(2008/06) June 2008

Yes, u can get a free copy of bb journal frm national library...I got min eon fri frm Sengkang Libraray =)


gynaes give free samples ah? hope the gynae i'm seeing (Dr A L Lim from TMC) will be abel to give me some.

I wanted to buy annum last Friday, but decided against it, cause wanna wait til Monday after i see the gynae then buy. cause wanted to ask if now too early to start. my gf said no, i shld start as early as possible. (my bb's anxious fairy godma)

i also liked the name "charlotte" and "charmaine" and "charlyn"... but hahaha my mum-in-law not very gd in pronouncing, so a preview of her pronouncing the name "charlotte" was "salad"... FAINTZ! told my hubby, and he burst out laughing! so cute la my mil!

oic... free bb journal. then maybe i'll go to the toa payoh library on monday to get one if i can. else on tues when i rtn to ofc, then i go central lending library to get it (jz next to my ofc)...
Yup, u shd ask him for some lor =)...Me listening to e CD now...heehee...

hee...my mil even tot of the chinese name liao, si le cos translate from charlotte =)...

ya lor, the CD has songs, poems, story...me listening now...
oic! hahah then i shld got get one copy soon!!!

hahahaha feifei, what shld we listen to (as preg nums)

my gf said we can listen to classical music... beethoven ...

can/shld we listen to instrumental music also? hmmm does kenny g's music count? are we also to listen to lullabies, like baby songs?

jialat leh, now i still plug into my mp3 player while listening on the way to work, hahah and pop songs like chinese pop, and even english rock hahaha bands like linkin park!

cant imagine my bb comes out rocking his pop hahaaa!

hahaha ur mil's also very anxious like mine. who isnt hor
mine's their first grandchild, and also the first grandchild of the entire clan. hahaha...*stress*
Hello imsnow,

Went for my gynae visit on 17th Oct, Dr Wong from ACJ Clinic at TMC confirmed that I am around 5+ weeks. EDD should be 15 June 2008.

Now already having a bit of MS, does anyone drink the Strawberry HL milk and throw out ?

Cheeky, You seeing Dr Adrian from ACJ clinic at TMC ? You can ask the milk samples from the nurse. They gave me a few packets to try, but I haven't try any so far.
heehee....i also duno mleh...tink must listen to those mozart type of music lor =)...hee...baby songs also can lor...

hee...ya lor, wait ur bb becomes rock star...hee...

Mine is also 1sr grandchild in e fsmily lor...hee

hee...when i called them dat time, they said need to see gynae's card, when i go there, i just said i wan to get a copy of e free bb journal and they give me liao..no need to write form or anything leh..
I din drink strawberry milk lor, drinking meiji chocolate milk now =)...Maybe u shd try another flavour ?
the journal start from when baby is born or before? like is there space to write about pregnancy stuff eg ultrasound?
It is a hard cover yellow book, there is a page for pregnancy notes, where u can put in ur tots of being pregnant. There is a page where u can paste e ultrasound pic,also record when u hear bb's heartbeat, felt e 1st move...Also can record ur weight...Then there ae some pages where u can put in bb's details like color of bb's hair,blood group,head circumference, how bb's name was chosen,can paste bb's 1st photo...

there are also some useful notes on breastfeeding,preparing meals for ur bb etc...quite not bad leh...
hahaha hi mogudog

nope, the gynae i'm going to see (for the first time on Mon 22 oct) is not Dr Adrian. I'm seeing Dr A L Lim (Lim Ah Leng or smtg)...

Saw from the forum posts that Dr AL Lim also not bad, and dat he's experienced n good. He's my mil's doc at tmc (nt gynae), she sees him for women checkups.

Tmr we'll be going to see for first time.

Yep, i sure will ask for some milk samples for myself? Wannna make sure i drink those powdered milk (smtg like annum) b4 i plunge n buy one big tin.

Kekeke feifei, dun mind my bb as a rock star! he'll be so cute!

Alamak, dunno he or she, now keep saying its a he. but i do hope its a he. but she also good... as long as bb's healthy, boy or girl, i love the same.

tink i will prob pop by toa payoh tmr after gynae visit (if my mil wanna go) to collect the free baby journal.

cant wait to see gynae! wonder if bb's developed fast enuff to hear heartbeat. LMP 9 sep... saw GP last week, he said EDD 15 june, which makes it same as u, mogudog!!!

hahaha.. ya main reason is to stop bleed.. dunno oso.. i took after meals always.. but still haf gastric.. mayb becos i have history of gastric? my 'wei' not so gd..

where u get the maternity frm tpy? i wanna get too.. kekeke.. cheap leh..
feifei & Cheekymonkey, ur mil so fast think of names liao ah! We haven't break the news to my pil! coz my hubby outstation now... waiting for him to come back then tell
Hello, Ng

Welcome in! I have always been here reading each & everyone of yr post. :0)

Ya I am 33 too. The oldest mummy here also. :0) I was also telling myself die die muz hv a baby before 35 or else really high risk liao. This is my 1st child. I am in my 6th wk too. EDD June 14 will only see my gynae in nov for 1st appt since she's busy. I hv been very hungry lately. Eating all e time which really worries me as I dun wanna be an overweight preggy mummy since I am already on the heavy side. haaaa..

Feifei & Cheeky,

I am currently taking anmum, the chocolate flavour one bcos I never like vanilla althought I know that chocolate is more heaty. I read fm the May MTB that some r already drinking anmum. It's gd for foetus development so I quickly go grab 1 during e wkend.

Yes yes, I hv also started to listen to classical music bcos 1 of e books I read mention tt it wld promote intelligence in the unborn child.

Think all e MTB shld be falling asleep by now. Sweet dreams to all! :0)
hi fudgy!

thanks for ur suggestions. i had wanted to buy annum chocoate flavour over the weekend too!

but didnt, cause i didnt know if i'd like the taste also. is it nice? tastes like normal chocolate milk?

i haven had much activity in tummy. bb seems quiet. but hungry more often now. practically, stomach growls every 2-3 hours after i finish a light meal. eat little more more meals.

talk abt weight, sigh, i had gone on a self-determined diet since 6 feb and until now... lately, abt 1 week ago, i had lost a total of 15 kg! nope, no slimming pills/ctrs, just pure deteremination to eat less.

now... with bb coming, weight also coming back... sobsob.
Hi Fudgy!

I have also been eating a lot. Trying to eat all kinds of things to see what can make me feel better cos so desperate to get rid of that nauseous feeling. So far, sweets seem to be helping. I'll try biscuits next. I also found out that exercise helps. I actually feel normal whenever I exercise. It's such a wonderful feeling if it wasn't for all the advice I read about not doing too much of it during the 1st trimester.

May I know why everyone's taking anmum? Is it cos of calcium? I was told that we only need to start taking calcium supplements during the 3rd trimester so just curious. Also I read somewhere that chocolate is not encouraged as it has caffeine like coke. But I guess a little bit of anything shouldn't be harmful to the little one.

Alright, good nite to all... see you guys again here tomorrow!
Morning ladies!

hee...kept saying he? =)....Its mummys instinct lor...maybe u can feel that is "he" =)...,,

Tink ur PIL will be bery happy de...

Chocolate Annmum?Me also tinking of drinking but wan to try out e samples 1st...Meanwhile I am drinking Meiji chocolate milk =)...Wat type of classical music u listen to?
Morning gals !!

I've got a new term to replace MS (morning sickness), it's ADS (all Day sickness) ... lol !!

Feeling queasy all thru the day, tired morning til night, no appetitie... just wish all the ADS will pass soon
Gd morning everyone! :0)

Cheeky Monkey,

Oh! Defintely this Anmum choc flavour wouldn't taste something as nice as my fav milo :0) It only has a mild choc taste in the powder, but still drinkable. I put less water in it so tt I cld taste more of e choc :0)

Wow. 15kg is alot. I am impressed. But during this time, we cant diet liao so whenever we r hungry, gotta eat.


Just do very very light exercise for now. I was taking aqua aerobic before I got preggy so still secretly taking e course bcos e gynae's nurse actually told me I shldnt do any exercise at all. heee..

Anmum is for e development of e foetus, probably some calcium also. I hv seen a lot of MTB taking it so I thought I better be taking it too. e choc flavour has a very mild choc taste. In fact, they come in packets of 6 I think for $4.25 in vanilla flavour, so probably u gals might like to buy e packet form & see if u like e vanilla flavour then decide whether to buy the tin which cost abt $22.


Probably can go buy e Anmum packet form to try first.

I bought this compilation of classics which hv a mix of musicians like Beethoven, Bach, Tchaikovsky etc. :0)
Angie, your tummy also showing already? I feel so weird. now only 7 weeks and tummy already showing.... coz many of my colleagues did not need to wear maternity clothes until they are around 2nd trimester.... but I don't dare to wear maternity tops yet. make it so obvious. and pple will prob funny why I'm wearing maternity tops so fast when they can't see much of my tummy... any idea where I can get those normal tops which are loose enough? I don't want to start wearing maternity tops leh....

feifei, let me go back and check the exact address then I let u know again. I know they have a few outlets.

can get free samples from gynae one ar? oh.... I don't know if mine gives out free samples. govt hosp.... anyway, I went to buy annum yesterday. wah, so exp! cost $22 per tin. I quite like the taste. I'm taking the vanilla flavour one. I put 3 scoops instead of 4 scoops so it's not so thick. my friend told me she took annum every night before sleep. next day morning wake up, MS not so bad. but somehow it does not work for me. this morning I woke up still want to vomit....

jessl, your term is ADS is real interesting. i think many of us experience it thru the day, not only in the morning.... haha....
the baby journal every library also got one is it? i stay sembawang. the sun plaza library so small and pathetic.... don't know if they have it there....
Where can I find Annmum in pkts? cos most of the time I only saw in tins =)..

I see...tink i hv to start sourcing the music liao..hee..tks for e infor =D.

ya lor, good and appropriate description =)..

Okie, tks tks....can lor, can ask gyane for some samples =)... My tummy also abit bigger liao, so obiovus, now I wearing bigger sized polo tees...

I saw it at clementi NTUC. Believe it's selling at most NTUC. it's just hidden beside e anmum tins. :0)
u all so fast listen to classical music already ar? I still listening to class 95 leh.... my baby sure knows all the pop music when he/she grows up.... haha....

I stay quite near you lei, me in admiralty. so which gynae u seeing nw?

I'm also gonna take the baby journal but will go to the woodlands library to get.
Hello, ladies

(Just fyi) Went into Anmum website and found this :

Anmum Materna Milk Powder is specially formulated for pregnant women and women planning pregnancy. Anmum has a special bundle of nutrients, nutri-Q plus, that contains:

Hi-Folate to help maintain the normal growth and development of the foetus.
Gangliosides (GA) an important nutrient in baby's brain development.
Sialic Acid (SA) an important component of the brain.
Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) precursors to DHA & AA to help support baby's brain development.
Updated as of 22 Oct 07

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Age</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Child #</TD><TD>Area </TD></TR><TR><TD>mei</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>30-May</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>lst</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>feifei</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>1-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC or Mt A</TD><TD>lst</TD><TD>Compassvale Lane </TD></TR><TR><TD>juliet08</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>lst</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starmoon</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>Dr TC Chang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Eunos </TD></TR><TR><TD>littlemini</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>lst</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>iamsnow</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>Dr sf Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>lst</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angie_bb</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>11-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>lst</TD><TD>Hougang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jazol</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>11-Jun (TBC)</TD><TD>Dr Jen</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>lst</TD><TD>Sengkang East Way </TD></TR><TR><TD>Veniz</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>14-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Lim Teck Chye</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Redhill </TD></TR><TR><TD>teragram</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>15-Jun (TBC)</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>lst</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kylene</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>15-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Chua</TD><TD></TD><TD>lst</TD><TD>Upper Bt Timah </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jesslyncheong</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>23-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>lst</TD><TD>Hougang </TD></TR><TR><TD>ND's girl</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>26-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>lst</TD><TD>Punggol</td></tr></table>
jessl, I seeing sf loh from kkh. u leh?

u going woodlands to take ar? woodlands library bigger, should be able to get.... if I can't get from sun plaza, I prob will go another library to get... hee hee...
Hi, Iamsmow

I am not very sure. Anmum has a website of its own but not Anlene. Probably they are different brand. :0)
actually i dunno which gynae to take lei.. now very headache.. how do you gals choose your gynae?

I have seen one gynae fr TMC and visited KKH. Thinking of one from the neighbourhood but the nurse sucks.. cannot answer my queries properly. Now i really lost who to choose.
Gd morning all!!!

I had the worst MS this morning...n had to stand all the way from Boon Lay to Raffles Place! I could have killed myself on the spot...bleah... :S
hi kylene
i find that after i take the medicine, my appetite not so good cos feel bloated and nauseaous and sometimes even got dizzy spells! I am thinking of stopping of maybe juz eat before I sleep so at least not so bad. But on the other hand, abit scared bleeding will come back so dunno...shall take a step at a time bah.

hi babycupid
i see...maybe datz the reason hor...if not check with yr gynae on yr next visit

hi mummies
so many posts to catch up....u all know bb's ears only developed in week 17....only then will your baby be able to hear external sounds. read this in a magazine which shows week by week development of yr baby so there is no need to rush to get the CDs since yr bb prob cant hear anything now. for me, i dun like anmum....guess i prefer fresh milk to powdered one. the last pregnancy i bought and drank like 3 or 4 times and then i threw the whole tin away cos my MS still doesnt go away and the taste make me even more sick. hahaha...
hi juliet
oh no....MS started to kick in more fiercely now huh? haha...wait till when yr tummy shows and still no one giving up their seats to u on the train! datz the worst lor.
hi jessl, u can consider lawrence ang from sun plaza. heard he's quite good and the charges are very reasonable. he's from TMC

juliet, try taking some biscuits before u take the train. it supresses your stomach for a while and u will not feel so bad in the train. it works for me. not sure if it works for u as well.

starmoon, u must ren okie. must continue to take the medicine....
seems like a lot of us got ADS. same as me. I woke up suddenly at 1am on sat and wanted to vomit. my poor hubby got to bring me out for supper so I have something to suppress my stomach.... haha....
Morning ladies!

I'm expecting my 1st child in June 2008 and would like to join this thread.

Here are my details -
28 years old
expected due date - 25 June 2008
No doctor yet.

I tested faint positive last Tuesday, moderately positive last Thurs and clear positive on Sat. So went to GP on Sat. GP suspected ectopic pregnancy so refer to KKH. Went to KKH for scan yesterday. Very relieved to see a sac in the correct place... so not ectopic. Now just hanging in there, hoping that 1st trimester goes through smoothly.

The baby was unplanned... and I had done/eaten things which are not good for a fetus, so I'm hoping everything goes well..
Morning ladies!

I'm expecting my 1st child in June 2008 and would like to join this thread.

Here are my details -
28 years old
expected due date - 25 June 2008
No doctor yet.

I tested faint positive last Tuesday, moderately positive last Thurs and clear positive on Sat. So went to GP on Sat. GP suspected ectopic pregnancy so refer to KKH. Went to KKH for scan yesterday. Very relieved to see a sac in the correct place... so not ectopic. Now just hanging in there, hoping that 1st trimester goes through smoothly.

The baby was unplanned... and I had done/eaten things which are not good for a fetus, so I'm hoping everything goes well..
Hi everyone,

Am new to this thread. Just tested on Clearblue just now and it's positive!! We've been TTCing for the past 1.5 years, so can imagine how ecstatically happy we are. According to my estimations, should be around 6 weeks now. Am going to see my gynae next Monday to confirm.

I used the online EDD calculator and it's supposed to be 21 June 08. :D

Btw, what are we supposed to be eating now? Does anyone here specifically eat more of certain things? Wanna make sure everything goes well.
Hi krispy and cactus,
welcome! i like to read this website www.babycentre.co.uk for food to avoid - in general i think should avoid raw food, alcohol and smoking. everything else in moderation

hi starmoon,
I know how u feel... i thought of stopping too :p but decide to tahan cos i was really scared when i bled abt 1.5 weeks ago. i try to take small frequent meals now, ok cos still on mc but if go back to work then dunno how
hi jessl & iamsnow
me still taking the med...really hard to ren....muz take at least till sunday then can finished it....hope when i see gynae on sat, no need to continue with the med liao cos it really makes me sick.

hi juliet
hahahah...well, at least got MS means bb is growing well....at least datz wad others said. dunno how true lah...hahahah. now can only hope and see when it ends....hopefully when u reached 2nd tri, it will be better.
Hi hi,

So nice to have people to talk to about this. Hubby is in the army and away on exercise for 6 weeks. It has only been 1 week... sobz.. so I haven't told him yet. Didn't wanna tell him over the phone cos.. hehe.. wanted to see his expression when I surprise him with this news. He's been hoping and dreaming for a baby ever since our customary mid last year.

I haven't told my parents, in laws and friends yet as well. Think it wouldn't be right since I haven't told hubby. Sigh.. Now wishing time will pass faster.

So far, everything has been good. So good that I didn't think I was pregnant. No MS at all. Just feeling hungry all the time, extremely tired and slightly bloated. Going for my 1st doctors appointment next Monday. Hopefully everything is fine seeing as I have close to no pregnancy symptoms at all.

Mini, could you please include me in the Chart? Thanks. I'm 27, EDD (estimated) 21st June 2008, Gynae: Dr Fong Yang, delivering at Mt A and staying at Redhill.

Hope everyone has a great week ahead. :D
congrats to cacuts krispy!!

now reading some mummies already got the ADS, really very scare. hope i dun kenna it. i know some woman really dun get it at all ley, so lucky.

Thanks ah FeiFei, I will get mine from the NLB soon heee
hi kylene
yah i was very scared oso when i was bleeding last week....so scared of miscarriage. now gotta protect my baby so no matter how still eat lor. MIL brew red dates longan tea for me to drink as it can help "bu".
u working ah? i tot u sahm ley. if travelling on the train, try to avoid rush hours. now i go anyway also avoid the morning and evening rush hours, plus lunchtime crowds to do my grocery shopping.
gals...im gg to lose my bb soon...today went to see my blood test result and gynae say my hcg level has drop base on the 2 days result and also my sac is slightly bigger than it shld be and yet i still cant detect the heartbeat, he suggest i do a d&c and retry again...im lost now...gg for another opnion and than if realli nd to...i will d&c....sorri gals...dun think i can join here anymore
