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  1. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    cheryl, e one I bought can remove strap one.. I bought at abt $45 I think, it's w nursing function Veniz, Thanks for the info. hopefully my breast dun grow too big each mth or else I will hv to keep replenishing bras. haaaa Linda, haaaa.. same situation. my bra size is 1 size...
  2. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    cheryl, really ah.. I havent wore it yet.. dud u wear it w strap or strapless? Cos usually I like to wear it strapless. Fortunately I didnt buy more, cos salegirl told me buy 3 at 50% discount but I thought wanted to try one first.
  3. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Veniz, Huh another $200 ah to add.. oh okie.. guess I wont be getting it afterall. Anyway, thanks alot :0) Btw, hv u tried perfect mum's maternity bra before? I bought 1 tt e salegirl claim cld wear until full 9 mths. Is this true?
  4. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Hi, Veniz, Thanks for the info. I probably wld need to keep my present receipt for the mth & see whether I cld get another $100 items to get a discount card. Hi, piyoz It seems u really hv spent $300 at perfect mum to get e discount card according to Veniz. :0) shhh.. dun tell yr...
  5. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Hi, piyoz Do you still remember how much to spend in order to get a discount card fm perfect mum? went during e wkends to buy & spend $209 there but no discount card so I assume it's more??
  6. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Roxy, Congrats to u & do take gd care. In fact, I had a miscarriage in late feb. Gynae say usually the 2nd pregnancy wld be gd after 1st miscarriage so am sure ours wld be smooth this time. :0)
  7. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    luz, u r very fortunate to hv an attentive hubby. My hubby didnt even bother what I shld eat or not do during preggy. Envy :0)
  8. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Hi, Jesslyn scrubbing & shaping of nails defintely ok as long as without putting e colours on. Haircut is totally fine too. :0)
  9. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Jesslyn, I saw in an article lately in e papers that preggy women not suppose to go for pedi and mani bcos of e chemical involved.
  10. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    feifei, e packets of 6 small pack is around $4.25. I believe JB shld hv since Anmum is manufactured in Malaysia leh. Shld be much much cheaper.
  11. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    feifei, NTUC sells e anmum in 6 small ready packs. Went to jurong point & clementi NTUC. Both also selling
  12. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Precious moments, Sorry to hear that. I am actually staying w my MIL & am already hving a difficult time coping. I can understand yr frustrations of living w not 1 but so many people at yr hubby's side. Is any there possibility to shift out together w yr hubby & child since it's so...
  13. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    littlemini, Pls dun cry, be brave for the sake of yr baby. Probably a 2nd opinion has a hope. We will all pray for u & yr baby.
  14. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Hi, Iamsmow I am not very sure. Anmum has a website of its own but not Anlene. Probably they are different brand. :0)
  15. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Hello, ladies (Just fyi) Went into Anmum website and found this : Anmum Materna Milk Powder is specially formulated for pregnant women and women planning pregnancy. Anmum has a special bundle of nutrients, nutri-Q plus, that contains: Hi-Folate to help maintain the normal growth and...
  16. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    feifei, I saw it at clementi NTUC. Believe it's selling at most NTUC. it's just hidden beside e anmum tins. :0)
  17. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Gd morning everyone! :0) Cheeky Monkey, Oh! Defintely this Anmum choc flavour wouldn't taste something as nice as my fav milo :0) It only has a mild choc taste in the powder, but still drinkable. I put less water in it so tt I cld taste more of e choc :0) Wow. 15kg is alot. I am...
  18. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Hello, Ng Welcome in! I have always been here reading each & everyone of yr post. :0) Ya I am 33 too. The oldest mummy here also. :0) I was also telling myself die die muz hv a baby before 35 or else really high risk liao. This is my 1st child. I am in my 6th wk too. EDD June 14...
  19. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Veniz, thanks for e advise. I heard fm 1 of e MTB tt ERO sells bra extension at quite a cheap price. Can try there. luz, Ya lor.. need to spend a bomb soon on alot of stuff liao :0) Actually RiverIsland has very nice dresses tt early stage MTB can wear cos they hv very big sizes...
  20. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Luz, Thanks for your advise. I might hv to do some bra shopping this wkend liao.
