continue to have faith and pray and seek God every step of our way.

Pastor also shared the story of Jacob how as a child and prince of God, he already possessed the power and blessings of God but he didnt know and still wrestled with the angel refusing to let go.

I prayed that as children of God, princes and princesses of God, we have his power and we claim his inheritance of miracles. No more are some of us sitting at the sides watching others claim their miracles from God, we gonna step forward and boldly ask of God and believe in his miracles. I prayed that God sees our pain, our broken hearts and heal us, make us strong again. I prayed that God's mercy and grace be upon us, that the storm is over and we will see rainbows next. I prayed God breaks our bondages and grant us breakthroughs and blessings and protection. AMEN!!!

Blackberry, especially for you too.
A non-christian sista shared with me that "He is not a Father who gives stones when His children asked for fish." How ashamed am i as a christian to forget that? Maybe its just not time yet for me to receive and keep my fish. There is a purpose i have to go thru in this. Maybe at the end, i will have a bigger net with more fishes than i ask for. We all will. Our God is a generous God, He is one who gives in abundance, in His time, which as Sportyger shared, will not even be a min late.

I cant stop tearing today. But good good, all will be better after this is all over. Going back to work tomorrow, the grind of life should numb my pain and distract me enough to go on.
Sunny - appreciate your post and words of encouragement. holding u in thought as we both weather this season till we see the rainbow.

'Old' sisters and 'new', thank u for all your kind words, sharing of experiences and hopes. This journey has been made lighter because of you. God bless u all richly.
sportyger- blur me i must have confuse your church with another lady in the infertility thread. but i am glad u still reading the thread.. i wonder how is hug me n patsy..

sunflower- so happy to hear you been lifted up by the lighthose service. i went to search on the service n read abt it from channel newasia.

gingerale- i am one who been thru quite a bit for my 2nd n 3rd child- i tried 2 yrs for my 1st child using on 3 rounds of clomid n 1 hsg but this time, i even tried tcm n my hb is on ginseng.

so do drop by n talk to us.. we all have our own stories to share n encourage
hellosunny - hugs so happy for u! God loves u and is clearly telling u that He wants u back to His, under His wings!

hi Blackberry - hugs hugs to u... miss u alot..

hi Luv - at times i am really impatient w my boy. This week after all the sad news i was more patient w him.
Hi sisters, i m feeling very sick and weak now. My head is spinning badly, running a fever, feel like vommiting, no appetite and teary eyes. Pls pray for me.

Welcome all the new sisters here too. Sorry, i will post more when i feel better.
NZ, pls take care of your health.. It must have been a difficult week with you having to work 1/2 day, maid is away and a new project..

It will all get better.
hi sisters, so glad that the day has finally ended. at the same time, i dread it becos it's gonna repeat itself again tomorrow... getting used to work again and the running around...

sunny - glad you're looking up. blackberry, chin up too. all of us have long journey to travel, there's no shortcut. my friend emailed me a comic strip, it talks about a man who was given a cross to carry and walk. he complained it was too heavy and long. so he bargained with God to cut it short. after the adjustment, he was able to walk in breeze while others struggle. however, when he reached the end of the clift, he was required to cross it to another clift. he then realized the cross was given as a bridge but as he has cut his cross to suit his own tastes/needs, his cross was too short and he could not complete his journey with God. it tells me that whatever God gives me, ther'es always a purpose behind it. the journey may be long and tough but it is required to reach the4 destination.

i didn't visit bb A today. had to bring back my frozen br milk from office. Hubby went instead. she's 1.755kg (dropped from past few days then bounced back) and on 35ml 3 hrly. PTL that her eye scan today showed that the abnormal blood vessel did not progress further, so that's consolation.
Hi sisters just fought w E. Screamed at him cos he refused to sleep n keep wanting to do something which I dub
n know wat. I told him I dun want to care abt him. I m so tired he really test my patience. From 930 to 1130. I even let him plAy in his plAyyard. I really wanted to snap man. Versions of my post natal dep came back n I called my mum told her I wanted to throw him out of the window. He keep crying everything I give him he doesn't want. And later I sld need wAke up at 2 to feed him agAin. I m so angry w him n myself. I just lost it.
Vanilla - *Hugs* E must have been trying for whatever reason. dont blame urself cos u already have a hard day and u give ur best. guilt can be a big and unnecessary burden, do give yourself some time to close your eyes and take deep breaths. holding u in prayer.

NZ - i do pray that u will get better! i am ok to run around now so pls let me know if u need anything at all.

Mricky- thanks for your encouraging story.looks like bb A will hit 2kg soon! looking back, hasnt she come so far! what a fighter and what a mighty God we have. hang in there. u must be an exhausted mummy as well. the Lord's joy be your strength.
thanks blackberry -- i think i m PMS..just q with hb..i am so fed up cos everytime he goes out and have a good time w his frens his son decide to play punk. last night when E slept (after chewing his rubber chicken, he rejects his pacificer sigh!) i told him - baby u r just 17 mths not 17 yrs old u quarrel and fight w mummy. If u 17 yrs old then how? Be a rebel?

i think the whole prob is he watched cartoons before he sleep, he does not talk so i dun know what he wants and i am the best in guessing what he wants.He is stubborn as a mule and yes cos his dad is not around, he decides it is bully mummy time!

i was pretty mean to him, i told him no one wants him - his ah ma, his grandmas his one wants him, i also dont care abt him. i am just so so tired and frustrated.
NZ, hope you feeling better now? Seen doctor? Drink loads of water. The hot season is earlier this year, alot of people falling sick. Keep yourself hydrated and take some fruits to build up immune defense.

Vanilla, hugs hugs. Its a brand new day today and all will better. Bet you didnt sleep enough again, cheer yourself up with a small cup of teh tarik? Drink loads water too. Sorry i dont have child caring experience to help you.

Mricky, you too take care and drink loads water. The weather is crazy and you just started the daily grind plus having to take care of bb A, must be hard on you.
Vanilla, dont say that. You are not a horrible mother. Its a phase all mothers have to go thru especially when babies have yet learnt how to communicate. Next time E can talk, he will sure reason with you and not just be cranky like that. It will get better de ok?
Sunflower, so happy to see that God is administrating to you. He is definitely here for you, take care and continue to trust in his goodness.

Blackberry, I can feel that you are really a woman of God. A sister who trust so much in the Lord. Believe you will be blessed greatly in time to come!

Vanilla, dont feel that way, you have been a wonderful mother. My little girl has just turned 1 and it is really a challenge to discipline her now. She doesnt want to sit still in her chair to eat and keep wanting us to carry her. We didnt want to do that as dont want her to develop a bad habit of only eating her food when we carried her. She will wail and cry murder and we just have to endure her cries which can last so long. Sometimes really dont know how to discipline her.

NZ, hope you are feeling better, pray that the Lord has healed you.

trusting, ya wonder how they are now! Hope that they have been blessed with a child too, for they have gone through so much!
thanks sportyger and sunny.

Sunny - u really understand me well - i ordered an extra large cup of teh tarik to drink!

hi sportyger - i have already given up alot of battles w E - sitting on high chair, when he wants to play n not sleep - i let him while i do my chores... sigh i think i need more patience.

i do think at hug_me at times...i hope she is a mum already.

hi NZ - how u feeling..hope ur doc gives u 3 days mc so u can be at home. nap when ur bbs are napping...
HI Ladies in this thread, thanks for the warm welcome. =)

Vanilla, I've been through that with my girl. It's a difficult phase most parents go through.

Hand on there. Every day, give them lots of love at the end of all the chaos every night, pray for patience, and give yourself a pat.

Blackberry in case you are wondering, this is J here!
vanilla- u must be having a tough time... i too have that times ( power struggle with raf).. n i blew it ...i told my son recently i feel like throwing him away n he cried buckets... he is testing my patience sooo much... i guess God gives us boys to test our patience!! i think E is a smart boy .... does he zz a lot in the day? he seems to have a lot of energy..

raf plays a lot in the day n zz at night... but i zzz in the day n pump milk at nite so that y i am so tired in the day..

raf will jump up of bed to go outdoor for a run or party but will crawl out ( n i have to bring my cane) if i told him time for his spelling especially chinese spelling...

hug me- if u are still reading pls join us.. i rem you cos you have an inspiration to me.. after trying for 10 yrs n finally preg n then you lose it but till it all you still gave thanks..

sunflower- some women in the bible have been rem as women of faith n courage- rehab, esther.. n i told my pastor last time that if my story is imprinted in the bible too may i live up to be a women of faith. my greatest desire is to leave a spirtual legacy to my children but sigh i have been so bz with so many issues in life..

u know your sharing of your situation has encouraged me a lot.. i think all of us have to release to God our emotional baggages n to call upon God to heal us..

i better start reading the bible instead of just reading daily bread.. i m just so overwhelmed by having so many people in my hse now... last time only 3 of us n now 7 of us n i just trying to get used to them
Actually, i miss Hug_Me very much! I always felt sad becos i could not uplift her. Wish she will pop by still.

Hug_Me you are not forgotten! Patsy you too!

Vanilla, yay, shiok right! Ssssp! I cant drink mine cos night time cant sleep. This week back to work very stressed, at night cant sleep, have to take sleeping pills.
hi gingerale - thanks! I hope to go back today more patient and feel more love towards him!

I was telling blackberry - it was the combination of kungfu panda cartoon before his sleep time (courteosy of his dad) + me reading him the children bible --> i shld just tell him a stroy off my head instd of flipping the book cos he got excited and wanted to flip to look at the pics. and he will flip and flip to look for the particular page (elephants of Noah Ark's)

hi TH - raf is such a typical boy... play is more impt! is he scared of the cane?

hi sunflower - poor thing how abt taking chamomile tea instd?
Hi Vanilla,

Haha he could still be in kungfu mode when you tuck him in. Ideally, let them settle in 1 hour before bedtime. Do some reading etc.

My girl would ask questions and listen tentively every bedtime story too. When she was younger, she wanted me to read the same story over and over again. She was never like those I saw in the movies, fall asleep when the parents are reading. Then after reading, she takes like 1/2 hour-1 hour to zzz. She hates to sleep i think. And by 3yo, naps in the afternoon was a thing of the past.

Now at 4yo, it has become a routine to settle in 1 hour before bedtime. We read, talk about things, and sing a bit. After all that, she promptly falls asleep though i know she rather play till she drops!
gingerale - warm welcome! i figured who u r from your 1st post.

vanilla, gingerale &amp; TH - i do think though we thirst for the gift of children so much, God also reminds us that they are here as His instruments to mould us. i am inspired that u mothers are keen to learn, unlearn so that u can nurture your kids in the best way possible. i have an ex-student who is going to be a father soon and despite what hb and i tell him, he thinks it will come naturally. kinda worried for him. sigh!

NZ - hope u r on the road to recovery.

Mricky - still miss ur sweet round face. when shall we meet again? when u next see bbA, can i pop in too or are other visitors still banned?

as for me, life is slowly going back to what it was before bb came (and went), i'm vrooming around and doing wk at home. no discomfort nor bleeding (yet?). hb and i decided that we shall wait till next fri to see dr f for the scan again and then proceed fr there.

Sunny - hope u have better sleep tonight? does milk help? thanks for bringing sunshine in here.
thanks gingerale...will try that...just read my Gina Ford book and it is recommend nap for 18 mths shld be 2hrs max..i think i will cut that down too...

ya he was still doing his hand actions when he pointed he wanted out of the room... i really banning kung fu panda for evenings
vanilla- it must hv been hard on u. our hb always like tat, leave us alone with the kid while they relax and enjoy outside. try nt to show him kungfu panda at such a young age. i rmbr my gal didn't watch such cartoons till she was older. but then again, maybe boys are different.

blackberry - thanks for remembering my round face. they are still round:{ ya, would like to meet you gals for lunch someday. still trying to settle down at work and managing my short lunch hour with pumping and washing the pump.

visited bb A today. she's 1.78kg now. ya, she would be hitting 2kg real soon. they are planning a chest xray next week. hopefully she can be weaned off the oxygen reliance.

will keep this short. v v tired....

NZ - hope you're feeling better. I hope I don't fall sick but partially, I do hope so so that I can sleep at home!!!! last night TH called me to wake up to pump. i heard her call but wnet back to sleep till almost 6am! I couldn't even remember when she told i even replied her....
hi blackberry - u take care ya.. rem to still take ur chicken soup even though u r busy..put in slow cooker and end of day u have yummy soup. Rem to buy kampong chicken or those hormone free ones in the supermarket (E is on those...)

hi mricky - hang on..after a while u will be used to it and v proficient in it.i think what pissed me off is my hb sms me asking if E slept and i said yes just and he replied ok i bring XX (his fren) to newton circus. when he went out he said it will be a short drink. it is like always take for granted I am here to hold the fort! I have never and i mean never gone out weekends or weekdays w my frens and enjoy myself.
Vanilla, yes it is frustrating when we are so exhausted and babies are still wide awake, wanting to play. You are a GOOD mum... it's normal to feel frustrated..
Hi there again,
Welcome to those who have started to log in frequently recently.

Vanilla, Don't give up on E and setting limits with him. He's prob going thru the Terrible 2 stage. Hope you find some help from this article

I guess your hb was thinking if E was still awake he'd cut short his outing w his friend and return to help you.... but since E's slept, he'd not be any help at home anyway so out he went.....

May be you cud agree with your hb on some "ME" time on certain days and time, when you will be out n hb takes over the caring of E. One of my pastor's wife does it and she finds it very refreshing. This is someone who conducts classes on managing relationships and counselling. One thing tt my hb said to me on Sunday was tt I need to stand up for myself (of course, he wasn't referring to standing up to HIM, but to others, when I felt I was being taken advantage of)... .I think it's true of me and also of most women.

Mricky, you're doing very well even with all the commitments. Hang in there. It'll pass before you know it. Continue to eat well as Baby A will also benefit fr them through your BM.

Sunny hope your body's stronger sooner n you will have your prayers answered soon.

Blackberry, when's your next scan? Here's hoping for the best for you.

NZ, hope you get well soon. I was out in town yesterday for prob 6 hours.... and today I'm just so tired, couldn't get out of bed.... it's prob the bad air quality caused by the haze and of course being exposed to 2nd hand smoke. In Singapore, people still smoke on the sidewalks. In Japan, smokers can smoke only in those "smoke rooms" erected somewhere along the street. Hope we can have that here soon.

I'm sad to hear about Jack Neo's betrayal. Hope his wife and kids wud be healed and be stronger children of God thru this incident.
Vanilla - sorry u had another rough night. Men! Sigh. he is probably clueless as to what u need. as for the soup, do u mean i take chicken soup now? not later?

Haze- glad to hear from u. my scan is on next Fri, 19 Mar.

Mricky - jiayou! a mama's life is an octupussy life - gotta do many things at the same time. i pray that God will give you strength and a song in your heart at all times. He is also mothering after you. wait till u settle in then i see ur sweet round face, k? hopefully by then, i can also see round face junior!
hi blackberry - yes..can continue to take chicken soup..i rem Ms jin told me before my IVF, good to take more soup and vegetables...

oh that is onMonday when he was out w fren. Yest after q with him in the morn we didnt also on cold war.

yest was a bad night w E but i am more patient. He slept at 1030 woke up at 115am - which is too early. I was supposed to do a bb whisperer on him but he foiled my plan. didnt fin the milk so i was prepared 2 wake up again..true enu 615am and he does not want to sleep anymore.. but i had a gd time w him on my bed.. tickled him and he laughed and giggled.. my mum told him he crashed out at 950am..hahah...

thanks Haze... ya the haze is bad on Mon.. our evening walk was cut short cos i keep smelling the burning smell..

thank God for the rain..hope it will clear the sky
hi mricky - when can bb A have visitors?
Hi blackberry - beef soup is good too! if u want organic beef - it is not tooo exp i saw some at Paragon supermarket -- under the new zealand brand...
Vanilla, ya maybe discuss with your hb to have a "me" day where you can go out and he looks after E. Healthier for both of you and he gets to feel how its like taking care of E alone for long hours. Last time during my marriage prep course, pastor also ask us to exercise "me" days. My hb exercised it very well lor, every week must meet frens, machiam meet lover.
Gals, ask you ah ... if you are in my shoes, which will you choose? Another FET or another fresh cycle. My dilemma is:

Another FET means simpler and faster to success if BFP but then that means about 2 years later then can try again for #2. But by then age would have caught up, as it is now i already dont have very good ovarian reserve, scared 2 years later lagi worse if do fresh cycle.

But if another fresh cycle now, will take advantage of younger age now to extract eggs then i can slowly FET for #2, #3 etc ... later on, no need worry ovarian reserve.
hi haze - have pm u back... pls advise me hor...

hi sunny - thanks. it is diff to ask him help esp for night time - cos he (1) cant make E finish his milk (2) cant make E sleep (3) if E cries in middle of night, has ability to sleep thru or stir abit..which E will cry loud and more agitated.

How many frozen embroys do u have?

hmm.. i think ur reasoning make alot of sense --> younger now take out more eggs. I think if u can do a fresh cycle. Then u can have frozen ones for ur 2/3/4
